The Best Mazoor Berozski Quotes

Columbo: Dentures, right? Dentures? Those are false teeth.
Mazoor: Den...
Columbo: Dentures.
Mazoor: Dentures.
Columbo: Now, he does wear false teeth, doesn't he? It seems that the ambulance driver found them.Well, I never had that problem yet myself but... I remember somebody mentioned toilet articles. Bear with me one second. Ah yes, here we are. Just an ordinary toothbrush. Now, it seems to me... you see, my grandfather, he wore dentures ever since he was 40. And as far as I can recall, he never used just an ordinary toothbrush.

Mazoor: I am the coach to Tomlin Dudek.
Columbo: Coach? You mean like a football team? Something like that? That kind of coach?
Mazoor: It's hardly the same, Lieutenant.

Mazoor: Lieutenant, I shall rely that your investigative imagination is... somewhat better than that of your underling.