30 Best Mekia Cox Quotes

John: Back in Foxburg, I knew most of the cops by name.
Nyla: Because there were four of them.
[the other cops laugh]
John: Five.

Wade: Taking Elijah off the board gave us brief peace. Now there's blood in the streets.
Angela: Moses has been around for a long time. He even has legitimate businesses as fronts. He's smart and measured until he's pushed into a corner.
Nyla: And Quinlan is young and wild and not trying to wait his turn.
Wade: Did the night shift hear anything about Moses hitting back?
Angela: No. Not a peep, which somehow makes me more nervous.
Nyla: At least that means there's no new bodies.
Angela: Or none that we've found yet.

Nyla: Any chance that CERT team is nearby?
Deputy: No, they're clear on the other side of the prison. There's no way they'll get to her in time.
Nyla: But we can.
Hector: Why? You don't owe her nothin'.
John: 'Cause it's the right thing to do. You remember that; you practiced it back at the gas station.
Hector: Why does everything have to be a teachable moment with you?
Nyla: Because he knows it's annoying.

Nyla: [When asked if she believed in Evil] Uh, do I believe in the embedding of a metaphysical force within the body that turns people into monsters? No comment. But I know for a fact that this is only gonna get worse. If this really is Quinlan's guys, then, this is likely the beginning of a gang war.

Officer: A C.I. of mine says Double R did it because our victim wouldn't pay up.
Nyla: Double R?
Officer: Some new girl gang.
Angela: I'm sorry, did he just act like girls aren't dangerous?

Nyla: It is not our job to police his grief.

John: Well, maybe we pay both these guys a visit, impress upon them how bad it would be if they were to take it any farther..
Angela: It's worth a try.
Nyla: A shot across the bow is not gonna stop them, but it might slow them down long enough for us to put bracelets on the monsters who did this

Nyla: You say you want to be a cop like me. Screw that, be better than me. You've got what it takes, Not Nolan.
Lucy: I heard you call me Chen back at the house. I know you know my name.

Nyla: How's that for luck? You stole a cop's identity.

Nyla: You can do this. You have a unique ability to connect with people.
John: She's a psychopath who enjoys mind games and dismemberment. That's not exactly my lane, here.
Nyla: Tough.

Nyla: Nothing like getting hit on by a 12-year-old delinquent to get your day started.
Fletcher: Hey, yo, I'm 15.
John: Not better.

Nyla: Moses's shop has seen better days.
Wade: Where is he?
Angela: Slipped out the back as soon as the shooting started. You know he's gonna go back at Quinlan twice as hard.
Wade: Be sure to brief the midnight shift and the gang desk. This war's gonna keep escalating until they take each other out.

Nyla: You are a great Dad. With everything that I put you through, you could have turned Lila against me but you didn't. You'll never know how much that means to me.

John: If anything's happened to Lucy.
Nyla: Don't go there. If she is in trouble the only way you are good to her is if you are focused solely on saving her not playing worst-case scenarios.

Damian: I have a lead. A kid in my congregation, one of Mateo's friends He came to me this morning, and asked me to tell you something.
Nyla: When you say "friend," you mean they used to bang together?
Damian: Yeah.He told me Moses's crew is transporting a big shipment of drugs today, hidden in merchandise for his auto shop.
Angela: Wait, I thought you said your informant is in Quinlan's gang.
Damian: He is. What?
Nyla: There's just, there's no way a street-level kid would know something like that, especially about a rival gang. Unless someone wanted him to know.
Angela: Quinlan sent him to tell you.He wants the LAPD to do his dirty work for him.
Damian: I'm-I'm not following.
Angela: He tips us off so we take Moses off the board.Quinlan wins the war without losing any more of his guys.
Damian: So you're not gonna act on the tip?
Nyla: Oh, no.We definitely are.
Wade: Doesn't matter if Quinlan's trying to play us. Any chance we have to put Moses behind bars, we're gonna take it.

Nyla: Did you really just say the Q word in my shop?
John: What, quiet?
Nyla: Ah, ah, ah, stop! You do not under any circumstance ever use the Q word while on duty. That is like saying "Macbeth" in theater or talking about a no-hitter in the dugout.
John: Okay, I had no idea you were superstitious.
Nyla: That is not superstitious, that's fact.
John: Where are you going?
Nyla: I'm going to get the trauma plate for my vest because I have a feeling I'm going to need it.

John: Because when people are having their worst day I want to be there to try and help make it right.
Nyla: Oh God, you're one of those.
John: One of what?
Nyla: A guardian. There are two kinds of cops, Officer Nolan. Warriors and guardians. One's a hunter, the other's a nurturer. One is only alive when they're in the fight, the other is happy to clock out after twelve. One is worth my time, the other is not.

Nyla: Look, I know I haven't known Lucy as long as the rest of you but I know that she is a fighter. She's going to do everything she can to stay alive until we can save her.

DEA: Nyla was the most hardcore U.C. I've ever seen. She could lie to God himself and get away with it.
Sergeant: You don't say. That's surprising because she always tells me the truth, don't you detective?
Nyla: Absolutely, Sir.

Nyla: What can I do?
Wade: Are you sure? You're like, eleventy months pregnant.

Eva: You stole this.
Nyla: I did not.
Eva: To the best grandma ever.
Nyla: She's in a coma, she won't miss these.

Wesley: So where are we, case-wise?
Lucy: Yeah, he made contact, asked me to dinner. Romantically, like a date? Well, ostensibly, it's about business, but he did just get out of prison, so odds are he's hopeful for a little somethin'-somethin'.
Wesley: Legally, there's two forms of entrapment. The first is offering so much money that an otherwise reasonable person commits an illegal act. The second is sex.
Nyla: Yeah, if a UC puts sex or love on the table as inducement to crime, it automatically becomes entrapment.
Wesley: The courts realize that love makes people do crazy things.
Wesley: Right, so I'm... Should we cancel dinner?
Wesley: No, but keep it professional. If he starts saying that he's doing it for you or for love, you got to walk.
Lucy: Yeah. Hey. Should I push a little about his brother?
Nyla: No, because you're still trying to build a foundation. Once he trusts you, he will hang himself. But we should get a decent wire for her, because he could get a little handsy.
Wade: Mm. All right. Pull the top of the line from HIDTA. We'll reconvene and brief two hours before your date. Any questions?

Documentary: I've heard rumours that you have insight into the QAnon angle of this case?
Officer: Have you ever tried to put toothpaste back in the tube? I know it's an expression but have you actually tried to do it? I have. It's basically impossible.
Documentary: And what do you think Q is trying to tell people with this Q drops, these cryptic messages?
Officer: I really wasn't trying to say anything. I was just typing and maybe I got a little carried away.
Documentary: Wait, what did you say?
Officer: Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to reveal that... I'm Q.
John: Smitty is Q?
Nyla: I'm sorry, what?
Sergeant: Lord, give me strength.
Lucy: What?
Officer: A lot of writers use pseudonyms. Q is my first initial, so... hey, is my name down there?
[chyron reads "Quigley Smitty, Police Officer, 'Q'"]
Lucy: But it was an accident? He - he didn't start it on purpose?
Documentary: That's what he said.
Tim: Yeah, sounds like Smitty.
Officer: I was trying to start the fan fiction club for This Is Us and things just got out of hand.
Documentary: What the hell does This Is Us fanfic have to do with a cult?
Officer: I mistakenly mixed cough syrup with diet pills when I was writing a Satanic alien story line for Jack and Rebecca. I woke up the next morning and read it; none of it made sense. But overnight I got so many followers I just went with it. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

John: Harper, you know you don't have to do this.
Nyla: Relax five percent, this is what I do.

Nyla: This is way bigger than we thought. We should take the night like Grey said and see how we are feeling in the morning.
Tim: Harper's right. Conducting an off the books operation is high risk on a good day and this ain't a good day.

John: Is this gonna work?
Nyla: If Banks doesn't screw up your paper trail.
John: And if he does?
Nyla: We pray the body count doesn't include us.

Nyla: I don't answer to you, 5%.
John: No, you don't but if you are committed to making this an antagonistic relationship, don't expect me to roll over and take it.

Nyla: We caught a D.B. this morning, a shopkeeper who refused to pay protection money to a street gang called Double R.
Lucy: Rowena Razors out of Rowena Gardens?
Angela: Gang task force doesn't have much on them except their leader, Shana Quelli. She was released from Valley State Prison three months ago. She's been extorting store owners on her turf.
Nyla: Our victim took a stand, and the Razors made an example out of him.
Wade: Harper and Lopez need you to infiltrate the gang to get some evidence, murder weapon.
Angela: A confession would be best.
Lucy: Uh... they're not going to let me anywhere near them.
Nyla: You're U.C. now, right? Gaining access and building trust is the name of the game.
Lucy: You got it. I'll figure it out.

John: Yesterday I didn't have a brother and today I have a brother. That is a serious shift in the Universe.
Nyla: Is it? Look, real siblings are people that you share your childhood with, that guy shares some DNA. It doesn't make him your brother.

Oscar: Hey, guys!
Nyla: Why aren't you out there running wild like the rest of them?
Oscar: I was, then I got tired. All I really wanted to do was beat the hell out of this one guy, Kevin Nedved.
John: And did you?
Oscar: No! Somebody beat me to it. I know, right? Just my luck. But I did get to laugh in his face, which was nice! I'm surprised to see you two in one piece. Where's the kids? Did you trade them for safe passage?