The Best Miss Mary Debenham Quotes

Miss: I'm sleeping here where everyone can see me. And I can see everyone.

Miss: [recognizes Poirot on a boat] I know your mustache... from the papers. You're the detective, Hercules Poirot?
Hercule: *Hercule* Poirot. I do not slay the lions.

Gerhard: I would prefer, in the future, to sit not with that man. Like should be seated with like. We are not alike.
Miss: Not all of us are so concerned with the separateness of races, Professor.
Gerhard: It is out of respect for all kinds that I prefer to keep them separate. To mix your red wine and the white would be to ruin them both.
Miss: [Miss Debenham does just that] I like a good rosé!

Bouc: [Offering champagne to the guests in the dining car] Compliments of the Orient Express.
Miss: Thank you, Mr. Bouc.
Bouc: I am here for... all of your needs.
Pilar: No, thank you. I do not drink.
Bouc: [whispers] It does not agree with you?
Pilar: Sin does not agree with me. Vice is where the devil finds his darlings.
Bouc: [smiles politely before walking away from the table] We should no longer speak.

Miss: To a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail. You live crime. You see evil every day.
Hercule: Not so. I see enough crime to know that the criminal act is the anomaly. I believe it takes a fracture of the soul to murder another human being.