The Best Nick Andros Quotes

[In a dream-vision, Nick finds himself in a cornfield in Nebraska]
Nick: I can hear! I can talk!
[He approaches the porch of Mother Abigail, who is strumming a guitar and singing]
Nick: I can hear. I can talk.
Mother: I know, Nick. Praise God.
Nick: [grinning] How did you know my name?
Mother: Come to me in a dream, I reckon.
Nick: Is this a dream?
Mother: Mayhap it is, mayhap it ain't.
Nick: Who are you, ma'am?
Mother: Abigail Freemantle. But most round these parts just call me Mother Abigail. I'm a hundred and six years old, and I still make my own bread.
[Nick smiles]
Mother: I've been living right here in Hemmingford Home, Nebraska, all my life. You come see me, Nick. You and all your friends. You got to hurry, though.
[Nick turns and Abigail looks up as the sky darkens and lightning flashes]
Mother: There's a storm coming! HIS storm!
[She points, and Nick sees, in the cornfield, a pitch-black figure with glowing red eyes. Nick is so startled that he wakes up]

Nick: [Standing up and walking through a cornfield] I can hear! I can talk!