The Best Nicole Quotes

Rusty: May I just ask a few questions so that Nicole understands?
Sharon: Of course.
Andy: Why not?
Rusty: Okay, so, t-the two of you, you... you go out to dinner... a lot.
Sharon: Sometimes.
Andy: Y-yeah, we... we go to dinner.
Sharon: Go out to dinner sometimes.
Andy: Sometimes.
Rusty: And, Lieutenant Flynn, you take Sharon to the movies?
Sharon: Occasionally.
Andy: Y-yeah, well, we...
Sharon: Occasionally.
Andy: W-we go to the movies.
Rusty: And The was also that Dodger game in September and the charity banquet at the Japanese-American museum, oh, and we're all going to the ballet with each other's families as a part of Christmas.
Nicole: I see, but they're definitely not dating... as far as you know.
Rusty: Or as far as they know.

Andy: Um, listen, Nicole, uh, before we leave, I think I need to clear something up, because you've... Well, you got the wrong idea about what's going on between Sharon and me.
Nicole: What do you mean, "the wrong idea"?
Andy: Uh, well, we're not really... Okay, the truth is that we're...
Sharon: Andy and I are friends. We're very good friends, but that... that's all.
Nicole: Really? No. Oh, come on. Dad, is that true?
Andy: Yeah... kind of.
Nicole: Oh, my God. How could... How could you completely mislead me like that?
Andy: Occupational hazard? All right, look, it's simple. You like Sharon so much that you seemed to respect me a little bit more, but like-like-like back when you were a kid, you know? So... all right. Did I act like mine and Sharon's relationship was a little bit more serious than it is? Possibly. Did I exaggerate the dating part?... A bit. When I said that Sharon and I were a couple, was that a distortion of the facts?
Sharon: Andy, excuse me. Nicole, the bottom line is your father is just trying to be the kind of dad you can truly be proud of. That's all.
Nicole: By pretending to be something that he's not?

Nicole: I would invite everyone, but we only have so many tickets.
Louie: Oh, no problem. After five marriages, I know "The Nutcracker" by heart.

[last lines]
Andy: Uh, Nicole? Nicole? So, uh... you're not mad about this?
Nicole: About what?
Sharon: [privately to Rusty after Nicole and Andy exit] We're not dating.
Rusty: Several times a month.