20 Best Only Lovers Left Alive Quotes

Adam: Please, feel free to piss in my garden.

Eve: You have to get up
Adam: If I can even f*ing walk!

Adam: You drank Ian!
Ava: Sorry!

Eve: [after seeing Ian's body melt in acid] That certainly was visual.

Adam: [Referring to fridge] that doesn't actually work
Eve: Yes it does, I plugged it in

Christopher: I wish I'd known him when I wrote Hamlet.

Adam: Just goes to show... we really don't know shit about fungi.

Adam: I just feel like all the sand is at the bottom of the hour glass or something.

Adam: I like to come to the source. Besides, the mutual jeopardy makes me feel safer.

Adam: It's probably blood poisoning.
Eve: Don't joke Adam.
Adam: I'm not!

Eve: I'm gonna get you that present. Give me all your money, baby.

Eve: Tell me now about entanglement. Einstein's spooky action at a distance. Is it related to quantum theory?
Adam: Hm. No I mean, it's not a Theory it's proven.
Eve: How does it go again?
Adam: When you separate an entwined particle and you move both parts away from the other, even at opposite ends of the universe, if you alter or affect one, the other will be identically altered or affected.
Eve: Spooky. Even at opposite ends of the universe?
Adam: Yeah.

Eve: [Adam is exhausted and starving, can barely stand up and Eve has to prop him up against the wall] No funny business!

Eve: How can you have lived for so long and still not get it? This self obsession is a waste of living, It could be spent surviving things, appreciating nature, nurturing kindness and friendship, and dancing. You have been pretty lucky in love though, if I may say so.

Eve: I'm sure she'll be very famous.
Adam: God, I hope not. She's way too good for that.

Ava: [after she has drained Ian of blood] Oh, I didn't mean to, he was just so cute. And now I feel sick.
Eve: What do you expect, he's from the fucking music industry!

Eve: So this is your wilderness. Detroit.
Adam: Everybody left.
Eve: What's that?
Adam: It's the Packard plant, where they once built the most beautiful cars in the world. Finished.
Eve: But this place will rise again.
Adam: Will it?
Eve: Yeah. There's water here. And when the cities in the South are burning, this place will bloom.

Adam: Look at what she did to my Gibson.

Eve: I have to tell you something. I also had a dream about my sister, as did Marlowe before I left Tangier. I think she's looking for us.
Adam: Fuck!
Eve: Well... I mean... it's been quite some time.
Adam: Yeah, not long enough. Shouldn't she be sleeping in a fucking coffin somewhere, anyway? Preferably with a wooden stake shoved in her?
Eve: Adam, she's my sister.
Adam: Is she, now?
Eve: Well, we are... related by blood.

Ava: Yeah! Adam's gonna take us out!
Adam: No, Adam is Not going to take you out!
[cut to them all out at a nightclub]