The Best Pilot Quotes

Pilot: Ha, ha, ha! First thing they're going to do when they get back to Gotham is tell their buds that martians are coming.
Pilot: Second thing. First they got to get their pants cleaned.

Dr. Price: Having fun with the new toy?
Pilot: Heh. You built us a winner, Doc. Wish I had one of these in the last war.
Dr. Price: I'm sure there'll be another soon enough. Now how 'bout some numbers?
Pilot: R and B pressure, 20, 40 psi. Excel pressure: 1104... fuel temp: 280... air speed...
Dr. Price: Did you say 280?
Pilot: Roger. 2-8-0. That a problem?
Dr. Price: Get out. Get out right now.
Pilot: You saying you want us to just leave it?
Dr. Price: Yes. My team will be along for it in five minutes.
Pilot: But...
Dr. Price: Land right now and get as far away from the vehicle as fast as you can.