The Best Queen Quotes

Queen: So it's all done?
Jered: Transfer complete. Who wants to be a millionaire?
Ten: I do.
Queen: Exactly, and since more people means smaller shares for us...
King: Someone's out of chips.
Jered: What the hell, man? We planned this for years, and now you're gonna kill me?
Queen: Of course not. Jack is.
Jack: I'm all in.
[the Flash runs into the room and saves Haywood from King's grasp, he returns Haywood to Iron Heights prison and runs back to confront the others]
The: It's over, people. Haywood's back in Iron Heights. Who wants to go next?
Queen: Ah, usually, I know when to fold them. You know 50 million - it's a lot to leave on the virtual table.
King: And since my Queen is a psychic who knows everything you're going to do before you do it, go ahead, Flash, we call.
Queen: Four to one, I like these odds. Go ahead, Flash-y, pick a card, any card.

Bashir: Wow, this is a nice office.
Allegra: What happened?
Bashir: Iris' time sickness, it... it spread to us. So we needed to tether ourselves to someone in this reality. I chose Cecile.
Cecile: Why?
Bashir: Because of your boundless potential. I opened the floodgates of your mind. That's how you were able to absorb the gifts of others.
Queen: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. So, you're the guy who gave her all of our powers?
Bashir: Mm.
Rosalind: [in a sarcastic tone] Thanks.
Bashir: You're... welcome?

Queen: What? This is impossible. I read your mind. I saw what you were planning, and then I trumped your hand by going all in. How did you...
The: You can read minds. I can think at super speed.
Queen: Your thoughts - after I read them, you reshuffled the deck.
The: I guess the house doesn't always win.

Queen: No, no way. She said these walls were meta-dampened. How can you read every single mind in town all at once? Even I couldn't do that.
Cecile: I don't know. I don't understand it either.
Rosalind: I think I do. Look, I don't know how, but, Horton, you're becoming one of the most powerful metas this city has ever seen. The planet, for that matter.
Cecile: What? What's happening to me?

Allegra: I can't believe we're doing this.
Cecile: Look, Allegra, we have to bring the Positive Forces back. This is the only way we can help Flash do it.
Rosalind: Who cares about him?
Queen: Yeah, we just want our powers back.
Cecile: Okay, look, both of you are now ex-psychics, but you know exactly the way that this works. Now start concentrating and help me focus in. I will do all the heavy lifting.