20 Best Queenie Quotes

Queenie: Look, I've been taking care of myself for a really long time, so I'm not sure I need some white girl sorority sisters to cover my ass. And what is this green shit?
Zoe: It's not a sorority. It's a coven. And this is absinthe, drink of the divine. Which we are.

Queenie: The spirit will say anything to get released. They mess with you!
Violet: Is that why he said we killed him?
Adelaide: No! He thinks we're them!
Violet: Class of 1919. The same year as the Axeman disappeared.

Queenie: You don't mess with the Supreme.

Queenie: Ain't they feeding you?
Madame: All they ever do is bleed me for her poultice. Come tomorrow, I'm gonna be dry as a bone. Whatever did I do to deserve this betrayal? Didn't you like my pot pie and my peach crumble I learned how to make just for you? You put me in here. You can get me out. Only for a minute, just so I can stretch my legs. This cage is just unfit for a human.
Marie: Which is why it's so perfect for you! What I told you about feeding the animals, Queenie?
Queenie: I'm sorry, reine.

Queenie: Madison Montgomery is a stone cold bitch who loves hard drinking, big dicks and trouble. If she's dead, it's probably because she got wasted and offered the Grim Reaper a handjob or something.

Queenie: [to Spalding] Fiona's not here to help you now, Riff Raff. Best be straight.

Madame: I don't know how to thank you for saving my life.
Queenie: I guess you'll just have to work on that then, huh?

Queenie: [to Bastien] She told me what you did to her daughter. You just wanted love. And that makes you a beast? They call me that, too. But that's not who we are. We both deserve love like everybody else. Don't you want to love me?

Queenie: I sure do love chicken pot pie. For dessert you can make me a peach cobbler.
Madame: You never gonna catch a man that way. Let alone find one to love you. You were my daughter, I'd padlock that icebox and throw away the key. Peach cobbler wont keep you warm at night.
Queenie: My problem ain't food, you dumb bitch. It's love. Dr. Phil says that kids from broken homes use food to replace love. It's comforting.
Madame: Well, I think you best look for a new physician.

Zoe: You're being morbid. Madison's not dead.
Nan: Then why can't I hear her?
Queenie: Maybe she found a way to keep you out of her head. I know I've been trying.
Nan: No. She passed.

Fiona: What the hell is going on in here?
Madison: Miss Aryan Sisterhood came between Queenie and her food.
Madame: I will not stoop to serve her kind.
Fiona: You know, Delphine, from now on you are going to be Queenie's personal slave. And Queenie, You ask her to do whatever you need done: Make your bed, scrub your toilet, I don't give a shit.
Queenie: Sweet.
Fiona: There is nothing I hate more than a racist.

Queenie: [on Ouija board answer] Axeman! Stop! Stop! Stop! If survival is so important to you, you better find out who you're talking too!

Queenie: The spirit will say anything to get released. They mess with you!
Violet: Is that why he said we killed him?
Adelaide: No! He thinks we're them!
Violet: Class of 1919. The same year as the Axeman disappeared.

Queenie: Time for some sensitivity training.
Madame: What fresh hell is this?
Queenie: Roots: The Saga of an American Family. You are gonna watch all eight hours of it, followed by the sequel, Roots: The Next Generation.
Madame: Why don't you just throw my head in that fire pit? I wanna die! I'm ready.
Queenie: Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to melt your ugly face right off your skull, but you are ignorant. And you're not leaving this earth until I educate you about those people you tortured: my people. We're gonna have ourselves a little film festival. You're gonna watch Mandingo, The Color Purple, and then my personal favorite - B*A*P*S, starring Miss Halle Berry. But first, based on the bestselling novel by the great black writer Alex Haley - one family's epic story, from slavery to freedom.
[starts video]
Madame: Oh, God.
Queenie: Roots.
Madame: No, no, no, not that jungle music.
Queenie: Enjoy.
Madame: No, no, no, turn it down! Oh, Lord! Ugh, no!
[sings "Dixie"]

Nan: You shouldn't be out of bed.
Queenie: Tell it to the Army of Darkness.

Queenie: What the hell is that thing?
Madame: It's Bastien. My houseboy. He was a beast in life. Now evermore so. Enchanted no doubt by the same dark magic which has kept me alive.
Queenie: Who are you?
Madame: I am Madame Delphine LaLaurie. Mistress of the House LaLaurie.
Queenie: Who brought you back - Fiona?
Madame: The witch freed me only to make me a slave.
Queenie: You deserve worse if half of what they say about you is true!
Madame: You will unhand me!
Queenie: Did you do that to him?
Madame: He violated my daughter.

Madison: Owww! Stop it, you bitch!
Queenie: Stop what? I don't feel nothin', I'm a human voodoo doll!

Queenie: Why don't you just do the world a favor and take an acting class, you D-list Botox bimbo!

Queenie: [on Ouija board answer] Axeman! Stop! Stop! Stop! If survival is so important to you, you better find out who you're talking too!

Queenie: What the...? Ohh, who are you?
Madame: Out of my way, slave.
Queenie: Who you calling slave, bitch? Yo, who is this stinky old lady...
[Delphine bashes Queenie in the back of her head with a candlestick holder]