The Best Receptionist Quotes

Receptionist: Ya got someone to see ya!
Gumshoe: What do you mean? A case?
Receptionist: No, silly. A person.

Rory: We was all relaxed and happy until she came along. You're a very good looking man, by the way.
Cory: Topanga was a very good person.
Ella: Yeah, well now she's good and dead.
Receptionist: She ain't gonna bother us no more!
Isaac: She was a stress case, man.
Gumshoe: So somebody killed her. Now it's my job to find out whodunit.
[Everyone whistles non-chalantly and heads for the door]
Gumshoe: Hey, hey, hey! Nobody move! You're all suspects.
[They continue]
Gumshoe: Alright, you know, don't leave town.
Cory: Hold on!
[Everyone turns]
Cory: Okay, you know maybe Topanga was a little annoying. And maybe sometimes she made me a little exasperated. But I never once thought of doing this! Alright, maybe a little. But I never did it! Which is the difference between me
[turns to face Rory]
Cory: and you. Now, tell me. Why did you do it?
Rory: I did it because she was ruining my good time. She was ruining our entire way of life.
Isaac: Yeah, she was.
Receptionist: Yeah!
Cory: Why is that? Because in your hearts you knew she was right? Because you knew that even though she'd change you, it'd be for the better? That's why I need her in my life. And you know why she needs me? Get up, Topanga.
Topanga: I can't. I'm dead.
Cory: No, you're not. This isn't real.
Gumshoe: I knew that.
Cory: This whole thing's a cartoon. It's pretend. But I think it's what you needed.