The Best Reed Quotes

[Reed gives Chris a piece of advice]
Reed: 'Should I shoot them?' Piece of advice - If you have to ask the question, somebody should already be dead.

[Daniel Salazar apologizes to Reed while cleaning his stab wound]
Daniel: [Reed screams] Sorry.
Reed: [Reed laughs] Oh, you will be. That's the thing senor. My brother, he's the nice one. But when he cuts me loose... I'm going to take that daughter of yours apart.

[Reed gives Chris some advice about how blood is blood]
Reed: You know, you don't look like your sister. You don't look like your old man's lady either. I'm beginning to think you and I have a lot in common. We're outsiders.
Reed: [Reed laughs] Tell me, where is your real mom? Yeah, it sucks. Let me tell you something. Orphan to orphan. Be prepared. 'Cause when the time comes, these people you call your family, they will put you down like you're a stray. Blood's all that matters now. That one's for free, cherry.

[Reed talks to the angry Chris about his father and his brother Connor]
Reed: You ever see what happens when you clip a man's Achilles? Whew. The whole thing just sucks right back up into the knee. Makes a sound like a firecracker when it lets go. That's what happened to my old man, last time he laid his hands on me.
Daniel: You must be proud.
Reed: Me? No. My brother did that one. Elder looking out for the younger. See, that's what you need to understand. When I don't come back with this boat as planned, Connor will come looking for me. And when he sees what you've done... Oh...
Reed: [Reed laughs] He might be a little bent.

[Reed tells the group about the one in charge, Connor]
Reed: Connor hasn't quite adapted to this world. He's got leadership skills, holds us all together. Big heart, strong mind. Weak stomach.

[Reed on the raft screams to the yacht for help]
Reed: We need help!
Chris: [Chris looks to Ofelia] Should I shoot them?