The Best Reese Lansing Quotes

Leona: Charlie, did I ever tell you about the time my parents saw 'You Can't Take it With You' on Broadway?
Charlie: That was $42,000.
Leona: No. $42,350. And it was the last $350 that were the hardest. Sold my clothes. Dealt a little weed.
Reese: Mom.
Leona: Oh, I'm- I'm just kidding. I didn't sell my clothes.

MacKenzie: The source risked everything. Neal's hiding in South America. Will's facing a grand jury. Fahda and his family fled the country. And it was for nothing!
Reese: Mac.
MacKenzie: It was for nothing!
Reese: Yeah. Selling the company's the only way you get to live to fight another day.
MacKenzie: Do we *ever* get to *win* one?

Reese: I'm the president of AWM. You don't meet me halfway. You meet me the whole way.

Reese: I think your resignation should be accepted immediately and we should write Dantana a check and get to the business of rebooting this once respected brand.
Charlie: Then why don't you?
Reese: My mom says I can't.

Reese: Whose idea was it to not cover the Casey Anthony trial?
Charlie: It was mine
Will: It was mine.
MacKenzie: It was mine.
Reese: I think the three of you should have a vaudeville act. I'm not kidding, I'm gonna send you on a fucking tour.

Charlie: Reese, where did our stock close yesterday?
Reese: 66.
Charlie: And what's Savannah Capital offering you per share?
Blair: 81.
Charlie: [Writing on a pad of paper] 45% of the controlling shares times 66 equals...
Reese: [Pointing over Charlie's shoulder] Carry the three.
Charlie: ...times 81.

Reese: I know everyone on this floor thinks I'm an asshole. But, I run a good company. And that's all I've ever wanted to do. Run a good company that makes good products. And we may have a political difference on this, but I take a lot of pride in being a job creator.
Sloan: Okay.
Reese: You really want to argue the indisputable fact that I cut paychecks to 141,000 people?
Sloan: Our difference of opinion isn't political; it's religious. I'm an economist and in my church it's your customers who are the job creators. And no one here thinks you're an asshole.
Reese: Really?
Don: [Just entering the room] I do.

Reese: You chose not to work for PBS. You chose not to work for NPR. You have a ratings obligation.
MacKenzie: No, you have a ratings obligation. You're in business with the advertisers. I'm in business with the viewers.
Reese: You just lost their business.

Reese: Every second you're not current a thousand people are changing the channel to the guy who is. That's the business you're in. MSNBC, FOX and CNN all say she's dead. Don, tell him. Don!
Don: It's a person. A doctor pronounces you're dead, not the news.