Top 800 Quotes From The Sinner

- Okay, o-okay.
- Lou says to come over right now.
- To--to his house?
- Yeah.

- Excuse me?
- I want to...
- ♪ Let's break it down
- Hi.
- How are you?
- ♪ Right here right now
- Okay.

- Detective.
- They weren't coming back, were they?
- Jes.
- We need to talk.
- I think we're done here.

- This--this brings up a lot for me.
- A-a-an intruder in the house?
- A lot.
- What can I do?
- I want to be on the first ferry out of here tomorrow morning.

- Otherwise it's like an infection.
- You don't clean that out, it's gonna get worse.
- It'll kill you.
- I wanna hear what your strategy is.
- Fantastic.
- Let's take a look at that transcript.

- You still got to pull it together and deal.
- What? So I don't get to have a moment because I'm white?
- You're walking away?
- We're talking.
- No.
- We're not talking.
- We will talk when you get some help.

- she was still blocked, so I had had her pick five objects.
- Each one would represent a relationship that was holding her back.
- These are people in her life?
- So she could release them.

- But we can do whatever you want, Meg.
- Keep this investigation open.
- It's up to you.
- We should start planning the funeral.
- We need her body.
- We need this to be over.

Sonya: Men want intimacy just like anybody else. They... they long for it. But they're taught that if they're vulnerable, they're not men. It's like this cultural expectation that's innately traumatizing.

- Give her another hit.
- It'll loosen her up.

- And you're running out of toilet paper.
- Make me a list, please.
- All right.
- Good night. Be safe.
- Good night.
- Good night.

- I see it.
- This is the last time.
- She still wakes up in the middle of the night.
- She needs me to be with her.
- Well, she needs to learn to sleep through it.
- And I need to sleep in my own bed.
- I can't do this much longer.

- That's always a possibility.
- Whatever it is you think you'll find here...
- I can tell you right now, that you're wrong.
- I hope so.
- Trust me, Detective,
- I know where the monster is.

- Maybe a little too much.
- People were worried about her in your company.
- And your mother, too.
- She said,
- "No, nothing went on," but I could see in her eyes, something happened.
- She was scared.

- Sorry. I can't do that.
- You don't understand.
- I need it.
- Please.
- I won't tell anyone.
- Hello?
- Hello?

- I appreciate...
- You're being very candid.
- I know. I...
- So, I thank you.
- And you're married?
- Trying.

- What are you doing here?
- I'm sorry.
- I was just checking in on her and making sure she was okay.
- Please go.
- Mom, he's only trying to help.
- It's all right.
- It's all right, I'll leave.

- It's just...
- It's at her expense, though, isn't it?
- No, Bess needed that moment just as much as Vic did.
- She can go if she isn't committed.
- Commitment is not the issue.
- Then what is it?

- Look, I know this whole thing is--is creepy and weird, but you look so energized and alive.
- I actually think... it would be a good thing to get back into it.
- Maybe.

- it can take me a long time to get there.
- Okay.
- Well...
- I have some errands.
- Uh...

- Percy showed up at his house.
- She saw that woman with Brandon, and he tore off out of there.
- It could have been what started all of this.
- I swear, if he wasn't already dead...
- S...

Vera: What happened to you out there?
Marin: It doesn't matter.
Vera: It matters more than you think. And it doesn't matter at all.

Detective: [to Cora] You know what? If I were you, I would be thinking of Laine. Twenty years, that's a long time, but it is not forever. He'll be what? He'll be 23, 24 when you get out on parole. You wanna see him graduate from college, don't you?
Cora: Yeah.
Detective: Tell me what happened, and all of this'll be over.
Cora: Go to hell.

- Ah!
- Get inside.
- Jamie...
- Now.

- He's heading straight at you.
- You can head him off.
- Jamie, stop the car!
- Stop the car, Jamie!
- Do you hear me?
- Stop the car!
- Stop the car!
- Oh, my Go...

- Hey. Hey.
- Come up here. Come up here.
- No. No, no, no.
- Yes.
- No, I want to. No.
- No, I want to.
- Mason.
- Mason.
- Mason.

- You shouldn't have stayed here.
- You should've left.
- Jamie.

- And we are going downstairs to listen to your music.
- Okay.
- All right, just give me a sec and I'll go set up, okay?
- Yeah, play that song you worked on last night.
- Cora...
- Are you coming?

- That's all I can say at the moment.
- But then he came back.
- I'm sorry.
- I can't be more helpful right now.
- I'm sorry about that, but if you see anything else...
- Come find you so you can do fuck-all about it.

- I'm not sure.
- I'm not sure what to do.
- Well, I'm afraid the time is over for deliberations.
- You have to enter your plea now.

- Here, won't you let me hold it?
- No, I've got it.
- Here. Just sit down and rest.
- I've got it. Just let me do it.
- Let me do it. Let me do it.
- William. William, please.
- Cora?
- Cora? Come see Mommy.

- The police were here looking for you.
- One of them said she's an old friend of yours.
- Apparently they have an Amber Alert out for you, and I'm very worried.
- Please call and let us know that you're okay.
- Can you do that?

- Get down.
- Hands.
- I keep thinking about you all the time.
- Good.
- I can't not.

- I just want to get to know you.
- You must be starving.
- I have this.
- It's okay.
- It's just a granola bar.
- So...

- Instead of going at her like we should, you're breaking and entering into Glen's home.
- Do you realize the shit we could get into if this got out?
- I don't think we're going to solve this one by searching the county's lakes.
- I could say the same thing about your dates at Mosswood.

- Is it okay?
- Found the vehicle.
- All clear.

- you told me it's real.
- But have you ever thought that maybe it's the guilt?
- I'd stare it down next time you see it.
- Because it'll ruin you if you let it.
- Will you do that?

- I don't want to do this anymore.
- I need you to move out.
- My lawyer thinks I should take the deal they're offering.
- No. Don't make any moves right now.
- I might have a lead.
- What's this I hear about you poking around the Beverwyck?

- On the way from Syracuse.
- EMTs are calling them deceased.
- Supposedly, it's a couple in their 30s.
- Checked in last night with their son.
- There's three of them in there?
- I don't know. They told me to just hold down the scene, so...

- Happens to be across the street from Colin Muldoon's place.
- Shit.
- So you were right.
- He's part of this too.
- And it looks like he's got company.
- Let me call you back.

- and wait till he kills somebody else.
- Hey... you know what...
- I'm thinking of you here.
- Now you got your feelings all mixed up in this.
- I can see it.
- And that's when you start justifying bad choices.
- I can look out for myself.

Elizabeth: [to Ambrose about Cora] It was easier when she lived with me.
Harry: When was that?
Elizabeth: When she came back.
Harry: From?
Elizabeth: She disappeared in July of 2012, but she turned up two months later at a detox center in Poughkeepsie.

- Where does he touch you?
- Please.
- What does he say?
- He says, "Do you want it?"

- digging graves for painters I don't know.
- What is it with you?
- You keep showing up at my house pretending we're friends.
- Now... now you're harassing me?
- If you have evidence that incriminates me, haul me in.
- Otherwise I'm going back inside to my wife.

- How are you feeling today?
- All right. Easy.
- It's okay.
- Shh.

- and you could only blame yourself for it all.
- Do you--
- Who was on the bluff with me, then?
- There--there was someone.
- No.
- You were alone.

- I had to be sure myself, first.
- Before anyone else.

- Come on.
- Come on.

- Looks like a young Jane Doe.
- She was in the driver's seat.
- You okay?
- I just need a minute.

- We thought we could work hard and do well.
- But we have different problems here than at home.
- If we do well, the people here hate us.
- If we talk, they will only hate us more.

- I'm not seeing any of those transcripts.
- Because those were informal.
- I was just chasing down the details.
- Nothing checked out.
- Normally, I like to keep a record of all interactions with the defendant, no matter how small.
- It's an old habit but... Saved my neck a few times, so...
- Makes sense.

- Jamie, you don't have to do this.
- Just step back.
- Come on.
- Jamie.
- I can't do anything.
- You don't have to.

- Mosswood isn't this far.
- Everything's gonna be okay soon, I promise.
- Where are you taking me?
- Where are you taking me?
- I'm just here to help you out.
- Don't worry.
- I'll explain everything once we get a little bit further, okay?

- I'm sorry.
- We feel so much, don't we?
- And we have nowhere to put it.
- We're conductors for one another.
- No judgment, just love.
- And release.

- and we think it's a good idea if maybe we left town.
- For Laine's sake and for yours.
- What are you talking about?
- She's killing our business, Mason.
- We've lost five accounts already.
- Our friends aren't even calling us...
- No, I'm not going anywhere and neither is Laine.
- Can you please just go inside before I lose it?

- I can't! No.
- Why are you here?
- What the fuck?
- Marin!
- Come on.
- Come here.
- All right, let's settle down.

- And then he apologized and... asked me to be part of a new business opportunity.
- What kind of opportunity?
- He was selling Oxy.
- J.D.'s selling pills.
- It started after that night?

- It's good you were there.
- Uh, just-- she sent me this.
- It's only 20 minutes away, but I never visited.
- Life just got in the way.
- I understand.

- Someone left it on the sidewalk.
- We didn't know what it was.
- Cora. What is this?
- It's a magazine for women with sex things in it, and I looked at it when I knew I shouldn't, and I read out loud to Phoebe about orgasms in the vagina.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- It's just that I know how Keller is.
- Nobody's supposed to talk, are they?
- Everybody's supposed to pretend to protect each other...
- Come on, come on, you got something you want to say?
- Grow a pair and say it.

- Oh, uh, wow.
- Um...
- I'm sorry.
- That wasn't cool.
- No, it wasn't.

- Take him.
- Where is he?
- Where the fuck is he?
- Shit!
- What?
- He's just a decoy.

- He slept through the night.
- Hmm...
- I can't believe it.
- Oh.
- I know. Finally.
- You "ssh."

- Detective Ambrose.
- What?
- Huh?
- What's up?
- DNA came in.
- Jamie Burns is a match with the samples from the grave site.
- Thanks.

- Look, Harry, I get what you're saying, I do.
- But how does this play out any other way?
- Well, the DA's got more than they need.
- And, you know, I'm already getting too many calls on this.
- So, you call them, get it filed.
- All right.

- It's sciatica.
- It comes and goes, and it's getting better.
- Stress.
- Ever since that case last summer with that kid.
- Don't think I don't notice.

- You left the back door open.
- Harry must have warned you.
- He did.
- But you decided to stay anyway.

- I watched her grow up.
- They're here.
- Meg, we already ID'd her.
- I really don't think--
- She was in the water for almost a week.
- You don't want to see her like this.

- What the hell?
- Fuck this.

- Canadian plates.
- Have you run those yet?
- Yeah.
- The plates were reported stolen off another vehicle in Quebec three weeks ago.
- Looks like they ditched this in a hurry.
- We'd better get the dogs out here.

- Admit what?
- That we're the same.
- We are, Harry.
- Take it from me, you can't outrun this.
- If it's not me, it'll be someone else coming back at you over and over and o...

- I can't breathe.
- Okay...
- My heart... You're okay.
- Everything's okay...
- No, no, the pill. They poisoned me.
- No, you're just peaking.
- Are you coming?
- Cora... are you coming?
- Hey, help me!
- Breathe!

- Eat it before your mother finds it, okay?
- At the hour of our death.
- You deserve a treat.
- Thanks, Aunt Margaret.
- Full of grace...
- I love you.
- The Lord is with thee.
- Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit...

- I'm sorry, but you're required to...
- Guilty.
- The defendant has submitted a plea of guilty to the court.
- These proceedings are concluded.
- The defendant is remanded, case adjourned.
- Please rise.

- I can't.
- Fine.
- I have to go.
- Wait, Marin.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
- It's not your fault.

- Shh.
- I'm gonna take you home, okay?
- Okay. It's okay.
- I'm gonna get you out of here.
- How? Who are you?
- It's gonna be okay.

- Is she okay?
- Did something happen?
- It's important that we find her.
- Did she say where she was going?
- She wouldn't say.
- Marin, my God.
- Welcome home.

- He's still breastfeeding.
- I don't care.
- Move his basket up to my study, all his things.
- He's staying with me from now on.
- We have to come in there to feed him and change him.
- He'll keep you up all night.
- I don't care.
- No...
- It won't be much longer now.

- Keller PD! Hands up!
- I said, "hands up!"

- and she won't let me take her to the hospital...
- You all right?
- So will you take a look at her?
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.
- I mean, we were just out by Dublin Point, and she slipped.

- and I know what your son is accused of.
- And frankly,
- I have more confidence in foster care right now than I have in you.
- Come back when you're prepared.
- Next docket, 4565.
- 4565.

- Oh, you've been researching me.
- I'm working a case, so...
- Shit.
- Excuse me, sir.
- You're kind of taking up two spots.
- You can fit.

- No, no. We're gonna go set up on the beach.
- We'll come back and visit.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- More water.
- Okay.
- I have some right here, actually.
- You got some right here.
- There you go.
- Got some.
- You've got some.

Cora: What kind of a god kills your baby, but lets you survive?

- Oh, my God.
- Every aspect of your nature.
- Oh, my God, this is fucking crazy.
- Jamie, you are smarter than this.
- No, you're taking me home right now.
- Just stop for a sec.
- Just listen to me.
- I'm not doing this.

- Come on.
- Any ideas where she'd be taking him?
- No clue.
- She's not dangerous, right?
- I mean, he's safe.
- She just wants him back.
- I don't think she would hurt him.
- Yeah, but we don't know for sure.
- I think we ought to add her to the Amber Alert.

- She was brought in?
- Yeah. Someone signed her intake form.
- It's Caleb Walker.
- There's no address, no phone number.
- Just be cool, all right?
- Don't worry.
- I got it.
- There's J.D.
- With the plaid jacket.

- So Percy saw her too.
- The woman's name-- was it Valerie?
- I don't know.
- She was too scared to say.
- Did you report this?
- People like me don't get to go to the police.

- Nick!
- Stop this car right now!
- God...

- Why?
- 'Cause I'm tired of you hanging around all the time.
- Why don't you go home?
- I can't go home. I don't have a car.
- Well, figure it out.
- Do you hear me?
- Do you hear me?

- What happened with Vera?
- Well, we just talked for a while.
- You know, more about the work that they do, that's all.
- Anything helpful?
- I don't know, we'll see.
- Oh. Come on.
- We're going to be late.

- I just need a minute.
- I just need a minute.
- I just need a minute.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- See what you do.
- Hmm.
- I'll be right in.

- Fine.
- Let's go.
- Taxi!
- You and me.
- Drive.
- Jamie!

- You have those?
- Yeah.
- Still nothing on NCIC.
- He was telling me all along there was a hooded thing coming after him.
- It was all real.
- I need to talk to her.

- And then she walks over to Kevin's.
- She's a shameless harlot.
- You know what that means?
- Stop.
- Kevin's fair game.
- And I could watch it all from here.
- Cora, you won't even think about it?

- and I knew what I had to do.
- And I changed Mosswood for good.
- That hooded thing that you keep seeing,
- I'd stare it down next time you see it.
- 'Cause it'll ruin you if you let it.
- Oh, shit.

- Uh-huh.
- And then come back home, together, but not needing so much.
- Sure. I think you should take that trip.
- You should...
- I think you should go wherever you wanna go.

Dan: [about Cora] It's crazy, man. She just seems so normal; just a mom with her kid.

- I...
- I'm not.
- Pull yourself together.
- You're pathetic, you know that?
- Yeah, I do.
- Wanna get out of here?
- Come on.
- Yeah.
- I'll make you some eggs.

- I didn't have to save you.
- Thanks.

- These photos are part of your process?
- Yeah.

- Let's put out an APB.
- Yeah, did that already, too.
- Code five on a white, late-model multi-passenger van, license plate 7-Gary-6024.
- Vehicle spotted at 3342, route nine.
- Four-five is en route.

- It's like a spiral going down.
- If you don't stop, you're gonna end up doing what I did.
- Maybe that's what I deserve.
- No one deserves that.
- I killed a man when I didn't have to.

- Leave me alone.
- Leave me alone.
- I'm serious.
- Stop it!

Cora's: [to Cora] Let me tell you something. I used to wake up every day, bang meth in my arm and decide which old lady's identity to steal. I didn't give a shit about anyone. But once everything I had was gone, that's when I could hear His voice, right there, in my ear.
Cora: What did he say?
Cora's: He said stop beating yourself up. Confess your sins. Surrender.

- and hang out with me, right?
- Guilty as charged.
- How about I drive?
- Oh, no, I'm not drunk.
- I've had, like 1 1/2 drinks.
- I'm fine.
- You could use a break.
- I'll take over.
- It's a beater.
- Be careful.

- I like your necklace.
- Thank you.

- I came to apologize.
- I-I realize you were only being kind and protective.
- No, it's, uh...
- No, after all you've gone through, it's...

- Ahh!
- Too tight?
- No.
- Don't move.

- I was half-asleep, but
- I saw him coming.
- And then they dragged him out of the room.
- Did you see his face?
- No.
- Why would your mother lie to you about this?

- It'd be tragic if you're so bad at something you liked.
- Fuck you.
- The whole point is, though, CJ, you don't have to do it.
- I'm gonna make sure we're solid.
- Then you can do whatever you want.

- And it's looking like a few more days of fair weather with rain on the horizon...

- Okay.
- What kind of business you got here?
- Dude, I just said get the hell out of here.
- All right, ladies, the bus is leaving.
- Duffy?
- Daniel Burroughs?

- So we better keep our eyes open.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- I don't know.
- Makes sense to me.
- You sacrifice a thing that's holding you back.

- Steady.
- There we go.
- Yeah, watch that end.
- Okay, got it.

- Sounds like, for your folks, he was the real golden child.
- He was one that everybody said had the best chance of pulling off the whole
- American dream thing.
- He was there through it all.
- Protecting your family every step of the way.
- But he's buried out on that island, isn't he?

Cora: [to JD about her sister] She depends on me.
JD: Cora, if Phoebe really cared about you, she'd let you go. She'd tell you to go live your life. Has she ever said anything like that? You know why? She wants your life for herself. She's a vampire and as long as you stay with her, you'll be a shell.

- I bet it's way more interesting than anything we do.
- So let's go.
- What do you mean?
- Let's sneak on.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm dead serious.
- Oh, my God. I love you.

- Next time, I'll catch you guys...
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday, dear Harry
- Happy birthday to you
- Make a wish.

- You're still not ready.
- You enjoy this?
- Honestly?
- No.
- Let go of what you think should happen.

- But he told his friends once that he had that he had some sort of intense connection with her, but there was something wrong with her.
- And then some sort of accident happened and it almost ruined his life.
- When was this? Five, six years ago.
- Before we met.
- His friends say that's when he changed.

Cora: [to Ambrose] You've given up.
Harry: No, I haven't. I've hit a wall, that's all.
Cora: With the case or with yourself?

- About what?
- This is just a little delay.
- You're not supposed to lie.
- And what happens when you do?
- You split in two.
- Have you lied about anything to me?

Ron: You should go to the station.
Lorna: You need to eat something.

- You there yet, Harry?
- Are you there yet?

- I brought him to Vera Walker.
- She took him.
- You know Vera Walker.
- Jack...
- Why can't you just stop?
- Isn't this enough?

- You can sit here.
- No touching.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How's Laine? Is he okay?
- He's eating?
- Yeah, he's fine.
- He's just confused.

- May I come closer?
- Why don't you try?

- Mm!
- I just wanna thank you.
- Hmm?
- For being so-- so nice to me.
- Oh, girl, of course, come on.

- Twenty years, that's a long time but it is not forever.
- He'll be, what, 23, 24?
- And you'll get out on parole?
- You wanna see him graduate from college, don't you?
- Yeah.
- Tell me what happened, and all of this'll be over.

- They don't let me have anything.
- I can't have...
- Please, please.
- We can arrange... Um...
- Give it, please.
- Miss Bell...
- Please, please, please!
- Please, please, please, please!
- Okay.
- Carmen, calm down.

- I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.

- You're just waking up.
- I'll be in touch.

- It's an election year.
- We all know how that plays out.
- To be clear, I want
- Julian Walker's case kicked to Family Court where it belongs, and I want his charges dropped to manslaughter.
- I'm glad you see it my way.

- It's the song from the beach.
- Okay. Let's just ease off.
- I don't wanna do this anymore!
- I can't do it. You can. You can.
- You're right there.
- Just a little bit closer.
- Just a little bit more.

- I had good reasons to do what I did.
- Well, I think you could have done it differently.
- You didn't have to drag me into it.
- You're right.
- I'm better on my own.
- You asked me what I thought.
- I think this case is bringing out a really ugly side of you.

- I know from personal experience.
- Once you get him down like this, you just...
- Give me my son, okay?
- Okay.
- Sure.
- Come here, buddy.

- I don't... I don't understand.
- Maddie's touching me.
- Where are you?
- I'm on the dance floor.
- She can barely stand up.

- It's always about you, isn't it?
- Get the hell out.
- Come on, Belle.
- We're just trying to--
- Did you forget where the fucking door is?
- Come on, Belle.
- Let's go.

- Once she's healed,
- I'll drop her somewhere.
- Maybe she won't remember.
- The military's oldest medal.
- What if she does?
- Into antique shops, into the hands of collectors...
- Ow!

- Take your plate?
- You know, I think we've got some ice cream.
- I'm gonna check.
- Thank you.
- Don't play this fucking game with me.
- It's too easy.

- So, I asked for help.
- And then you opened your eyes and you looked right into mine, and I felt this strength rush through me.
- You should drink wine more often, Mom. Not just on my birthday.
- It suits you.
- Thank you.

- They just try to survive.
- World takes them out.
- Doesn't care.
- You have to admit, though, sometimes it's easier on everybody if you just disappear.

- When you push those feelings away, they just get stronger.
- Shadow Julian is Julian.
- He's you.
- And when he comes knocking, what are you supposed to do?
- I let him in.
- That's right.

- You can't just decide that.
- I can.
- I have a legal right.
- You abandoned him, and I'm his mother now.
- And now I think you should leave, please.
- Marin?
- Please go.

- You're gonna be here until when?
- Detective Jones already ordered round the clock surveillance, so, uh, if it's not me, it's gonna be someone else rotating through.
- Okay, let me know when you swap out.
- Yes, sir.

- You're all by yourself.
- You did all right, didn't you?
- Yeah.
- You weren't waiting too long, were you?
- No, just a few minutes.
- Good, good.
- Let's get going.
- I'll carry this for you.
- Thanks.
- You sit in front.

- Some local guys beat them up and then they retaliated.
- So it's true?
- That kid's from Mosswood?
- Jeannie, we can't really talk about cases while they're being investigated.
- I wondered when they'd miss me.
- This is home base checking in.
- I'll be a second.

- It's not decent.
- Please, William!
- Ow! Careful! Be careful.
- Okay.
- Please stop!
- Phoebe...
- You two will figure it out.
- I'm so sorry.
- I'll get you some milk.

- An old boat with a high-end motor is rare.
- I logged it for repair last year.
- You know whose boat it is?
- I don't know.
- I don't remember.
- Listen, all the info's at the office, so, uh, meet me there.

- Only club members and grounds crew.
- The front gate is locked at all times.
- I'm going to need a member list, a staff list, and anybody who's had access for going back 10 years, say.
- I'm sorry, and what is this regarding?
- It's a murder investigation.
- Um, let me see what I can do.
- Thanks.

- Where are you?
- Are you... are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
- Oh, okay, I... I'll leave.
- Let me know where and when you're settled.
- O-okay, thank you.
- Don't worry.

- "He's crazy," is that what you're thinking?
- Or he's been abused.
- Or I pumped him full of Adderall and fed him junk food and video games.
- Or maybe he's just evil, is that it?
- My son is so far beyond anything you can understand.
- You have no idea.

- I'm here.
- 234 Morgan.
- I hear music.
- I'm going in.

- What are you still doing running around with him?
- I told him--
- He's right about this, and I know it.
- The guy is nuts, and he's fucking paranoid.
- What would Brandon have wanted with Percy?
- This has nothing to do with Percy.

Phoebe (9 y.o.): [to Cora] I saw Dad naked once in the bathroom, but I didn't see his thing. I bet you did. Is it big?
Cora (13 y.o.): It's a sin to talk that way.
Phoebe (9 y.o.): God doesn't mind if you're sick.

- is look the other way.
- No one wants to hear that from me.
- Hey.
- You out of here already?
- Got to prep the boat for tomorrow.
- Bring it in.

- When?
- So--
- So what--

- CJ!
- My son doesn't have to answer any questions.
- This is in his best interest.
- Is he under arrest?
- No.
- You have no proof of anything.

- This one CJ's.
- That first night
- I went to apologize... but I just made everything worse for him.

- That's what he wants everybody to believe, but... he's lying, or at least omitting key information, and we still don't have a good explanation of why they were on that woman's property.
- I just don't know why we're using resources nitpicking over this guy, hmm?

- Oh.
- It's okay.
- I'm glad you called.
- Where's Marin?
- She's gone.
- Where'd she go?
- I don't know.
- All right, let's go find her.
- Come on, here we go.

- "Brave is he who knows fear but conquers fear.
- "He who sees the abyss, but with pride.
- "Who grasps the abyss with the eagle's talons, he has courage."
- The courage of the ubermensch.
- So you don't forget.

- I'm hungry again.
- Is there something we can eat?
- I'm hungry, too.
- Can you just sit tight for a second?
- I just have to make a phone call.

- Cool and cloudy, with a high of 59.
- Light winds coming out of the northeast, reasonable chance of light rain in the evening, when we have a low of 56.
- Overnight, rain will increase...

- I'm fine.
- I know we need to talk more about what happened last night.
- You know you can ask me anything.
- I'm sorry I lied to you about Marin.
- I know
- I only made things worse.
- I really was trying to protect you.

Harry: [to Cora] I'm guessing that this isn't where you thought you'd be when you woke up this morning, is it? I think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud.
Cora: I realize that.
Harry: And you can tell us anything. Whatever you can
Cora: I don't know. I just... I just did it. And I don't know why.

- Come on, Tranquil.
- Doing good, girl.
- Come on. There you go.

- Please don't give up on me.
- I won't.
- 13-A?
- Put her in A.
- All right. Come on.

- He's... making a point.
- So what do you think that point is?
- Eh.
- It would help...
- For the psychological profile.
- He wants to torture me...
- Bring me to the edge... where he is.

- Two years, I bet, and you're out.
- And I'll check in on you from time to time.
- Make sure they're treating you right.
- It's going to be okay.
- Thank you.
- Mmm.

- Uh...
- Oh, hey.
- Uh...
- Good night.
- Thanks.
- Looks good.

- I need to show you something.
- I need everybody in bed right now.
- No talking. No chatting.
- Lights out means lights out.
- Let's go.

- There's nothing here.
- I've got a cash drawer in the store.
- That's all right.
- Come here.
- Just take whatever you want.
- I don't want your money.
- I want you to sit, right here.

- What kind of complaint?
- Malpractice suit that went nowhere.
- It was filed by a Carmen Bell.
- Do we have an address?
- Yeah.
- 1 Brunswick Drive.
- That's Deakins
- Psychiatric Institute.

- What do you mean, a 10-35?
- Who's there now?
- No, don't do anything.
- I'm coming.
- I'll be right there.
- No.
- I gotta go.
- What the hell's a 10-35?

- I always thought this was the kind of place where nothing bad happens.
- And those people-- how they were treated... under my watch.
- And what I did to Mike Lam.
- Nothing's ever what you think it is.

- Get off me.
- That haul was mine!
- It's our boat, our haul.
- You don't own me.
- You hear me?
- Get off of him.
- I said get--

- This is all that Marin left at The Grey Daughters.
- But,
- I found this.
- I know where she's going.

- Go where?
- Do I have to do everything?
- Okay.
- We can go in a minute, okay?
- Hey, Sam.
- Hey, Harry.
- Yep.

- But I'm only telling you.
- You have to understand.
- She wanted me to hurt her.

- Exhale.
- You're standing at the edge of a body of water.
- Ten.
- Nine, eight.
- Seven, six, five.
- Feel the water hold you up as you sink deeper.

- My beautiful boy, it's okay.
- It's okay.
- It's okay. I missed you. Okay.
- It's okay.
- Shh.
- I need you to listen to me.
- Okay.

- Lieutenant Ambrose, just found this in the captain's jacket.
- Thought you should see it.
- Yeah.

- Are you all right?
- Are you okay?
- Is this what you're looking for?
- Is it Anastasia?
- Is that your real name?
- It's Cora.
- Cora, I like that better.
- I'm James.
- Do you need a ride anywhere, Cora?

- You're so pretty.
- It's not fair.
- Stop it.
- Sorry.
- You know,
- I'd be lost without you.
- Dead already.
- Don't say that.
- It's true.
- You're the only reason that this is worth it. Any of it.

- is as a team, and you're completely checked out.
- You're scaring me.
- I know that you went through something terrible...
- Yeah, but what?
- Just snap out of it?
- Fit back into my mold?
- Your mold?

- It doesn't matter anymore.
- It does matter.
- Because you're talking to the cops about it, it does matter.
- Is Laine okay?
- No. Laine's not okay.
- And I'm not okay.
- Our world is turned upside down right now.
- And you won't even talk to me.

- You've reached Jamie Burns.
- Please leave a message.
- Jamie, I'm sorry about what happened at the house the other night.
- We need to talk.
- Call me when you can.

- There's a buoy shop, just past Route 41.

- unless there's an actual problem.
- I'm curious.
- Any of that help you?
- The stuff you did out there?
- I think we're done.
- Yeah.

- Get out! Get out of my room!
- Just leave me alone!
- What's going on?
- She passed out this morning.
- The doctor says her
- T-cell count is elevated.
- It can't end like this.
- It just can't.

- Didn't say where he was going.
- Did he say anything about Percy Muldoon?
- No.
- Was he looking to get something from you?
- He was looking for a fight.

- Do you understand?
- I think so.
- Oh!
- My Vera.
- You're always treading so carefully.
- Go ahead, name him.

- Nothing. It's nothing.
- You need to leave.
- Tell me!
- Tell me!
- I can't!
- I'm not doing this with you.
- This is fucked up!
- Tell!
- Get the fuck out of here!
- Fucking tell me!

- All right.
- If we find out anything, we'll let you know.
- I appreciate your time.
- Were they armed?
- The men?
- No.

- and started a statewide search with the assistance of state and local police.
- As this is an ongoing investigation, we're unable to release any more information at this time, but we will keep the public updated as the case progresses.
- Thank you all for coming.

- If you wait, it's gonna get worse.
- Don't just put me away.
- I am not a lost cause.
- Jamie.
- Help me.
- Help me get my life back.
- Jamie.

- Something terrible has happened.
- Where are you?
- I'm at the Beverwyck.
- Please come.
- What?
- No, no, no. Hold on,
- I'll be right there.
- What's wrong?

- they just look out for themselves.
- Oh, yeah, the same thing happened with the Laniers, the guy they hired from California.
- Mm-hmm.
- Sounds like you should all go out,
- 'cause Sean needs all the help he can get.

- She's hanging in there.
- You know, the store was busy.
- She wants to design a logo for the business.
- I said I'd help her out.
- That's good.
- I bet she holds up.
- Yeah, I think you're right.

- Okay.
- Look, I gotta go.
- She went through the library.
- Cora?
- Cora?
- Cora?

- Hey!
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Hey!

- Look at me.
- Right there.

- I found 'em in his drawer.
- And he didn't say anything about it after the commune raid.
- No.
- Why would he sit on info like that?
- He can't be with Mosswood.
- Doesn't make any sense.

- I could dig through some files, see what I come up with.
- Yeah, that'd be great.
- She's weird about people touching her stuff.
- No problem, no problem, mate.
- Thanks for looking into this.
- Meg, we'll be in touch.
- Oh, all right.

- we automatically issue a warrant for both of you.
- You have a taser?
- No.
- You want a taser?
- No.
- Suit yourself.
- Two hours.
- See you at 6:00.

- Whoever was renting this unit paid cash.
- They stopped paying last month.
- I was about to start clearing it out.
- Looks like somebody was living here.
- These are all kid's clothes.

- watch the birds, listen to the wind, it's good.
- Just trying to understand what
- Phoebe must have felt like.
- Spending her whole life in a tiny room.
- Cora, you're not gonna be in there forever, you know, I want you...
- You are out of prepaid minutes. Please refill your card.

- I just look at you, and it just feels right.
- Don't say that.
- I mean, it's true.
- Phoebe.
- Come on. Hey, come back.
- No.
- I'm sorry.
- No, don't apologize.

- You should sit with us.
- No, thanks.
- Suit yourself.
- We have to move you, honey.
- Otherwise they get worse.
- Okay.
- Okay, okay...

- Lake?
- They called it the purple lake.
- Tom's been telling us you've been helping on the Mosswood case.
- Looks like somebody was living here.
- What are you feeling right now?
- I don't trust you.

- Just have this little one.
- Now, Frankie's turn.
- It's just us. It's good.

- What is it?
- I'll relay.
- No, I'm not talking to you.
- Whatever.
- It's not going to change anything anyway.
- My father is innocent, and you know it.
- Fuck you!

- This Saturday, tell Phoebe and your parents you're going out.
- Pack a change of clothes in your purse.
- Meet me at the Taproom.
- When we're done celebrating, just come home with me.
- You don't go back.
- Give me the phone.

- Hold his shirt here.
- Call an ambulance.
- I need an ambulance.
- There's been...
- Someone's...
- Mommy!
- Oh, my God.
- Over here!

- That's about a half hour after your 911 call.
- After?
- He's pretty sure about the timing?
- Yeah, well, he's up at the same time every morning.
- What do you make of that?

- Uh... After he lost his license in the '90s, he disappeared.
- Oh, there it is.
- Somebody ordered it last month, and it was sent back as undeliverable.
- Can I see that envelope?
- Self storage, Niagara Falls.
- Can I keep this?

- Okay. Next.
- Julian Walker, for juvie wing.
- Palm, kid.
- Where my lawyer at?
- You're done. Go.
- Look straight ahead.

- Why did they take Julian?
- What were they running away from?
- Adam and Bess were not saving Julian.
- They were abducting him, but you never thought to consider that, did you?
- Julian was defending himself.

- Good chowder today.
- Grab a table and Stephanie will be right with you and your friend.
- We're actually here to talk to CJ.
- What for?
- Just a couple of questions about Percy Muldoon.

- Not anymore.
- Would you mind if I took a look at her room?
- Honestly, honey, there's not much left.
- It's a home office now.
- But I have a box of her things, if you wanna take a look.
- Great.

- I'm sorry. It's too late.
- We have to take you to County.
- No. What do you mean?
- You said that you'd tell me when he came.
- You promised.
- He never did.
- He didn't call. Sorry.

- He won't sleep.
- My husband forgets.
- Ma'am, you can make a phone call the minute we get to the station.
- Just please get in the car.
- Mason! Mason!
- Mason!
- Mason!
- Mason, please! Mason!

- It's what I want.
- He's too impressionable right now.
- Okay.
- But what does that mean for Thanksgiving?
- We're...
- We're gonna spend it with mom.
- Okay.

- I want you to show me how you shoot up.
- You don't know how to do it, do you?
- It's not true.
- None of that, that you thought you went through, was true.
- Then what happened to me?
- How are you feeling today, Cora?

- All right,
- I'll see you later, yeah?
- Yeah.

Cora (13 y.o.): I had two orgasms.
Phoebe (9 y.o.): [squeals] Tell me everything.

- Ah Maah would be so disgusted with you right now.
- At least she doesn't let people walk all over her.
- Look, I don't care if I made things worse.
- It's about having a pair of balls.
- And I fucking loved it, okay?
- CJ.

- but then he started heading north.
- Looks like he's slowing down.
- He's on the corner of 28th and Broadway, and he's not moving.
- I think I might have him.
- Stay with me.
- Welcome.
- Hi.

- Okay, look, I know
- I missed your call.
- It's so freaking patchy, the service around here.
- It's out by where
- Percy's car was.
- You should see for yourself.
- Let's go.

- They're turning to the right.
- Yeah.
- If they were going to Niagara Falls, they couldn't have been coming from Pennsylvania.
- They were driving down.
- Toward I-90.
- From this county.
- They were coming from the north.

- Thanks, Josh.
- We'll take it from here.
- You know about this, too?
- Come on, Percy, Let's talk.
- I'm not going with you.
- Percy...
- Come on.

- If he's a harm to himself or others, the doctors can give him something to make him a little...
- The doctor?
- What doctor?
- I want to speak to this doctor right now.
- Ma'am, please sit down.
- I will not sit down.
- And do not call me "ma'am."

- No, not until I got up the next morning and went to work.
- Okay.
- That's all for now.
- Oh, almost forgot.
- Can I have Tommy take your DNA?
- Totally routine.
- Sure.

- I don't know.
- I don't know.
- Lee.
- It's me, it's me.
- It's still me.
- I know.
- I have to go.
- I...
- No, Lee.
- Please don't. No.

- There's men after me.
- Let's go.
- Who did this to you?
- I found something.
- Okay.
- Get in the car.
- Let's go.
- Let's go. Let's go.

- What are you doing?
- Wait.

- I have a bad heart.
- It's not pretty.
- You know what, it doesn't matter.
- Well, there's nothing bad about this heart.

- All right, that's good enough.
- Now, get out of here.
- I'll take care of the rest.
- Whatever you say, man.

- What are you doing?
- I don't know.
- There's no way to know.
- What else?
- Anger.
- Rage.
- Oh!

- Hey, are you...
- Are you playing games with me?
- Is that it?
- Is that it, huh?
- Finally, there you are.
- You're limping.
- Sit down.
- Sit.

- Thank you.
- This whole trip-to-Niagara-Falls story is a hoax.
- Okay, hey.
- Did you find what you were looking for?
- Well, it's never what you expect, I guess.
- Just keep walking.

- for what you did to Jamie.
- It won't work.
- Any sign?
- Nothing.
- Shit.
- Just retrace your steps.
- I'll head over to you now.
- Copy.

- No touching, please.
- Put your hands out front.
- You have the right to an attorney.
- If you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court.
- Why are those necessary?
- It's the law.
- Where am I going?

- when you woke up this morning, is it?
- I think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud.
- I realize that.
- Then you can tell us anything.
- Whatever you can.

- Look, you're an outsider here.
- Same as me.
- And any sign that you might have hurt her, people are gonna assume the worst about you.
- Just like you are.
- Well, maybe.
- This is your chance to set me straight.

- And then we'd go to dinner.
- Hm.
- If they did something to Percy, they could probably get away with it.
- You're in this with me, right?
- Okay.

- and if there's been any recent activity on the account.
- Will do.
- Detective Ambrose, we got a hit on that brown Volvo that you mentioned.
- Vera's car?
- Yeah.

- as well as some humiliating footage of a panic attack he had on the... Jetway.
- This is in lieu of that panic attack, little duder.
- Ah!
- Such tender love.
- You in the back.
- I love you.

- If you don't leave the premises,
- I'll place you under arrest.
- I just want to talk to my wife.
- Leela?
- Mr. Burns, this is my last warning.
- Step off the property.
- Let's go.

- Uh, never assume.
- Yeah.
- It's an emotional time and I don't want to overstep, but many people find therapy useful, if that's feasible.
- I'll meet you out front, okay?
- I need to use the bathroom.

- No, that's what he's telling you.
- But he's sitting on J.D. and he's gonna turn on you.
- I know how these guys are.
- Just...
- Just... You can't... You can't say anything to them.
- You understand?

- like I was some sort of monster, turning Phoebe against me.
- We just wanted to live.
- That's all it was.
- And look at you now. Just look what you've done to yourself.
- I'm more free now than I ever was with you.

- Really?
- Jack.
- Jack...
- I think I should go.

- It looks like it started in the kitchen.
- You see what happened?
- My mom was cooking dinner on the stove.

- I didn't mean to.
- He wasn't stopping.
- I'm gonna get the truck.
- Make sure nobody sees.
- Get his legs.
- Ow!
- Shit.
- What happened?
- My shoulder.

- Can I ask you something about that last night with Jamie?
- You don't have to.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.
- What was he like... at the end?

- It's not really the clientele
- I'm going for.
- Hi.
- Welcome.
- All right.
- This one is done.
- Thank you.

- Hitler used Nietzsche to justify the Holocaust, for instance.
- That's a bit of a slippery slope.
- Nietzsche warned of it himself.
- "If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

- Just wait.
- Now.
- Stay with it.
- Keep going.
- Keep going.
- Let it through.
- Ah!

- Chief.
- Julian Walker is slipping away from us.
- We don't have time...
- This is Heather Novack, Keller PD.
- We need an Amber Alert for Julian Walker, age 13.
- Possible abduction.
- We're looking for a brown camper van.

- Yeah. Oh, I just bumped my head on the towel thing.
- It's nothing.
- Let me see.
- How did you do that?
- I'm okay, seriously.
- I'm fine.
- And then she left, and that was the last time
- I saw her.

- That's okay,
- I know how it feels.
- These men, they just screw you and toss you aside.
- J.D. had left you and he went back to his real girlfriend, Maddie.
- You had every right to be angry, I know I would be.
- He was your first real boyfriend, wasn't he?
- You would've done anything for him.

- You were...
- You were there.
- You know.
- I know.
- Please.
- I really need your help.

- Have you heard of anybody out here who does that sort of thing?
- Okay, my parents weren't smuggled here.
- Not saying that.
- I know someone.
- You do?

- way before their arms are scarred like that.
- Five years ago, Fourth of July weekend, you went out, and then, you showed up on a street in Poughkeepsie.
- You don't know how you got there, you don't know who brought you there.
- And you have the scars.
- So how much of those two months do you actually remember?

- when I can get one for 6 at Cat's Cradle?"
- What's Cat's Cradle?
- It's that craft shop by the diner.
- Smells like a cinnamon stick took a shit on a doily.
- I don't know, it just threw me.
- And maybe she's right.
- Maybe I'm a total snob.

Mason: [to Cora] Were you ever really happy... with me?
Cora: Yes. I was.
Mason: I don't know what to do.

- And it's, it's everywhere.
- It's on every wall.
- So... Okay.
- Wallpaper, a guy in a mask.
- That's everything, nothing else?
- Yeah, that's it.

- The water's only 42 degrees.
- It's gonna feel like you can't breathe.
- Don't fight it.
- You have to fully submerge yourself.
- A lot of people give up at this point because of the cold.
- You don't have to keep going.

- And something as trivial as biology doesn't make that any less true.
- There is something before we start.
- It's about Marin.
- She's pregnant.
- We'll raise him.
- The child will bind us.
- Has she picked a name?

- Suspect has entered a storefront.
- Sign outside says
- American Medical Clinic.
- Is he still in there?
- Yes, sir. And I'm not sure what's going on.
- I'm waiting for backup.
- God damn it.

- Don't you dare move this car!
- You hear me?
- Sean, please.
- Think of your brother.
- Think of me.
- We're gonna lose everything.
- Please.
- It's what you wanted.

- Were you ever gonna tell me about that?
- Jamie... you want to feel the truth like we did in school.
- That's why you called me.
- Nothing else matters.
- Nothing else can matter until you do that.

- Cora, what is it?
- Miss Grayston,
- I have a...
- Detective, it has all been arranged by the Board.
- We are an open book to you, Detective.
- Oh. Really?
- Well, I appreciate that.
- Be sure to thank the Board for me.

Phoebe (9 y.o.): [to Cora] You know my favorite thing about our dear neighbor Kevin's girlfriend? I've seen her with another boy. Drops her off down the block and then she walks over to Kevin's. She's a shameless harlot. You know what that means?
Cora (13 y.o.): Stop.
Phoebe (9 y.o.): Kevin's fair game, and I could watch it all from here.

- that she can't remember, and it's in there.
- It's in there somewhere.
- I don't work with people who are unstable.
- They can get re-traumatized.
- You know her case.
- She's got nothing else going for her. Right?
- Okay.
- Talk to her today.
- Let's get it started.

- I got worried.
- Yeah.
- We found a car down here.
- Wedged under some rocks.
- It's about 30 feet down.
- Anything inside?

- Okay?
- You got to cut the cord.
- Hey!
- Jump.
- Hello? Hello?
- Is anyone gonna do something about this?
- He just fucking ruined my phone!
- This is real.

- I got to go.
- Call me back.
- Hey, Julian...
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Please leave your gun and your phone and your badge in your car.
- You have to come in like everybody else.
- Stripped down.

- Look...
- I know it's not gonna bring your son back, but I think...
- Percy spent the rest of her life wishing she could undo what she did.

- You have no idea what happened.
- You have no idea.
- I know you did things you're ashamed of.
- Fine.
- Fine.
- Sit down.
- I'll tell you everything.

- I have an exam tomorrow.
- Fancy.
- I guess you're planning on leaving us all in the dust, huh?
- Yeah, right.
- Oh, watch--sorry, watch out.
- Sorry.

- One woman's gone missing.
- How do you know this?
- I think some people from Clark Harbor are involved.
- Who?
- Can we just call Lou?
- You know them?
- Personally?

- Ah!
- Come on!
- Agh! Agh!
- Other side.
- 3 o'clock!
- 3 o'clock!

- So we just got the car that Mason
- Tannetti saw at the crime scene.
- Reported stolen last week in Trenton.
- Matches the tracks found at the crime scene.
- Two passengers, probably
- Oxy users, maybe dealers.
- Detective Leroy's gonna handle this.
- Looks like a local thing.
- Thanks.

- Why she... Why she did it or...
- I can't talk about it.
- No?
- No. Sorry.
- Well, I'll see you around, then, I guess, okay?
- Mason, I can... There's a way out back I know.
- Yeah, all right. Thanks.
- Yeah? Okay.
- Thanks. I'll be quick.

- Are you okay?
- More.

- What's going on?
- I wanna go home.
- Honey.
- Hey, it's okay.
- This is just a little delay.
- You're okay.

- 5A.
- 5A, great.
- Look, you got to stop calling me here.
- You're gonna get me in trouble.
- No, I know.
- You did nothing.
- Right.

- Oh, he wrote that number there.
- I don't know whose it is.
- It's mine.
- How was his mood last night?
- Honestly, he seemed...
- Dissociated.

- 'Cause you--you are forever trying to make up for something.
- I know. I--
- Okay, okay.
- Sonya...
- I'll be fine.

- Uh, it's hard to say.
- Dad, you gotta start talking to me now, or I'm gonna go crazy.
- I'm gonna do everything I can.
- Nobody's gonna get hurt.
- We'll find him.

- And I was worried that he was gonna touch bagels.
- You were out at the desk.
- When was it he came in?
- I didn't see him come in.
- He must have come through the back door.
- So, I found the sneakers over there.

- Ladies and gentlemen, just a little reminder.
- We have only one hour left for the silent auction, so make those bids.
- And look for Mike Zukowski to get in on the 50/50 raffle.

- I don't know about the other one, but that's a Keyser boat.
- Whose?
- Brandon's. Why?
- During the break-in, the only thing taken were these photos.
- Brandon brings his haul in around lunchtime.
- His boat's coming in right about now.

- to the fullest extent of the law.
- Miss Hutchins, does your client wish to address the court?
- No, your Honor.
- I would give anything to go back to that day on the beach and undo all of this.

- Adam.
- Are you okay?
- Adam?
- Adam.
- Julian.

- What's going on?
- Oh, my God.
- Keep it coming.
- Keep it going.
- We gotta get him out of there.

- I was here from the beginning.
- I sold him this piece of land...
- And I'm sure he's grateful.
- This is bullshit.
- Let's go.
- Bullshit!

- Has she ever said anything like that?
- You know why?
- She wants your life for herself.
- She's a vampire.
- And as long as you stay with her, you'll be a shell.

- I'll just need a statement when you're ready.
- Otherwise, you have nothing to worry about.
- We have many things to worry about.
- Right.
- Of course.
- Lou... thank you.

- Did you tell her?
- No.
- Did you tell her?
- I didn't tell her. I never tell her. I never tell her.
- Liar.
- God!
- Come here.

- I should go to the station.
- You need to eat something.
- Hey, this is Mason.
- Leave a message.

- Yeah.
- I'm fine.
- I don't like this Mosswood stuff.
- I don't want it opening old wounds.
- I'm fine, Dad.
- Don't worry.

- Of course, they're getting fed up.
- This is supposed to be a sanctuary.
- What do you want to do?
- I want to find my son and bring him home.
- Even if you get him back, they're never gonna let you keep him.
- You understand that, right?

- Hear the wind blow
- Roses love sunshine
- Violets love dew
- Angels in Heaven
- Know I love you
- Know I love you, dear

- Are you coming?
- Stop!
- Hail Mary, full of grace.
- The Lord is with thee.
- Blessed art thou amongst women.
- Holy Mary, Mother of God.
- Pray for us sinners.
- Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

- Well, when is he free?
- Should a ten-year-old be that busy?
- No, I know.
- I know.
- It's...
- All right.
- Just let me know.

- No.
- Vera, it's not.
- It's the same small-minded, middle-class fear.
- It's only when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac that God rewarded him.

- Here we go round.
- The prickly pear.
- The prickly pear.
- The prickly pear.
- Here we go round, prickly pear.
- At 5:00 in the morning.

- Your father.
- Barely.
- Anyway, hey, condolences, man.
- Uh... yeah?
- Detective Ambrose, you got a Jamie Burns here for you.
- Looks pretty upset.

- I've been reading about your work on the Cora Tannetti case.
- People tend to make more of that than they should.
- My impression is that you went beyond the call for her.
- Why did you do that?
- That's just...
- I could tell she had a story.

- I'm sorry. It's my mistake.
- Mm.
- It doesn't matter, okay?
- You can't just come to my room when I'm not there and go through my shit!
- I'm not even hiding anything.

- It's okay.
- You're all right.

- Whoa, whoa!
- Hey.
- Me?
- Ambrose.
- No, I'm here.
- I'm gonna park this car.
- It's a zoo here.

- Yeah?
- Why don't you go get some wine?
- Yeah, sure.
- I'm sorry I said something about the case at dinner.
- I didn't realize how strongly you felt about her.
- I don't. It's nothing.

- How long had they lived here?
- Adam only a few months.
- Bess has been here since her early 20s.
- The work completely transformed her.
- I saw it myself.
- So when you talk about
- "the work," what does that mean exactly?

- Her whole life, it'll be ruined.
- My son is dead!
- It was a mistake.
- A horrible mistake.
- What can we do?

- Bell, it's Carmen Bell.
- That is strange, you are the second person in two days looking for this tape.
- Really?
- I couldn't tell you who he was, though.
- He didn't sign in.
- What did he look like?
- He was a very thin man.

- Maybe... he can make a deal for us.
- No, this family has lost enough.
- We stay quiet, we stay together no matter what.
- There's no other way.

- Thought you should have that.
- I've been coming to this church for 68 years, asking for his guidance.
- I've never heard a fucking word back.

- How do you know they're junkies?
- Because who else would steal a friggin' barbecue four times in a row?
- Can you describe your barbecue for me, sir?
- Yeah, it's a Napoleon stainless steel with a side burner.
- Side burner.

- Okay.
- There's a folder that's locked--transport.
- Open it up.
- Why?
- There's nothing there.
- Just open it.

Cora: I didn't kill anybody.
Detective: Else. You didn't kill anybody else.

- Any excuse to come over, she was there.
- She never wanted to go home.
- I'd say you did everything you could.
- No, I didn't.
- I ruined it for her.
- I did it back then, and now I gotta do it again.

- Sorry.
- J.D., I'm done.
- Can we go?
- Yeah, we're just waiting on these shots right here.
- Is that his girlfriend, too?
- No. She's an ex.
- Who are you?
- This is my sister, Phoebe.
- What is it, teen night?

- I think of it all as adversity.
- A challenge by which
- I can know myself.
- And are there big private equity deals going down in Dorchester?
- Is that why you're here?
- No, not really.

- Found this in the dryer last night.
- It fell out of your pants pocket.

- Hey.
- Heather.

- You've been going through my desk?
- I think the important thing is why you've been sitting on information that's crucial to the case.
- You think I'm the guy behind this?
- Or you know who is.

- Couple of 'em stopped going to the doctor.
- They just wait too long and beg me for it.
- I hate bees.
- Well, you should come and see the hives by the house.
- If the bees sting you, that's just more antigens.
- Once you learn how to move with the bees, it's a beautiful thing.

- He was trying to save her life.
- I killed him.
- What about what happened after?
- The scars on your arms?
- The man with the mask?
- I don't know.

- 911, what is your emergency?
- Hi. I need help.
- Someone's been shot.
- 4245 Heron Road.
- Sir? Are you still there?

- Here we go round the prickly pear, prickly pear, prickly pear.
- Here we go round the prickly pear, prickly pear, prickly pear.
- 5:00 in the morning.

- I could refuse to burn it.
- I'm willing to take that risk.
- And after we do this, you'll realize a confession doesn't even matter.
- You flip.
- Heads, I go first.
- Tails, you go first.

- It was you.
- I remember your eyes.
- I know you did it for your son.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay, I got her.
- Thanks.

- Oh, my God.
- Don't look at this.
- The less you know, the better.
- Get him ready.
- Ready for what? You're flying back to L.A. today.
- Come on, let's get you in the shower.
- Come on.

- I misjudged which information should and should not be shared with Mason Tannetti, and I'm, I'm really sorry.
- Personal relationships can't interfere with work.
- You know that.
- Yes, sir.
- Just make sure he keeps his head down.
- Yes, sir.

- Oh.
- Oh, shit.
- Where'd that come from?
- Jamie?
- Hey.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Yeah. I got you.
- Like a lost soul, that's what it looks like.
- Like someone who had walked down the wrong street.
- I was just taking out the trash.
- And there she was, right over there by the dumpster.
- You all right?

- and we went up to North
- Ridge for the first time?
- Can we just go back to that?
- Please.
- Heather, grow up.
- None of that matters anymore.
- Go home.

- You were just going to leave and be gone for good?
- What the hell is going on?
- Come on!
- Come on.
- Come on!
- All right, that's enough.

- I don't know.
- I just...
- I just did it.
- And I don't know why.

- There's this thing you have in your eyes.
- I can see it when I look at you.
- You have this spirit.
- It's not like anyone else.
- You're a force, you realize that?
- You could be anything you want.
- You should be asking for the world.

- If you go to Lou-- if you go to Lou, you're gonna ruin us.
- Grams, I need to.
- The business, me,
- Colin, your father.
- Dad...
- Say something.

- I invented this move.
- We're talking.
- There's nothing to talk about.
- I know what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work.
- Mm?
- No, Ja...
- Okay.

- Well, he's wrong.
- He tells me the truth.
- He's wrong, because I'll never stop.
- Ma'am, you need to step away, please.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Come on, let's go.
- She hates me.
- No, she doesn't.
- All right.
- Marin...
- Good night, kid.
- Get some sleep.
- I ruined it!

- Shit.
- Tell him, "No comment."
- No comment.
- It's all I got for you.
- No comment.
- Oh, shit. Mother...
- Shh! Shh! Shh!
- Ow! Ow! Ow!

- I did.
- That's just your ego getting scared, not wanting change.
- Please stay in it.
- Even when it's uncomfortable,
- I'll help you through it.
- All right?
- Hey.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- It's fine.
- Hey.
- Careful, careful.
- Oh.
- Hey, look at me.

- Very particular, how they were arranged.
- Someone's there.
- She's scared.
- Look, I know this whole thing is creepy, but you look so energized and alive.
- Find me.

- All right and then so...
- He's lying.
- Who hired you?
- What?
- To kill J.D. Look, I told you I didn't kill him.
- Was it somebody at the Beverwyck Club?
- The what club?
- Harry.
- We're done.

- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- It's gonna be okay.

- Detective,
- Detective please!
- Did she know?
- Did she know the victim?
- Detective, please!

- So, get some money upfront.
- You don't like him, walk away.
- And if you do like him, then we've got ourselves a sugar daddy.
- Cora.
- Cora, come on, please. We're...
- We're so close.
- I can't take it here much longer.

- How could you say that?
- Because the Percy who came back from the mainland was not our little girl, not anymore.
- I tried.
- We all did, but, you know, she was going away from us...
- And you know it.

- I can't.
- I--
- I'm a horrible person.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.
- You can tell me.
- I won't judge you.

- Who told you that?
- Verne Novak.
- You're gonna believe him?
- Were you on duty that night?
- You need to think about getting yourself a lawyer.

- Forget it.
- Well, it's a little hard to forget it when it's there all the time.
- What are you talking about?
- You're doing it again.
- What?
- You're lying to yourself!
- Where are you going?
- Marin!

- for the new payroll system that did the trick.
- You've got something stuck in there.
- A little more to the left.
- There's some toothpicks at the register.
- You could...
- Yeah, good idea.
- Sorry.

- It's all hitting me, and I just need to see him.
- I promise I won't upset him.
- I just...
- All right. I will.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah,
- I'll take him, of course.
- Thank you.

- Come on.
- No, Percy.
- Seriously, this is weird.
- I want to show you.
- It's something
- I want to do with you.
- Come on.
- Okay.

- Let's go.
- Yeah, I just don't feel well.
- Well, I have something that will help with that.
- Come on!
- I need a wing woman.

- You're okay. Everything's okay.
- I want to go home.
- I know, but...
- What's that?
- That's it.
- It happened down there.
- Are you coming?

- You were hooked on heroin for two months.
- You got the scars to show it.
- You'd screw anybody who'd give you a fix.
- You were a zero. You were nothing.
- And this is what you lived for, so show me.
- Unless it was a lie?
- You've seen my arms, asshole.
- It's what happened.
- Prove it.

- J.D.!
- Come on, we don't have to talk to anyone.

- Isn't it, Cora?
- Yeah.
- Mmm-hmm. It's possible.
- It is.
- You did kill Frankie after all, didn't you?
- You couldn't control yourself, what you did.
- You killed him.

- Are you all right?
- No.
- No, I desperately need a Manhattan.
- All right. I will get you some water.
- And, if it's okay, I'm just going to say hi to J.D.
- No, no, no, no.
- Just stay for a little bit.
- Okay.

- And you heard nothing unusual?
- No.
- Detective.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.
- Can you do me a favor?
- I want to check upstairs.
- Sure.

- Package for you.
- For me?
- Yup, it's from Michigan.
- Thank you.

- I have faith that he heard you and he'll spare your sister.
- But, you have got to be stronger than this.
- I know that it's hard, but we can't give him reasons to punish us.
- One bite of this chocolate and he could take Phoebe's life.
- Okay. Show him you understand.

- Let me have your hand.
- You're gonna have to memorize this number.
- You have any trouble, you need anything, give me a call.
- Hey.
- You're gonna be all right.
- What are you doing?

Elizabeth: [to young Cora] Look at her. Do you know why she's not better? Because you're not doing your part.

Cora: [to Ambrose] Please don't give up on me.
Harry: I won't.

- But then you said you were sorry, why?
- I was sorry because...
- Because what, Detective?
- Answer the question, please.
- I...
- No further questions.

- I'm not at liberty to say.
- That's the order, coming off an incident yesterday.
- Yeah? What happened?
- I'm sorry, but that's confidential.
- Excuse me for one second.
- Yeah...

- Is that what happens when you die?
- You start over?
- In different forms.
- We're all mixed together.
- Pieces of us.
- Who taught you that?

- was in some kind of delusional state, then I'm gonna bring that to Judge Baird.
- She'll never accept that guilty plea.
- You know you only have two hours, right?
- The arraignment's at 4:00.
- Yeah. Yeah, no, I know, I know.

- It's putting people in danger-- you, for one thing.
- They came for you.
- My fault.
- That's your guilt driving you.
- More ego.
- Can you--

- What?
- Hey, Klesko, wait--
- This way, come on.
- Find his car?
- Just heard it's still at the boatyard.
- He's not down here.
- Check outside!

- I could always fill in when personal stuff comes up.
- You know, I got you, you do the same for me.
- Yeah.
- Uh, detective, we have someone here to see you.
- James Burns?

- I don't know, but... those guys, they get
- 15 bucks an hour to look at their cell phones.
- Jamie Burns?
- All right.
- You're doing the right thing.
- Come on.

- It's just one residence.
- Owner wasn't expecting anybody.
- It's all private land out here.
- And the driver?
- We're gonna need hydraulics to get him out.
- Idiot wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

- Depends on what you can live with.
- Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go.
- Julian...
- Come on, we've gotta go pick something up.
- Hey. I need a trace on this.
- Looks like he's in
- New York City.

- Her boobs are weird.
- How is anybody supposed to actually want that?
- If you weren't such a prude, maybe you'd find out.
- You're so mean sometimes.
- Well, you're annoying.
- You can go out, do anything you want, but you'd rather stay home and pretend you're a nun.

- I heard they got DNA on some Chinese guy.
- I wonder who told you that?
- I got reliable sources.
- Same one who came up with the idea of planting gloves probably.
- Look, I just--

- Yeah, it's Morris.
- Yeah, I did.
- That's right.
- No.
- No, no, no, provolone.
- Lunch.
- Yeah.

- I was back up there.
- Uh-huh.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Did your dad pick up the slack on the parenting front?
- Um, yeah...
- Not really.
- Mine neither.
- And my mom's still around doing his dishes.

- Adam and Bess are lovely, but they're...
- They're absent-minded.
- I called them about it.
- We decided that they'd pick up a few things for him along the way.
- All right, let's take a look.
- We'll find something that fits in here.

- Yeah, it's in there.
- That's all we need.
- Dad, I'm gonna go home and wash up.
- I'll meet you there, all right?
- No, no, I'm leaving too.
- I gotta say, these look good.
- Pretty soon I won't even need to come in to work.

- if you're not willing to face what happened.
- Whatever it was.
- I can't.
- Take it.
- We haven't been working for months for you to give into fear.

- Elizabeth.
- Cora's sister Phoebe was sick since birth.
- She died about a month after
- Cora left of lymphoma.
- When Cora left, where did she go?
- Did you ever file a missing persons report...
- Cora died when she left this house.

- Hi.
- You've reached Sonya Barzel.
- Please leave a message.
- Thanks.

- Where?
- The usual places.
- Show me.
- No.
- Show me how he kisses you at least.
- Cora.

- So I drove up.
- You saw her?
- I can't do this with Heather here.
- What do you mean?
- Dad.
- I can't.

- I took your advice, and I followed up.
- Look what I found.
- "Julian." It's everywhere.
- So you were the attending doctor at Julian's birth?
- Not at it.
- I was called in for the paperwork.
- Dr. Poole? Oh, my God.
- I need to show you something.

- What's the name on the agreement?
- Let's see.
- Walker, Julian.

- Do you keep sunflower seeds in the house?
- Not usually, no.
- Hey, hey!

- Ah. Let me get this.
- Is that all right?
- Put your hands outside.
- Mmm-hmm.
- How's that?
- Good.
- Okay.

- As requested, all the lakes in a
- 25 mile radius of Mosswood Grove.
- All 42 of them.
- Thank you.
- You get this from Carmen Bell?
- Yeah.
- What are we looking for, exactly?
- I'm not sure.

- More than her.
- You know.
- You know.
- Maddie, getting pregnant doesn't make you matter. You understand?
- Neither does jumping in front of a car.
- Now, go home.

- The thing is, you're...
- What somebody did to us when we were young...
- I know it wasn't our fault.
- I know we didn't do anything wrong.
- But somehow, I...
- I don't know what to do with it all.

Cora: I took Phoebe out that night, and I don't regret it. She met a boy, she fell in love, she had sex, and she died in his arms, and she was happy.

Detective: Cora, you were in love with JD. You were obsessed with him and he used you, didn't he? That's okay. I know how it feels. These men, they just screw you and toss you aside. JD left you and he went back to his real girlfriend, Maddie. You had every right to be angry. I know I would be. He was your first real boyfriend, wasn't he? You would have done anything for him. Guilt is a brutal thing. It chews people up. I see it all the time and I can see it in you.

- This is not...
- It's not any trouble at all.
- So how's the week look?
- How about Sunday morning?
- Right?
- Sure.
- All right.
- Thanks.

- You wanna tell me what that's about?
- Are you scared of me?
- Yes.
- You think I might kill you?
- How do you know
- I haven't called the police?
- Have you?

- I'm--
- I'm thinking about leaving too.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- This island,
- I'm not sure
- I can do it anymore.
- Why not?

- You choose to return to the world.
- Return to who, hmm?
- To a family that doesn't want me anymore?
- To Harry Ambrose the fucking hypocrite?
- Maybe we're all hypocrites.
- Maybe that's the only way through a life.

- That's burdock.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Good for fevers.
- Right.
- I love you so much, you know that?
- I love you more than anything in the whole world.
- Come on!
- I'm coming.
- Wait!

- and now we're pillaging?
- I'm just trying to see things as they are, Grams.
- Then why don't you start by giving up your room and your car and the food on your plate, and you'll see things as they are, hmm?
- Sean, make another pot of coffee.

- 911, what is your emergency?
- Hello?
- Is anyone there?

- No.
- Shh.
- Shh.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Brickowski.

- I even prayed for you to get sick once.
- Sicker than me.
- Just so you'd know what it's like.
- Once, I ate an entire chocolate bar because I thought it would kill you.
- Do you think they're asleep yet?
- Why?

- You know we have to be back by 6:00 a.m., right?
- I know.
- Or we're both in trouble.
- Then I have to head home.
- Come on, guys, just tell me where we're going.
- It's a secret.
- Tell me.

- J.D.'s ex.
- She hates me.
- Why?
- Because of him.
- J.D. has, has a plan.
- And she's in on it. DR.
- What's the plan?
- I don't know.
- They're not telling me.

- We go for an hour, and then you take me home.
- Please.
- Pheebs, you can't.
- You know you can't.
- You know.
- I'll start screaming and wake them up.
- I swear.

- I put together a term sheet.
- The main points are there.
- I'm sure we can figure something out.
- That'd be great.
- I don't wanna drag anything out.
- Sorry.
- Can you just give me a moment?
- Sure.
- Take your time.

- Fifty-nine.
- Oh, God.
- What?
- My wallet.
- I left it in the car.
- It's okay.
- We'll get it in the morning, okay?

- She is, isn't she?
- She needs help.
- Give her a hit.
- It'll loosen her up.
- I don't want any.
- No, you deserve to feel good.
- Come here.
- Let yourself go.
- For once.

- Because you're a giant.
- You could pluck up anybody you wanted.
- You could have anything you wanted.
- Do you even know that?
- You are so high.
- Yeah.

- Bess McTeer.
- But Julian won't stop crying.
- Why is he crying?
- Because they're going to find us.
- So I put my hand over his face just to quiet him, and he stops breathing.

- Do you really wanna bring her down into the dark with you?
- I don't want to lose her.
- What did he do to you? CJ?
- You know I can't answer that.
- I'm just a voice inside your head.

- That's not important.
- You're still hanging out with that detective.
- I think he's rubbing off on you a bit too much.
- Brandon may have been the last person to see Percy alive, and he is dead.
- It doesn't take a genius to wonder.

- You can leave the bottle.
- You get away with whatever you want, don't you?
- I got everything we need in the car.
- Are you serious?
- It's all right here.
- I really fucking hate you sometimes.

- if you're investigating anyone, it should be him.
- What the hell is the matter with you?
- Walk it off.
- Fuck you.
- Are you gonna be all right?
- You need to leave right now.
- Just go.

[first lines]
Harry: [reading from suicide note] Every day, I search for an escape from the labyrinth. Every day, the Minotaur hunts me. Running only gives the bull more power. The only way out is inward. I must accept that at the center of the labyrinth, I will not face the Minotaur, but myself. I am the Minotaur. I am hunting myself.

- A table of guys kept buying drinks.
- I had one.
- I blacked out.
- Like, totally out.
- Next day, I woke up in a Walmart parking lot sitting in the passenger seat of my own car.
- I was totally naked.
- Anyway, they fired me the next week.

- Let's just make it happen.
- I don't see how this situation falls under our responsibility.
- 'Cause it's on me.
- If he does something tonight, it's all on me.

- All right, one.
- Tickets, please.
- Thank you very much.
- You got a problem, bro?

- I saw you earlier, and you told me someone was trying to reach me.
- Man, I'm really pretty fried.
- Please, just...
- Any amount of time you have.
- Please.
- All right, come upstairs.
- Thanks.

- If you knew what a piece of shit I was, you never would've wanted me...
- Stop. Stop that.
- Was it J.D.? Did he get you hooked on it?
- Mason, please, please stop with J.D.
- I'll stop when you start talking to me a little bit. Was it him?
- Nothing?

- Right.
- Of a water tower.
- Maybe of a night, where maybe something happens to her that maybe made her kill some dude.
- I'm not getting Lyme disease from all these "maybes."
- So you can pick me up after you do all this.
- There you go.
- Okay.

- My mother says that
- I'm not guilty.
- But I know that I am.
- I did it.
- I did it.
- It's more complicated than that.
- Can we go?

- I gave the tea to them.
- Where are all of
- Julian's things?
- Oh, my God.
- What kind of parents go on a trip and don't pack a bag for their kid?
- The boy who was taken into custody,
- I need to know where he's being held.
- I'm his mother.

- Why don't you ever tell me where we're going?
- Because you don't need to know.
- We have to pull over for a sec.
- Why?
- What do you mean?
- Just pull over, J.D., please.
- Is somebody going to puke?
- Please don't.
- Please. We'll be fast.

- What are you doing?
- When your father gets out, he should sleep at home.

- Revisiting trauma can be destabilizing.
- I wanna try it.
- This is like a guided meditation.
- I'm going to be talking to you throughout.
- You just let the images come to you, and we'll see what happens.

- What's this?
- My apology. Tea?
- Hmm.

- I don't blame you for not trusting me.
- Whatever you find,
- I'd appreciate you coming to me first.

- Look, I'll drive you home, or you can spend the night on the couch, but you are not walking out of here tonight.
- What?
- You worried about me?
- Yeah.
- Whatever you say.
- I'll get some sheets.

- I was in Cape Coral once.
- I remember the air there.
- It was thick.
- Felt like silk.
- I wish I was there now.
- Me, too.
- We could go.

- Come on.
- Stay close.

- Well, you're in luck.
- I've got some pancakes working.
- Come on down.
- Oh, my God, did you just see that?
- He was so freaked out about us being in bed together.
- Unbelievable.
- What?

- I did it.
- I did it.
- It's more complicated than that.
- When do you stop being guilty?
- When is it over?
- I'm not sure.

- There's someone
- I want you to meet.
- You wanna come?
- Yeah. Sure.
- Marin, I think we should go.
- Just give me a minute.
- Marin.

Lorna: [to Mason] You know, your father and I have been talking, and we think it's a good idea if maybe we left town. For... for Laine's sake and for yours.
Mason: What are you talking about?
Lorna: She's killing our business, Mason. We've lost five accounts already. Our friends aren't even calling us.
Mason: I'm not going anywhere. Neither is Laine. Can you just please go inside before I lose it?

- And I killed them.
- Hey.
- You didn't know.

- About what I might do?
- Both.
- Are you gonna show him these pictures?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because this is about you and me.
- Will you take off your clothes?

- Hey.
- If you're too tired, we don't have to.
- No. You look nice.

- How'd your painting go today?
- Nice redirect.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry.
- I have to stop thinking about Jamie Burns.
- Are you here?
- Now I am.

- It just gets worse, doesn't it?
- The more you learn.
- Maybe you're just actually on a beach somewhere where no one can get to you.
- Running never solves anything.
- For you especially.

- There's nothing on Osborn Road except for this one place.
- At least 30 other people live there.
- It was a retreat center that went out of business in the '90s, and then these people bought it and tried to turn it into some kind of utopian community or something.
- It's called Mosswood Grove.

- Where is he?
- Dr. Poole.

- I want her to work with Glen tonight.
- See to it that it happens.
- How's Julian?
- Good.
- Is he healthy?
- Yes, I think so.
- That boy's gonna change everything.
- You'll see.

- Your mother couldn't do that for you, could she?
- Never even touched you.
- What do you want?
- Say it.
- Just say it now.
- You'll never say it.
- Say it.
- What?

- We need some security, but it's got to be quiet and at a distance.
- A threat to himself or to others?
- Both.
- We need to detain him as soon as possible.
- I'll tell the doctor.

- to a secure psychiatric facility.
- Her case will be reviewed every two years, with the possibility of release if she's determined no longer to be a danger to herself or others.
- Please rise.

- This isn't just...
- You didn't always pay me, you know?
- Okay.
- Hey.
- I don't want to do this anymore.
- I'm serious.
- That's it. We're done.

- but if you want to change that you can go to www-dot...
- Uh... I can't read my writing, sorry.
- But, uh, you can Google it.
- So that's all for now.
- Say hi to Eli, uh...
- Uh, talk soon.

- or you're going to wear yourself out.
- I'll just stay a bit longer, okay?
- Okay, I think maybe five minutes...
- Yeah, yeah, I got it.
- I got it.
- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Uh, what looks good today?
- I just got a haul of mackerel in this morning.
- Oh, great.
- I'll take two pounds of that, please.
- That'll be $22.95.
- Thanks for coming in today.
- Thank you.

- Go to hell.
- Where you going?
- It's okay. Get some rest, all right?
- I'll be back.

- Hey.
- Hey, honey.
- Hey, baby.
- He's so big.

- someone made her?
- I wondered that.
- It was like, there was this other side of her, this dark side, and it just won't let her go.

- and tell me someone didn't poison her mind with that shit.
- It wasn't me.
- What it was is you filled her head with what you wanted, and you couldn't stand to share her with somebody else.
- No.
- No!

- Mommy?
- Mommy?
- Mommy?

- All right, ladies.
- Let's go inside.
- Come on, everybody.

- A pile of sand.
- What's in the pile of sand?
- I see my father.
- I see my father.
- And then?
- What do you want to do?

- Welcome to my day.
- Let's forget about the party.
- I'm gonna take you home.
- But you already borrowed the truck and everything.
- I don't care.
- All right?
- You're coming home with me.

- We killed him.
- No.
- Bo used to work for us, and we took him one night on our boat.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I am not lying anymore!

- Okay?
- You know it's true.
- Tell him what you saw.
- He's listening.
- Mike, what did you see?
- They took his boat out a lot, just the two of them.
- Where are you going?

- But if it's easier to move on... for him, for both of you.
- We're going to come back next week and every Thursday after that.
- That's what we're going to do.
- Okay?

- Hey.
- Is it just you?
- Is anyone else here?

- You see those white pine across there?
- They got a blight.
- An ecosystem out of balance.
- Other side.
- Okay. Please face forward again.
- I need to see your hands.
- Put them out there.

- Uh-huh.
- Help me.
- Thanks.
- I didn't do very much.
- You're pretty steady on your own.
- Well, one of us had to make the first move.

- To the beginning.
- What does that mean?
- Julian?
- Julian, help me understand.
- Uh...
- Julian?

- and I went with Colin to pick her up.
- You went, too?
- Let it go.
- If you're investigating anyone, it should be him.
- I think this case is bringing out a really ugly side of you.

- You're right.
- We should go.
- Really, I--
- You're right.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I think it's better for both of us, huh?

- Julian Walker will spend four years at New Horizons...
- Subject to review in three.
- Court is adjourned.
- Hey. You did it.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Yeah, he's...
- He's so close to you, it's like he's attached to you.
- He's a... pear.
- Prickly pear, prickly pear...
- No, not now.

- Yeah, kinda.
- So once we get to the club, we only got a half hour and then we gotta head back.
- That's all we got.
- What if I don't remember anything?
- Yeah.

- Do it!
- Do it!
- What are you waiting for?
- I...
- What are you wait...
- Fuck you!
- Aah!
- Run! Down the driveway.
- Find a house!

- Eli?
- Eli?

- We can't track 'em all down across Canada.
- There's an unknown number on Verne Novak's phone.
- It's somebody else local who Verne was working with.
- I call and call, and no one picks up.
- You want me to trace the address.

- It's the only way.
- Nick did the same thing for me.
- Hey.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, you're okay.
- You're okay.
- Hey, hey.

- Thanks.
- How is it out there?
- What do you mean?
- It's freedom.
- You should try it sometime.
- All right.

- a part of me did want to hurt her.
- But when I saw her fall and the cut on her head, it was so bad.
- No.
- No, I could never do that.
- I could never hurt her.

- I don't--you know, it's not really about teaching.
- Just tell me how to start.
- Well... you gotta respect the ocean.
- Can't overfish.
- Like me and my family?
- Yeah.

- I can send them to you so you can, I dunno, check for whatever it is that you're looking for.
- Yeah.
- If you wouldn't mind.
- Yep.
- Well, I'll go now if that's-- if that's all.
- Okay.

- But like a protector.
- He wants... yeah, he doesn't want you to be afraid anymore.
- Why are you so afraid?
- Because...
- I feel like
- I'm gonna lose everything.

- I'm just saying what's true, all right?
- Show some respect for my son's memory.
- Just because he's dead doesn't mean he wasn't screwing half of Hanover, all right?
- Kat!
- She lost her son.

- You saw
- J.D. lying there?
- Yeah.
- Do they know who did it?
- I think the police are looking for 'em now.
- I don't know.

- We were having fun.
- You screw me in the photo lab and then you wouldn't look at me in public.
- So, no, no, that wasn't fun.
- This is some crazy, illegal shit you're pulling.
- Okay? You could get...
- You could get me fired and get yourself killed, so just stop!

- She was a natural on the boats.
- So you two were friends, huh?
- No, just, um, came to pay my respects.
- The Muldoons would notice if I didn't.

- And not many of them are gonna listen.
- Now...
- Now is when I can help you.
- If you try to tell me.
- My mother...
- What about your mother?

- Thanks.
- Hi.
- I wanted to ask you something.
- Yeah, I heard.
- You nervous about the trial?
- 'Cause I can lay it out for you.

- Hmm.
- Almond. Roca. Buttercrunch.
- Incredible.
- You can buy them at Dory Mates' seafood shop.
- You will lose your mind.
- Don't be a stranger.
- Drop me a line sometime.

- Hello?
- You're getting low on milk, Harry.
- Might wanna pick some up.
- Where's Eli?
- If you wanna see him, come alone.

- You awake yet?
- Eventually, it all catches up with you, Harry.
- Oh, God.

- All the good and bad inside that we try to hide.
- We shine a light on that shadow.
- The guy. Back at the dorms with the ponytail.
- I saw him at the motel when we went to speak to the manager.
- This whole trip-to-Niagara-Falls story is a hoax.

- assuming you're right, what would you do about it?
- If you were me.
- I'd accept the help I'm offered.
- You mean confess.
- Yeah.

- Mom, I got some!
- Mom?

- Yeah.
- ♪ When will you come home?
- ♪ What did you find?
- ♪ Ain't got a friend
- ♪ In a world like this
- ♪ There is a fortress

- I wish I could just live in your body for one night.
- Drive it all over town.
- I wish you could, too.
- Though I don't think I would make it back in one piece.
- But it would be a night to remember.

- and decide which old lady's identity to steal.
- I didn't give a shit about anyone.
- But once everything
- I had was gone, that's when I could hear his voice, right there in my ear.
- What did he say? He said,
- "Stop beating yourself up."
- Confess your sins.
- Surrender.

- There's still time.
- You can get on that boat and leave right now.

- I have no idea. I don't know.
- She needs to get off the grounds.
- It's okay. I've got her.
- It's okay. Come on.
- It was only a dream.
- It was only a dream.

- Well, we can't.
- You definitely can't.
- Yeah, it's really intense.
- Phoebe. What are you doing?
- That could kill you.
- Too late now.

- If you don't stop, you're gonna end up doing what I did.
- Maybe that's what I deserve.
- He's not turning.
- Brandon?
- Oh, my God.
- He took a bullet in the back of his head.

- You've already been doing it.
- It's me.
- When do you stop being guilty?
- When is it over?
- I'm not sure.
- Marin?

- Oh, God, this is crazy.
- I can do it.
- Just let me.
- Are you not entertained?
- Come on.

Harry: [to Detective Farmer] What's this about you offering a deal to Cora Tannetti? Seems a little early, doesn't it to try to pin the Jane Doe on her? We don't have a cause of death yet.
Detective: It's not early if I get her confession.
Harry: That sounds like coercion.
Detective: You know, I wasn't gonna say anything, but I wonder if maybe you're a little too close on this.
Harry: Too close?
Detective: Secret meetings in back of County. You do that with all your defendants or just the ones that look like Cora Tannetti?

- He could be fine.
- W-where are you going?
- I'm going where that phone was.
- Call me with any tracking updates.
- Okay, I'll get Detective Jones at NYPD on board too.

- Adam woke up and he took me to the breakfast bar.
- Can you tell me what you did there?
- Yes.
- I ate breakfast.
- And I went back to the room.
- What about the tea you made?

- What did you tell him?
- Nothing. I told him...
- I told him you cared about Marin.
- I told him you were fine.
- So now he has a problem with me and he calls my dad.
- He called me as a friend.
- Don't get bent out of shape.

- Where they charge
- $30 for... a salad.
- I'd pay 30 bucks...
- If you were working there.
- You know, at my women's group, we talk there.
- About what's happening, how we're feeling.
- It's such a relief to me.
- Could you speak directly to Harry like we've been doing?

- Whatever it is, it's going to be okay.
- I just want to go.
- I'm not going home to that house, to that bed.
- This is what's left here for me.
- What does that mean?

- Yeah.
- They're charging you with resisting arrest.
- I expect they're gonna hold you overnight before they release you.
- None of that matters right now.
- I need you to go find Terry and give him a message.
- Tell him to go see
- The Grey Daughters.

- I got scallops for our last supper and a pound of shrimp, so I hope you're hungry.
- I think I overbought.

- Are you fucking with me?
- Is this a joke?
- What?
- No.
- I can't do this.
- Hey.
- Just...sit.
- Just sit.

- What's she doing?
- Look, someone's there.
- She's scared.

- I'm going to find a witness who was there.
- Now we have a motive.
- You have a defense.
- Okay. Come on.
- You're going to be okay.

- I'm not leaving her with you, and if you touch me,
- I'm calling the cops.
- What?
- I can't...
- I can't sleep with you in this house.
- I need you to go.

- I'm a...
- And I'm, I'm a kid.
- It left me.
- I'm sorry. I'm not sure why this is coming up.
- It's okay. The mind makes associations, like in a dream.
- It doesn't always make sense.
- Try going back to that night.

- Get that out of the way!
- Got a second crate!
- Watch it. Coming through.

- You can stay here as long as you like, okay?
- Thank you.
- What happened to you out there?
- It doesn't matter.
- It matters more than you think.
- And it doesn't matter at all.

- What's that?
- A knife wound.
- That happened at least three days ago, though.
- They dusted the phone for fingerprints.
- Didn't find any, which is impossible...
- Unless someone wiped the phone clean.
- Okay.

- You're late.
- Sorry.
- Couldn't find the gloves.
- We're on Colin's boat?
- Yeah.
- Taking in some traps today.
- Team effort.

- Shut up.
- It's true. Admit it.
- Jeez, you're a mess.
- Let's get you in the car.
- Sorry. She just invited herself, and she wouldn't let it go.
- Doesn't matter.
- After tonight, you're free, right?

- We prefer to help him.
- People deserve a second chance.
- Will we get to see that area?
- What is it by the way?
- That's our garden.
- You support yourselves with that?
- We grow most of what we need.

- You went down in the hull.
- You... left me alone for, what, ten minutes?
- I trusted you.
- Grams, you realize
- I was seven.
- You were ready.
- That Muldoon blood of yours knew exactly what to do.

- With the slightest problem, you call me, okay?
- I'll be tracking your phone.
- If you don't hear from me by the time you wake up, come find me.
- Wait, not until then?
- Are you sure?
- I'll be all right.

- Really?
- How do you not remember that?
- Those years are...
- It was all kind of a wash,
- I guess.
- Harry, there was an explosion.
- People remember explosions.

- Now, you've got a window of opportunity, right now.
- This is when I can do the most to help you.
- And I can get you the best possible outcome with a plea deal.
- You just have to tell me what happened.
- What really happened.

- You just watch me and follow.
- You're fucking crazy.
- No such thing.
- Right?
- Your words, remember?
- Stop the car.
- Stop the car, or I will fucking jump.

- Try to find a moment of pleasure.
- I'm kissing J.D.
- And?
- And he tastes like gasoline.
- Where are you?
- We're at the bar.
- By the Taproom.

- Your hands.
- You were washing me.
- Like a ritual, or...
- Like a... like a baptism?
- Yeah, yeah.
- That's closer.
- It made me feel calm.

- You're such a bad father.
- The worst.

- If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you.
- You have the right not to answer any questions without an attorney present.
- Do you understand these rights that I have just read to you, sir?
- Yes.

- Like not trusting my sons?
- So what's your plan?
- I'm not sure.
- Well, you can't just be running around out there--
- Here...
- Okay.
- Hold on.

- He did this to you?
- No.
- I was standing in the wrong place by the rock.
- And he was so deep in it,
- I didn't want to stop him.
- I get it now.
- It's part of my work, too.
- You taught me that.

- We don't know what they're gonna do to you there.
- They'll put you in jail.
- Or in a home.
- I know.
- They won't let me be your mother.
- I know.

Harry: [about Cora murdering Frankie Belmont] She attacks him in public, and there are knife wounds all over the place. That's an impulse killing; it's emotional; that's why this doesn't make any sense.

- What happens when we get to Pittsburgh?
- Some friends of mine are gonna pick us up and drive us all the way to Washington, to that place
- I was telling you about.
- We'll be surrounded by the biggest trees you've ever seen.

- The only deposits like that are on the south side of the island at Marblehead Point.
- That's over by where we found Percy's car, right?
- South side?
- Uh, yeah, that's right.

- I guess I won't be getting there, will I? Pheebs.
- Don't say that. One more round, then you're back on your feet.
- Never really been on my feet, Dad.
- Everything will be fine because you are a miracle.
- Do you have plans tonight, dear sister?
- No. Of course not.
- It's your birthday.

- You have to leave us alone.
- Marin, just come back.
- I'm on your side.
- I know Julian's your son. I know what you've been through.
- No, you don't.

- Leave me alone.
- Leave me alone.
- Go away.
- Please go away.
- Leave me alone.

- If I answer yes, what will you do?
- You'll keep me here against my will?
- Is that what this is about?
- This is about getting you the help that you asked for.
- That's all.
- Is it?
- Have you had urges to hurt others?

- All right.
- Is it the same on the other arm?
- Can you show me?

- What was down there with you?
- I was at dinner.
- My family... my father... stayed in the bathroom, wouldn't come out.
- Are you two estranged?
- That's a nice way to put it.

- But I could never get rid of this pain.
- What pain?
- Of missing you.
- I thought about you all the time.
- How you were.
- Who you were.

- Yeah.
- How old are you?
- I'm 18.
- You from around here?
- Yeah, from Keller.
- Oh, good.
- So, why don't you come over here and sit with me?

- You tired?
- Sleep.
- I'll be back.

- What was that?
- I don't know.
- I don't know.
- My God. Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm okay.

- Whoa!
- You never stop.
- It's almost like you want to die.
- I found something.
- I'll clean you up in my office.
- She brought him here.
- What do we do?

- What, you don't feel me?
- Is that it, you don't feel it?
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- You want to feel something?
- You want to feel something?
- You want to feel me, bitch?
- You want to feel me?
- Go ahead, feel me!

Harry: [to Cora] So you believed what your mother told you, that you sold yourself for drugs, you had the scars, you went through something terrible and then you blamed yourself. You spent a lot of years blaming yourself, haven't you? And that story that you believed, was not true. None of that that you thought you went through, was true.
Cora: Then what happened to me?

- He likes to bring his buddy.
- Two of them?
- How does that work?
- At the same time?
- My tips don't exactly buy me new brake pads.
- Don't tell me you're jealous.
- Maybe.

- Say it.
- Oblivion.

- Haven't, like, 17 people died over the years?
- That's because they didn't know what they were doing.
- There's rocks everywhere down there.
- Come on.
- Jamie.
- Come on.
- Shit.

- There.
- There she is.
- Okay, it's 2:52.
- That's about five minutes before I saw her.

- Stop.
- You're in love.
- It doesn't matter.
- It'll be easier when I'm gone.
- Don't say that. You're not going anywhere.
- And neither am I.

- How is that possible?
- It just started happening.
- It doesn't work like that.
- I let him latch sometimes.
- It keeps him calm.
- What am I supposed to do, let him cry?
- Come on, she needs to rest.

- Stop that.
- What?
- You're staring.
- He is staring at me.
- So what?
- Marin, that's your mother's.
- Well, yeah.
- Exactly. Good riddance.

- Ah!
- Ugh!
- God!
- Gah!

- Doesn't that stand for prosperity or something?
- Oh, very good.
- 'Cause you see, when white people see "The Golden Fish," they just think of fried food, right?
- Golden fried fish.
- See? This one is the marketing expert.

- That's the math on this.
- All I heard was missing women, drug addicts, sexual allegation, and a private club.
- Nothing about the one question that matters, which is, "Why did Cora
- Tannetti kill Frankie Belmont?"
- I don't know.

Adult: No, listen. You are waiting for him to ride up and choose you. That's not your game because you're a giant. You could, you could fuck up anybody you wanted. You could have anything you wanted. Do you even know that?

- b-because that's what we are.
- You have to look death in the face, and once you do, once you pass through this, trust me, Jamie... you'll be free.
- And I'll be right there with you.

- Well, it's not too bad though.
- I can still work, and...
- I noticed, though, the cold makes it a little sore.
- I pulled out all my winter clothes last week.
- I couldn't hold out any longer.
- You look good despite the beating you had.

- Tell me what you remember.
- Please.
- Tell me what you remember.

- What the hell are they doing?
- We are so sorry.
- We know we're trespassing.
- We're really sorry.
- It was a mistake.
- We'll leave.
- Marin.
- Come sit with us.

- Need a break?
- I think we're good now.
- Yeah, we are.
- Nice job.
- Your hand...

- Here we go round the prickly pear at five o'clock in the morning.
- You miss this.
- Admit it.
- You couldn't take it last time.
- How do I know you won't bail on me this time?

- Get out of the car.
- Get out of the car.

- What is this shit?
- You're telling me someone didn't poison her mind with that shit?
- That wasn't Percy.
- Somebody had control over her.
- The ancient lunar goddess is represented by the ouroboros... a snake swallowing its own tail.

- out here right away.
- What? Are you serious?
- It's 142 Goose Rock.
- Hey, the police aren't gonna help you.
- The night she died the Muldoon girl went to the cops.
- And you saw how well that turned out for her.

- Because what?
- He didn't want me hitting the fence.
- And he took it.
- He's taller than me, so I couldn't reach it.
- And then what happened?
- Julian? What happened?

- I'm the same person you met 15 years ago.
- I love you.
- I have loved you since the day I met you.
- And I will never hurt you or our son.
- You can't be here.
- You can't be here.

- you took up all my strength.
- That's why she's so sick.
- You think he knew her?
- And then he let her kill him.
- Having in mind the rights which were just read to you, will you be entering a plea?

- No.
- Don't.
- Look at you.
- Don't do that.
- Shh.
- Don't do that.
- Don't.
- Why don't you love me?
- Don't...
- Shit.

- We are family.
- And as family,
- I'm telling you, let this go and move on.
- That's what I had to do.
- I recommend you do the same.
- Now, I'm going back to enjoy my grandkid.

- Fuck.
- Oh, God.
- Z, E...
- G.

- My father.
- He's not with us anymore.
- What's in the box?
- Some of his things.
- Why don't you open it?
- Aren't you hungry?

- you know what I mean?
- Cheers.
- Looks like you're getting some traction over there.
- Mm.
- You gonna make a move?
- Getting there.
- Yeah?
- Okay.

- I usually even wonder if nature notices us at all.
- I think she does.
- Yeah, all the time.
- Well, my time's up.
- You have a good one.
- Yeah, you too.

- She says she didn't step inside.
- She didn't move the bodies?
- I just said she didn't step inside.
- I was just making sure, Brick.
- I'm gonna ask questions more than once.
- All right.

- You all right?
- Where am I?
- Those stolen license numbers, they were all from colleagues of Dr.
- Belmont.
- J.D. was blackmailing him all along.

- Every single thing he expects of us, listen to me.
- Every single thing he expects of us, we have to do.
- Do you understand?
- Do you?
- Yes.
- It's the only way she'll live.

- Kid's underwear?
- No.
- T-shirt, socks?
- Oh, my God.
- What kind of parents go on a trip and don't pack a bag for their kid?
- What were they planning on doing with him?

- You didn't call Lou, did you?
- Josh.
- Josh, stop the car.
- Stop the car.
- Just hold on a minute.
- I told you
- I could provide evidence.
- Trust me.
- You don't want to do that.

- I should...
- What?
- I'm sorry.
- This... this isn't fair.
- I-I gotta...
- I'm sorry.

- For $10.
- You know that spot?
- Yeah, it's one of a few tiny islands off Riverport.
- You couldn't even build a house on it.
- It's mostly just rock.

- You're just peaking!
- Breathe. Look at me. Breathe.
- I want to go home.
- We can't just ask everybody to turn around now.
- Just let me get my bag.
- We didn't even think about that.

- I'm not good at talking.
- Yeah.
- Me neither.
- Everyone assumes we start out in the same place.
- But we don't.

- Thank you.
- Why me?
- After all these years, you never looked at me.
- Why now?
- I--I couldn't see you before.
- And now I can.

- Why?
- I haven't slept in two years.
- Point to the first thing that you notice, that you're drawn to.
- Don't think.
- Is that wrong?

- Hey.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Take him.
- Is he okay?
- Hi, baby.
- Okay, okay.

- This whole time.
- You think I haven't been trying, but that's all I do.
- I'm always trying.
- I know.
- And I hope it gets easier for you.
- I really do.

- anytime you speak with him.
- Is he speaking?
- He did start talking this morning.
- Said his name was Julian.
- He's still in shock.
- Hasn't been answering many questions.

- Giving me love...
- Are you coming?

- So, how do you know Jordan?
- You know, I forgot how.
- Just from around, you know.
- We know a lot of the same people in common.
- So, what exactly did you want?
- Oh, yeah, just blow. Yeah.
- Maybe three, if you got it.
- Okay, stay here.
- No problem.

- Where are they?
- What? I can't hear you.
- No, how long?
- I don't know, like... minutes?
- Isn't anybody closer?
- What?
- Closer?
- You're brea... Can't hear...

- Dr. Poole.
- Dr. Poole.
- Hello.

- Are you all right?
- This isn't the place.
- This is the basement.
- You're not getting anything?
- No. I'm trying. But I just can't make it happen.

- Why that spot, do you think?
- Something happened to her down there?
- I don't know what.
- At some point, you started to talk to her and thinking you could help her, right?
- She's the one who started it.

- The reason is, the suspect, he's young.
- Really young.
- Like, maybe, 11 years old.
- Honestly, I have a lot of eyes on me with this one.
- I don't wanna make the wrong call.
- Anything you can do to help.
- Detective Ambrose?

- I'm so sorry.
- Why?
- Why?
- Why'd you do it?
- Say something.
- Say something.

- And the pipe and the wood... that come from your place?
- No.
- Yeah, I-I need a forensics team out at 20 Blue Point Road.
- I-it's a different site.
- I'll meet 'em at the residence.

- I have 50-some people to interview on this case, and I've got my process.
- So just hold tight.
- Someone's going to come in and take your statement and swab you for your DNA, all right?
- Thanks again for coming in.

- You trying to get me locked up?
- Let's go someplace and talk.
- Jamie!
- Couldn't hold him.
- He's out there.
- He's gonna do something.
- We have to find him.

- So it wasn't fishing trips.
- Any idea what it was?
- My job is to monitor the docks, not what people do out there.
- Just stay off the boats, okay?
- Sure, okay.

- What?
- Let's go! Let's go!

- this guy attacked my father.
- So...
- You went for revenge?
- No.
- I just went there to tell him to back off, and that's all.
- Were you armed?
- Yes.

- How many Caleb Walkers did Caitlin find in the area?
- Five. And we're narrowing it down.
- There we go.
- Uno, dos. Let's go.
- You know what?
- Uh, you go ahead to the car.
- I forgot something.
- I'll meet you out front.
- Sure.

- It's like a war back and forth with these traps.
- Keep telling my boys they gotta stop--
- Now, this is strange.
- Brandon knows better than that.
- Hey, pull me some slack.
- All right.

- and sits on your chest.
- Have you ever been visited by her?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- You were going to show me the work.
- This way.

- I know how hard that's made things for you.
- I'm sorry that I've been so difficult.
- No, no, no.
- Why don't you crash here tonight?
- Get something to eat, have a bath.
- Get out of that stinky uniform.

- Hey, you know what?
- I know a place.
- Yeah?
- Let's go.
- Hell, yes, hell, yes!
- Yes.
- Hey.
- Uncle Harry for the blowout!
- Aw, come on, Uncle Harry, come on.

- We do, too.
- It's just gone far enough.
- Far enough to make you want to close it down.
- Like I said, we're grateful for your help.

- Who knows what Marin needed?
- It's not your fault.
- All right.
- These are going away now.
- Come on.
- There's not enough room for ice cream on my table.
- And I want ice cream.

- Tracy was gonna take the lead on this.
- I must have missed it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Please follow the directions on page one of your packets.
- You have exactly one hour and 45 minutes starting now.
- May I have a word with you outside?

- You know, I bought these things for us to go in the water with them.
- You do know that, right?
- Yeah. This is... This is my kind of tubing right here.
- Hmm.

- It doesn't matter.
- We need to talk to him.
- Julian?
- Julian?
- It's okay. It's okay.
- Detective, she's not the mother.
- It's all right.

- Harry, saving my son isn't gonna save you.
- What's that mean?
- Harry.
- We got something.
- What?
- What is it?

- What are you saying?
- What is that?
- It's T.S. Eliot.
- "The Hollow Men."
- Nick would always say it.
- It's about fear, I guess.
- How we circle and circle what we want, but never reach for it.

- Keller PD.
- This way.

- To find some kind of relief.
- And that's what you did with Nick.
- I want to show you.
- It won't be easy for either of us.
- But it's the only way you can really understand.
- Show me.

- Take this off, I wanna see.
- I've never done this before.
- Ever.
- Where did you come from?
- I'm sorry. No, no, no.
- You're incredible.

Cora's: [in a hateful tone] You're disgusting.

- One more thing.
- That's all right.
- I gotcha.
- I'm here.
- Breathe, breathe.
- Okay.
- Come on, you're okay now.
- Here.
- Here, here, here.

- There's the Keyser clunker.
- What the hell?
- He's not turning.
- Brandon?
- Hey!
- There's no one behind the wheel!

- Do you know if that person's name was Valerie?
- I've never seen that before.
- She must have written this after our ritual.
- Do you think you can push someone to suicide?
- I know you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
- Then why are you still here?

Harry: Look, we all have dark thoughts. We learn how to live with them. Alright? We contain them.

- They're not responding.
- I'm going in.
- We need to hold for tactical.
- There's a kid in the car.
- Detective.
- Harry.
- Harry!

- He's your guy.
- And you know it.
- We realize that you've taken your personal time to help us.
- We really appreciate it.
- And thank you, Lou.
- Good night, gentlemen.

- Why can't we just tell Judge
- Baird what happened to me?
- We need a witness, or your story doesn't hold up.
- My sentencing is tomorrow.
- I know.
- I'm sorry.

- She called me on this phone.
- I need a ping right away.
- These are exigent circumstances, we've got a missing child.
- Come on.
- Come on, we're here.

- Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?
- Marin was a friend of mine.
- I just...
- I wanted to be sure before I said anything.
- All right.
- Let me look into it.

- Tell me.
- It looked like he recognized her.
- When he saw who it was, he let her go.
- You think he knew her?
- And then he let her kill him.

- No.
- You've been painting me?
- I have been trying.
- Though with you, it's difficult to know how.
- Why?
- I'm not sure.
- I think it's because you're not in control.

- and that if you plead guilty, you are, from this point forward, waiving your right to a trial?
- Yes.
- Do you realize, in light of a guilty plea, you'll be sentenced in two weeks' time, with no right to appeal?
- Mrs. Tannetti?

- Do not... Don't!
- Don't... Don't!

- You think that's hot.
- Well... kind of.
- Really?
- Really.
- Like, really hot?
- Like, really hot.

- Promises you things before they even know you.
- Is that something your mother told you?
- My mother can read minds.
- She told me all about you.
- Did she tell you to change your story?
- I don't want to talk anymore.

- What's that you got?
- A book.
- Well, that's good, huh?
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Sorry we missed the earlier train.
- Oh, it's okay, you know.
- You made it here.
- Off we go.
- Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!

- Daddy, your honor here.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- All right...
- Right here?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
- Hey.
- Okay, okay, okay.

- No, you're not.
- You have a child now.
- You're going to have to get better for him.
- Hey.
- It's like Nick infected me.
- I didn't want it, but now
- I can't get it out of me.

- All right, why don't you just go home, all right?
- Go home?
- Go home?
- Fuck you.
- This is harassment.
- Do you want me to arrest you?
- Go home.
- Go.

- I gotta finish up here.
- CJ, what happened to him?
- No one wants you to do this.
- I'm on your side.
- Then listen to me.
- Stop.

- When did you realize
- Julian was missing?
- 4:40, maybe 4:45 a.m.
- None of the other kids saw anything?
- Nobody saw him leave?
- Everybody was asleep.

- Hi. What's up?
- That was kind of loud.
- Was it?
- Yeah.
- Shit, I'm sorry. I--
- What are you doing here?
- Um, I need to talk to you.

- She was sick.
- Mom?
- Sometimes she was quiet.
- Sometimes she was the opposite.
- It would come out of nowhere.
- I wanted it to stop.

- What do you feel?
- I don't know.
- A dead tree?
- Try to feel its pulse.
- It's like listening.

- Just go.
- What do you mean?
- You should forget what I said and go to college.
- Seriously, just go.
- But what about everything you said?
- You shouldn't listen to me.
- I don't know anything anymore.

- Nick just gave me the words for it.
- Felt how?
- Like we're all living the wrong way.
- Nobody seems to care.
- And you felt that way with me too?
- I...

- It was private.
- It was mine.
- I didn't have to tell you.
- I chose to.
- There's a difference.
- Oh, I get it.
- This is how it goes.
- You want everyone else to tell you everything while you say nothing.

- I did.
- And he's fine.
- Hey.
- He's fine, okay?
- He's a big boy.
- He...
- It's okay.

- He found something.
- They're still together.
- 11:00 p.m.
- This was after the stabbing.
- What the hell?
- I-is he coaxing him to jump?

- I hope you recognize this place.
- I have a right to call my lawyer.
- Sir, we're asking you to step outside!
- No, I won't step out...
- It's okay.
- Go ahead.
- Take a look around.

- I left.
- That's all right.
- I knew what you were going through.
- Hard time.
- Seventeen years old.
- No siblings.
- Your parents gone.
- I mean, how do you know where to put that pain?

- And the girl freaked.
- She walked out into traffic.
- The baby died.
- I don't really care what happened before me. Listen.
- I'm trying to help you.
- Whatever you want from him, a husband, a family, a nice little house, he's not going to give it to you.

- I can't help you.
- You're no different than I am, you know.
- Don't start thinking you are.
- Get off my property, before I have you arrested for trespassing.
- Hey, Eli, come on out here.

- I know a couple guys that run with him sometimes.
- Okay.
- You think you can just hook me up with him?
- Why do you want to mess with him?
- I just want to meet him, you know. Work stuff, maybe.
- You think you can introduce me?

Adult: [to Cora] See the ring? He's married, that's why he wants to meet up somewhere discreet. Thousand bucks just to meet up no strings attached.
Cora: He looks creepy.
Adult: So? Get some money up front. If you don't like him, walk away. And if you do like him, we got ourselves a sugar daddy, Cora. Cora, come on, please? We're so close. I can't take it here much longer.

- Your whole life, you've been looking for it.
- And it's been right here all along.
- You don't have to do anything to prove yourself.
- You don't have to be anything you're not.
- You already belong.
- You always have.

- "on Bazegw Cliff to appease a vengeful God.
- "Miraculously, the cod returned for everyone but De Paor."
- Another story of male overreach.
- He must've been hungry.
- Come on.

- The minute you do, though,
- I gotta tell you, things get ugly.
- You go down a long road.
- A bumpier road.
- And it doesn't bring you anywhere different.
- Think about it.
- I'll be back.

- The medics moved her in here last night.
- She's stable now.
- I'll move her to an interview room.
- You can talk with her there.
- I was off base last time we spoke, and I'm sorry.
- I heard about last night.
- Would you show me?

- I don't see him.
- Well, that's where he is.
- He hasn't moved.
- I know where he is.

- buried deep in the heart of the
- Weehawken Forest Preserve.
- While authorities have yet to confirm if Ms. Tannetti is responsible for this death, they were apparently led to the crime scene by information she provided.
- Hey, Mom.

- I-I just wanted to talk.
- Phones, emails...
- That's no way to communicate.
- But when someone reaches out after 18 years?
- After totally cutting you out... you want to look them in the eye while they try to explain themselves.

- Hello?
- Mr. Burns.
- This is Detective Jones, NYPD.
- I need to run a few more questions by you today.
- Are you available?
- Sure.

- Babe?
- Oh, thanks.
- Hi.
- Card in there.

- They got TV cameras following them every minute of the day because of you.
- And they're in pain.
- And you're just gonna leave them there, for the rest of their lives, with no explanation for what you did?
- Is that what you want?
- I met Frankie on July third.

- How do you know Frankie?
- Stop it! Stop it!
- I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you!
- Where she hit me?
- Same exact places on Frankie Belmont.
- She's repeating what she did on that beach.
- She doesn't even know it.

- Then on her way back...
- No juice.
- The car dies.
- She's stuck.
- Then she walks from here and is never heard from again.
- Nothing much between here and town.
- What's the deal with that over there?

- Mom made things tolerable for me in this town, barely, and all you think about is yourself!
- Okay, now, that's bullshit.
- You're the most important thing to me.
- You don't act like it.
- I don't know why I stay here!

- Don't you think?
- Harry?
- Um...
- Harry.
- Just hold on a minute.
- Harry.

- This is where you decide who you are.
- Right here, right now.
- Why do you need me to jump too?
- Why... why can't you just do all this on your own?
- The only reason
- I was able to jump is because you were there with me.

- I'm so sorry.
- I just don't understand you.
- I would tell you.
- And it would explain everything.
- But I can't.
- They won't let me.
- Who's "they"?

- No, wait a minute.
- If my sons were involved in anything illegal,
- I would know.
- Well, Brandon's got some kind of deal with those men.
- How do you know?
- CJ, please tell me.

Julian: When do you stop being guilty? When is it over?

J.D.: [to Cora] There's this thing you have in your eyes. I can just see it when I look at you. You have this spirit. It's not like anyone else. You're a force, you realize that? You could be anything you want. You should be asking for the world.

- And... And then it just all goes blank.
- What's the next thing you do remember?
- Waking up in the street.
- In Poughkeepsie?
- Two months later.
- Holy shit.
- Why can't I remember?

- and pull him off his couch right now, can I?
- I know, I just...
- Okay.
- What do you wanna do?
- It's just that...
- Hey, buddy.
- How you doing?
- You good?
- Come on, let's get ready for bed, all right?

- telling me they're easier to encrypt.
- Well, looks like Nick Haas took his privacy seriously.
- Well, give it to our guys.
- There ought to be a record of cell phone tower pings.
- All right, sure thing.
- Thanks.

- All of your evidence points to that.
- Having you present that in court would make all the difference.
- Where were Adam Lowry and Bess McTeer taking him?
- I don't know.
- You don't know.
- Just give me one good reason why I should believe anything that you say.

- has you behind Knot's Pub.
- 7:15 p.m., same time Percy was there.
- She went outside to see you and... came back in with a gash on her head.
- Come on.
- There you go.

- And they kept me in a room for months.
- And I don't even know what they did to me and they're out there.
- Mrs. Tannetti...
- They are still out there.
- Mrs. Tannetti, I realize that this is an emotional moment.
- But you've waived your right to a trial.
- I'm sorry, I can't consider your defense here.

- Calling her one last time?
- It might be what you want... but you know it'll only scare her.

- What'd he see?
- Mike was checking our traps.
- Someone keeps cutting our lines.
- Yeah, not "someone."
- Colin Muldoon--
- Mike saw Brandon in a boat... and people.

- Harry.
- Yeah?
- Why don't you come over and have dinner with us tonight?
- Working on my osso buco.
- No, thanks. I'm good.
- You go ahead.

- Suspect's down! Go to your left, go to your left!
- Secure the clinic!
- I got it, I got it!
- Clear here!
- Clear over here.
- Dispatch, we got shots fired,
- Broadway and Division.

- I didn't do anything.
- Stop.
- Bullshit.
- You know exactly what you've been doing.
- Whatever.
- Don't "whatever" me.
- Hi, Mrs. Calhoun.
- Hey.
- Let's go.
- Yeah, all right.

- to bring all that stuff here.
- Did anyone see you?
- No.
- All right.
- I'll go over after this winds down and pick it up.
- Damn it.

- You know, in the 1800s, it was swarming with Evangelicals.
- Joseph Smith saw God, started Mormonism.
- Spiritualists talking to the dead.
- The Burned-over District, they called it.
- There's something in the soil here.
- Things won't stay quiet.

- Like old pot roast.
- That's good.
- When do we get to go home?
- Mom?
- The thing with smells is you get used to them.
- And then you don't notice them anymore.

- He picked up a box of Laura's belongings.
- I didn't get his name.
- What'd he look like?
- Long hair, gray, tied back in a ponytail.
- How long ago did you say she left?
- I would say, must have been four or five weeks ago.

- Uh, after everything with Jamie, it just didn't feel right anymore.
- I want to paint light now, the sky.
- You know,
- I-I think I'm going to leave you two to catch up, and I'm gonna take a stroll.
- Oh, okay.

- But he was here with you.
- It was Bo.
- He was the one who was following you all along.
- And when you looked back, you saw him.

- He's a happy child.
- Any aggressive behavior?
- I think you should tell me what happened.
- We found the bodies like this.
- The blankets.
- The positions.

- I'm not letting you wander around this city all night.
- As far as I'm concerned,
- I'm a free man.
- You got nothing on me.
- I'm sticking with you.
- All night.
- I don't care.

- It wasn't just you.
- Were you ever really happy?
- With me?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
- I was.
- I don't know what to do.

- No sign of him.
- Just keep looking.
- He's gotta be out here.
- Copy that.

- Harry, I can't--
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Hey.
- Hello?
- Jesus!
- He's on the ground!

- Hey.
- Glad you're back.
- We need you to stay and answer some questions.
- Whatever you need.
- I don't want my mother to get in trouble.

- The car was stolen in Trenton.
- So I had the toll interchange do a video match on the license plate.
- Good.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.

- How'd you get all the way down there?
- Amen.
- Amen.

- That's great, and how are we doing on inventory?
- Did you place that order?
- Great.
- Oh, yeah...
- Attaboy.
- Dream away, little guy.
- Dream away.

- And this is not your fault. You were such a good husband to me.
- I never thought that I would have a normal life and I did.
- Cora...
- I really did.
- And it's because of you.
- Mason.
- I gotta go, okay? Okay.

Vera: Most of us spend our lives trying to suppress the parts of ourselves we deem inappropriate. We spend our lives trying to detach from all of that beautiful feeling. And it doesn't work, does it? Julian is a new kind of man. At one with nature. Fluid with all of the darkness, and all of the light.
Harry: You're never going to show me what the work actually is, are you?
Vera: You've already been doing it.

- You're going to college next year, you have a plan.
- What am I going to do?
- I'm living at my dad's and commuting to Syracuse.
- I'm going to see you all the time.
- Nothing's going to change.
- Hey.

- Pray for us sinners.
- Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
- Are you coming?
- Cora?
- Goodnight, Cora.
- Cora...

Harry: Fact is, most people have secrets; even the most unlikely ones.

- Oh, thank you.
- This is so nice.
- Our room service is here, huh?
- Thank you. Mmm.
- Smells like licorice.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna take a shower.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah.

- Why'd you walk in here, huh?
- I told you not to.
- I'll never talk.
- It's your fault.
- You make me do things.
- Stop. Stop.
- What's the matter?

- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God.
- It's okay.
- It's all right.
- Call 911, Jamie.

- And Don Lanier is involved, too, and probably others.
- Holy shit.
- Okay.
- Shit.
- Let me call Lou.
- Hey, sorry to be calling so late.
- We've got a situation here.

- Tell your sister what you did.
- Tell her why she's so sick.
- Because I'm a sinner and I took the chocolate from Aunt Margaret.
- Look her in the eye and apologize.
- Cora.
- I'm sorry.

- Harry.
- Hey.

- Hello, doctor's office.
- Dr. Strauss, please.
- Who's calling?
- Detective Ambrose, from
- Dorchester, New York.
- Let me see if he's available.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thanks, Your Honor.
- Hello, Harry.

- East cove is clear!
- Let's move over to the west.
- Bring your men back in!

- What do you mean?
- Why are you asking me that?
- We just want to know where you were two nights ago.
- I was home.
- Made dinner and went to bed.

- Ahh.
- It's swollen, and I don't have any ice.

- Hi, you've reached
- Sonya Barzel.
- Please leave a message.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, I might have a lead.
- Not sure I'll make it back for the bird-watching session.
- I'll let you know.

- Keep the pipe near your face.
- You'll run out of air if you don't.
- Oh, it's...

- I wasn't much better than they were.
- There were signs.
- I ignored them.
- What about that one?
- It was just easier when we went for pizza.
- Why don't we do something with your hair? Just for a change.

- You don't mean that.
- You do too.
- You do too.
- Goodnight, Cora.
- Mrs. Tannetti?
- Mrs. Tannetti?

- anxiety, stress...
- Are you coming?
- God, thank you for protecting our families while we are incarcerated, allowing them to fix their eyes on you... and allow them to hope for the future.
- A hope found in Christ.

- we weren't talking.
- Anyway, all I know is, fuck, I want a drink.
- God knows I loved her.
- And when I think about that last time...
- And what I did, it's, uh...

- What?
- What, Nick?
- What'd you say?
- It's in my pocket.
- Just come out back.
- Nick.
- It's in my pocket.

- The first time.
- Right in the neck.
- Frankie grabbed her arm.
- Like that.
- And the thing is,
- Frankie's a strong guy.
- He could have forced her off of him.
- So why didn't he?

- I-I really think that's something I should know about.
- Yeah.
- You're right.
- Won't that just make your insomnia worse?
- No.
- It'll be fine.

- no matter what you do, you-- you can't get away?
- What--we--we should just do this every weekend.
- We really hit it off.
- I got her a job at the clothing store where I work, but after about a month, things got like, really weird.

- Um...
- I kind of think
- I should stay here.
- My parents think I'm in my room.
- Just around the block.
- Uh...
- Okay, sure.
- Yeah.

- We can go.
- Stop!
- Jamie! Hey!
- Dude... would you get out?
- You hear me?

- Well, you get in these big boats, and it takes us right up to where the water's coming down.
- Right up to the edge.
- If we're lucky, we might actually see some people coming over in barrels.
- Barrels?
- It's a thing at Niagara Falls.

- You could have stopped once you saw what it would do to us.
- You know I couldn't do that.
- So you think the world's a better place now because of what you did?
- I'm not sure.

- really bothers me.
- Weird stuff.
- "Connecting to the Spirit of the Earth."
- Somebody could have just loaned it to her.
- Yeah, maybe, but something was shifting in her.
- She started collecting stuff like that.

- Well, I really hate to do this, but I remember back in my patrol days, when I pulled over a young assistant district attorney with at least half a drink too many in her.
- Are you really gonna play that for this?
- Yeah.

- The judge, the DA, my mom, my dad.
- Everyone, everybody.
- Once they deem you a danger to yourself, it's basically a free-for-all.
- Carmen, um...
- Do you recognize...
- This girl?

- Your turn.
- You're the giant.

- I'm so sorry.
- Hello.
- Yes.

- In order to effectuate justice for the victim and his family,
- I hereby sentence the defendant,
- Cora Elizabeth Tannetti, to be remanded to the Department of Corrections for a minimum sentence of 30 years.
- That concludes these proceedings.
- All rise.

- And I can't solve this for you.
- I want to, but I can't.
- I can only listen and be here.
- How about I pick up some fish from the market tonight?
- Ah.
- It's Chief Raskin.

- Checked all over the state.
- Nothing.
- Okay.
- You know how she said in her interview that her parents were both dead?
- Guess what?
- They are alive and well, a half-hour away in Ellenville.

- You know that feeling.
- Those times at Sonya's when you couldn't sleep...
- Or when you were on the ferry coming here, you were looking down into the water, thinking about sinking.
- How much longer you can keep this up?

- It's about Marin.
- She's pregnant.
- She's struggling, but she knows what needs to be done.
- I just thought you should know.
- I'll make arrangements with Dr. Poole.
- No.
- Don't.

- Heather, Harry.
- Everything okay?
- Detective Novack and I would like to talk to you in private, if there's someplace we can go.

- No... ugh!
- No, no!
- Police!
- How you doing?
- You okay?
- Out the back!
- I'm on it!
- Got eyes on him?

- So there was no pregnancy, no suicide attempt, there was no Frankie.
- There was just... J.D. Lambert.
- At that bar, that night.
- And then we drove to somebody's house.
- Like I told you.
- What happened there?

- Percy, what happened?
- Who did this?
- Take me home.
- Please?
- Of course.
- Go to sleep, baby girl.
- Of course I'll take you home.
- It's all right.

- That area that's so tight right here, that's our pride.
- We let our ego control us.
- You're not ready.

- Don't let us down.
- Okay? both: I placed the sand as the boundary for the sea...
- A perpetual barrier that it cannot pass.
- I thought I could reach her, but someone else had gotten there first.

- Thank you.
- And thank you for dropping the charges against me.
- I assume that was you.
- Yeah, it was.
- Goodbye.
- Okay.

- All right.
- It's right in here.
- It's over here.

- Not quite.
- Well, no cell phone.
- But the parking brake is pulled up.
- That wouldn't have happened after the crash.
- Maybe that's what caused it?
- Maybe.

- The body of Christ.
- The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
- Amen.
- The blood of Christ.

- Yes.
- And then?

- Eh, that's all right.
- I got to go.
- Go?
- You got to fill out a report.
- No.
- I'll be fine.
- Harry.

- I'm going outside.
- I'll come.
- No, just stay here.

- You know, I should probably be getting back.
- Oh.
- Really?
- Um, but it's so early.
- Can I take you for some ice cream or something?
- We're about to bring it out.
- Do you have anything else?

- Get out.
- I don't know what you're doing, but you're making a big mistake.
- Made a big mistake.
- Come here.

- you see your ex-wife,
- Katie, in front of you.
- Oh!
- How do you feel?
- Small.
- And what do you want?
- I want her to hold me.

- We cook a 25-pound bird.
- Turkey sandwiches for a week.
- Now here's something you may not know.
- Saliva, it's a digestive aid.
- It's ready.
- Sit, honey.
- Mom.
- Sit.

- It's an investigation.
- I mean, are you a cop?
- Um...
- Ah.
- Keep going.
- Keep going.

- Okay, then start interviewing potential eyewitnesses at the clubhouse and Route Nine, okay?
- All right.
- Vic Soto.
- We need to cover anywhere that Burns has been: this house, Haven Inn, train station, wherever.
- Yes, sir.
- Thanks.

- Dr. Poole?
- Dr. Poole?
- I didn't hear anyone go in and out the front door, so...
- He's still here somewhere.

- Okay?
- Okay?
- There's something wrong with him and her.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Mm.
- Thanks, CJ.

- You know how I told you that I also went to foster care after an accident?
- Because your mother couldn't take care of you?

- Promise me you will not go to the police.
- It wouldn't fix anything anyway.

- Dad, come on.
- We're really hungry.
- All right.
- All right.
- Hot, ow.
- Ah.
- Not there.
- Where are the, the coolers.
- Where...
- Ah!
- Damn.

- There's Mommy and my da, my daddy.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm gonna go for swim.
- Can you watch him?
- Mmm-hmm.
- Whoa! Avalanche!

- Dad, it's-- it's my fault.
- That night.
- I mean, if you had-- if you hadn't gone there, you never would've needed those pills.
- Everything that's happened is on all of us.

- They need to evaluate you to see if you're fit to stand trial.
- Cora.
- What are you doing?
- Did you put
- Judge Baird up to this?
- I called, made my case.

- She had no connection with Mosswood.
- Probably committed suicide.
- Okay, here we are.
- Five Nations.
- Okay, looks like these guys are onto something.
- What do you think?
- Let's follow them.

- Oh, my God.
- I need something.
- Here, put this on.
- Hold it tight.
- Hold it tight.
- Quiet, quiet.
- No, no, no, no.
- No, no, no. No.

- Oh.
- Is Sean okay?
- Oh, gosh, poor guy.
- Had a moment at the podium.
- Started blaming himself and everyone for Percy.
- Colin had to bring him down.

- You gonna be all right?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- This isn't supposed to happen here.
- It's just not.
- Oh, God, it's the local paper.
- Why don't you take it?
- I'll catch up with you later.

- Yeah?
- Detective Ambrose, it's Dean from the Medical Examiner's Office.
- Uh-huh.
- What have you got?
- Hello?
- Is the detective with you?
- He's coming.

- She said something like,
- "You're okay."
- "You're safe," and, uh, "he's gone now."
- Like she was saving her?
- Hmm, I mean, yeah.
- That's what it looked like.

- Yeah, that's the thing.
- You think it'd be horrible, but...
- I've known Nick since college, and it was like...
- I finally saw him for the first time.
- The way he looked at me.
- And that was how?

- Come right in.
- Those are his.
- Thanks.

- This is crazy.
- They might not let me see you anymore.
- What if they don't let me see you?
- I'll tell them that I want to see you and... and when I'm 18,
- I can see you whenever I want.

- My mom, she's,
- I don't know.
- She had me when she was way too young and she's just annoyed, like, my entire existence is a giant cockblock to her.

- I can't go out there,
- Harry.
- I can't look at her.
- What am I gonna do?

- Letting it decide for me.
- And then what?
- I go where it tells me.
- Pick a color.
- I'm not gonna pick a color.
- Red.

- This is all confidential, right?
- Whatever comes up?
- Of course.
- Don't worry, I've heard all sorts of things.

- He refuses.
- He said he only wants to talk to you.
- Why do you think that is?
- Look, I don't want to get between you and Julian.
- But maybe you should let me go see him alone.
- Make sure he's okay.

- That last time was a mistake.
- You've said that before.
- I'm trying with Faye.
- I really want to try.
- So why are you here now?
- Well... to tell you.
- It's an awfully long way to come just to tell me that.
- Text me next time.

- We didn't order any AC unit.
- You sure?
- That you?
- That's our address, but we did not order an AC unit.
- I promise you.
- Okay, sorry to trouble you.
- You have a good day.
- You, too.
- Damn kids.

Cora: I'm more free now than I ever was with you.

- because he is the best detective you and I will ever know.
- Mm-hmm.
- To Harry.
- To Harry.
- Hear, hear.
- Crowd: Harry!
- Buy him a drink!

- Squeezing me out.
- This is about my--
- You were passed out in the fucking woods.
- We're cleaning up your shit.
- If life were fair, you'd be paying us alimony.
- Fuck!
- Well, that about wraps up dinner.