The Best Rodrik Cassel Quotes

[Ned and Catelyn are watching the boys at archery practice when Ser Rodrik walks up]
Ser: Lord Stark... milady. The guardsmen just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch.
Eddard: Get the lads to saddle their horses.
Catelyn: Do you have to?
Eddard: He swore an oath, Cat.
Ser: Law is law, milady.
Eddard: Tell Bran he's coming, too.
[Ser Rodrik nods and walks away]
Catelyn: Ned... ten is too young to see such things.
Eddard: He won't be a boy forever... and winter is coming.

Catelyn: What I am about to tell you must remain between us. I don't think Bran fell from that tower. I think he was thrown.
Maester: The boy was always sure-footed before.
Catelyn: Someone tried to kill him twice. Why? Why murder an innocent child? Unless he saw something he wasn't meant to see.
Theon: Saw what, my lady?
Catelyn: I don't know. But I would stake my life the Lannisters are involved. We already have reason to suspect their loyalty to the Crown.
Rodrik: Did you notice the dagger the killer used? It's too fine a weapon for such a man. The blade is Valyrian steel, the handle dragonbone. Someone gave it to him.
Robb: They come into our home and try to murder my brother? If it's war they want...
Theon: If it comes to that, you know I'll stand behind you.
Maester: What, is there going to be a battle in the Godswood? Huh? Too easily words of war become acts of war. We don't know the truth yet. Lord Stark must be told of this.
Catelyn: I don't trust a raven to carry these words.
Robb: I'll ride to King's Landing.
Catelyn: No. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I will go myself.
Robb: Mother, you can't.
Catelyn: I must.
Rodrik: I'll send Hal with a squad of guardsmen to escort you.
Catelyn: Too large a party attracts unwanted attention. I don't want the Lannisters to know I'm coming.
Rodrik: Let me accompany you, at least. The kingsroad can be a dangerous place for a woman alone.
Robb: [Cat nods in agreement] What about Bran?
Catelyn: I have prayed to the Seven for more than a month. Bran's life is in their hands now.

[on the road after Catelyn kidnaps Tyrion]
Catelyn: Remove his hood.
Tyrion: This isn't the Kingsroad. You said we were riding for Winterfell.
Catelyn: I did. Often, and loudly.
Tyrion: Very wise. They'll be out in droves, looking for me in the wrong place. Word's probably gotten to my father by now. He'll be offering a handsome reward. Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts. Would you be so good as to untie me?
Catelyn: And why would I do that?
Tyrion: Why not? Am I going to run? The hill tribes would kill me for my boots, unless a shadowcat ate me first.
Catelyn: Shadowcats and hill tribes are the least of your concerns.
Tyrion: Ah. The eastern road. We're going to the Vale. You're taking me to your sister's to answer for my imagined crimes. Tell me, Lady Stark, when was the last time you saw your sister?
Catelyn: Five years ago.
Tyrion: She's changed. She was always a bit touched, but now, you might as well kill me here.
Catelyn: I am not a murderer, Lannister.
Tyrion: Neither am I. I had nothing to do with the attempt on your son's life.
Catelyn: The dagger found...
Tyrion: What sort of imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?
[Ser Rodrik approaches Catelyn]
Ser: [to Catelyn] Should I gag him?
Tyrion: Why? Am I starting to make sense?