Top 20 Quotes From Sally Langston

President: After my speech, there will be a window. Climb through it. Be bold. Condemn me. Make yourself the moral center of the party. Use the moment to rise. Can you do that?
Sally: Oh, I believe I can, Mr. President. Why are you helping me? Why are you extending kindness?
President: Because we are not married to one another.

[first lines]
Sally: [monologuing on her TV show] Lovers of Liberty, good evening. Tonight, I come to you filled with the righteous indignation of a true American. Tonight, my flag waves and my patriotic fires burn, because tonight, over in the White House, the man who calls himself our president, is throwing a party. He's making a mockery of what our fine nation stands for. He has betrayed honor and virtue. And tonight, he celebrates that betrayal. Tonight, he bathes in his filthy glory. Tonight, he has the audacity to ask us, patriots, Americans, to join him in his jubilation, to skip with him down the road to Sodom and Gomorrah. And all the while, he holds our hands and tells us fairy tales, a young woman, a commoner, an all-American girl, who falls in love with the golden son who would be king? Really? It's a story. And not a very original one, at that.

Sally: [interviewing Cyrus on her television show] But Mrs. Grant has a job. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world, and she...
Cyrus: You know I know people love to say that. I do. And it's well-meaning, but being a mother isn't a job. Being a mother is who someone *is*. It's not a job. You can quit a job. You can resign, as you did when you decided to quit being Vice President. But you are a mother forever. Being a mother is incredibly difficult. Let's not diminish it by calling it a job.
Sally: If you would let me finish my sentence, Cyrus, you would have heard me say that Mrs. Grant is the mother of our country. And as such, her true job is being first lady.
Cyrus: Still, not a job. People get paid for jobs. Don't they, Sally?
Sally: The first lady gets any number of perks a clothing allowance.
Cyrus: That's a myth. First ladies pay for their own clothes.
Sally: A private chef? Now, I've tasted that fried chicken myself, and I can personally vouch for its value.
Cyrus: So, you're saying that women should get paid in fried chicken now?
[lowering his voice]
Cyrus: Are you being paid in fried chicken to host this show?

[first lines]
Sally: [monologuing on her TV show] Lovers of Liberty, are we to believe this man is capable of guiding our nation with prudence and common sense, with that seductress, Olivia Pope, distracting him with a body made for - Dennis, will you show us the photographs again? We've been sold a bushel of lies, a barrel of snake oil.

[first lines]
Olivia: "The Liberty Report" with Sally Langston.
Sally: Two gifts have arrived, addressed to you Lovers of Liberty. The first gift Hollis Doyle. The Texas truth-teller is throwing his hat into the ring. To which I say yee-haw! Saddle up, little doggie. The second gift? Well, yours truly has agreed to host the first Republican debate, a duty I take very seriously, for debates mean setting aside petty infighting between the candidates, and putting the lofty concerns of the voters and the republic above all.

Hollis: [on Sally's TV show] They're running out of time. It's like being a 40-year-old woman without a husband. You don't say you're desperate, but you are. In fact, to show that ol' Hollis ain't got no hard feelings, I'm gonna say right here and right now that whichever one of them gals drops out first will be my Vice President.
Sally: You can't be serious.
Hollis: I'm as serious as a fat kid on Halloween.

[first lines]
Sally: [on her TV show] O, say can you see, Lovers of Liberty. By dawn's early light, a political cat fight, with nary an end in sight.
Olivia: As the audience here in L A as well as the rest of the country could see, Senator Grant was the clear winner of the debate.
Abby: You witnessed a desperate woman up there, lashing out, knowing all the momentum is now with Susan.

Leo: Madame vice President. Is the ladies' room packed as usual? That's not fair. Please feel free.
[motions toward the other urinals]
Sally: I'm not here to urinate...

[first lines]
Announcer: "The Liberty Report" with Sally Langston.
Sally: Welcome back, lovers of Liberty. It's impeachment week here at "The Liberty Report," and, boy, do we have a treat for you. Starting today, 18 senators will sit in judgment of president Fitzgerald Grant III. First on the hot seat Mellie Grant, a senator herself and the object of much speculation.

Leo: I know that he is up in heaven right now telling those other dead people that his Sally will be the first female President of the United States.
Sally: [yelling out] He is in hell! Daniel Douglas is in hell. Because he is a sodomite. He is a godless sinner, and he deserved what he got.

Sally: I will not be aiding and abetting a man breaking his marriage vows and laying with another woman. I will not be surrendering that piece of my soul. I am the Lord's witness.
Cyrus: No! No! The people. The people, madame Vice President, the people elected you to be the president's sidekick, not the Lord! The Lord did not fill out his voter registration card. So guess what. The Lord does not have the right to vote in the United States of America!

[first lines]
Sally: [on her TV show] It was like a religious revival in there. Grant and Ballard, whipping people into a frenzy. Not since Christ stood among the lepers has there been such excitement.
Vanessa: [watching the show] Look at you. Vice President Jacob Hamilton Ballard. That is very hot. I can't lie.
Jake: [unenthused] Yeah.
Vanessa: This is amazing. Isn't this amazing? I feel like Jackie O or something. I mean, not that I'm Jackie, but
Vanessa: God, this is amazing. Don't you think?
Jake: [unenthused] Yep.
Vanessa: Okay, I don't know if you're playing it cool, but now is not the time to play it cool. This is history. You are making history. This is the beginning of greatness!

Sally: You don't have anything to drink, do you?
David: I have water.
Sally: What about a wine cooler? Have you ever had a wine cooler?
David: I have sisters, so, yes, I have. Amber! We need some wine coolers.

[last lines]
Sally: Senator Mellie Grant. Mr. Hollis Doyle. And Vice President Susan Ross.
Sally: All right, candidates. Let's begin...

Cyrus: Madame Vice President, I know you have a lot on your plate, but funny...
Sally: I thought it was your entire vocation in life to make sure my plate remains empty.

[last lines]
Cyrus: [answering his phone] Hello?
Sally: Cyrus?
[standing over a body]
Sally: I have committed a sin.

[last lines]
Sally: [on her TV show] Power. Like it, hate it, want it, have it. Feel however you want about it. Power is the fuel that runs this great big industrial machine we all help move forward, and that fuel is made of only one thing you. That is what the fat cats in Washington like to call the American way. See you next week. And remember, love your Liberty, or lose it.

[last lines]
Abby: We need to do what we should've done a long time ago.
Olivia: Take down
Abby: [in unison] Hollis Doyle.
Sally: [on her TV show] Let's see how this plays out, shall we?

Leo: You will swing to the center. You will have a change of heart. You will become pro-choice or you won't win.
Sally: That is not...
Leo: Then I'm afraid I cannot make you the first female President of the United States of America. I can shift other stances, gay rights, education... There's no point to any of this unless you become pro-choice. You cannot win women. And so you will lose, lose, lose, unless you drop your allegiance to Jesus, and pledge it to politics. Otherwise, there's zero-point-zero.
Sally: Do you have any idea what you are asking me to do?
Leo: I am asking you to abandon your beliefs for the greater good.

President: You're making the biggest mistake of your life, crossing me. And I'll spend the rest of my life working tirelessly to remind you of that. You will regret this day forever.
Sally: See you on the battlefield.