The Best Sgt. Charlie Napier Quotes

[Charlie Napier talks to his mother Catherine Napier for the first time since his fake death]
Sgt. Charlie Napier: Mom, I-I'm sorry.
Catherine: I prayed for you every night. Oh, Charlie... Where did you go?
Sgt. Charlie Napier: I was in hell, but I got out. I saw the face of God. Mom, he told me to go home to you.

[Agent Weller and Jane Doe interrogate Charlie Napier]
Kurt: What's the last thing you do remember?
Sgt. Charlie Napier: A dungeon. Flames.
Kurt: And where was this dungeon?
Jane: [Charlie hesitates] Charlie, where were you?
Sgt. Charlie Napier: I was in hell... being tortured by the Devil.