The Best Simu Liu Quotes

Shang: My name is Shang-Chi.

Ken: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Ken!
Barbie: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Barbie!
Ken: Hi, Barbie!
Barbie: Hi, Ken!
Ken: Hi, Ken.

Jung: Would it be weird if I asked Marlow out? You know, 'cause I'm her boss.
Kimchee: Not if it gets you off the Shannon train.
Jung: Dude, I'm off that train.
Kimchee: Okay, but you're running beside it. And I think there's a cliff coming up and a bridge for the train. You see where I'm going with this?
Jung: Yeah, but there's a pedestrian bridge right next to the train bridge.
Kimchee: That they closed in 2004.
Jung: I just stop running.
Kimchee: There's coyotes behind you.
Jung: How many?
Kimchee: A hundred.
Jung: ...I'm going to ask Marlow out.

Lah: [to himself] I kept my promise. I actually finished them on time.

Shang: I thought I could change my name, start a new life... but I could never escape his shadow.

Shang: You're just a criminal who murders people.
Wenwu: Be careful how you speak to me, boy!

Katy: You changed your name from Shang to Shaun?
Shang: Yeah, I dont...
Katy: I wonder how your father found you.
Shang: I was 15 years old.
Katy: What is your name-change logic?

Wenwu: Son, it's time for you to take your place by my side.
Shang: That's not gonna happen.

[about to fight the Abomination]
Shang: [to Katy] If I die, it's your fault!

Lah: Remember, that while the Force exists in every living thing, only those individuals who develop their connection to it will have the power to wield it.

Shang: Is this what you wanted?

Trevor: The first time I witnessed pure artistry. 1968. Planet of the Apes. I was sitting in a cinema next to my mum watching mastery unfold before my very eyes. After the film, I asked her, "How did they get those monkeys to do those things?" And she patted me on the head and she said, "It's not real, pet. It's just acting." That's when I knew. If they can teach those monkeys to act that brilliantly, just imagine what I could bring to the world.
Shang: So you became an actor because you thought the monkeys were actually...
Trevor: Riding horses? I did. Yes. When, in fact, they were simply acting as if they were riding horses. I still can't get my head round it, to be honest.
Katy: Good for you, dude. You found your passion and went for it, and eventually used it to cripple the US government, but whatever.
Trevor: Yeah. No, yeah, thanks.