Top 30 Quotes From Star Wars: Visions

Boba: You're marked for execution, Hutt. It's pointless to resist, but I can wait.
Geezer: I don't even know what I did.
Boba: You know.
Geezer: I don't care about Hutt Legacy. I won't join Jabba. Being part of the syndicate is boring. We're going to be part of a legendary band!
Boba: Jabba is not to be crossed.

Masago: You will join me. It is written. It is your destiny.

Yasaburo: You can confirm what's happening with your own eyes.

Mitaka: I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.

Tsubaki: I've thought about it too. About what I can do. Also, about what I can't.
Misa: What was your conclusion?

Jedi: The Force is strong in this child.

Dan: Do you sense something?
Tajin: Hmm. I sense a... disturbance in the Force.

Lah: [to himself] I kept my promise. I actually finished them on time.

Yasaburo: Stop, Ochô! I can't bear fighting you, I am your father!

Mitaka: Adventure? Excitement? I'm afraid that being a Jedi is not as glamorous as it is in your dreams.

Lah: Remember, that while the Force exists in every living thing, only those individuals who develop their connection to it will have the power to wield it.

Masago: With you by my side, we will be able to rule together, and we will bring order to the galaxy.

Villager: May their Magina be connected to each other for all eternity. That they'll never be separated.

F: I have a bad feeling about this.

Yasaburo: I'm your father and you're my little girl!

Karre: [R-DUO bleeps] Really, so you have a bad feeling about this?

Am: There is no escape.

F: You can't change the rivers flow by casting a stone. But, live in harmony with nature, and you'll change together.

Tsubaki: Misa, do they really need to be here?
Kamahachi: [scoffs] 'Scuse me?
Tsubaki: From what I can tell, you can't seem to fight.
Kamahachi: I see. Jedi judge by appearances, do they? Heh. If you must know, we're not strong fighters.
Senshuu: Heh. We can't even fend off wild tooka-cats!
[both laugh]

Jay: I got a bad feeling about this.

F: Those are the planet's memories.

Lop: Ochô, you and I are sisters. Why don't we go home? With the three of us together, we can rebuild this family.
Ochô: What... is... family?

T0: [CO3 bleeps] You've got a bad feeling about this?
[CO3 bleeps affirmatively]

Yasaburo: Dank farrik. Look what you've done! It would be disgraceful for me not to invite her now.

Valco: Celebrations are meant to be shared with a large group, 'cause if you hold back, you'll be cursed.

Dan: I won't be as easily defeated as a Vamga.
Old: I certainly hope not.

Imperial: Together, we can bring an end to this bloodshed.

Dan: [talking to himself] Well, I should be one to talk.

Yasaburo: I am your father, and that bond cannot be broken.

Tajin: There is much eagerness from you, Dan. But, no matter how confident, a Jedi does not seek out aggression.
Tajin: A Jedi must find balance and stillness.