The Best Stan Gillum Quotes

Jack: This issue was decided! It was your own ruling!
Stan: Yeah - he ruled the search was illegal.
Jack: And that the evidence was nevertheless admissible against Miss Sullivan.
Stan: Because she had no standing! That was before we knew she was married to William Dunbar. A wife certainly has an expectation of privacy in an apartment she shares with her husband.
A.D.A. Jamie Ross: You had an opportunity to bring that fact to the court's attention then.
Stan: Not without incriminating my client - which I certainly am not obliged to do.
Judge: Anything else, Miss Ross? Mr. McCoy? Fine. Objection sustained. There'll be no mention of anything found in that apartment. By the way, Mr. McCoy - I never had a chance to congratulate you on your victory in appellate court.

Stan: The police seized the evidence in question when they entered William Dunbar's apartment with an out-of-state arrest warrant.
Jack: That had been properly lodged with a clerk of this court.
Stan: At most, they had the right to ascertain whether or not William Dunbar was present. They had no right to search beyond that.
Jack: One of the detectives opened a closet door. He saw the gun.
Stan: On a shelf, two feet over his head.
Judge: The issue here is the plain-view exception?
Jack: It is, your honor.
Judge: So we're going diagrams, and room layouts, and sight lines - what was where, who was standing on top of what.
Stan: I can have 'em by tomorrow.
Judge: [pointing to McCoy] But he'll come in with different diagrams, and we'll all sit around with rulers, protractors... I've got a better idea. Let's go to the apartment.
Stan: ...All of us?
Judge: Yes. We'll have a picnic.

Stan: I move for a dismissal. If the people don't even know who killed whom, I'd say reasonable doubt is manifest.
Jack: On the contrary. The evidence against the defendant is even stronger now, if you will allow us to reopen the case.
Judge: It would be stronger - is that why you're trying to turn my courtroom into a hall of mirrors?
Jack: I want to put the truth before the jury.
Judge: What you can have is a mistrial.
Jack: Fine. With leave to re-present.
Stan: Excuse me - jeopardy has attached. A defendant can't be re-tried unless there is a manifest necessity for a mistrial. The only necessity here is Mr. McCoy's ignorance of the facts of his own case.
Jack: We were all ignorant of the facts, because the defendant withheld them!
Stan: She is under no obligation to incriminate herself.
Jack: By telling us her name?
Stan: Which would have incriminated her - you just said it does.
Judge: You and your free-spirited associates have not done your homework, Mr. McCoy. You've wasted all of our time.
Jack: Your honor...
Judge: Your motion is granted - I'm declaring a mistrial. Mr. Gillum's motion is granted also; the murder charge is dismissed.