The Best Strike Quotes

Cormoran: [confronted by a man with a kitchen knife] What are you going to do - butter me?

Jasper: You're not due here for another hour.
Raff: I thought you valued punctuality.
Jasper: Being early is not punctual. Being on time is punctual.

[Robin gets into the taxi and bursts into tears. The taxi driver hands her a box of tissues]
Robin: [tearfully] I've just left my husband.
Minicab: [sympathetically] Yeah? I've left two. Gets easier with practice.

[Robin has told Matthew that she is leaving him because she has proof that he is having an affair]
Robin: I don't want to be with you any more. We should have split up on honeymoon. I mean, we shouldn't even have got married. I thought I owed you this face to face.
Matthew: How do you think your life looks to other people? You bailed out on uni. Now you're bailing out on us. You're a flake. You're a Peeping Tom for a living - and you managed to get sacked from that! You know he's only taken you back because you're cheap.
Robin: [calmly] Thank you. You've just made this really easy.

[Robin comes home from work to find that Matthew has returned from his mother's funeral and is ironing one of her dresses]
Robin: Wow. Thanks.
Matthew: Have you ever tried to iron a dress? There's no right angles.
Robin: Well that's the problem with breasts for you.

Cormoran: The dead could only speak through the mouths of those left behind, and through the signs they left scattered behind them.

Cormoran: [talking to his false leg] Bollocks! Why do I always take you off before I remember to have a piss?
[he reaches for a coffee mug and pees into it]

[Robin has just opened a package that has been sent to her at work. It contains a human leg, severed just below the knee]
Cormoran: [to DI Wardle, on the phone] We've been sent a leg. It's not even in my size.

[Cormoran is chatting to Lula's driver]
Nico: She lived in a world that's really fucking hard. We had a lot in common.
Cormoran: Such as?
Nico: Both mixed-race, for one thing. My dad's a Cypriot from Swansea, and my mum's a West Indian Scouser.
Cormoran: [ironically] Must have been a nice quiet wedding.