Top 100 Quotes From The Northman

Olga of the Birch Forest: Show the shepherd you aren't a sheep.
Amleth: I will show the shepherd his death.

- This is the last tear you will shed in weakness.
- It will be given back when most you need it.
- Now, behold, as a man.
- Aurvandil: Approach, amleth, and in our blood behold the tree of kings.

[last lines]
King: Vallha...
[voice cut off by being decapitated]

Queen: No god can help you with this task.

- You will command others' burden.
- And, bjornulfr, as a reward for winning us the game,
- I'll let you choose a woman for yourself.
- Even that slav bitch
- I've seen you eyeing.
- Father found her too...
- Unyielding.

- Boy: Mama!
- Mama!
- Mama!
- Mama!

- Slain by iron, we shall all meet again in the stronghold of the all-father.

Gunnar: [comes round] Did We Win?
Thórir: [proudly] Spoken Like A True Chieftain

Seeress: You can not escape what fate the Norns have spun. Now begone!

- Aurvandil: Be not afraid, amleth.
- Do as I do.

- Yet, I cannot truly believe that you have extinguished your fire for vengeance.
- Hate is all I have ever known.
- But I wish
- I could be free of it.
- That is for you to choose.
- Let us find our future.

- Plan to climb out, huh, bear-wolf?
- Even if you did escape this farm, you'd only be carrion for the blue foxes and selkies.
- This island is a barren waste.
- You best find yourself some sleep.

He: Mark well the Full Moon's Light. For Shadows are not hospitable Hosts

- Go take a piss.
- Halldora: In there.
- Stop there.

- Welcome, seafarers.
- The deck of this wooden saddle-beast will be the only ground you tread for 21 days.
- I was expecting more of fjolnir's men.
- His son was to join us.

- Father.
- Leave me.

Seeress: Remember for whom you shed your last teardrop.

- He's here.
- Mother, father is here!
- Never enter my chambers without invitation.
- The king, milady. The king.
- Gudrun: Come.
Amleth: Odinn brought him home.

Amleth: What are those?
Audunn the Irish: You never seen a knattre before? By nightfall you have seen enough of them.

- Thorir: How can we trust them to protect us?
- Hallgrimr: Here, dog.
- Your father does not want an uprising by emboldened slaves.
- Hallgrimr: Go!
- Do not doubt his wisdom.
- Hallgrimr: Walk!

Queen: [to Amleth in disgust] You were forced upon your mother. But Gunnar
[his half brother]
Queen: was received freely with love.

Fjölnir: [Being reunited with Amleth after decades] In the end you are just like your father. Evil begets evil.

Kormlöth: I see my father and mother. I see my dead kindred. I see my master in Freyja's hall. He calls me to him!

- Wandering prophet.
- Wake now, from your murder. [Wheezing]

Finnr the Nose: On your feet!
- On yourfeet!
Finnr the Nose: Up, swines!
- Hallgrimr: Line up, bastards!
- Thorir: Pitiful.
- Can't even stand.
- Fjolnir: They won't last the winter.
- Sell all of them.

Amleth: I will avenge you, Father. I will save you, Mother. I will kill you, Fjölnir.
Amleth: [to Olga on discovering he and Gunnar are half brothers] When I'm Done I Will Leave With That Child
Amleth: [to Olga on discovering he and Gunnar are half brothers] I Will Take That Child With Me When I Leave or I'm Done

- and in death rewarded by the valkyrjur's embrace.
- The warrior maidens will carry you to the shimmering gates ofvalholl.
- You are dogs that wish to become men.
- Prove you are not a dog.
- Not only are you a man, you dine like a king.

- Fjolnir rules over hrafnsey.
- He fled to the backwater frontier, with his wife and son after king haraldr of Norway took his kingdom.
- Fjolnir killed his brother for nothing.
- Now he's a sheep farmer.

- My blood will live on!
- Valhoii awaits!

He: You must choose between kindness for your kin, and hatred for your enemies.

He: [First lines] Hear me Odin, allfather of the gods. Summon the shadows of the past when the thread spinning norns ruled the fates of men. Hear of a princes vengence quenched at the fiery gates of Hell! A prince destined for Valhöll! Hear me!

Berserker: From the day we found you as a pup I knew your heart was as cold as iron.

- Not even her.
- Thorir met his end by my fury.
- Well, good riddance.
- Tomorrow night, you will return and kill fjolnir?
- If the norns of fate allow it.
- And whatever happens tomorrow, be ready to run.

- Northman.
Amleth: What say you, spell-speaker?
- You wish to be a slave, hide your cunning.
- Show the Shepherd, you are a sheep.
- I'll show the Shepherd his death.

- Volundur: Get! Get!
- Thieving demon-bitch.

- he would hunt you with all the fire of the gods.
- It cannot wait.
- Stop this.
- There is now a living thread that binds us.
- I was a fool.
- I wished to flee with you from my fate.

Amleth: [presented the preserved head of Heimir] Old friend, know that I will avenge you too.
He: Alas you will have to talk to me. Fjölnir took his ears too.

- Man 1: Get them away!
- Man 2: Run!
- She's a she-devil! [Shouts]

- My vision shows me you will have two.
- And my sword will save them.

- King aurvandil is dead!
- Long live king fjolnir!
- Long live king fjolnir!
- Men: Hail, lord king!
- Hail, lord king!
- Bring me the boy's head!

- Man: Shrouds secured!
- Volodymyr: Keep her downwind, helmsman.
- Man: Aye, aye!
- Your wound.
- It is nothing to what we have endured.
- I have forgotten it already.

- Tomorrow night, you and I, will begin this nightmare and bring fjolnir's life to chaos.

- My heart knows only revenge.
- Show it to me.
- You must make a visitation to draugr's owner, the mound dweller.
- Mark well the full moon's light.
- For shadows are not hospitable hosts.

- Man 3: My lord.
- Foreman: Come on!
- Man 4: Thorir, my lord.
- Can you fight, slave?
- Look me in the eye, slave.
- I asked you do you know how to fight.

- I will meet you at the gates of hel.
- At the gates of hel, you will find me.
- And there you will die by the hand that killed your father.
- Halldora: Let me down!

Berserker: [Inciting battle rage into the berserkers] Sons of the wolf Fenrir, break free from your flesh.

Heimir the Fool: Who barks? Is it the wolves of the High One? Or is it the barking of the village dogs? Harken to me, you two-legged dogs Drink the vision mead of knowledge To learn what it is to live and die in honour To be in battle slain and in death rewarded by the Valkyrjur's embrace. The warrior maidens who will carry you to the shimmering Gates of Valhöll. You are dogs who wish to become men.

- Bitch! Your taste and your mind reek of your foul father!
- You should have joined him in death! Your words are poison!
- I am your death!
- Die!

Olga of the Birch Forest: Black dreams arise.
Finnr the Nose: Hey, slaves,
- I like your sticks!
- Yeah, good luck fending off the demon with that thing.
- Here.
- Hungry?
- Tonight, you are the food!

- I am amleth the bear-wolf, son of king aurvandil war-raven, and I am his vengeance!
[Fjolniryelling] Kill him!
- Fjolnir: Bring him to me!
- Gudrun: Kill him!
- Man: He's mine!

Berserker: The father of hosts is with us! We will drink the blood from the wounds of our enemies.

[Chuckles] They also met with fjolnir's blade.
- Enough!
- You know why I have come.
- You are still a beast cloaked in man-flesh.
- Speak, witch.
- So be it, slave!

- Fjolnir: Rakki. Gudrun: Rakki!
- Fjolnir: What is it, rakki?
- Gudrun: Rakki!
- Down, rakki!
- Rakki! [Rakki snarling]
- Gudrun: Rakki! Rakki!

Amleth: Hate is all I've ever know. I wish I could be free of it.

- You.
- This way.

Seeress: [Amleth is drawn into the plundered temple of the Slavs] Prowling shadow, slayer of my people, hide! Even tho your brothers stole my eyes I see you.
Amleth: I am no one's brother.
Seeress: It is not enough to be the man that never cries, prince Amleth. The prince that turned from his fate. A beast that care for not! A beast that brings tears from from the eyes of man! Now remember for whom you shed your last teardrop!

Amleth: Why speak you my fortune, witch?
Seeress: For where your path of ashes ends, another will begin her journey. A maiden king.

- Odinn, let the valkyrja, your warrior maiden, fly me to your shining gates.
- I see my father and mother.
- I see my dead kindred.
- I see my master in freyja's hall.
- He calls me to him.

- Man: Hold it strong!
- Man: Stay on your feet!
Amleth: Take my hand!
- I have you!

- Mama!
- Mama!
- Mama!

- Tonight, our mourning for thorir ends.
- May the neck-ale of this swift steed hasten you to the highest tree of the battle-weavers, brother.

- Go take some night air.
- I'll finish here.
- Go on.

- Now, the wolf is grown.
- He hungers for the rest.
- Whatever you hear, you must stay hidden.
- Keep him safe.
- Keep both of you safe.
- I will.

- Rakki.
- Take rakki home.
- And, you two.
- Hallgrimr: Rakki, come.
- It's nearly dawn.
- Get you to bed.
- Hallgrimr: Yes, my lord. Rakkl

Finnr the Nose: On with you!
- Blood-drinking christians!
[Grunts] Do as you're told.
- The mushrooms, I have them.
- Not tonight.
- The spirits will ride and spill more blood.

[Laughs] What are you doing?
- Come now, come. Come here.
- Come here.

- Hallgrimr: Down with you!
- Down with the lot of you!
- I know not, nor care not, if that slave aided in the death of my son, but this is the end you will all meet if you speak not what you know.

- child born of savagery.
- If you kill fjolnir... [Gasping]
- If you kill thérir, and if you are so untamed as to kill my Gunnar...
- You would be my new king, amleth, and together we will rule.

- This is not valholl?
- I did not carry you that far.
- I am no valkyrja.
- The dreams of your afterlife must wait.
- Besides...
- I'm not done with you yet.

- Man 2: It's the slave!
- It's him!
- Close off the house!

Queen: How easily we all become princesses again when the beasts take us for their wives.

- It was foretold that I would slay my father's killer in a burning lake.
- Till that day comes,
- I will torment the man who made my life a hell.
- Now sleep well, night blade.
- Yes, we thirst for vengeance, but we cannot escape our fates.

- Neveh
- In the heart.
- Thank you.
Gunnar: Mother!

- Finish.
- Back to the stalls.
- Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Amleth: You.
- The servants of freyr.
- Lay them before our lord's feet.

- It is a battle flame like none other. [Voices shout]
- Its name, draugr. [Voices shout]
- The undead.
- It is fated.
- Voices: Draugr!

- Father.
- Worry not.
- When I meet your owner, I will thank him for the warmth you gave me.
Captain: Take your place.

Amleth: Olga.
Olga of the Birch Forest: You found me.
- Were you lost?
- Only if you were searching for me.

- You! Get on with it!
- On with you now!
- Where's your wits?
- Turn around.
- Shut the door.

- Summon the shadows of ages past, when the thread spinning norns ruled the fates of men.
- Hear of a prince's vengeance quenched at the fiery gates of hel.
- A prince destined for valholl.
- Hear me.

Shield: [as her men prepares to burn captives alive including children in a barn] Too weak!
[Olga's kid brother is torn from her grasp]
Shield: I want strong ones!
[he breaks free and runs but is soon recaptured...]
Shield: Not weak ones!
[... to be dragged struggling away to join others in that barn]

Olga of the Birch Forest: Your strength breaks men's bones. I have the cunning to break their minds.

Young: [Whispering]
- I will avenge you, father.
- I will save you, mother.
- I will kill you, fjo'lnir.

- You come with us!
- You don't belong here!
- Fjolnir wants you close.
- If you lose me, will you come and look for me, too?
- Will you?
- Come here. [Grunts]

Fjölnir the Brotherless: You behold your brother's gaze in amazement. I knew well you would. Pity you never payed a bastard's eye heed before. Know behold how swiftly your brother swings his sword.
King: Strike brother, strike. But know that bearing a stole ring make no half-breed a king. Soaked in my blood it will soon be sliding off your arm like a serpent. You kingdom will now last. Let this misdeed haunt your living nights till a flaming vengeance scourges on your death. Strike. Strike!

Olga of the Birch Forest: [to Fjölnir a dagger to her neck after Thorir is slain]
Olga of the Birch Forest: I see you are no longer afraid of a woman's blood.

- But a father never grows too old for a good smothering!
- How I've missed you, my son.
- Will your brother not grace us with his presence?
- Think not on fjolnir.
- He'll soon be with us.

- Wake up! No.
- Wake up.
- Did we win?
- Spoken like a true chieftain's son.
- Man: A brave boy.
- A brave young man.

- As do you.
- Would you face them alone?
- Your strength breaks men's bones.
- I have the cunning to break their minds.
- Hallgrimr: You two, hold your traps!
- Walk on!

Young: I will avenge you, Father! I will save you, Mother! I will kill you, Fjölnir!

- Aurvandil: This is the same path I walked with my father and he with his.
- Now it is our path to walk.

- My blade will not rest till it's drunk the blood from his open neck!
- Now live always without fear, for your fate is set and you cannot scape it.
[Echoes] Swear it.
- I swear.

- Fjolnir: [Sighs] Fine.
- These two for the kitchen, and her for the laundry.
- And choose two males for the fields.
- And her, too.
- Keep her arms white, and her hair long.

- But you must come with us.
- You must!
- It was prophesied that I must choose between kindness for my kin and hate for my enemies.
- And see what hope we have before us.

- Man: Over there.
- Man: Leave her here.
- Move!

- Ah. [Crying stops]
- Thorir!
- My son!
- To my brother, the war raven!
- To the kingdom of hrafnsey!
- All: Ska/I

- But my fate did not ready me for finding you.
- I thought I must always shield my heart in stone.
- I could not think I would open it to a Northman.
- You sacrificed yourself that I could flee.
- And you came back for me.

- In return for this ring, my kinsmen will give you ninefold its worth.
- No! No!
- Amleth!
- You will be mother to a king!
- We cannot escape our fate.
- Amleth! [Sobbing]

Berserker: Your bear minds burn in the bodies of men. Sons of the wolf Fenrir, break free from your flesh. Wolves will howl in the storm of Odin. Warriors will fall as the bear claw strikes. We will fight to Valhöll. Until we return to human shape. Fearless, we shall drink blood from our enemies' wounds. Together we will rage in the battlefield of corpses. The Father of War commands us! Transform your skin brothers! Slaughter-wolves! Berserkers! Become your fury!

- You're shaming our family's name!
- We need more men!
- Yeah!
- No! No!

- Man: Bunch of corpses.
Finnr the Nose: Let him rot!
- The seagulls will eat him!
- They're hungry!
- Move, swine!