The Best Taylor Wily Quotes

Kamekona: My man Hirsch told me you might have come across some stolen art at a crime scene.
Lou: Oh, he did, did he?
Kamekona: [pushing Hirsch out of his seat] Move over.
[sitting down]
Kamekona: Yes, he did. So what are we gonna do about it?
Lou: We? Pardon me, but I was unaware that "we" would be discussing an ongoing investigation.
Kamekona: Why not?
Lou: Well... first starters, it's none of your damn business.

Kamekona: With your tutu's recipes, McGarrett's front-of-the-house charm and my brilliant business acumen, this could go. Just do everything I say, Kamekona's Italian Bistro is gonna be a hit.

Steve: What are you talking about? You brought your own contract?
Kamekona: Yeah, but you don't have to read it all. Most of it's just boilerplate.
Danny: Is this a joke?
Steve: In exchange for capital investment, lender gets approval over name, menus, uniforms .
Danny: 40% of modified adjusted gross receipts, plus franchise and licensing rights in perpetuity and throughout the universe.
Steve: Licensing rights?
Kamekona: Correct.
Steve: What do you need licensing rights for?
Nahele: Cookbooks. Sauces. Pasta.
Danny: There's not gonna be any cookbooks. No cookbooks.
Flippa: You don't know that. A successful restaurant will often have certain ancillary streams that generate more profit than the actual brick-and-mortar.
Steve: I'm so confused. I'm sorry. I thought you were coming in as a silent partner.
Kamekona: I am. But if this thing goes under, I don't want nobody to know I'm involved. But if it blows up, - I want to make sure I'm protected.
Danny: Okay Uh, I'm-I'm not signing that.
Steve: Me either.
Danny: And I haven't seen any financial statements. Have you seen any financial statements?

Kamekona: I also got us a liquor license.
Danny: Wait. - How did you do that?
Steve: What?
Kamekona: Restaurants go under all the time, and when that happens, their liquor license just don't go away. They become inactive. A smart businessman can swoop right in, buy them from them for pennies on the dollar. That's what I did.
Steve: That is smart. Why didn't Vito do that?
Danny: I don't know, you want to call him and ask him?

Kamekona: Actually, I'm glad you two are here. I tweaked the plan a little. Nothing big, but you should have a look at it.
Steve: Tweak the plan a little? This is, this is major changes to the entire lighting concept.
Kamekona: Yeah, mood and ambience is the key. You eat with your eyes first.
Danny: This is actually not bad, I like it.
Steve: I like it, too, it's good.
Kamekona: That's because, unlike you two amateurs, I know what I'm doing.