The Best Meaghan Rath Quotes

Quinn: What's the plan?
Tani: We get help.

Querl: Place your hand on the central terminal. You'll be able to upload the shrink code.
[struggling, Brainy makes his way to the panel and takes out the stasis bottle]
Querl: Now, you can't move your hand, or else you'll have to start over.
Querl: The upload will take ten minutes. I don't know if I can last that long.
Querl: You can. I'll be with you the whole way.

Tani: [in a victim's house, finding a secret door] Uncle, you might want to come see this.
Lou: [wandering in] Oh, you're talking to me? I know you ain't just call me "uncle".
Tani: Locals use it as a sign of respect. How long have you lived on this island?
Lou: Long enough to know when somebody's using it to call you "old".
Tani: Well, you are old. But I was being respectful.
Lou: Youth is truly wasted on the young.

Klair: Oh my god! Alexis?
Alexis: Oh my god! Klair?
Klair: Oh my god! I know this girl! How are you babe!
Alexis: I'm good.

Tani: Anonymous package, no return address. What do you think the chances are we watch this and it isn't deeply disturbing?

Querl: Al's dive bar? This is where you summon me at a time like this?
Querl: It's the place where you first gave me this mission. Work with Lex Luthor. Defeat Leviathan. No matter the cost. Today, I will feel the full extent of that cost.
Querl: Querl, I-I know things spun out of control last time you disobeyed Lex. But you don't have to do this. You don't have to let your friends die.
Querl: I don't plan to. I don't plan on using Lex's mortality code on the gods, either.
Querl: But how will you defeat them?
Querl: [setting a glass container on the counter] By using this. Rather than kill the gods, and I shall reclaim the actions of our ancestors. For good. Instead of evil. I'll shrink them. I'll bottle them here in stasis, where they can harm neither this planet nor my friends.
Querl: But if you enter the ship without Lex's anti-radiation pin, you'll... you'll-you'll... you'll die.
Querl: I pushed away everyone I loved because you told me I must. You were right. This planet, my friends... it's worth it. I called you here simply because... I don't wanna die alone.

Tani: [after Junior is maced trying to help an elderly woman] Just so you're aware, um, I will be telling everyone about this. I mean everyone, starting with McGarrett.
Junior: Well, I suppose there's no way I could buy your silence.
Tani: [scoffing] Are you kidding me? No. I'm sorry. The Golden Child gets owned by a grandma? That's... that is priceless.

Tani: [breaking up a domestic dispute] So, spoke to her. Apparently, he comes home last night at 3:00 a.m.; no text, no phone call. She checks the GPS on his phone. Turns out he was at a fancy hotel. Insult to injury, it's her birthday today, so...
Junior: Well, there's nothing to charge them with, so I say we just let them sort it out.
Tani: Right, so we're just gonna brush over the fact that he's obviously cheating on her?
Junior: Well, that's speculative. And even if he was, it's not a crime.
Tani: That is so typical. Take his side. Well done, well done.
Junior: What? J-just because he was at a hotel late last night doesn't mean he was being unfaithful.
Tani: Oh, oh, please continue mansplaining that to me, 'cause here in reality, that makes no logical sense.

Tani: Why are pirates called pirates? Because they ARRR!

Tani: I always knew Duke meant a lot to you guys, but after what he did, for McGarrett to stick by him...
Lou: That's McGarrett. That's just who he is. He's a guy that'll never turn his back on family, no matter what.

Lou: Well, the FBI's here. They've taken jurisdiction over the crime scene. They got a team in the house right now, scrubbing it.
Danny: Sounds like Lee and Nancy were a real-life Boris and Natasha.
Tani: I don't get the reference.
Lou: "Rocky and Bullwinkle".
Junior: Like, "Rocky", like Stallone "Rocky"?

Junior: Hey, can you believe that watching a movie at home used to mean jumping in the car, driving to a video store and hoping that the movie you wanted to watch was available to rent?
Tani: Yeah, those poor souls.
Junior: Like, seriously, nowadays you can just, you know, fire up your phone and watch the "Fast and Furious" franchise from the comfort of your own toilet seat.
Tani: [sarcastic] Yeah, it's a great time to be alive. And thank you so much for that mental image.
Junior: Well, you know, I was hypothetically speaking. You know, uh, I obviously don't do that.