The Best The Last Kingdom, Season 4, Episode 1 Quotes

- He doesn't seem to like you much.
- That's Alfred's legacy.
- The man torments me still.

- Bebbanburg was my reward from god for my constant and unwavering piety.
- Yes, indeed.
- Send out to whatever hovels the common people live in.
- Round up the farmers' sons.
- Will that work, lord?
- The farmers are not well-disposed to us.
- It will work if you hold a knife to the mothers' throats.

[Whispers] What?
[Whispers] Outside.
- No one knows I'm here.
- The people that know will not betray us.
[Whispers] Wait.

- See, this one tells us how 20 men can fashion a palisade in under a day.
- It is all for our own protection.
- Mother, I'm so sorry.
- Please, do not pity me.
- I have a better life than many widows.
- And my new rooms are comfortable, if rather near the kitchens.
- Every time I return, there is a new insult.

Hild: This bitterness is not her.
- Her role is diminished and she is veiled in grief.
- Yes.
- It can make a person less than they should be.
- I should know.

Finan: Which one?
Sihtric: It's not him.
Finan: It's him. Go!
- Hey! Get off! Who are you!
- He's a sinner, father!
Young: Where are we going?

- Your husband would take great pleasure in punishing you for adultery, should you give him the excuse.
- He takes great pleasure in punishing me for whatever I do.
- So, I must try to live with a little happiness.
- Besides, I have good men to protect me.
- And I know you do not speak from envy.

- {gasps}
[soldier] Kill them all!

- How is the weasel?
- Still a man of wisdom and honor.
- Who promotes an ambitious soldier...
- Brave.
- Who rewards loyalty.
- I hear he takes your sister as his whore.
- Then you heard wrong, Dane.
- She's not a whore and he does not take her.

- I'm trying to keep him happy.
- As should you.
- Just hump the desperate bastard.
- I hump him and he loses interest.
- If we want all this to continue, then we must not overplay our hand.
- Do you want to return to being landless and ridiculed?
- You hump him, if you do not believe me.
- I tried. He did not bite.

- we'll have all the silver we ever dreamed of.
- You will all be rewarded for your service, even you baby monk.
- Amen.
- How many men remain here?
- Not enough.
- We will ride to Winchester and raise an army.
- It's time for wessex to repay all that I have given.

- I hope you win what you have longed for.
- Uhtred...
- What if you die doing this?
- Then you will be the last woman to hump uhtred of bebbanburg.
- Is that your way of promising to be faithful?
- Do not answer that.

Sable: They should reach Grimesby by Sunday, then Bebbanburg on the Day of Ascension.
Uhtred: [Uhtred looks confused] When is Ascension?
Sable: Ten days before Pentecost.
Sable: [Uhtred still looks confused. Sable makes a sour face] Two weeks from now.

- Perhaps my faith is being tested.
- Perhaps that's what it is.
- You see this?
- This was my father's.
- One day it will be yours.
- It is fate.
- It doesn't feel like fate.
- It feels like penance.

Uhtred: This is good work.
- Thank you, my lord.
- There's a boat down river, lord.

- Ride to coccham with us. In time, we will find you a proper horse.
- Why would I go to coccham?
- To collect the ship that will take us north...
- To reclaim your birthright and mine.
- To seize back what was lost and unite our family.
- I'm taking you to bebbanburg.
- Never heard of it.

- What did you do to tame her?
- I treated her with respect and gave her love.
- After you slaughtered the man she cared for.
- I pity the bitch.
- Do not give me a reason to kill you.
- My friend.

- Who is there?
- It is aldhelm.
- Lady aethelflaed's absence has been noted by her husband.
- She should leave here before she is discovered.

- Bastard Scots! Kill them!
- Slay them all!
- Don't spare a single one of them!
- Sons of whores!

- Praise be to king Alfred for that.
- We are leaving this place and you are coming with me.
- Am I?
- Yes, you have no choice.
- Take off the woman's garb. Wear this.
- And, uh... I have a gift for you.
- Sihtric!

- and be surprised when it slithers on the ground.
- Did I not have you removed from the court, father beocca?
- Yes, another one of your rash judgments.
- It is unwise to remain somewhere you are not wanted.
- And yet you choose to stay here, too.
- Perhaps we are not so different.

- Look around you, eardwulf.
- Lord?
- Soon, all that you see will belong to mercia.
- Cnut's mistake for leaving will be our glory.

- You are more than that.
- I know.
- And, hopefully, in time, things will change for us.
- I will go to Winchester to comfort my mother and come back here as soon as I can.
- Your men will return from the north soon.

- Throughout all my victories, defeats, loves and losses,
- I ha ve stayed true to my con viction thatl will one day return to bebbanburg and overthrow the man who will stop at nothing to have me killed...
- My uncle aelfric.
- Destiny is all.

- This fortress will not fall!
- I will never yield my birthright, nor seek peace with those who attack us.
- We fight on, until they are all butchered.
- It's time we're heading south, osferth.
Aelfric: We fight on for bebbanburg!
- For bebbanburg!

- Ah. The king grows wiser by the day, true.
- He has all the makings of a great leader, I'm sure.
- But time may be against you.
- Those around him have ambition.
- And it is not the ambition of the king, or of his father, who we both loved.
- So, you do what you must.

- We have them! Advance!
- Don't let them escape!
- Advance, you cowards!
- Kill them all! Do not let them escape!
[Gasps] What in god's name...
- Retreat!
- Retreat to bebbanburg!

- If they capture you, you do exactly this.
- Hey, careful, cnut!
- It means they like you.
- They're good boys, cnut.
- Yes.
- You're blessed.
- Come, they'll have taken down the camp without us.

- Seize the land to the north until you reach the sea.
- And then we will see which Saxon kingdom is the greatest.
- And who should knee! To whom.

- We are resolved.
- Every man who can wield an ax should be building defenses.
- Mother?
- What news do you talk of?
- Perhaps I could offer the wisdom ofexpenence.
- Take comfort that all is well.
- Come.

- Open the gates!
- Open the gates!
- Open the gates!
- Go! Go!
- Open the gates!

- Thank you, father.
- Goodbye, pure and holy abbess.
- Goodbye, you bloodthirsty heathen.
- Take this.
- Turn it into hack-silver and pay for bribes along the way.
- Keep each other out of trouble.

Finan: Get your saintly arse on the bench, osferth.
Uhtred: Let's go.
- He gets sick traveling backward.
Osferth: I do not. I just like to see where we're going.

- It is unusual to honor the girl, whilst the widow aelswith lives, to say the least.
- But aelflaed has an ambitious father.
- Yes, lord aethelhelm is ambitious.
- But king Edward just accepts this ambition from an ealdorman?
- Let's just say we feel his father's absence.

- What!
- Lady aethelflaed will meet you in the garden.
- Do not turn me into a brothel-keeper.
- Oh, but you enjoy the savage life.
- Uhtred!
- Do your novices not know that?
- Ladders.

- Because, unlike you,
- I'm not rewarded for my service.
- You should have licked more asses.
- Perhaps.
- And...
- I no longer want war.
- I'm too old to sleep in the dirt.
- I want silver and lord aethelred has it?

- Word reached me...
- Of the abduction of a young Deacon.
- So, I felt I should, uh...
- You came to help me be a better father.
- Well, there is that.
Uhtred: And?

- That is how you got where you are, lord aethelhelm.
- Lord, take this moment your god is offering you.
- Your father had a dream...
- And my father also knew when to say no to uhtred ragnarson.
- I am no longer the boy who can be bent to your will.
- This is not saying never, but now is not the time.

- {gasps} no! No!
- [Gasps}

- To the settlements until the winter.
- We must hide you away, while the men go to war.
- Any of you caught humping a Saxon will be executed on our return.

- Will you hurry, sable!
- Ah, the monks.
- I'll fetch your silver.
- You leave for northumbria immediately.
- St. oswald's heart? Bloody long way to go for a piece of dried offal.
- Still, a few taverns to stop at along the way.
- Northumbria's a piss-hole place to waste a journey on.