The Best The Master's Wife Quotes

Master's: Okay that's it, party's over! Get out of my house!
Master: Now, pudding face.
Master's: Shove it, Satan!
Sarah: Ooh. Thou mustn't speak to Master in such a manner.
Master: They call me Master.
Master's: Wait 'til you see what I'm gonna call you. Now, tart-face, take your Clark bars and get out of my house!
Winifred: Make us!
[the witches gather around her]
Master: Honeybunch.
Master's: Ralph, sic 'em!
[the witches runs out of the house in fear]

Master's: Aren't you broads a little old to be trick or treating?
Winifred: We'll be younger in the morning.
Master's: Yeah, sure, me too.