The Best The Wire, Season 1, Episode 10 Quotes

Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: So what's the name of your fish?
Troy: Wendell O. - as in "Oh shit, I tried to buy from a State Police" - Blocker.

- Faidley's? You're all right, mcnulty.
- I don't care what all them other fucks downtown say about you.
- 11-35, what's up?
- 'Our friend wants to meet. Same spot.' copy that, 15 minutes.
- What's the deal with the yo-boy?
- What'd he do?
- Stumbled into my world.

- Yo.
- Be ready, we're on it.
- Look at this pretty motherfucker.
- Too fucked up to drive home, mcnulty?

- to pay the bondsman and the lawyer.
- All right. Let's make this work.
- Careful. That's my career you're holding there.
- You got a unit?
- In the mezzanine.
- Give me the keys, man.
- No, I'm driving.
- Come on, man.

- and they shield you with their wings keep you close to the lord don't pay heed to temptation for his hands are so cold you gotta keep the devil way down in the hole

- 'and on election day, we are going to be out there
- 'pushing the vote in every precinct.' you ready?
- Come on, we'll get dinner first.
- Ain't so hungry.
- Come on.

- This is the second time this week I had to pay for a sitter 'cause he was workin' late.
- With all that money he make, you can afford it.

- If you full of shit, pal,
- I'm gonna know it quick.
- What happens to me while you checking?
- Eager street. Cityjail, motherfucker.
- Blue came home last week.
- I ain't seen him since.
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.
- I can't believe it.

- 'Be advised, no movement at scene.'
- In here. Go on, get a medic.
- We got an officer down. We need a medic.
- '78-20, 10-23, give us dv in here.
- '10-4.'

- We can take what Orlando gives us about the club, the money laundering, maybe, or the girls.
- For that kind of cooperation,
- I'll drop a few years and call it fair.
- Daniels in here?
- Yeah.
- Call from deputy commissioner for you.
- You want it in here?
- He doesn't miss much.

- Well, it's enough to charge him, anyway.
- Parents?
- Alcoholic mother. No fixed address.
- Says he's got a grandmother on the eastern shore.
- How about a hotel room?
- On whose dime?
- The deputy won't approve the manpower to stash a 16-year-old, much less room service.
- Mcnulty, line two.

- 'I'll be in touch, homes.'
- How careful is stringer bell?
- "I don't know no-one named barksdale."
- Shit.
- Still, we got him tied to the Brandon killing.
- That can be enough for one day's work.

- 'Line drive, up the middle, a base hit for suzuki.
- 'Suzuki's very patient at the plate.' yeah, man, it's me.
- Guess who's up in here.
- Pimpin'-ass Orlando, from the club.
- Yeah. Courtside.

Proposition: He said y'all would be paying my fee rather than his own, so...
Stringer: Your fee?
Proposition: I'm doing like one of them marriage counselors. Charge by the hour to tell some fool he need to bring some flowers home. And charge another hour telling the bitch she oughta suck some cock every little once in a while. You know, keep a marriage strong like that.
[Omar arrives]
Proposition: Speaking of cocksuckers...
Proposition: [to Omar] Don't believe we met. Proposition Joe. You ever steal from me, I'll kill your whole family.

- The wire is what gives us barksdale.
- It gives us the whole crew.
- Day by day, piece by piece.
- Buy-bust, lieutenant.
- It's what I asked you for months ago.
- It's what we do successfully time and again to make these cases.

- We good.
- So, where the shit at?

Judge: McNulty, I hold you in contempt!
Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: Who doesn't?

- Does any unit have the eyeball?
- Negative, 11-35.
- Come on, greggs, tell us where the fuck you are.
- Pull in there.
- What?
- Pull in there.

- 'I hope you all copy that.' that puts us about eight blocks away.
- I'm pushing in a little closer.
- All units be advised.
- Wan/vick near longwood in the north side alley. Or near that 20.
Kima's Friend: 'This got the right feel for you?'
- You creeping closer?

- My girl. Half the money hers.
- Baby, since we going down north Avenue, stop by the carry-out so I can pick me up some cigarettes.
- They're going up north. Stay loose.
- Shit. It's too loud.

- Yeah.
- Big boy picking up.
- Okay.
- 'You holler at me, right?'
- 'Where you at, man?'
- 'we on our way down.' first thing tomorrow, man.
- Yeah?
- It's him. Stay on it.

Det. Shakima 'Kima' Greggs: [recounting a memory] He says, "Here you go, rook." That's all he says. "Here you go, rook." And then he dropped the bracelets and walked away.

- Just fucking kill me now.
- Heard from Omar?
- Nope.
- I'm gonna go try to scare him up.
- Where you gonna be?
- Well, everyone's saying this kid's all tore up about the dead stickup boy.
- I'm gonna see for myself.
- Mm-hm.
- You need us, we're on the radio.
- Okay.

Troy: Shakima she's just talking like that 'cause I had her when she was good.
Shakima: Shiiit, you the ugly-ass motherfucker that turned me the other way.

- Death row here.
- Ain't up.
- Death row.

- Cameras that see over the yard, out to the street.
- Verizon said there's no phone service at that address.
- That's a telltale right there.
- So what? We try to write a warrant for this place, right?
- Right?

- "Here you go, rook."
- And then he dropped the bracelets and walked away.
- I mean, I know you don't like it.
- But shit, I was proud.
[Women] Ooh!
- Goddamn.

- Still do.
- Does she know about the detective and the pictures?
- No, why would I tell her about that?
- And are the two of you still...?
- Yes.
- A little.

- Damn, carv, you's triflin'.
- Yeah, I admit it, I'm disgusting.
- Cheese puffs and fucking ring-dings?
- Yeah.

- Don't fuck with this count.
- I'll be right back with your shit.

- Lord.
- What's up, bubbs?
- Hey.
- Well, there you go.
- What you got?
- I got some starters.

- Yo, son, I go to the er and word get back to avon, you know he gonna have his henchmen waiting in the parking lot for me.
- Look, I know y'all friendly with a couple of doctors, right? Right?

- Yeah.
- The big fuck from the high-rise, what's his name?
- 'Little man.' yeah, him.
- All right.

- '3-14, be advised, we have a signal 13.'
- '7820, rear odd-side.
- '3300 block of baker. Clear.'
- 'visual, rear even-side of wan/vick and longwood.'
- 'signal 13, signal 13. Officer down.'
- 'SUV, west on wannick, make the next right.'

- A front has to be clean.
- And right now, you ain't that. Sign.
- I want my bail paid.
- You send me a bondsman, I'll sign.
- Is that what you want me to tell him?
- That I asked you to sign and you wouldn't?

- Hmm.
- When they kill the stickup boy they dumped the body in the alley behind where this kid and the other low-rise hoppers lay their heads. Can you imagine?
- All he can think about.
- You tell him he's gonna have to testify?
- Not yet, we'll get there.
- Problem is, what do I do with him now?

- Hey, what up, man?
- This first time, I can go four ounces of rock but hey, if the shit is right, then next time I can step that up.
- Almost ain't worth it for four.
- Just this first go-round. Do right by me,
- I'll turn around and come back on it.
- Where your money at, man?

- How much were you using?
- I'm asking if you're gonna be sick in my car.
- A cap now and then.
- You just snorting?
- You'll be all right in a day or two. Come on.

- Look, I chill out on the manhunt and stop hitting them in the head for they product, they gonna call off the bounty.
- Take the truce, Omar.
- I might, if they ain't trying to play me.
- They said they want to parley on it.
- Parley?
- Look, I don't know, man, but right now
- I need some assistance from y'all.