The Best Tim Schwimmer Quotes

Tim: I never thought I'd win that motion.
ADA: Well, then why did you make it?
Tim: Practice.
ADA: I wish you'd saved it for a more deserving client.
Tim: What, are you kidding? What could be a better career boost than a serial killer? F. Lee Bailey had the Boston Strangler. I've got Mark Bruner.

Jack: You have to know you lost as soon as the first crying mother took the stand.
Tim: I only went to law school nights but I did learn the basics.
ADA: If you could just give us something... anything.
Tim: And if pigs could fly... Back in Lakeview I loved to go to the movies. I'd sit there all afternoon with this enormous box of Jujy Fruits. First I'd pick out the red ones, then the yellow, green, the blacks I'd give to my buddy Mel. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury right now. I can't pick and choose the rules I want to follow and when to follow them.
ADA: If you helped us I can't I doubt that any Bar Association in the country would even consider disbarring you.
Tim: Shame on them

Tim: I know you.
ADA: That's my problem.
Tim: Oh, come on. You gonna hold my brilliant legal mind against me?
ADA: It wasn't so much your brilliance as Judge Karan's idiocy. Look, I respect what you do, Mr. Schwimmer. It doesn't mean I have to like you.
Tim: Well, let me tell you about me. I grew up in Lakeview. Look a map sometime; I'll be damned if I can find a lake anywhere in Queens, but that's beside the point. City College, then on to teaching algebra to kids whose only interest in math was counting the notches on their guns.
ADA: Well, now you get to represent those kids all grown up.
Tim: What, you think legal aid was my first choice? The problem is after Fordham Law at night, Wall Street didn't exactly open its arms.
ADA: Looked to me like you were having a grand old time.
Tim: Hey, I don't have to second seat anyone. You should think about it.
ADA: I prefer my killers behind bars, thank you.