The Best Trevor Shinick Quotes

Trevor: [watches Ralph shape-shift] Oh, shrap.

Trevor: [really Ralph, leading Iris to Thawne] You need to hurry. This guy's such a dick, I got to think super-douchey thoughts just to keep this face on.

Trevor: Guess this is it.
Eobard: Looks like it, doesn't it?
Trevor: I almost forgot. I contacted the Flash museum, had them send this over for today.
[holds up Thawne's RF ring on a chain]
Trevor: I thought it should be buried for good... along with you. Consider it a parting gift.

Ralph: Hey, bro. Uh, what a day. Am I right? You mind if I get a quick word there with Hannibal Speedster? It's just gonna take, like, a second.
Trevor: Is that right? Well, unless you got a signed shift change order, nobody goes in there but me, bro.
Ralph: Only you, huh? Okay, if you insist.

Trevor: Thawne... I-I can help you.
Eobard: Isn't this ironic? Time to repent.
[shoots Trevor with an electric shock]
Eobard: Consider this a parting gift.
[phases his hand into Trevor's chest and crushes his heart]

Trevor: 15 years, Thawne. Tell me, how's it feel to know you're about to become extinct?
Eobard: I guess time will tell.
Trevor: I'm gonna miss the hell out of you. Especially our rehabilitation time. How about a taste of what's to come?
[gives Thawne an electric shock]
Eobard: Ironic, isn't it? The same thing that gives you your powers is gonna end you.