250 Best Ralph Dibny Quotes

Ralph: Look, everything is gonna be fine. Your parents hired me to do whatever it takes to bring you home safely. And that's what I'm gonna do.
Sue: How?
Ralph: Easy. I'm gonna find Loring, I'm gonna get your evidence, then I'm gonna take it to CCPD. And after I do that, I'm gonna take you home.
Sue: John's a killer. You'd be risking your life. For me. If you get killed... my parents are out good money. I'm coming with you.

Ralph: I always knew you were a light weight.
Barry: I swear, Ralph.

Ralph: Turns out industrial respirators use a protective coating around the nostrils that are made from this. And when this is exposed to another compound, dimethyl sulfate, floroupolymers tend to emit a very distinctive odor.
Sherloque: Burnt onions.
Ralph: Right. We find out where this is used, we're going to find our man. Elementary.
Sherloque: Elementary.
Ralph: No shrap, Sherlock.
Sherloque: It's Sherloque.

Goldface: Scum recognizes scum. I'm scum. And I've survived this long by recognizing the same.
[patting Ralph's shoulder]
Goldface: Like you. You're scum. I sniffed you coming a mile away.
Ralph: Thanks?
Goldface: [turning to Barry] But your partner... I don't sniff nothing on him. And that worries me. So... the question is, who are you?
Ralph: I can vouch for him. He's just...
Goldface: I said shut your mouth!
[one of his thugs knocks Barry down to his knees]
Goldface: I want to hear it from him.

Killer: Hello, Stretch.
Ralph: They call me a man who elongates now.
Killer: Hm, they should call you pathetic.

Ralph: Wow, this house is, uh...
Cisco: Bitchin'?
Ralph: No. Small. Looks bigger from the street.

Cisco: I got your text. What's the emergency?
Ralph: Okay. Listen to me very carefully.
[leading him to another room]
Ralph: I took a break from serial killer kidnapper madness to do something awesome.
Kamilla: So I decided on another career path. Photography was always my passion, and I figured why not make it my job?
Iris: These are great, Kamilla.
Ralph: I Peter Parkered her.
Cisco: Dibs, sidebar.
Ralph: Sidebar?
Cisco: [pulling him away] Sidebar, now!

Ralph: Sue, you're trapped, and you're going down.
Sue: Oh, actually, I'm going up.
Cisco: ["catching" a blown kiss] Ah. Did you see that?
Ralph: What do you...
Cisco: Did you see that?
[while they're distracted, she rappels away]
Ralph: [seeing her escape route in the ceiling] Damn it!
Cisco: Uh-oh. Dibs.
[taking a device out of the servers]
Cisco: If this is what she used, she has access to all the bank's financial holdings.
Ralph: Oh, well...
[trying to laugh it off]
Ralph: It's only several... billion... dollars.

Ralph: Listen, Caitlin, I'm... I'm sorry.
Caitlin: For what?
Ralph: For... all of this. Just, I... I felt like a complete joke after the hostage thing, and then Sherloque shows up and everybody swoons over his so-called "master detective-ness", and you were nice enough to invite me along, and... and I pushed you into that, and... I'm really sorry.
Caitlin: Ralph, this thing you pushed me into gave me something I've never had before.
Ralph: Your first felony?
Caitlin: No. Closure. It may not be pretty, but I finally know the truth. And that means everything. So for my book, you're the best detective a girl could ask for.

Barry: We're supposed to pay Goldface and then just let him get away?
Ralph: Come on, you said we needed to think outside the box.
Barry: This is making a deal with the devil.
Ralph: No, this is stopping Cicada. Look, I don't like this any more than you do, but in some cases, the ends justify the means. And stopping a psychotic meta-killer who we are literally powerless against, that's one of those cases.

Cisco: Let me run through this again. So, Mr. Truck, you said? You've seen Cicada here?
Truck: Dude's been up in here like a mean fungus.
Ralph: I see, and how is the White Russian Hacker?
Cisco: You wanna focus up here?
[turning back to Truck]
Cisco: So, can you tell me was he violent?
Truck: Hell, yeah. Every Thursday, comes in and assaults anyone in here.
[he finishes his drink and smashes the glass]
Cisco: Unnecessary. But okay.

Cisco: Melting highly concentrated bonds. Melting Point. Oh, yeah, yeah. I gotta write that down.
Ralph: Okay, great, so you guys figure out how to get this Mr. Melting Point in the same room as DeVoe and not get his brains sucked out. I'm gonna go get a couple of bear claws and go back to my room.
Cisco: It's not Mr. Melting Point. Look, it's just Melting Point.

Allegra: Who's Hartley Rathaway?
Cisco: He is an expert in psychoacoustics and sonic vibrations. He used to work for S.T.A.R. Labs. Also, a jerk who hates us so much he tried to julienne your insides.
Ralph: It turns out that he hates the Flash even more post-Crisis, only we don't really know why.
Cisco: Correction: I know why. My Crisis research dug up the answer to that.
Barry: [seeing a newspaper headline] Henchmen? No, it was only me and Hartley.
Cisco: Not in this timeline. Pied Piper's band of merry men tried to flank you while you were distracted playing musical cars. Yeah, you clocked them, but when one of them tried to shoot at you, you countered with a lightning bolt. That lightning collided with the weapon's blast, and... turns out that was Hartley's righ-hand man, Roderick Smith.
Ralph: [his phone buzzes] It's Frost. Sorry, guys, I gotta... I gotta check on this.
Cisco: Roderick Smith is being held in an energy containment unit in Mercury Labs. Apparently, it's the only thing that's keeping him from completely disintegrating.
Allegra: I guess that's a no to Pied Piper's help.
Cisco: Well, he did almost kill us, so...

Sue: Why would you call my parents?
Ralph: So, that diamond that you gave me, it turns out that it has a map for Black Hole's stash house. I did some recon.
Sue: Oh! I thought breaking and entering was a line Elongated Man didn't cross.
Ralph: [shushing her] Will you just... inside voices, please.

Allegra: I'm glad Carver turned you down. After what he did to my cousin, Joe, Iris, he... he deserves what he gets.
Barry: He doesn't deserve to die. What if he's telling the truth about the Mirrorverse affecting minds?
Ralph: Or he's lying. He's not exactly the paragon of truth.
Harrison: I don't think he's lying. I think it could be neural dissonance. I came across this Earth on my travels where any visitor to that Earth immediately suffers a traumatic psychological state. Neural dissonance. This could be that.
Joseph: [entering] I'm glad someone believes me.

Ralph: So she's not on board?
Caitlin: No, and I don't exactly know why.
Ralph: Can't you just ask her?
Caitlin: Oh, I've tried. But every time we start talking about it, she starts singing Barney's "I Love You" song.
Ralph: Ooh, that's cold.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Ralph: What about Cisco? Is he having any luck?
Caitlin: Not yet. He went to the Tanhauser offsites so he could concentrate. He says it's quiet there.
Ralph: Yeah. Quiet like a tomb.

Ralph: [approaching Cisco and Kamilla at Jitters] Larry, my usual.
Barista: It's Jason.

Ryan: Dr. Palmer, who are these people?
Ray: We are superheroes, and Ryan, we need your help.
Ryan: [laughs] Sure, Dr. Palmer. Good one. And next you're gonna tell me I've been nominated for the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics? Okay, I don't have time for this.
Ralph: Seeing is believing, right?
[stretches his arm to grab a box of tissues]
Ralph: Tissue?
Ryan: You're Elongated Man?
[to Ray and Iris]
Ryan: Are-are you superheroes, too?
Ralph: I know this sounds cuckoo, pal, but you're what's called a Paragon, which is a fancy word for saying, "We need your help to save the universe."

[the mugger shots twice at Ralph and both bullets bounce off and hit the mugger]
Barry: Stop shooting him!
Ralph: I am not shooting him!
Mugger: Oh, he shot my ass!

Iris: No, Ralph, I meant you, okay? That bomb could have torn you to shreds.
Caitlin: Or Joe, or any of the police outside.
Ralph: Relax, ladies, my cells are completely polygamized.
Caitlin: Polymerized?
Ralph: Yeah, that. Which means they can stretch and take a bomb blast.
Iris: Oh, my God.
Ralph: Dibny is in-dib-structable.

Barry: [regarding the speedster trap] Man, this thing brings back memories.
Ralph: Good ones or bad ones?
Barry: Thawne ones. We trapped the Reverse-Flash in this thing before we even knew he was Thawne.
Cisco: Well, we actually ended up trapping his Speed Mirage, while his real self just sat there chilling in his wheelchair.
Ralph: Man, Thawne's plans got plans.

Ralph: You sure you're ready to talk to He Who Shall Not Be Named?
Iris: Well, whether I am or not, Gideon said that these were Nora's last known coordinates.
[they peek around a corner and see the guard on duty]
Iris: You're up.

Ralph: We really appreciate all this, but you can relax. Big Raf sent us.
Carver: Big Raf, huh? All right, then. Gentlemen, welcome to the market.

Allegra: Dude, there's serious UV energy coming off that thing. Can I?
[taking the diamond]
Allegra: Huh.
Harrison: [she uses her powers to activate it] Oh, yeah. This is a triangulation cartograph. It's a treasure map.
Barry: [indicating a map of the city] Allegra. Aim it over this.
[she does so]
Barry: The center's at 42nd and Darby.
Ralph: Hang on.
[taking out his phone]
Ralph: 42nd and Darby... holy heck.
Barry: What?
Ralph: Well, it turns out that is a ginormous warehouse with five subterranean levels.
Barry: Ralph and I will check it out. You two take comms.
Allegra: N...
Ralph: [taking the diamond back] I'm gonna... just... excuse me.

Barry: Did you find the Field Generator?
Ralph: Of course did. But you're not gonna like who has it.

Cisco: Are you yelling at my satellite?
Ralph: No, I was just encouraging it. Although Sally here doesn't wanna be encouraged.
Cisco: Okay. One, her name isn't Sally. Two... I'm sorry. Barry and Caitlin. We've lost them both before, and it just feels like we just got them back. Well, sorry I was a dick.
Ralph: You weren't a dick. I'm the dick. Private and public.

Barry: The converter can transform dark matter energy to practical energy.
Nora: Cicada's gonna use her dagger to superpower the atomizer.
Cisco: If she wants to connect it to the atomizer, the last piece she'll need is a hyper-conduit, and those are pretty hard to come by, to say the least. She'll be lucky to locate one in the CC area at all.
Ralph: Well, we'd better find it first.
Cisco: We'll get to it.

Ralph: You know, that actually wasn't a really bad pep talk.
Killer: Well, it's your turn next time. If I ever decide to go full villain next time, you can give me the lame heart to heart.
Ralph: Full villain? Wait... Wait. I know how to fix this. I gotta see a girl about a guy. Thank you, Frosty Oprah.

Cisco: Stagg, Mercury, Ivo.
Nora: None of them have a hyper-conduit compatible with the converter Cicada stole.
Ralph: You know, now that I've actually experienced this whole time travel thing, I think I understand it a little bit better. Which makes me understand Thawne's plan less and less. Why would he send Nora back to create a new Cicada only for a newer Cicada to appear who's harder to stop than the one Nora created?
Iris: Ralph, can we get away from Thawne's plan and try to stick to our own?

Dr. Harry Wells: There's a 67% you're gonna spill that mustard on the floor. Oh!
[mustard spills from Ralph's veggie dog]
Ralph: Okay. How did you do that?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I simply analyzed your eating habits and extrapolated them at a predictive behavior model all within four seconds. The cap is working.
Ralph: Eh, cool, but I'm not quite convinced.
Dr. Harry Wells: No? Really? You're not convinced? All right, then. The answer is none. And have a little more respect for your body, will you?
Ralph: This is a veggie dog, man.
Dr. Harry Wells: Not talking about the veggie dog, man. I'm talking about wiping the mustard on the pants causes the pant movement which indicates a lacking of clothing to bodily friction, which can only mean one thing.
Ralph: Right, what kind of underwear am I wearing?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the answer is... none.
Ralph: You got all that from your fancy metal cap?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, I did.
Ralph: It's impressive, Harry. Except for one very small thing.
Dr. Harry Wells: Which is?
Ralph: Your head is on fire.

The: You can met me up there.
Ralph: Me? How?
The: You can stretch. Grab it.
Ralph: Are you-are you crazy? I can't do that.
The: Yes, you can. All right. I know that you have it inside of you to help someone other than yourself. I know you, Ralph.
Ralph: How could you possibly know me?
[the Flash takes off his cowl revealing his identity to Ralph]
Ralph: Dude, are you kidding me? You're the Flash? Everyone gets struck by lightning and dies, and you get super powers?
The: Ralph, yeah, that's right.
Breacher: [to Cisco] Your assistant's a speedster?
Ralph: I liked the Flash. Now I have to hate the Flash.
The: Ralph, focus. I need you to do this. Joe needs you to do this. Please. Show me I was wrong about you. You said you were a good cop. Be one right now.

Sue: Hi, Slick. You miss me?
Ralph: Almost as much as I miss Fredrico, my tapeworm. Hello, Sue. Or is it Janary?

Ralph: You think there's any chance Frost could help us out with some sealant up there?
Caitlin: I don't think she's coming out today.
Ralph: She still having a tough time with your dad's death?
Caitlin: I mean, Frost protected me for so long that I don't think she's ever felt pain of her own before. Not like this.
Ralph: Well, I-I think I could help what that. Here.
Caitlin: "Ralph's 27 Steps to a Better Mourning"? I don't think Frost would respond very well to a pamphlet.
Ralph: Oh, come on. Look. Uh, number 10: go see your dentist because you should be doing that at least twice a year and you've been slacking, and it'll give you something to do other than dwell on the pain.
[Killer Frost emerges and seals up the hole in the roof with an ice blast]
Caitlin: There. Now will you shut up?
Ralph: Told you I'd get her to come out.

Ralph: So you really think this might be it?
Caitlin: Cisco sent me this sample to corroborate his findings, and it all checks out. I'm sending it back to him for final processing, but I think we may have found a way to suppress the meta genome.
Barry: Great. Then we can use it to de-power Cicada, stop him for good.
Ralph: So, what's the plan? Put this thing in a tranq gun and go all "American Sniper" on him?
Caitlin: It's not that simple.

Iris: Looks like our meta isn't restricted to animating just stone.
Barry: No, but she does have some limitations. Out of all the artifacts in the office, she could only control the knight.
Caitlin: So then maybe her psychic imprint abilities are just restricted to effigies.
Ralph: [snorts]
Barry: It just means "statues."
Ralph: Yeah, I don't know. Sounds kinda dirty.

Ralph: You weren't stealing anything in Paris, Shanghai, or Central City. You were investigating Carver. He must have found out their ugly little secret. What, do they lie on their tax returns? They bribe their way into that yacht club?
Sue: Enough. Assume whatever you want about me, but don't do it about my parents. They're good people.
Ralph: Then let me help you.
Sue: I barely know you.
Ralph: You know everything that matters.
Sue: For the record, I didn't enjoy tricking you.
[seeing his look]
Sue: Okay, I enjoyed it. But, honestly, I felt pretty crappy afterwards. Why is that?
Ralph: 'Cause you are a good person, just like your parents. You just have some... issues.

Ralph: Just yank the tarp off. I'm ready for my super-suit.
Cisco: Ralph... this tarp is your super-suit. When you stretch, it stretches. When you squish, it squishes.
Ralph: Squishes into something butt-ugly. Where's the style, the flair? Dibny needs to peacock.
Cisco: Dibny needs to wear the prototype Cisco so lovingly made for him. Either that, or fight crime naked. Nope! Don't fight crime naked!

Ralph: [pulling Barry away from Gat] What the hell are you doing?
Barry: Okay, this guy has got crates of cop-killing guns. Would you prefer he sells them to criminals?
Ralph: I would prefer that you not blow our cover, and you're going to blow our cover. Come on, man, I asked you to turn off hero mode for, like, ten minutes.

Ralph: Yikes. Did, uh, Rudolph just diarrhea all over your tree?
Cisco: Cool, cool. Two humbugs. It's a Festivus miracle.

Ralph: [in Icicle's old lab] Okay, pretty safe bet She-Cada was here.
Caitlin: Better check it out. See if we can figure out what she took.
Ralph: Yeah, that is if I can get my fingers to start moving again.

Cecile: We need to work the problem, not tear each other down. So here's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna call David's husband, and I'm gonna see if he has seen Singh's duplicate.
Allegra: Uh, I'll check the Bentley Building. Mirror-Iris and Kamilla were alone there a lot. Maybe they left something behind.
Cecile: Good.
Harrison: You want company?
Allegra: Maybe you should find something else to do.
Ralph: You can come with me. I'm gonna see if I can dig up any details on this Eva McCulloch.
Cisco: [the others leave] If the Mirrorverse is just another dimension, there might be a way to enter vibrationally. Caitlin's still on the mend, so I can't ask her for help. I guess that means I'm doing this one on my own.
Cecile: [Cisco leaves, too] Barry, look, I understand how you're feeling...
Barry: Cecile, I know you're trying to help me, and... I appreciate it, but... right now, I'm gonna work on the artificial Speed Force. I just... there's no point in finding Eva if I'm useless against her.

Caitlin: I'm sorry we came all this way for no reason.
Ralph: No, I'm impressed. Your mom is a really good liar.
Caitlin: Yeah. I know she forged this death certificate. I just... she's never gonna tell us why. We've hit a brick wall.
Ralph: Ah, but where you see a wall, this detective sees a brick door with no handle.
[she looks at him in confusion]
Ralph: What I mean is, I know exactly how to get what we came for.

Ralph: ...if Eddie wanted to erase Thawne from existence, why didn't he just have a vasectomy?

Ralph: I smell a mystery.
Sue: I smell... expired milk.

Ralph: My first supervillain thunderdome challenge. This is awesome.
Iris: Ralph, you don't know this guy. He's totally dangerous.
Ralph: He's throwing bouncy balls and wearing a bedazzled peacoat. I got this.

Sherloque: Well, Team Flash, Nora West-Allen is not the only time traveler who's absent.
Ralph: We've been running down abandoned buildings, foreclosed condos...
Sherloque: Anywhere that Grace Gibbons may have hidden her younger self, but...
Ralph: We got bupkis.
Caitlin: And we have no idea why she stole the cryo-atomizer, except that it was worth killing my dad for.
Barry: Hey. If you need more time...
Cisco: Yeah, we're more than capable of chasing a wild goose or two on our own.
Caitlin: Thank you, I'm fine. I'd rather be working.

Ralph: I know how Barry can be. But you guys are like the Meghan and Harry of superhero royalty. Your love is eternal. You two will talk and-and...
Iris: We did talk. I want Nora to stay here, he doesn't. How do we solve that?
Cecile: Okay, Iris, honey. I haven't always been in the near-perfect relationship that I'm in now. So take it from someone with experience, the only way you two solve this problem is together. And you're not going to find your answers here.
Iris: [getting an idea] Yeah, you're right.
Cecile: [feeling something as Iris leaves] You need to go after her.
Ralph: Oh, come on. Give me a break. Have you seen her right hook?
Iris: Ralph, she's hurt, I know. But there's something more. I feel it. She's... determined.

Ralph: Holy all-star squadron. Hi, hi, how are you? Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man. Ready to help kick butt.
Killer: Ignore him. It's his first crossover.

Ralph: We're going too fast.
Cisco: Think light thoughts.
Ralph: I'm thinking how you nearly got us killed.
Cisco: Think lighter!

Sue: Will you relax? We're safe here. John's not stupid. Killing me in a public place? Uh-uh, it's not gonna happen.
Ralph: I'm sorry, I believe he blew up an apartment to get to you.
Sue: That building was scheduled for demolition next month. But he does know that someone's after him now. It'll make him harder to get to. Thanks to you.
Ralph: [she pays for her drink and stands to leave] Where are you going?
Sue: Sorry, Slick. I can't partner up with someone who doesn't think I can pull my own weight.

Ralph: Even if all of that worked, we can't just waltz into the hospital with our soon-to-be-named dampening device. Dwyer smells us coming, he's... he's gone.
Nora: Then we do a time hack.
Ralph: A time hack?
Sherloque: It's when you...
Cisco: Plant something in the past so it's available in the future. You go back, you take the device, and you... hide it near the hospital, somewhere it won't be found for five years. He won't even know it's there.

Dr. Harry Wells: So, I was talking to Charity - not her real name - she tells me the dancers here make more in a month than an average teacher...
Ralph: Blah, blah, blah. Less talky, more dancy.

Sue: No one followed us. We're clear.
Ralph: Sue, I... I have been looking for you for nine months.
Sue: Ouch. I hope you don't bill by the hour.
Ralph: Where have you been? And-and... and why did your apartment explode in my face?
Sue: Yeah, hate it when that happens.
Ralph: Look, I'm serious. Now, who set that bomb? Why are they trying to kill you? And how long has this been going on for?
Sue: Uh, my ex. Because I know too much. About nine months. You done?
Ralph: No, I'm most certainly not done. Why is your ex sending you explosive candygrams?
Sue: [picking up a bottle of booze] Ooh, the cheap stuff.
Ralph: [taking the glass away] Look. Drinks later. Spilling your guts to tell a tragic story? That'd be now.
Sue: Fine. I fell in love with a murderer. Happy?

Ralph: "Chapter One: Initial Planning."
Cisco: Initial planning? It's a first date, Sun Tzu, not an incursion.
Ralph: Trust me, Grasshopper, love is war, but, fine, if you wanna skip to chapter six, "Know Your Terrain."
Cisco: We're meeting at Jitters.
Ralph: Ah, familiar territory. You are learning.
Nora: Uh, you know, he really should be going.
Cisco: I really should.
Ralph: Hang on, hang on a second. This one's really important. Chapter thirteen, "Intelligence and Reconnaissance."
Nora: Wh - You cyber-stalked Kamilla?
Ralph: No, no, no, no, of course not. That's her public profile. But it did happen to have some info on the types of guys that she might be into.
Cisco: The type of guys that she's into?
Ralph: Yes, and, unfortunately, you are nothing like them, but, hey, if you don't wanna get a second date, be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when everything inevitably goes horribly, horribly wrong and you die alone. No big deal.

Caitlin: Ralph Dibny, you are kind, intelligent, and compassionate. And most of all, you put the the needs of others before yourself. So that means you are built for love, and you deserve someone who loves you back.
Ralph: Caitlin... I'm sorry, I just don't feel that way about you.
Caitlin: Ugh. Gross! Oh, come on, you idiot.
Ralph: Sorry, I got my - I got my wires crossed. Jeez.

Cisco: I got your text. What's up.
[seeing Ralph's corkboard]
Cisco: Okay, Carrie Matthison, red string much?
Ralph: I've been tracking Sue since she disappeared. She's hit five banks in five locations. Every single one of them was doing some schmoozy cocktail party when she did it. And while everybody was sipping champagne and eating an overpriced meal, bam. Server rooms get hacked.
Cisco: Oh. I know that look. You found her next target.
Ralph: Of course I found her next target. The First National CC Bank is holding an investors' brunch for their biggest clients. Fits Sue's M.O. to a "T". Now, here's where you come in, my friend. I need a hacker who can set up a net to help catch her, somebody who can monitor the security feed, somebody who speaks bandwidth and knows binary.
Cisco: Mm, I'm not sure you know how hacking works.
Ralph: Please. I've seen "You've Got Mail" several times.

Barry: We've seen this puzzle piece before.
Cisco: Our satellite giveth, and now we must taketh away.
Ralph: [entering with Cecile] I think we can finally do that. We got a list from FEMA of everyone who reported injuries the night of the Enlightenment.
Cecile: None of them matched Cicada's description.
Ralph: But there were three kids who were hit by pieces of shrapnel from the satellite.
Cecile: Two of them are twins whose father is deceased. Third is a ten year old girl, by the name of Grace Gibbons.
Iris: So if my dad's right and Cicada's a father, then...
Barry: We may have just found his daughter.

Ralph: Oh, chicks with white hair. Hot.
Barry: Why is Killer Frost here?
Iris: Guys, she has something that she wants to tell you. And you all should listen.
Ralph: [disappointed after she turns back into Caitlin] Oh, it's just Caitlin.
Caitlin: I can explain everything.

Barry: What made you look into Mayor Bellows in the first place?
Ralph: Oh, it was a client. Asked me to follow the mayor. Never met him, though. He did everything over the phone.
Barry: Who was it?
Ralph: Only gave me his last name. DeVoe.
[Barry flashes back to Abra Kadabra and Savitar mentioning DeVoe]
Ralph: What's wrong? The name DeVoe mean something to you?
[Barry gives a small nod]
Ralph: I smell a mystery.

Ralph: I heard all the commotion, and I thought, "If DeVoe was here, where would he be going?"
Izzy: Hmm. A simple deduction for a simple man. Though I assure you, you are no threat for an intellect of my magnitude.
Ralph: Please. Everyone I fight is smarter than me, and no bad guy has beaten me yet.
Izzy: [brings out a toy-sized dinosaur skeleton] Well, I'm afraid an old friend requests a rematch.
Ralph: I really hate sequels.

Barry: Eva's been missing for over 24 hours. Where are we with facial recognition?
Allegra: Satellites have turned up zilch.
Barry: The artificial Speed Force isn't finished yet, so I still can't do my usual sweeps of the city.
Ralph: Right. Uh, why are we meeting here?
Barry: I have a backlog of cases. I can't lose my CSI job along with everything else.

Barry: We lost. Five people aren't going home to their families tonight. And the sixth, Ramsey. We lost him, too. He's out there somewhere. We have to stop him. I... I have to stop him.
Iris: Barry.
Ralph: You tried to save him.
Cecile: But he turned himself into a monster.
Killer: That's not on us. That was Ramsey's choice.
Barry: I swear, if it is the last thing I do on this Earth... I'm gonna stop him.
Iris: How did Ramsey do this, anyway?
Cisco: He's using people as incubators. Using their bodies to create to he needs to keep himself alive.
Iris: So he's turning people into human bloods banks.
Cecile: And as soon he gets hungry again...
Killer: He's gonna make a withdrawal.
Ralph: Well, happy Halloween, everyone.

Ralph: So, you mind telling me how you know martial arts?
Sue: My parents sent me to Kyoto for a summer. Trained with a blind sensei. Taught me everything I know.
Ralph: Really?
Sue: No. I trained with a guy named Frank at a YMCA.

Cisco: You have, uh... Peter Parker'd her.
Ralph: Yeah, I mean, Kamilla is a great photographer and I thought she could start taking some pictures for Iris, and then maybe she'd start to come around S.T.A.R. Labs. I don't know, if we're lucky, get bitten by something radioactive. Become, like, a Spider-Person.
Cisco: So, while you thought, did it occur to you that no one asked you to do this?
Ralph: You don't think she'd make a good Spider-Person?
Cisco: You listen to me, and listen to good, you turkey on stilts. It is not your job to get my girlfriend on the team!

Joe: So you went to to the future?
Ralph: Yeah. John Stamos still handsome.
Sherloque: He'll never not age.
Ralph: No, never. Man, he looks good.

Ralph: Why the brakes? Are we here?
Barry: Almost.
Ralph: [sees the portal] So that's the Hellmouth?
Barry: That's the nexus of DeVoe's mind. Marlize said we can take control of him if the good DeVoe passes through it.
Ralph: Allen, we know that's not possible anymore.
Barry: Why do you think he's keeping you alive? I couldn't figure it out, but think about it, if you get out, you take back control of this body, because it's yours. That's why he won't let you leave. Once you get out, DeVoe will cease to exist. All you have to do is make it through that portal, and you'll regain control. Remember who are, Ralph. A hero.

Iris: Last year when I thought that Savitar was going to kill me, I was... scared out of my mind.
Ralph: How did you deal with it?
Iris: It was really hard. But then I realized that if I hid from him, if I hid from the world, then... Savitar had already won. So I made the decision to not give into the fear. I chose to keep living.
Ralph: Look, uh... what I said before about you never putting your life on the line, I was wrong. You make one hell of a Flash. In or out of the costume.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I welcome you to the Golden Booty.
Joe: There ain't nothing golden about any of this.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nope.
Ralph: [to Barry] Came through for you. Right, man? What do you think?
Cisco: I think I should've brought some hand sanitizer.
Dr. Harry Wells: [squeezing some into his hands, then giving some to Cisco] Always come prepared.

Ralph: I got your text. Are you okay? Is the wound getting worse?
Killer: Ralph, I'm fine. As fine as anyone with a chronic light bullet avulsion can be in their chest. This patch is keeping me stable for now.
Ralph: Then what's the emergency?
Killer: Payback. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me this year; for taking me to an art show and teaching me how to get in touch with emotions I didn't even know I had.
Ralph: Hey, that's what life coaches are for.
Killer: Well, I know I've still got a long way to go, but I'm leaving soon, so we might not be able to finish this.
Ralph: You getting better is our number one priority. And your mom is the expert on all things ice, so she'll patch up that wound of yours, and then we can pick up where we left off.
Killer: I could be gone for a long time.
Ralph: Okay. But you are coming back, right?
Killer: Look, Ralph, forget it. I-I just... I wanted to say goodbye to an old friend.
Ralph: Look... friends say "so long" or... or "until we meet again." They... they don't really say goodbye. So why don't you just tell me what's really bothering you?
Killer: I'm fine. Stop trying to smell a mystery or whatever.
Ralph: Too late.

Caitlin: You okay?
Ralph: [showing his burned hand] Nothing a gallon of aloe won't fix.

Iris: So Izzy Bowin can control music.
Cisco: More like soundwaves.
Ralph: Soundwave. That's a great name.
Cisco: It would be, if it wasn't already taken by a Transformer.

Ralph: Investigation into the disappearance of socialite Sue Dearbon. Day 274 since her parents first hired me to find her. Status update: nothing. Sue's trail went cold in Midway City after Remington Meister provided a dead end. However, she was there. Meister confirmed that much.
Cecile: [entering] Hey, what are you doing here...
[seeing his corkboard]
Cecile: Oh, seriously? Ralph. When I left last night, you were standing here staring at the exact same board, same as the night before. Honey, don't you think maybe it's time you got a little help? And a shower?
Ralph: Cecile, this is my process. I work things out with the only person that can keep up with my beautiful detective mind. Me.
Cecile: You could work with me. We took down the FEMA guy together, that was so great.
[seeing his look]
Cecile: You're not loving that. All right. Um...
Ralph: Cecile, you know me. I-I... I like doing things my own way.
Cecile: Ralph... every Holmes needs a Watson.

Ralph: I know you guys want me off this whole Thawne thing, but you've got to hear this.
Cisco: Ralph...
Ralph: No, you've got to look at this. You've got to hear this. So just... just give me a second, all right?

Ralph: [Trying to compliment Cecile] You're the Deanna Troi of Team Flash.

Ralph: Hey, bro. Uh, what a day. Am I right? You mind if I get a quick word there with Hannibal Speedster? It's just gonna take, like, a second.
Trevor: Is that right? Well, unless you got a signed shift change order, nobody goes in there but me, bro.
Ralph: Only you, huh? Okay, if you insist.

Remington: Mr. Dibny, we meet again.
Ralph: You got to take it easy on the Bond quotes, man.

Caitlin: Killer Frost has been gone since the night that DeVoe took over your body.
Ralph: Jeez, Louise! No one tells me anything.

Ralph: You're gonna kill millions of innocent people just to sell your weapon?
Remington: Ja. Enjoy the show.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I have arrived.
Cisco: Ralph.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny.
Barry: Wasn't expecting you.
Ralph: You said, see you later. I assumed this was a superhero hangout and this was a test for my highly attuned detective abilities, which, for the record, nailed it.
Cisco: Okay, or...
Dr. Harry Wells: You weren't invited.

Iris: Sue is very lucky to have a master detective like you searching for her.
Ralph: Give me a break. It's just a missing person's case. It's not I'm looking to getting married.

Remington: I must say, I did not expect Central City's resident superhero to crash my little gathering.
Ralph: And I must say, I'm surprised by all the Bond villain clichés. I mean, you've got the accent, the diabolical scheme, even the silent but deadly henchperson.
The: Ultraviolet? I sent you to Iron Heights!
Remington: Luckily, she has friends in low places.
The: Well, let me guess, you're gonna add my unmasking to your little auction?
Remington: Oh, I could care less about your secret identity, Flash. My interests are global.

Sue: Get down!
Ralph: [they just manage to avoid an explosion] What the hell, lady?
Sue: Hey, I just saved your life. You're welcome, by the way.

Cisco: You scared us for a minute there.
Caitlin: Yeah.
Ralph: Can you tell us what happened?
Caitlin: I was home alone, and the wound from the light bullet was getting worse.
Cisco: I'm sure your run-in with Sunshine didn't help.
Caitlin: Yeah, so I tried to ice heal it, and that's when the wound ruptured. It must have been my immune system's way of protecting me. Guys, I need help.
Ralph: You just tell us what you need. I mean, who do we know that can help with a... light-ice wound?
Caitlin: There's only one person we can call. My mother.

Cisco: I think we're done here.
Ralph: One drink. I'm paying.
Cisco: One drink, but only because you never pay for anything ever and I'm really curious to see what hell looks like frozen over.

Ralph: You know, my mom's friend, Doug, he had a saying. "If you're always waiting to live your life, you're gonna die before it starts." And Doug, he would know. He operated a Zamboni. May he rest in peace.

Cisco: Oh, god. Not the Book of Ralph again!
Ralph: Yeah, buddy. You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past, you have a new siren, so now it's time for... the art of love.
Cisco: Um, Caitlin?
Caitlin: I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure.
Sherloque: Also I have to inject the device for the cure.
Cisco: I-I-Iris?
Iris: Oh, no, this is all you, man. I got an article I gotta write. Let me know when Barry gets back.
Cisco: [mouthing to Nora] Help me.

Joseph: I need your help after all, Allen. Federal protection. The full Joe West treatment.
Allegra: What happened to your killer minions?
Barry: [seeing his face] Eva got to them first, didn't she?
Joseph: You gonna help me or not?
[Nash scoffs]
Joseph: Look, get me into protection, and Joe can get out of it. One call from me and he's sleeping in his own bed tonight.
Ralph: [scoffing, too] You're a real piece of work. You know that?
Joseph: That sounded like a "yes" to me.

Nora: As a kid, there was part of the Flash Museum that always scared me. I guess it's normal for children to be afraid of monsters. But this monster was different. No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victims hear. But that's not what makes him scary. What makes him scary is... you can never catch him.
Barry: We never catch him?
Nora: Supergirl, the Legends, even the League tried, but no one was successful.
Ralph: Probably he can dampen everybody's powers with that magic friggin' dagger.
Caitlin: Not all superhumans are meta-humans though. What about...
Nora: Green Arrow? Yeah, he tried too once, but...
Cisco: So we're dealing with a meta-human Jack the Ripper. Amazing.

[first lines]
Ralph: Good old CCTA, bus number 405, where I was gifted with pretty much the best powers ever. If it wasn't for this old girl, I'd still have to leave the couch when I need to use the bathroom, you know, because I can...
Barry: Yes, I know.

Iris: I'll drive.
Ralph: Actually, I wanna try something. Saw it in a comic book.
[Ralph swings through the city like Spider-Man]

Cisco: Okay, these are the best of times. Incidentally, they were also the worst of times, but in terms of going back, this is it. Savitar. When we defeated him, Barry phased into his suit, destroyed it, sending pieces of it flying far enough away that our past selves wouldn't notice if Barry took one or two pieces of it. What do you think?
Caitlin: Absolutely. Barry just has to get back into the Speed Force before the timeline catches up and those pieces get erased from existence.
Cisco: [circling May 23, 2017] I'm fairly optimistic.
Ralph: Okay, what about the Speed Force transmitter thingy?
Caitlin: The night that Zoom injected the Speed Force into himself, he left the Speed Force transmitter in the viewing room.
Cisco: [circling Aprijl 19, 2016] Yes, that's brilliant. All he has to do is make sure no one's in there when he takes it.
Ralph: What about when the particle accelerator exploded?
Cisco: Well, right before everything went sideways, Wells was in the Cortex, and we...
[remembering Ronnie]
Cisco: We were in the Pipeline intake.
Caitlin: That's the best time for Barry to go into the Time Vault. He can put a piece of Savitar's suit in the plinth and when the critical accelerator explodes, it should infuse it with dark matter.
Cisco: [circling December 11, 2013] Right. So, once that's done, we'll have all the pieces we need to make the device, we plant it in the hospital, the rest is history.

Cisco: Ralph. Please. Shut. Up.
Ralph: You got something you wanna say to me, Ramon?
Cisco: Yeah. Yeah, I got something to say to you, Ralphie boy. Caitlin's been kidnapped. Of course, she wouldn't have been at Jitters in the first place if you hadn't acted like such a jackass today, but of course, in true Ralph Dibny fashion, you drove her away with your FAT MOUTH!
Ralph: Maybe I should have turned my hand into a fat fist.

Cisco: [seeing Ralph's superhero suit under his civilian clothes] You still haven't taken that off, huh?
Ralph: Oh, I sleep in this.
[moving to leave, then turning back]
Ralph: You mind breaching me there? It's a lot faster.

Sherloque: That's right, well, you're a detective. What - what have you solved recently?
Ralph: Most recently? I uncovered the case of the stolen Chevy. Of Impala.

Barry: Wait, how are you even here?
Ralph: How are you here? Did DeVoe - did he get you?
Barry: No, no he didn't. Cecile is using her telepathy to get my consciousness inside DeVoe's mind.
Ralph: That's trippy. Why?
Barry: We need to find the good part of him so we can stop the bad from starting the Enlightenment. Have you seen him?
Ralph: A good DeVoe? No. Just the evil floating chair variety. He visits me all the time.
Barry: He knows you're here? Why would he need to...
[DeVoe appears in his chair]
The: In this place I do as I please, Mr. Allen. I must say, the fact that you thought I wouldn't have calculated you and your team making this feeble attempt is somewhat insulting. There'll be no defeating the big bad this year, Mr. Allen. See, you are in my mind now. And there's no escape.

Ralph: Warning: Fists in Pipeline are longer than they appear.
[enlarges his fist and obliterates the dinosaur in one punch]

Ralph: Alter-ego confab. I've seen enough episodes of "Sister, Sister" to recognize a sibling spat when I see one.
Caitlin: Oh. So, I'm trying to help Cisco with his meta-human cure, but every time I start working on it, Killer Frost takes over and messes with my equations. Like this. She changed all my hetero zygotes into asterisks.
Ralph: Oh, I thought those were just tiny snowflakes.

Barry: Okay. What do we do now?
Ralph: I guess we say the magic words. The streets are paved with gold.
Barry: Maybe you didn't say it lough enou...
[they fall down a hole]

The: Hello, Central City! It's been far, far too long since my beautiful face graced your screens.
Ralph: Whoo, this kid's got a face for radio.
Cisco: Trickster's hijacking the city's broadcasting signals.
The: Today, we're going to play a little game I like to call "What Does This Do?". Looks like a regular, old bouncy ball. But what does this do?
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: Tracing.
The: Let's find out if and when you throw it hard enough...
[he throws it away, and a nearby cab blows up]
The: [cackling] Kaboom!
Cisco: He's downtown, corner of DeMeo and Bilson.
The: Bring me the Stretchy Man, or else you're gonna go "boom-boom."

Iris: Caitlin's in a vulnerable state right now. And Barry can take care of himself. So let's turn off the Speed Force satellite. We're going after Caitlin.
Ralph: We're on it.
Cisco: Let's go get our girl.

Ralph: Hey, I thought you guys fathwoomed out of here.
Barry: We just wanted to make sure you guys were okay holding down the fort while we were gone.
Cisco: We're good. Rest easy, lovebirds. Team Leader is my new middle name.
Ralph: What was it before?
Cisco: Baracus.
Iris: As in Barracas, Argentina?
Cisco: No, as in Mr. T. My mom was a big "A-Team" fan.
Ralph: Wish mine was. Could've been Hannibal Dibny.
Cisco: Hannibal? Please. You're Murdock on your best day.

Ralph: I know this is serious. I watched... I watched Izzy die in front of me. I'm scared out of my mind.
Barry: Well, you know, you got an odd way of showing it.
Ralph: Yeah, well, not everybody grew up with a superdad like Joe West who makes it easy to talk about your feelings. When I was ten years old, my dad walked out on me and my mom. And I was terrified. But my mom, she was even more afraid. So, you know, I just started making jokes. Started doing stupid gags and funny bits and whoopie cushions. Anything to push her fear away. And the thing is, after a while I started to push my fear away, too.
Barry: I had no idea, Ralph.
Ralph: It's not that I don't care about beating DeVoe. It's not that I don't care about being a great hero. It's just that ever since then, anytime that I'm afraid, I either hide or I make jokes.

Ralph: Oh, my God. It's you. You're Sue Dearbon.
Sue: In the flesh. And you are?

Remington: I am very curious, though, as to why you are really here.
Ralph: Do you expect me to talk?
Remington: No, Mr. Dibny... I expect you to die.
Ralph: Oh, come on. That line is literally from "Goldfinger".
Remington: And so is this. Behold, a state-of-the art industrial laser cannon.

Ralph: Look. When I got canned from CCPD, I fell in with some legally questionable individuals. These are some scary, scary people, but they all had one thing in common. They were all terrified of Ce-Seal-Your-Fate Horton
[a play on Cecile Horton's name]
Ralph: . And I don't believe for one second that that woman has gone anywhere.
Cecile: Don't ever call me that again.

Ralph: [getting caught by one of Loring's goons] Uh, I don't suppose you're a fellow bird watcher?
[he tries a karate chop, to no avail]
Ralph: Huh.
[he throws a punch, but the thug proceeds to get the better of him, dunking him headfirst into a drum of water]
Sue: Hey, Vin Diesel.
[taking him down with a karate kick]
Sue: [to Ralph] You still want me to wait in the car?

Ralph: I knew you were lying.
Sue: You really can't take a hint.
Ralph: You're not here to rob the place.
[seeing the pin on her lapel]
Ralph: And Carver didn't have a change of heart on your parents. You... offered to take their place in Black Hole.
Sue: Carver agrees. I'm more valuable than my parents.

Ralph: [at Iron Heights in 2049] Hold my suit.
Iris: Oh, my god, Ralph. Do you ever wash this thing?

Ralph: [reading over Iris' shoulder] "Barry, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this." I think you missed a comma there.
Iris: [closing her laptop] Can you stay out of it for once?
Cecile: She's not kidding. Super mad.

Ralph: If there was an award for best crocodile tears by the most emotionally manipulative widow, Marlize, definitely in the top three. Let's snap something more damning than a lip lock.
Joe: We're not here for that. Can you do your gross stretchy thing and slip inside and open the door?
Ralph: [Joe takes out an evidence baggie] Those are carpet fibers. Those are from Allen's loft, aren't they? You're gonna plant evidence to frame Marlize.
Joe: She was the only one that could have planted DeVoe's body. Fibers on the treads of her shoes places her at the crime scene. This is the right thing to do, Ralph. Just open the door. I'll do the rest.

Ralph: Going somewhere?
Sue: Carver's dead, which means my parents are finally free. And so am I. I'm going home.
Ralph: Sue, I'm not sure you can. Eva framed you...
[showing her his phone]
Ralph: For Carver's murder.

Cisco: The Monitor? Where did you see him?
Barry: We went in the Time Vault, right after putting Chester in the MAC. The Crisis that he spoke about last year, it's the same one in the plinth's newspaper. And it's not coming in 2024. It's coming December 10... 2019.
Ralph: Are you sure about this?
Killer: The jackass lied to you.
Iris: Yeah, well, we thought so, too, but... Barry went to Earth-3 and Jay Garrick helped him see that it was true.
Cisco: How did he do that?
Barry: Jay projected my mind forward into the future.
Cisco: Okay. And what did you see?
Barry: I saw a giant wave of antimatter sweeping over our Earth. Vaporized all of Central City and everybody in it. Including you three.
Killer: Great. I'll go mark my calendar.
Barry: We still have seven weeks to make sure none of this happens.
Iris: Guys, Barry's right. We've changed the future before. We can change it again.
Ralph: So what else did our Asgardian cosplayer say?
Barry: That was pretty much it

Ralph: Nora, where would you find this hyper-conduit in 2049?
Nora: Probably Ollins Laboratory. Ollins won a Nobel prize for quantum engineering.
Cisco: Ollins? As in Sebastian Ollins?
Nora: Yeah. Do you know him? He is a true genius.
Cisco: [scoffs] A genius, you say. The guy couldn't even stay awake through a single physics lecture. In fact, I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for his very smart, very considerate college roommate lending him notes, helping him study, he wouldn't have made it through his finals! Nobel prize, my ASS!
Barry: Yeah, he knows him.

Ralph: Before I was the Elongated Man, when I was just nobody Ralph Dibny, I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, but I didn't have any friends to do those things with. So I just thought if, uh, we're getting a night off from stopping Cicada, we could just go out and... have some fun, you know?
Cisco: And I want that, too. But after we figure out this cure.

Caitlin: Van Horn Industries created a peaceful anti-riot device called a Neuro-Stasis Field Generator. It's basically a bio-EMP that can immobilize any living organism within a confined radius. Of course, the new devices they had built were stolen. I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for them.
Ralph: I do.
[she and Barry look around in surprise]
Ralph: Can you at least try not to look so surprised? Look, if we need this, uh neo-Matrix whatever it is, if it's stolen tech, I think I know where to look.

Ralph: If Barry can go back in time, why didn't he stop the Thinker from killing me?
[seeing Cisco and Caitlin's looks]
Ralph: Kidding, I'm kidding. Guys, I'm kidding. I realize that I could have upset the delicate balance of the universe. Besides, if he did that, who knows? He might have created a timeline where I died in that particle accelerator explosion.
Cisco: Wishful thinking.
[seeing his look]
Cisco: Kidding. I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad that we don't have to hold your hand through the time travel thing; you're figuring it out.

Barry: DeVoe is still out there. And until that threat is over, we gotta keep this buddy system going.
Ralph: I thought you might say that, Allen. Which is why I got you this.
[he hands Barry a business card reading "Barry Allen Private Investigator"]
Barry: You want me to be your partner?
Ralph: Oh, hey, come on. This, uh... this Turner don't need no Hooch. But... I do know what it's like to get fired from the CCPD when you didn't even really break the law.
Barry: You absolutely broke the law.
Ralph: And I remember after I lost my job, I felt like I lost a piece of my identity. And now you won't have to deal with that problem. So the next time we're out in the field and somebody asks you who you work for, you won't have to get all stammery.
Barry: You like me.
[Ralph snickers]
Barry: You really like me.

Caitlin: So, in most coma patients, high-traffic areas of brain activity go dormant, and the low-traffic areas spring to life. But unfortunately, Grace isn't normal. Not only has her coma lasted longer than the average, but her consciousness has isolated itself into one specific region: her long-term memory.
Sherloque: It will be so facile, easy peasy for you. All you do is you transmit your brainwaves into Grace's memories, right? And then you'll lead her consciousness out of a neural nexus portal. And Grace awakens.
Ralph: It's sort of like when Barry woke me up when the Thinker trapped me.
Iris: Surpisingly, that sounds kind of easy-peasy.
Caitlin: As long as Grace's unusual brain damage doesn't cause any unforeseen risks.
Sherloque: This is why I suggest you travel in pairs when you're using this technology.

Financial: Committing to a five-year investment will guarantee you a 5% return, Ms. Genoa. As for security, our server room is reinforced with military-grade steel alloys.
Sue: Hmm, sounds wonderfully impenetrable.
Ralph: [knocking on the door] Yeah, but nothing is impenetrable. Isn't that right, Ms. Dearbon?
Financial: Dearbon? You said your name was Genoa, like the salami.
Sue: [in Italian] I should've stuck with acting.
Ralph: Yeah, you know, she lied about that. It's kind of her thing. She is *stupid* rich, though.
Financial: Oh. In that case... how do you two know each other? Are you married?
Ralph: Gross.

Cisco: You guys at the Starchives yet?
Iris: We just got here.
Ralph: Well, there's no sign of forced entry. Or overhead lighting, apparently. Pretty sure that's a vacuum.

Caitlin: Hey, you know I'd never take that cure, right?
Killer: Even if it means sharing a body with me until you get old and gray?
Caitlin: Of course. You're a part of me that I never wanna lose. I promise, I will do everything I can to protect you.
Killer: Right back at you, Katie. Now, don't get all soft on me, but I got you a little something. Check the cooler.
[opening it, Caitlin sees what looks like a snowball]
Ralph: [entering] Hey, Frosty. Oh, Caitlin. Is that a... ball of ice with blood inside of it?
Caitlin: I think Killer Frost took it from Cicada. Ralph, this isn't just blood. This is a DNA sample from a recently-created meta-human.
Ralph: So Killer Frost came around.
Caitlin: Yeah, she did.
Killer: Ugh. I said "don't get soft."

Cecile: [Ralph twitches his nose] What's happening with your nose right now?
Ralph: Oh, when I smell a mystery, that's my thing. I do that.
Cecile: That's nasty.
Ralph: It is? You don't...
Cecile: Please stop.

Ralph: [after defeating Goldface's henchmen] I knew all that "Red Dead" would pay off.

Ralph: When I take a case, I see it through to the end. And this doesn't end until you're safe.
Sue: Do you trust me, Ralph?
Ralph: I just met you. But you did save my keister. Twice. And that means I owe you. And I always pay my debts.
Sue: I'll take that as a yes.

Ralph: So, a couple months ago, I put up these alerts on Sue's bank accounts, trusts, and credit cards. Apparently, she just made a small deposit on... an apartment in Central City. See? Told you. Only partner I need is...
[clicking his tongue and pointing his thumbs at himself]
Ralph: This guy.
Cecile: Mm-hmm.
Ralph: See you.
Cecile: [covering her nose as he leaves] Oh, wow, something definitely just died in here.

Caitlin: That's the guy who attacked us at Ivo Laboratories, Anti-Meta-human Adaptive Zootomic Organism.
Cisco: A-M-A-Z-O, "AMAZO." Sometimes these things just fall into your lap.
Ralph: It says Ivo Labs was contracted by ARGUS to build a unit capable of identifying meta-powers.
Cisco: He doesn't just scan powers. He's pumping a nano-adaptive hybrid of the "Mirakuru" serum.
Caitlin: So that's now he stole our powers. He scanned our meta-human genes, then used the Mirakuru hybrid to copy them.
Ralph: So an evil copycat Gort is coming to klaatu barada kick-to our asses, and we can't let out Flash and Green Arrow to fight it.

Cisco: Ew. Ew, ew, ew. What is that? What is that?
Ralph: [picking up a rubber mask] A perfect disguise.
Cisco: A disg...
Cisco: I think I just lost my appetite.

Barry: What's your business with Mayor Bellows?
Ralph: Nothing, just calling to tell him what a swell job I think he's doing.
Barry: 15 times?
Ralph: 12 of those were butt dials.

Cisco: I present Gridlock: a mystery in three acts. Please note the dark matter levels. Act one, Gridlock attacks the cops before Barry shows up.
Caitlin: Okay, but these dark matter levels are perfectly normal for a man of his size.
Cisco: Until Act Two. He gets lightning punched by Barry.
Ralph: His dark matter levels increased.
Cisco: Which brings us to our third and final act... Gridlock hits back.
Ralph: Even higher. How... how is that possible?
Caitlin: It isn't, unless every time Gridlock got hit, his cells absorbed the kinetic energy.
Cisco: That would increase his dark matter quotient, thereby increasing his powers. If this is true, then whatever movement he's exposed to...
Ralph: The stronger he's gonna get.
Caitlin: So if Gridlock keeps moving, he becomes unstoppable.

Ralph: All right, so, this is the original timeline with the original Cicada, David Hersch. This is the night of the Enlightenment, when Nora interfered with the satellite, giving us our Cicada, Orlin Dwyer. That's also the same night that Grace goes into a coma. This is where it gets complicated. At some point in the future, Grace wakes up, she becomes her own full-fledged Cicada. She goes bac in time, she kills her Uncle with his own dagger. What happens to all the metas that Dwyer killed? Do they get un-killed? What about all the meta that Grace killed in the future? What did she kill them with? And most importantly, what happens in the timeline where Grace never killed Dwyer. Something doesn't add up.
Barry: You might be right. But right now, there won't be any future for any metas if we don't get rid of that dagger. Now. This is our last chance. We have to figure out how to find Grace. Or we lose everyone.

Caitlin: You okay, guys?
Cisco: Are we doing okay? Are we doing okay? Does it look like we're doing okay? We're two inches tall, Caitlin!
Ralph: Yeah, I'm, like, Cisco's size now. Is this how you always see the world?
Cisco: Oh, that's really funny, man. I guess your body just shrunk down to a size that's proportional to your brain!

Ralph: God, that mask. It's like one of those porcelain dolls that's gonna kill you while you sleep.
Cisco: I thought it was more like a rag doll. Yeah, that's right. Still got it. Hold your applause.
Ralph: Guess it's off to Iron Heights for slippery old rag doll.

Barry: Hey, you find anything?
Cisco: Confirmation that She-Cada hasn't stolen everything she needs, so we have some time.
Barry: Finally some good news.
Cisco: Except what she did steal was a quantum tunnel converter. The first working prototype of its kind.
Ralph: [seeing Barry and Nora's looks] Yeah, that's the same face Cisco made when he heard.

Barry: I know what killing DeVoe would do to you. You would be throwing away everything you've done, to become a better man, to become a hero. You gotta realize that.
Ralph: You... are a moron.
Barry: Ralph...
Ralph: I am not afraid of DeVoe and what he might do to me. I am afraid of what he might do to you... and Iris and Caitlin and Cisco, Joe, Harry, Cecile. DeVoe has taken out everyone who's gotten in his way, and Team Flash... they will always be in his way.
Barry: This was never about protecting yourself.
Ralph: I know that killing DeVoe would mean throwing away everything I've done to become a hero... But aside from my mom, this team is the only family that I have ever had, and I would throw myself into a furnace to keep them safe. DeVoe can't have them. They are mine.
Barry: What about what we want? You may not care about losing who you've become, but we do. We like hero Ralph. Please don't take him away from us.

Cisco: Will there be waffles?
Ralph: There better be waffles.

Barry: We've all lost so much this year. Our power, our love, our family. At times, it's even felt like there's nothing left to lose, like everything that matters has already been taken and our lives are... empty, hollow inside. Some things can't be taken. I mean, look around this room. We still have our faith in each other and our will to fight for those we love. This is what we'll never lose. Eva McCulloch has never faced us head-on. And that's about to change. We're gonna find her, beat her, and get back everyone.
Cecile: Amen to that.
Ralph: You just tell me where to stretch.
Allegra: And blast.
Harrison: Sounds violent. I'm in.

Ralph: I got something. My Big Belly punch card. I've only five away from a free kids meal, if I live long enough to use it.
Barry: Man, don't even joke like that. We're gonna get DeVoe, throw him in The Pipeline, long before he gets to you.
Ralph: Right. If that doesn't work, we'll just, uh, take him out the other way.
Barry: What other way?
Ralph: Eh, put him down with a shovel, give him his harp and wings, send him to visit Grandma Thinker in the sky.
Barry: Ralph, you think we're gonna kill DeVoe?
Ralph: The way that you're saying that makes me think I'm supposed to say no.
Barry: Okay, look... I've taught you a lot about being a hero, right? You ready for what's probably the most important lesson? We never have to kill. For people with our abilities, there's just always another way. You understand?
Ralph: Han, you complete me.

Cecile: I don't understand. I thought Allegra controlled radio waves.
Iris: So did we, but she fired a heat blast right at Ralph.
Cisco: It wasn't just heat, it was ultraviolet radiation.
Killer: He got a sunburn.
Ralph: [taking off his mask] Yeah. From hell.

Ralph: Is there anyone who doesn't want to kill you?
Sue: Not really.

Sue: John Loring. Turns out Mr. Dreamy Muscles and charisma-for-miles was also a major arms dealer on the black market.
Ralph: So why does Loring want you dead?
Sue: Because I... stumbled across his client lists, weapons inventory, and everything else that exposes him for the bag of crap that he is. The first time he tried to kill me, I was asleep.
Ralph: [taking out his phone] All right, well...
Sue: Who are you calling, Slick?
Ralph: Your parents. To let 'em know you're safe.
Sue: [taking the phone] Hmm.
Ralph: [she throws it out the window] What... come on, I... I just switched plans.

Barry: Suit up. We don't have a lot of time.
Ralph: Not without precautions.
[hands a weapon to Caitlin]
Ralph: For Killer Frost.
Caitlin: She doesn't need a weapon. Killer Frost is the weapon.

Sue: So, slick... you here to make a super-citizen's arrest?
Ralph: I know what you're up to.
Sue: Really? I'm all ears.
Ralph: [taking out a flash drive] The files on this are your parents' bank accounts. They've been wiring money every week like clockwork to a coded account. Your parents are being extorted.
[she stays silent]
Ralph: What, no snarky comeback? Oh. That means I'm right.
Sue: You going somewhere with this?
Ralph: Well, my guess is that your parents are being blackmailed by the same person who owns every single banking system that you've hacked into since we last met: Joseph Carver.

Joe: Why does your female experience include you dancing at The Golden Booty?
Joanie: Because we live in a society that's dictated by the male gaze. I wanna control the narrative of feminism, okay? I wanna show the world that a powerful, strong woman she can wear anything, be it a bikini or a pantsuit.
Ralph: Or nothing. Feminism.
Cisco: That's not how feminism works. Will you cut it out? Joanie's practically his daughter.

Joseph: I knew Eva was ambitious, but... mirror duplicates.
Barry: Eva's more powerful than you thought.
Allegra: I don't get it. Why doesn't she just come after you herself?
Ralph: Well, Eva's still technically missing, so she can't be seen in public.
Barry: That's why she took Singh. The chief of police could get close to you.
Joseph: Fortunately, Mr. Wells teleported us to safety.
Harrison: You're welcome.
Joseph: What is that device? And how much do you want for it?
Allegra: It's not for sale, dirtbag.
Joseph: [laughing] Oh, please. Everyone has a price.
Ralph: Hey, listen. We just saved your keister. So why don't you put a sock in it 'til we can figure out what to do with you?

Ralph: So we built a machine powerful enough to big-bang a new Speed Force into existence based solely on the teachings of history's most evil speedster. Are we sure we wanna hit the switch?

Ralph: You know, there's something that I'm missing, too. Your freshly healed hands.
Cisco: Odd choice of words.
Ralph: Well, I-I'm meeting with an informant tonight, and he might have a lead on Dwyer's location, but I'm not sure if I should trust him.
Cisco: So you need me to vibe him. Look, man. I should really be working on this cure.
[seeing Ralph's look, he reconsiders]
Cisco: But... my splicer algorithm won't technically be done until 3:00 a.m.
Ralph: Thanks, man. This is, uh... this is really important work.

Sherloque: As always, I respect your spirit, Barry Allen, but as long as Cicada has his dagger to dampen your powers, there's no stopping him.
Barry: So let's destroy his dagger.
Ralph: How are we gonna do that un... unless we have some kind of power-dampening dagger power dampener hidden away in storage?
Cisco: We don't, but if we did, we'd come up with a much better way of saying that.

Ralph: Watch out if I were you. Sometimes killer robots come out of there.
Izzy: Keep walking, Stretch. I don't talk to creeps in dark hallways dressed in purple leather.
Ralph: It's actually, uh, more of a mauve. And, uh, I'm not a creep.

Ralph: [rolls his super-suit into little pants] What is this, a puppy's raincoat?

Ralph: Sue's been on the run for the last year. It turns out that someone's after her.
Cecile: And you're her knight in shining armor? Ralph, I love it! By the way, you two? Hmm. When I read the both of you with my powers, I could barely tell you apart. Like, emotionally speaking, you and Sue are definitely surfing the same wave.
Ralph: Just trying to keep her safe. I mean, it's not like we're dating.

Ralph: I shouldn't have been so harsh.
Killer: It's okay. You were right. I have a long way to go.
Ralph: No, you don't.
Killer: [he offers what looks like a graduate's diploma] A "Dib-ploma"?
Ralph: Congratulations on graduating life-coach school.
Killer: Ralph, this is ridiculous.
Ralph: You know what's ridiculous? You thinking that you're not as important as Caitlin. And being intimidated by a parent, that... that's normal. Frost, I was ten when my dad walked out on Mom and me. You don't think a day goes by where I'm not... absolutely terrified that he's gonna show up at my front door?
Killer: He walked out on you guys. He's a jerk.
Ralph: Yeah. And a part of me still wants to see him.
Killer: I guess I'm afraid Carla might actually want to get to know me, and then... she'll see me for who I really am.
Ralph: That is the ironic part to me. 'Cause, Frosty, you are one awesome human being. You were just afraid that Carla was gonna reject you, so you rejected her first.
Killer: [taking the Dib-ploma] Not anymore.
Ralph: And that is why you're ready to graduate. Damn, I really am one hell of a life coach.
Killer: Yeah, you are.

Caitlin: So, I think if I can isolate the genetic marker that bonds human DNA to dark matter, I can reverse-engineer the process and unravel it to create a cure.
Ralph: That's great.
Caitlin: Yeah, except I need meta-DNA that hasn't fully bonded with dark matter yet.
Ralph: Of course, because as we all know, a genetic modification we... why?
Caitlin: Because that's the only time when I can identify where the marker is in the genome.
Ralph: Okay, so you need DNA from a meta-human who was created recently.
Caitlin: Yeah, ideally in the last eight months. But everyone I can think of has been killed by Cicada.
Ralph: Right. So where the heck do we look?

Sue: John can track your phone. You call my parents, they're dead.
Ralph: All right, then, uh, we'll go to the police. I know a precinct captain who can help us.
Sue: The last time I tried that, they tried to kill me, too. John's got cops on the payroll in every city he does business.
Ralph: Then what's your plan to get out of this? Sue, you can't run forever.
Sue: Who says I'm running?
Ralph: [realizing] You and Loring are hunting each other. That's why you're in Central City.
Sue: John's in town for a massive sale. If I can get damning evidence on what he's doing, he goes to jail. And I go home.

Caitlin: We figured out what Cicada took from my dad's lab. It's your cure prototypes.
Nora: Why would she need those? They're just prototypes.
Cisco: No, they're not just prototypes. They're failed, broken versions of the cure. If a meta-human takes that without the proper treatment...
Sherloque: They would die. Cicada has a lethal virus on her hands.
Ralph: That's why she stole the atomizer. So she can spread the virus.
Sherloque: She has weaponized the cure.
Cisco: This is it. This is the nightmare.
Barry: Cicada's gonna kill every meta-human in the city.

Nora: You've already come across everything that we need, right? A strong alloy with magnetic properties.
Cisco: Savitar's suit.
Nora: Something to remove dark matter.
Caitlin: The Speed Force transmitter that Zoom used to steal Barry's speed.
Iris: Yeah, but that was his Speed Force.
Nora: Yeah, but those are exotic particles, which are basically the same thing as dark energy, so we would just need some of that to recalibrate it.
Ralph: Can... can you do that?
Cisco: I mean, you'd have to infuse the transmitter with the same kind of dark matter.
Ralph: Like the DeVoe kind?
Cisco: More like the particle accelerator kind.
Ralph: I'm sorry, we... we need to blow up S.T.A.R. Labs again?
Nora: No, no, not again. We just need to go back to the first time that it happened.
Barry: This is gonna mess with the timeline too much.
Nora: No, no, no. No, it's not. Savitar's suit, the transmitter, these are all just discarded objects in time, so if we steal them, it won't affect anything at all.

Ralph: [sipping and spitting out his coffee] Damn it, Larry!
Barista: Still Jason!

Iris: So, I talked to Captain Singh, and he said that Gridlock was killed during his transport to Iron Heights.
Nora: Gridlock's dead?
Caitlin: How?
Iris: I'm not sure. I interviewed everyone that was there, and no one knows. But I did some digging...
Ralph: [watching the feed from a body camera] Okay, so what are we looking for here?
Iris: Not looking. Listening.
Ralph: [hearing heavy breathing] It sounds like the guy who just attacked us.
Caitlin: [hearing chittering] Sounds like an insect.
Cisco: Yeah, it does. Like a...
Nora: Like a cicada.
Barry: Who's Cicada?

Ralph: [to DeVoe's clones] Hey, attack of the clones, come and get me.

Ralph: What the hell was that stuff?
Caitlin: Looks like Axel created some sort of super acid.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, it's got a pH level in the negative 50s, and all it did was burn through your skin?
Cisco: God, if it were anybody else, it would melt right through them like xenomorph blood.
Dr. Harry Wells: Like in...
Cisco: "Alien".

Cisco: Polar bear's a little on the nose, don't you think?
Ralph: Well, it's not like the stores have a "get well soon from dual light-assassin attack" cards. What'd you bring?
Cisco: Oh, I got a mobile bio-lab so she can catch up on her work while she recovers in bed. Don't be jealous. It's a scientist thing.
[knocking on the door]
Cisco: Come on, snow-poke. It's us.
Ralph: [touching the doorknob] It's ice-cold.
[using his sleeve for protection, Cisco opens the door; entering the apartment, they see Caitlin on the couch with a blanket over her]
Cisco: Caitlin.
Caitlin: [weakly] Help me.

Cisco: Some guy with ridges on his head, these big muttonchops.
Sherloque: Do you think that the red skies, this guy, these disparate event are somehow connected?
Caitlin: So Barry and Oliver were mind-swapped by a guy with muttonchops?
Ralph: Man, it's not even Tuesday.

Ralph: Art reflects how we feel, so connecting to art can help us plumb the depths of our soul.
Killer: Okay. What I am connecting to in these photos... is that the photgrapher's afraid to get a shot in focus.
Kamilla: Those are actually... mine.
Killer: They're not all winners.

Ralph: Are we live?
Cisco: Yeah, we're live. We got eyes. We almost didn't get 'em, though. I ran into one of the donors; some rich British lady. What was her name? June, April... April Gabor.
Ralph: Wait. January Galore?
Cisco: That's the one.
Ralph: That's not good. She's an arms dealer that Barry and I met in Midway City.
Cisco: I don't know. She seemed kind of charming to me. Very forward, but charming nonetheless.

Sue: You're so decent. It's nauseating.
Ralph: Oh, boy, you should've seen me about two years ago. I was a... I was a real crap-bag. Actually, you probably would have liked that, though.
Sue: I don't know. This whole good-guy thing you got going on, it's... tolerable.

Sue: I've been trying to collect leverage on Carver for over a year. He's untouchable.
Ralph: Untouchable unless you have one of those handy-handy Black Hole pins. You joined Black Hole to get close to Carver. Because you're gonna kill him. That's why you're here, isn't it?
Sue: Carver's never gonna let my parents go.
Ralph: Sue, damn it...
Sue: It's the only way it ends.
Ralph: You gotta listen to me. There... there is always another way. Do you understand what happens if you kill Carver? Every time you look in the mirror, you won't recognize the person looking back. You'll lose yourself.
Sue: Why do you care?
Ralph: Because I believe in you! And I know there's still good in you. I can see it.
Sue: I'm sorry about this, slick.
[she sprays something in his face, and he starts sniffing erratically]
Ralph: [falling over, about to pass out] Oh, come on.

Iris: I'm sorry, why are you wearing a helmet? I thought you were made out of rubber.
Ralph: Somebody's gotta set a good example for these kids.
Caitlin: Well - I thought you grew up on the ice.
Ralph: Well, I did, basically, my mom dated a zamboni operator, so...
Sherloque: And I tell you where I'm from we don't date zamboni operators. Why is that? Because there is no zambonis.

Cisco: Question for the room, how did I get stuck doing the buddy system thing with Ralph?
Iris: It's the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco.
Ralph: Yeah, the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco.
Cisco: Well clearly you've never had to stay over at an apartment that uses neon beer signs for lamps and the kitchen sink for a shower. Ralph, I love you. But you sleep on a futon.
Caitlin: A futon's not that bad.
Cisco: It is when it's damp.
Iris: Why is it damp?
Ralph: I sweat a lot when I sleep.
Iris: You nasty.

Dominic: This house is...
Cisco: Bitchin'?
Dominic: Festive.
Ralph: Thanks for the compliment, but, uh, who the hell are you again?
Cisco: He's the guy you just helped save.
Caitlin: Yeah, a meta who can read your mind.
Ralph: Oh, good. Then he knows that I'm thinking that there's only room for one new guy in this group, and that's me.
Dominic: I'm not here to fight crime or get a code name. Just to brainstorm ideas about my powers.
Cisco: I hereby christen thee "Brainstorm."
Ralph: Oh, come on, man! I've been here for months, and I don't have a name yet.

Ralph: Look, this is all just fantastic, but we're not really gonna do this.
Cisco: Yeah, I mean, um, we've already got a lot on our plate just trying to free one innocent man.
Caitlin: We all want Barry to be free, but I don't think that there's much else we can do right now. We kinda hit a wall.
Joe: Well, we're not gonna get through that wall while we're working on this.
Iris: It's just one case.
Dr. Harry Wells: And it's a case that we have to take. Allen has made one request of us since he's been incarcerated, and the request don't even involve himself. We have to take this case.
Cisco: It's unsettling how convincing you can be sometimes.

Caitlin: So, Cisco's breakthrough came from analyzing identical twins who were hit by the particle accelerator dark matter; cases where one developed powers and the other didn't. The key difference in both cases...
Barry: The pituitary gland?
Caitlin: Exactly. In some cases, the pituitary gland metabolizes dark matter, thus manifesting in meta powers.
Ralph: So to turn a meta-human into a human-human...
Caitlin: We neutralize the dark matter in the pituitary gland. Except there's one problem. The cure isn't instant. We would have to immobilize Cicada for long enough for the cure to take effect.
Barry: How long will that take?
Caitlin: Best guess, a minute.
Ralph: It's gonna be damn near impossible to hold him still for one second, much less sixty.
Barry: Okay, but we're so close. I mean, there's... there's gotta be something we can do, even if we have to think outside the box.
Caitlin: I do have one more idea.

Iris: Hey. Sorry again for stepping on you.
Ralph: Hey, you saved me a trip to the chiropractor.

Sue: How did you become the Elongated Man, anyway?
Ralph: I was brutally experimented on by a covert organization for years
[Sue is shocked]
Ralph: they forced me to consume rubber-base polymer compounds.
Sue: Seriously?
Ralph: No. I rode a bus.

Ralph: I farted. I'm not sure everything's still where it's supposed to be down there.
Caitlin: Drink this.
Ralph: What is it? I just don't drink stuff. My body is a temple.
Caitlin: Clearly. Drink it.
Ralph: I wanna know what it is.
Caitlin: It's 17% alcohol.
Ralph: You should have left with that, sister.
[drinks it]
Ralph: Ugh! What was that?
Caitlin: It's a serum of sulfur dioxide, zinc oxide, and steric acid to cross-link your polymerized cells.
Ralph: In English.
Caitlin: It's gonna fix you.

Barry: I'm not gonna give into you.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Barry, you misjudge me. I'm just here to enjoy with good friends and perhaps offer you a gift.
Barry: What can you possibly offer me?
Iris: Everything.

Harrison: They're just gone?
Allegra: What does that even mean, "mirrorverse"? Can we even get them back?
Cecile: Oh, my god. We... we have to warn David's husband.
Cisco: I've been living with some copy of Kamilla while the real one's trapped somewhere?
Barry: Eva said they're safe for now.
Cisco: And you're taking her word for it? For all we know, they're dead already.
Ralph: They're not, so just... you don't even think about that.
Cisco: We *have* to think about that. What if creating Kamilla's duplicate actually killed the real Kamilla? Same thing with Singh, same thing with Iris.
[seeing Barry remain motionless]
Cisco: Hello?
Barry: What do you want me to say?
Cisco: Anything! That we have a plan, that we'll get them back.
Barry: I don't have a plan, Cisco. Eva can move anywhere through any mirror in the universe in the blink of an eye. She's faster than I am, and somehow I'm supposed to stop her, and still hope to God that Iris and everybody else is still alive in a world that we don't even understand?

Barry: You guys, now that I am free, I don't care what I do. I'm just so happy to be back with all of you again.
Cisco: Team Flash.
Joe: Today, we celebrate Barry. Tomorrow, we go back to the man that framed you.
Iris: I'll drink to that.
Caitlin: Here, here.
[Barry has a worried look]
Caitlin: You okay, Barry?
Barry: Yeah, it's DeVoe.
Iris: Barry, we're gonna stop him, I know we will.
Barry: No, it's not that, he... There was nothing keeping him from going inside the meta-wing and absorbing the powers of every meta in Iron Heights. Peek-A-Boo, Top, Weather Wizard. Yeah, he could have stolen their powers and more, but he didn't. He only wants the bus metas. He wants their powers for something.
Cisco: We know a bus meta.
[Ralph walks into the house]
Ralph: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. Just couldn't get this left glute to shape-shift back to its normal, perky...
[realizes that everyone is staring at him]
Ralph: Why is everyone looking at me like I'm a dead man?

Ralph: You know, Cisco, a gift came for you through one of those death holes that you call a breach.
Cisco: Oh, well. Looks like Gypsy came through, I guess.
Dr. Harry Wells: Um...
Cisco: Wait. This is a break-up cube.
Caitlin: I thought things were going so well with you and Gypsy.
Cisco: That makes two of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, that's not a break-up cube. You should open that when you're alone.
Cisco: No, no, no. If she's gonna break up with me, I wanna hear why.
Dr. Harry Wells: No, Ramon, I... I wouldn't open...
Gypsy: [Cisco turns the cube on; a hologram of Gypsy wearing a sexy Santa suit appears] Cisco, somebody told me you've been a very naughty boy this year. Why don't you come over and jingle my bells, huh?
Cisco: Sweet baby Jesus.
Dr. Harry Wells: Told you, not a break-up cube.
Gypsy: And I promise, it's not gonna be a silent night.
Dr. Harry Wells: [Cisco tries to turn it off] Use the same button to...
Cisco: [turning it off, embarassed] Joe, do you mind if I...?
Joe: Take that to your house.

Iris: Are you ready?
Ralph: All set to hit 88 miles an hour!

Ralph: We'd make a fortune. An improv group make of superheroes? We can take it to Washington. We'd be the DC Comics.
Cisco: No, Ralph.
Ralph: First rule of improv is say yes.
Barry: Would it kill you to take training seriously?
Ralph: Would it kill you to open up your mind grapes just a little?

Caitlin: [Ralph has only just figured out the multiverse] What did you think we meant when we said "Harry was from Earth-2"?
Ralph: That is he from Earth, also.
[He heard "Earth-2" as "Earth, too", hence the "also" meaning]

Ralph: Okay, the investors' brunch is in full swing. Now, you go get us eyes on that server room. I gotta tinkle.
[seeing Cisco's look]
Ralph: Yeah, I heard what I said.

Ralph: [to Barry after he falls] Two for the landing, but perfect ten for the thud.

Ralph: Okay, so, if this guy is not one of the bus metas, then that means there's still three more out there before DeVoe gets to me. So, I'm safe. Safer. I'm safer.
Barry: Those are innocent people, Ralph.
Ralph: I'm innocent. I'm still gonna get terminated. Oh, my God. I'm Sarah Connor.

Ralph: Still up to your old tricks? Swiping diamonds and pearls?
Sue: Oh, you like Prince? Me, too.
Cisco: Yes! Me, three. I'm... I'm Cisco, by the way. We met back when you were...
[British accent]
Cisco: ...January Galore.
Cisco: That was an excellent accent, by the way. Do you have any training?
Sue: Oh, thank you. I did my senior year abroad.
Cisco: London, no doubt.
Ralph: Oh, Italy, actually.
Cisco: It... she fancy. You fancy.

Ralph: The Elongated Man? It was just an expression.
Dr. Harry Wells: Has a certain...
Cisco: I don't know.
Dr. Harry Wells: "Je ne sais quoi" to it.
Caitlin: I like it.
Ralph: Well, I hate it.
Cisco: Well, maybe you should have let me do the naming.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Ralph: Oh, don't worry, you'll get your chance. There's no way this is going to stick.
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: Probably gonna stick.
Ralph: The Elongated Man? Please, it's so literal. You think Prince would have settled for "Shorty Guitar Man"?

Ralph: Near as we can tell, he grew up in the Midwest. In and out of juvie, pretty much fell off the map, and then popped up in Central City a few years ago.
Sherloque: Part-time employee of Szrek Chemicals for the last two years.
Ralph: Foreman says he keeps to himself, pretty much a loner, gave a fake address.
Sherloque: Did take custody of his niece.
Ralph: Grace Gibbons.
Sherloque: After her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human, now...
Ralph: So now we know why Dwyer hates metas. Once he got his powers, he started targeting them.
Sherloque: Powers that he got the night of the Enlightenment, as we all know, and he was struck by a shard from the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite explosion.
Ralph: Which was also the same night that Grace went into a coma.
Sherloque: Where Dwyer visits her every day, every night, for the last three weeks.
Barry: So he's there now.
Ralph: [simultaneously with Sherloque] Yeah.
Sherloque: Oui.
Barry: Then let's go get him.

Ralph: I'm back. I look like a Hemsworth.

Cisco: We got a Starchives asset in Kollins Woods.
Sherloque: Starchives? What is this?
Iris: Uh, well, it's a place where we house everything Flash-related; prototypes, supersuits. I mean, everything since day one.
Ralph: Okay, and the alarm is going off because...
Cisco: Because somebody just stole something from us. Something really, really not good.

Ralph: While you guys were fighting Gridlock, I was, uh, running this down.
Caitlin: [taking a manila envelope] What's this?
Ralph: An answer. And a lot more questions.
Caitlin: [looking at the contents] It's my father's death certificate.
Ralph: A friend at County helped me out with that. The M.E. who signed off on it, Cameron Mahkent? He doesn't exist.
Cisco: So then, this death certificate...
Caitlin: Is a fake.

Cisco: [after a vibe] You're talking about a band named Sickada?
Truck: Yeah, bro.
Cisco: You said "that dude" assaulted people.
Truck: He assaults everyone in here with that terrible music.
Cisco: Dibs?
Ralph: Well, that didn't pan out the way that I hoped.

Clifford: How did you beat me?
Barry: I didn't. We did.
Marlize: Their emotional attachment to Mr. Dibny have made them stronger than you would ever be, Clifford. But then, you wouldn't understand.
Clifford: No! This is not my will!
Ralph: [speaking through DeVoe] Not anymore. It's mine.
[DeVoe's body transforms back into Ralph's]

Barry: What if I had a job for you?
Ralph: I wanna laugh really hard right now, but I'm afraid my face will fall off again.
Barry: I can't change what has happened between us in the past, but I can offer you a chance to change what happens in our future.
Ralph: How?
Barry: Let my team and I study your powers, figure out how to improve them, see what your limitations are. And let me train you.
Ralph: Train me? For what?
Barry: To do what I do. To be a detective again, Ralph. A real one. Like, it's not gonna be easy. I'm gonna push you to your limit. I think it's safe to say some days you're gonna hate me.
Ralph: Allen, it's safe to say that I always hate you. Do I get a cool super hero name?
Barry: What do you think about... Plastic Man?
Ralph: I think that's the dumbest name I've ever heard of.
Barry: Yeah, Cisco comes up with the names.
Ralph: It's better that way.
Barry: What do you say?
[Dibny stretches his arm to Barry and they shake hands]

Cecile: Um, what did you need? Maybe I can help you.
Ralph: Oh, I need somebody to flash a badge and generally look intimidating, so.
Cecile: [giggling] You don't think that I can be intimidating. Oh, my God, you don't, do you? Ralph, I am the district attorney. You know I psychically teleported the Flash inside the Thinker's mind whilst giving birth to my daughter, sans epidural - it hurt! I literally saved the world between contractions, and you don't think that I am intimidating?
Ralph: I'm really intimidated right now, actually. You are very intimidating.

Nora: Wow, this house is bitchin'.
Caitlin: I think I've seen you before. Didn't you spill coffee all over Harry and me?
Ralph: Yeah, did she pay for hers? Because she paid for ours.
Wally: Weren't you the server at their wedding?
Barry: Wait, yeah, you were. And where did you get this jacket?
Nora: Uh...
[points at Iris]
Nora: From her.
Iris: Um... No, mine - mine is one of a kind.
Nora: So was this, uh, when you let me borrow it.
Barry: [chuckles] Who are you?
Nora: I'm your daughter, Nora. From the future. And I think I made a big, big, mistake.

Sue: Are you crazy?
Ralph: Sometimes?

Ralph: I owe you for the java, rookie. I can't believe I left my wallet at home.
Barry: Don't worry about it. It can happen to anyone... five times in a row. And could you stop calling me rookie?
Ralph: Sorry, uh... old habit when I was your superior officer. You know, before you got me fired, ruined my career... destroyed my life. Crushed my spirit, left me alone without a friend in the world.
Barry: Don't forget how I turned you into an amorphous, stretchy blob.
Ralph: Actually, that's the one good thing you've done for me.
Barry: Yeah.
Ralph: Of course you didn't do it on purpose, so you don't get credit for it.

Sue: [in shock] You're the Elongated Man?
Ralph: Yeah. I'm just full of surprises.

Clifford: Once again, Mr. Allen, your best will not be good enough.
Ralph: What's the plan, rookie? I'm running out of shrimp entrees.

Ralph: Okay, how's this?
[tries changing his face]
Cisco: You know that painting in "It", the one that comes to life? It's like that.
Ralph: This is impossible. We might as well just gift wrap Barry, hand him to Amunet, and call it a day.
Caitlin: No, Ralph, this is not impossible. Your polymerized cells are linked to your thoughts. You should be able to change into anyone you can think of, just like when you squeeze your belly into abs.
Ralph: Okay, uh, first off, I have been working out, so this is au naturel now. And second, that was just some abs. This is an entire person.
Cisco: Look, when I first learned how to vibe, I had to learn how to clear my mind of all other thoughts. You think you can do that?
Ralph: Okay, uh, all right, I'll try.
Cisco: Do better than try. Barry's life is in your hands, and we're all counting on you.
[pats Ralph's shoulder]
Ralph: [laughs nervously] I think what you mean to say was, "No pressure, Ralphy."

Caitlin: Yeah, but the minute you got "The Book of Ralph" back from Cisco, you tried to give it away again. Don't you want to use it? Try to find someone special for yourself?
Ralph: [strained] Caitlin... look... "Book of Ralph"... works great for other people, but... never actually worked for me. I know I'm not... built for love... And that's okay.
Caitlin: Ralph Dibny. You are kind, intelligent, and compassionate. And most of all, you put the needs of others before yourself. So that means you are built for love. And you deserve someone who loves you back.

Ralph: [sneezes his face into his hands] Is that my face?
Joe: [vomits] Four years seeing this stuff, I finally puked.

Sherloque: Not great, but this dark cloud does have a silver lining. Which is if Cicada had everything that she needs to carry out her plan... would've already done so.
Ralph: He's right. She must be missing something or else we'd be done.
Barry: Yeah, but not for long. She's not gonna waste any time. Whatever it is that she needs, she's out there looking for it right now.
Iris: Well, then we move right away. We get the cure to everyone who needs it as soon as possible.
Ralph: So we just up and release some game-changing wonder drug?
Barry: We tested it. We know it works. People need a choice now more than ever. Do we have enough of the cure?
Cisco: Not nearly enough.
Nora: Caitlin, how fast can you make more?
Caitlin: Guess we'll find out.

Ralph: Need any help what that, uh...
Cisco: Nope. Unless you came here to break something, in which case you'd be the perfect candidate.
Ralph: I deserve that. Never should've interfered with Kamilla. Sometimes, I forget how... embarrassing I can be.
Cisco: I'm not embarrassed by you, and I'm not embarrassed by anyone on Team Flash. You guys are my family. You're not the problem. This is the problem. This is the problem. Kamilla is blissfully unaware of any of the madness that goes on in S.T.A.R. Labs, or that we routinely save the city from evil metas.
Ralph: Or that you have a secret identity and dress up in leather and go all pew-pew!
Cisco: Especially the leather. She and I, we got a good thing. And being with somebody has never felt so... so easy. And when I'm with her, for once, I just feel like a normal dude, with a normal life and a social-media-official girlfriend, who happens to a very talented photographer and not... a Spider-Person.

Ralph: Man, Thawne's plans got plans.

Ralph: [using his powers to break into Caitlin's mother's company] Oh, my god.
Caitlin: What is it?
Ralph: Lasers. Rooms filled with lasers! Holy snakies. Oh, my god. It's like a Rubik's Cube of pain.

Barry: What if the Anti-Monitor wanted Harbinger back on the ship?
Ralph: He's been controlling her the entire Crisis.
Superman: [to Pariah] And controlling you, only allowing you to appear when he wants you to see...
Barry: A great tragedy.

Ralph: [seeing Caitlin's glass board smashed to pieces] I respect your right to protest the cure, Frosty, but even for me, that is excessive.
Killer: Well, maybe Caitlin will get the hint now.
Ralph: [Barry enters] Uh... Snow and Frost are having creative differences.

Ralph: The Tannhauser tech; it's the only stuff that can fix you, but you don't really want to go, do you?
Killer: Just drop it.
Ralph: It's not the tech, is it? It's the person behind it. Frost, why don't you want to see Carla?
Killer: Because she's not my mom, okay? She's Katie's.
Ralph: You don't really mean that.
Killer: Yeah, I do. Carla doesn't know me. After all these years, it's just been her and Katie.
Ralph: Hey, you're her daughter, too.
Killer: I am the cold, dark part of her daughter that she tolerates.
Ralph: If that were even true, why would I be sitting here worried about you?
Killer: 'Cause you're a good guy, Ralph.
Ralph: And you're an equal member of Team Flash, just like Caitlin. And you are just as important. And if you can't see that for yourself... then maybe you're right. Maybe you do have a long way to go.

Iris: Cisco, next time you go out with him.
Cisco: Iris, a chicken needs to leave its roost sooner or later. Especially when that chicken insists on doing his own solo missions.
Iris: This is bad.
Ralph: This is *really* bad. Stretchy Man, that's a terrible name. Also, now that I"m gonna be on TV all the time, this grey suit, got to go.
Cisco: Hey, easy, chickadee.

Ralph: Carver had files with your parents' names on 'em. Those files contain the evidence he was using to extort them.
Sue: What do you mean "had"?
Ralph: Well... things got toasty, and Carver's blackmail arsenal got cooked.
Sue: You torched the place?
Ralph: No! I... No. Okay, how do I say this? There's a mirrorverse dimension. There's these pod people running around. They're claiming innocent lives. It's very "Invasion of the Body S..."
[seeing her blank look of confusion]
Ralph: You know what? Why don't we just forget about that part? The point is, your parents are safe.
Sue: Yeah. I already knew that.
Ralph: You're welcome. It was really no... wait. What?
Sue: Yeah, Carver called last week. Said he had a change of heart.
Ralph: Guys like Carver don't have hearts to change.
Sue: Agreed. But my parents are safe, and I can finally go home.
Ralph: I don't understand. If we agreed...
Sue: Enough, slick. You really wanna help me? Leave us in peace.

Barry: Ralph says you've got some information that could help us.
Earl: Well, turns out, that device you're looking for has been circulating in the underground black market.
Ralph: Sounds like Amunet Black's territory.
Earl: Eh, Amunet's still MIA. But believe it or not, her ex-boyfriend is filling the void. You ever heard of Goldface?
Barry: [recognizing the name] Yeah, he's stolen more weaponized tech than any criminal in the city. CCPD's been looking for his black market for years.
Earl: Oh, aye, and they'll keep on coming up empty. You pay at the market, and poof, your goods turn up a day later in an abandoned warehouse.
Barry: So by the time we get what we want...
Earl: Goldface will be long gone.

Ralph: Do you trust me?
Sue: Define trust?
Ralph: [pulls her close to him] Don't let go.

Barry: You were great out there tonight, man.
Ralph: Thank you. I had a lot of help. And I had a great teacher.
Barry: You helped me realize that I can't always take everything so seriously. Even when it comes to Thinker.
Ralph: Wait a second. Are you telling me that I, Ralph Dibny, taught Barry Allen, superhero extraordinaire, a lesson? What could this mean?
Barry: Means you're a great hero. And you make this team better by being on it.
Ralph: Ah, the circle is now complete. When I came here, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.
Barry: It's also good to be humble.
Ralph: But how can I be humble...
[inflating his chest]
Ralph: When I am swollen with pride?

Iris: [coordinating searches for Prank] Hey, Ralph, do you, um, want to go to your usual spots, see if any of your contacts have seen her?
Ralph: Sure. I need a chaperone. Caitlin, you're up. It's happy hour; you're buying.
[groaning, she stands to follow him out]
Ralph: Come on, use Killer Frost's credit card.
Caitlin: No way, Jose.
Ralph: You think Ralphy's made of money?

Ralph: How does it feel to be up and running again?
Nora: Super frickin' schway.
Killer: Uh, wanna know what's not super frickin' schway? Cicada knowing exactly when and where our secret transport was taking place.
Sherloque: Mm. Inside job, right? Cicada clearly has a inside man, only...
Iris: Only what kind of cop would help Cicada kill innocent people?
Barry: One that's going to have to answer to D.A. Cecile Horton.

Ralph: Now the world belongs to the Thinker. Allen, listen to me. I'm stuck here, but you're not. You should go. Be with your family for whatever time is left.
Barry: No. No. Okay, first of all, it's our family, and I'm not leaving you behind. There's gotta be another way.
Ralph: Allen, you said the only way to save the world is by finding the good that's left in DeVoe. It's right here. With a hole in its chest.
Barry: It's not the only good left in him.

Izzy: Are you my new target, Stretch?
Ralph: Yeah, 'cause I don't break so easy.
Izzy: [scoffs] Please. You're built like a twig.

Joe: Ralph, hold up. Listen, I'm not gonna let Barry go to prison. I failed his dad; I'm not gonna fail him. I need your help.
Ralph: My help, huh? As in the, uh, stretchy kind?
Joe: As in the underhanded private investigator kind.

Iris: Who spit gum on the floor?
Ralph: I'm a gum-shoe! Not gum on a shoe!

Goldface: Ivo Labs has this cutting-edge 3-D printer. Sold it some hospital.
Ralph: What's so special about a 3-D printer?
Goldface: This one prints artificial organs. If I've got it, I can sell life to the highest bidder.
Barry: You want us to rob a hospital.
Goldface: Of course not; I'm not a monster. I want you to rob the lab before it ever gets to the hospital.

Ralph: You really do blend in here.
Killer: Except this place is *so* lame. I mean, come on, this isn't art. It's garbage.
Ralph: Oh, come on, Frost, it's not all that bad.
Killer: [indicating a work of art] There are used tissues on this.

Ralph: [Sue has locked Ralph in the vault] What the hell?
Sue: [coldly] I guess you're not the only one who is full of surprises.

Ralph: Bullet booger. Super gross.

Cisco: Ralphy is kind. Ralphy is great. Ralphy is a brilliant detective.
Ralph: Yeah, buddy, I mean, I know all that. But it works a lot better if you use your name instead.
Cisco: Cisco is creative. Cisco is good. Cisco is smarter than your average bear. That's Yogi's. You stole Yogi's affirmation.
Ralph: Yeah, I did, 'cause it's a winner. You don't see him moping over any lady bears.

Ralph: But you said my cells were polymerized.
Dr. Harry Wells: Uh, no...
Ralph: You said nothing could hurt them.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny, I didn't say that. I said your cells were bonded unlike anything I've ever seen. I've never see acid like this, and so, cannot be responsible for things I have never seen.
Ralph: It definitely hurts.
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm, of course.
Iris: Well, now we know what your kryptonite is.
Ralph: What the hell is kryptonite?
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, come on.

Ralph: Nora, Cisco hasn't left for his date yet, has he?
Nora: Uh, I don't think so.
Ralph: Great, I get another chance at this.

Ralph: On that note, I'm happy to help you follow that lead on the atomizer.
Caitlin: Really? What about... Sher-luck?
Sherloque: "Sherloque". Do you think any of you are gonna get this right at any point at any time in your life? "Sherloque" !

Ralph: Hey, has Barry joined a gang yet? I've got some friends on the inside. I can make some calls.
Iris: [hitting him with the folder she's holding] Shut up, Ralph.
Ralph: Okay. I will stop helping now.

Ralph: [When Barry suddenly falls from the roof to the floor] 2 for the landing, but perfect 10 for the "thud" noise.

Barry: Meta cuffs?
Carver: That's right, power-dampening cuffs fitted with an explosive charge, in case you're both metas. So tell me, who sent you?
Ralph: That's really sweet. Look how threatening they're trying to be.

Cisco: Well, I did it. Every exercise, every intention, and now that Kamilla and I are hunky dory...
Ralph: You have completed the Book of Ralph.
Cisco: I sure did.
Ralph: Thank you for your service, old friend, but your job isn't done yet. Shirley, I think you could use this.
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What, do you think I need help with a breakup?
Ralph: Oh, come on. Look, addendum C...
Cisco: Appendix four.
Ralph: A guide to taking your relationship to the next level. It worked for Cisco.
Sherloque: Oh, barely worked for young Ralph Macchio. No, no, no. This guy, he's chicken, right? Even in his current relationship, he's too afraid to tell this girl that he's actually Vibe, right?
Cisco: I'm actually not afraid. I'm gonna tell her when I'm ready. It's just hard to navigate the meta-life/personal-life balance.
Sherloque: More like chicken-life balance, hmm?
Cisco: Man, you're a chicken personal-life balance. I can tell her whenever I want.
Sherloque: Well, then tell her right now, why don't you?
Cisco: You want me to tell her right now?
Sherloque: Yeah.
Cisco: I'll tell her right now. I just got... well, you know, I have spotty reception in the elevator.
Sherloque: Come on out and do it.
Cisco: Well, you know, I gotta get to work.
Sherloque: Come on out and do it.
Cisco: I gotta get to work.

The: I should've listened to you. If we had done things your way, we wouldn't have gotten caught. Maybe I should be handing over Central City over to Ralph Dibny rather than the Elongated Man.
Ralph: What are you talking about?
The: There's no deposition. I planned a press conference to present you as Central City's official protector. Because of this coming Crisis, I have to prepare the city for a world without Flash.
Ralph: Wow. I'm, uh... I'm honored that you think that I could help fill your shoes. Look, tonight's job was for Ralph Dibny because both parts of my identity have value. The same is true for you, only tonight I could've used your civilian half. What I'm trying to say is Barry Allen is just as important as the Flash. Try to remember that. I know I will.

Dr. Harry Wells: Satellite is tracking temperature at the same intensity as the bank robbery, so...
Caitlin: That's him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Ralph: So who's that?
Cisco: Matthew Kim.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kim's gonna try and steal his powers.
Cisco: All right, let's go.
Iris: [entering] No. You guys are on point. I can do this.
Barry: You sure about this?
Iris: I have to, Barry.
Barry: All right, but remember, he can't touch you. Or he'll take your powers away, too.
Iris: Right.
Caitlin: Also, I'm not sure my clothes are gonna work this time.
Cisco: I have a fix for that. It's the best I could do on such short notice.
Iris: Thanks, Cisco.
[she changes at superspeed, leaving her civilian clothes behind]
Cisco: [insulted] I got hangers.

Ralph: You know, in all the hubbub of saving your keisters, I never got to ask what the hell you were doing down there.
Harrison: Hey, 1940s, no one says "keisters".
Joe: Nash, if you would just tell us what you're looking for down there, we might be able to help you.
Harrison: All right. Tomorrow morning, 9:00, tunnels. Bring your whole fancy team.
Ralph: Why should we do that?
Harrison: 'Cause... I know how to save Barry Allen.

Ralph: Well, okay, so I saved all these hostages and-and all that everybody can talk about is this picture, and got turned into a meme. And - and - it's - this - I just - I don't think that everybody takes me seriously.
Caitlin: Oh, there's 14 million people in this city. Only 500,000 have reposted this.

Ralph: [inside the jaws of a T-rex skeleton] For the love of Jeff Goldblum, stop!

Ralph: [after Caitlin recovers] Oh, thank Elsa.

Barry: [in the Pipeline] This is an interesting place to hang out.
Ralph: You come here to suck the fun out of being benched?
Barry: I... no, I came for your help, actually.
Ralph: You want help from the guy who can't take anything seriously?
Barry: Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge. But with DeVoe so many steps ahead of us, it just... to see you joking around in the middle of this just made me feel like you weren't taking it seriously.

Ralph: What I really need, guys, is a new superhero name. Ramon, you've had all this time. You can't come up with anything?
Cisco: Patience, okay? I'm getting to you. I've just been a little preoccupied, what with Barry in prison and all!

Ralph: Guess everything's coming up frosty, huh?
Killer: Yeah, I guess. Where do I start? How do you, you know, live a life?
Ralph: With a life coach, of course.
[puts down "Book of Ralph, Vol. 2" book]
Ralph: So, first thing's first: the name "Killer", a little bit too much for some folks. Have you thought about changing it? My mom's middle name is Anne.

Oliver: What are you guys doing?
Caitlin: Following you into the hallway.
Ralph: Because something is definitely up.
Cisco: Do you need to talk about it?
Iris: Yeah, Barry. You haven't seemed like yourself all morning.
Oliver: I'm fine. I just think that maybe I should go and talk with someone who might better understand what I'm going through. I'm gonna go see Oliver Queen. I'll be back.
[speeds off]

Ralph: So... I, uh, came to apologize.
Killer: So you broke in? My front door is locked.
Ralph: Yeah, I may have, uh, slipped under the doorframe, uh, literally. So I guess I actually have two things to apologize for.

Barry: So, nobody, including us, knows where we are right now.
Ralph: And we are totally powerless.
Barry: Dude, if we make the wrong move in here, these cuffs are gonna be the least of our worries.
Ralph: New game plan. The antihero of our dynamic duo will find the Field Generator. And you're just gonna stay here and try to not look like a cop. Or a superhero.

Sue: John owns that warehouse. That's where the deal will go down.
Ralph: [as he moves to get out, so does she] Where are you going?
Sue: I'm going with you.
Ralph: No, no, no, no, no.
Sue: Oh, look, I get it. Chivalry's your brand.
Ralph: You're an MIT grad, speak six languages, and you play polo. You belong in a country club, not in the field.
Sue: You belong in the 19th century with your Victorian "save the damsel in distress" crap.
Ralph: Loring doesn't know that I'm coming, so I have the element of surprise. You, on the other hand, he might kinda know that you're coming. Translation: stay in the car, please.

Barry: Eva said that she had unfinished business. Is there any way that she meant that literally?
Harrison: Oh, if she wants to get McCulloch back, she does have to deal with Black Hole.
Allegra: So, find Black Hole, find Eva.
Harrison: Mm-hmm.
Allegra: Any idea where to start?
Harrison: Actually, no.
Ralph: [taking out the diamond Sue gave him] Maybe.
Barry: [seeing its size] Ralph!
Harrison: Ralph.
Barry: Where'd you get that?
Harrison: Where'd you get that?
Ralph: Sue gave it to me.
Barry: She gave you that?
Harrison: She gave that to you?
Ralph: She gave that to me. And it turns out that Black Hole's logo is embedded inside.

Ralph: How'd you get in here, Earl?
Earl: Door was unlocked.
Ralph: No, it wasn't.
Earl: It was after I picked it.

Cisco: Is it just me, or are there a lot of ladies in leather in here?
Kamilla: Yep, singles night.
Ralph: It's, uh, quite a coincidence.
Cisco: Is it? What is it you're always saying? "I smell a mystery"?
Ralph: That is trademarked.
Cisco: I can vibe the anxiety coming off of you right now. This whole thing was a setup. Of-of course your informant didn't know Cicada.
Ralph: I mean, he knew of Cicada.
Cisco: You lied to me, you wasted my time so I could be your wingman tonight?
Ralph: No, no, no, dude, it's not like that.
Cisco: You know, just when I think you're growing up, you go ahead and do something that shows me you're just as selfish as the day we met.

Ralph: Crap in a hat. I can't hit him.
The: They can read our minds.
Ralph: Then we do this Dibny-style.
The: What?
Ralph: We don't think. Just fill your mind with something else. Something you love.
The: Ralph.
Ralph: [hitting an approaching DeVoe clone] Shrimp buffet!
The: [to himself, seeing another clone] It's you and me, Iris.

Cisco: I have an idea, a way to get our people out of the Mirrorverse. We need a lossless, self-sustaining source of perpetual energy.
Harrison: Sounds like you're talking about the holy grail of science: a perpetual-motion machine.
Cisco: That's right. Hartley had some ideas. I think we can actually build one. We're just missing one component, and thanks to my travels, I know exactly where to find it: Atlantis.
Ralph: Finally, Crisis pays off in a good way for once.
Cisco: I know time is crucial, but don't worry. I'll hurry back.
Allegra: Can I come?
Barry: Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like for you to stay. Team Flash needs as many hands on deck as possible.
[she nods with a smile]
Barry: Now let's get to work.

Ralph: [Caitlin is sick] Since when is Caitlin the frosty one?
[Cisco checks her temperature which is °34]
Cisco: She's not.