20 Best Winston Quotes

Winston: Would you help set the mood for our new guest?
Charon: Let us begin.

[last lines]
John: Winston... tell them... Tell them all... Whoever comes, whoever it is... I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.
Winston: 'Course you will.

Charon: Do you expect him to make it out?
Winston: Fourteen million dollar bounty on his head, and every interested party in this city wants a piece of it. I say the odds are about even.

Winston: This haven is safe no more.
John: Are services still off limit to me?
Winston: Under the circumstances your privileges are reinstated immediately, what do you need?
John: Guns, lots of guns.

Santino: Winston!
Winston: Mr. D'Antonio, your evening has been colorful I see. Seeking safe harbor, I presume.
Santino: I want his membership revoked now.
Winston: In the eyes of this institution Mr. Wick has breached no legality.
Santino: Then you know that I have the right to demand...
Winston: Nothing, you demand nothing of me, Mr. D'Antonio. This kingdom is mine and mine alone.
Santino: Alright. Then enjoy your kingdom, Winston, while you still can.
Winston: And you, its privileges, sir.

Winston: Have you thought this through? I mean, chewed down to the bone? You got out once. You dip so much as a pinky back into this pond... you may well find something reaches out... and drags you back into its depths.

Winston: Now, as I recall, weren't you the one tasked to dole out the beatings, not to receive them?
John: Rusty, I guess.

The: Have you decided to step down?
Winston: I think not.
The: And you, will you be putting a bullet in his head?
John: No, I don't think I will.
The: Very well.
[Adjudicator makes a phone call]
Administrator: Administration.
The: I'd like to change a designation.
Administrator: Verification?
The: Adjudication 1011979, The Continental Hotel, New York.
Administrator: New designation?
The: Deconsecrated.

Winston: I know you will do The Continental proud.
Charon: I'll see you soon, sir.
Winston: And you, Jonathan, do what you do best.
John: What's that?
Winston: Hunt... Si vis pacem, para bellum!

The: [during the parley] What are we going to do about John Wick?
Winston: Oh, he has to die.
[suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots Wick several times, causing him to fall off the roof]
Winston: Sorry, Jonathan. I don't see any other way.

Winston: Si vis pacem, para bellum.
[Latin: If you want peace, prepare for war]

John: [From trailer] Last words, Winston?
Winston: Just have fun out there.

Winston: Jonathan, listen to me.
Santino: A man can stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice.
Winston: Jonathan, just walk away.
Santino: Yeah Jonathan. Walk aw...
[John kills Santino with a bullet in the forehead]
Winston: What have you done?
John: Finished it.

The: You gentleman, of course, realize that was the first wave. Merely an amuse-bouche. We can keep this up as long as you'd like, but it only ends one way.
Winston: Are you sure a protracted war is the best way forward?
The: There won't be anything "protracted" about it.
Winston: Or you can take the Continental, I have no about that, but keeping it, that's a different matter entirely. My allegiances run way beyond this building.
The: We are High Table.
Winston: And we... are New York City.
The: Are we negotiating?
Winston: I believe we are.

Winston: [after John is badly wounded by Caine during their showdown, the Marquis takes Caine's pistol and attempts to deliver the coup de grace to John] You arrogant asshole. He didn't shoot.
John: ...Consequences.
[John shoots the Marquis in the head, killing him instantly]

Winston: Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Winston: If you want peace, prepare for war.

Winston: Ms. Perkins.
[pauses as he walks up to Ms. Perkins]
Winston: Your membership to The Continental has been, by thine own hand, revoked.
[Gunmen execute Ms. Perkins]

Winston: [In Russian] Farewell... my son.

Charon: [as he dies] It was... an honor... my friend.
Winston: It should have been me.

Winston: To what do we owe the pleasure?
John: Iosef Tarasov.
Winston: What about him?
John: I'd like to talk with him.
Winston: A talk, you say. I'm familiar with the parlance, Jonathan.