The Best Yellowstone, Season 3, Episode 6 Quotes

- Hey. Hey. What the hell?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- All I do is give!
- I hate him. I fucking hate him.
- I fucking hate you!

- Do you know her?
- I know her.
- Good kid.
- But this only happens to good kids.
- Is that a wolf?
- Coyote.

- Don't answer me now.
- Let that number sink in.
- We'll discuss this again at our meeting with the governor.
Jamie: Hmm.
- You see that look?
- Desire. Right? We'll close him.
- I don't think he's the hard one to close.

- Tell them not to come any closer.
- Everybody, stop.
- What's happening, did they find something?
- They found something.

- Good morning, daddy.
- Yes, it is.
- Have you been practicing yoga?
- Practicing what?
- I'm just trying to understand this new inner peace you've found.

- We're babysitting them bison for the resort.
- Resort's in the buffalo business now?
- They're in the tourist business.
- Charge 600 dollars for people to ride up here on a dude string and have pictures taken of 'em.
- These been tested for brucellosis?

- Sila isn't over there, is she?
- Well, you let me know if she comes by.
Dana: What time did sila drop her off?
- And she said she was coming straight home?
Derek: Sila!
- Sila!

- Thank you.
- You said this would be simple.
- It should have been.
- "Should" is a useless word.
- Almost as useless as "hope."

- Because then, you couldn't blame me for doing exactly what you asked me to do.
- I didn't ask you for a fucking hysterectomy.
- You know, when you consider the pain that you cause a person the person's fault...
- That's evil, Jamie.

- You all right?
- That was fuckin' awesome!
- Damn, girl.
- Who's next?
- Fuck me, baby.
- Let's go rope another one.
- Whoo!

- Be there in three hours.
- Three more is something.
- Are you just looking for badges or do you need volunteers, too?
- We 're putting together volunteer groups as well.
- I'll make a call.
- See if I can get you some more.
- Thank you.

- Hell, they don't even have enough police to look for the victims.
- And here I am, sitting in this swimming pool of a bathtub.
- You can't make it your fault, baby.
- I'm not making it my fault.
- I'm making it my problem.
- You know we can't stop the world from being bad, Monica.
- Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

- I don't want to see them things on our side of the fence.
- Law says it's not ourjob to keep 'em from getting in.
Wade: It's your job to keep 'em from getting out.
- You should know that, commissioner.
- On, I'll keep 'em out.
- But you're gonna fucking hate the way I do it.

John: All the promises I've made in my life son. If I didn't love your mother so much, I'd break it. I swear to God, I'd break it.
Jamie: Did somethin' happen? I don't understand.
John: What happens in 30 years, Jamie? When you and your brother and your sister are too old to fight for this place, and Tate has to fight for it on his own?
Jamie: What are you, what are you talking about?
John: Lee wouldn't marry, didn't want children, and I doubt you will either. Now your sister can't. She can't because of you!

- Where's your sister?
- Sila!
- Come on.
- That girl...
- Come on.
- Let's...

- It's the only way you'll ever have peace with it.
- When did you decide to quit?
- My body decided for me.
- Now, it's all I can do to get out of bed every morning.
- I miss it.
- Yeah. I miss it too.

- That's good thinking.
- I can get a few more up here if you want.
Thomas: It's appreciated.
- This is all I could wrangle.
- Wish there were more.
- It all helps.

- Push those cattle up to the field above the new barn.
- Sir.
- Y'all listen up, if those sons of bitches say anything to you, you don't react, you hear me?
- Cool heads. Understood?
- This bastard will try and test you.

- and I don't have the manpower.
- I'll make some calls.
- Have you checked with all her friends?
- Everybody.
- At this point, I don't know what her chances are.
- You know exactly what her chances are, Ben.

- I was scared...
- Why would you take that from her, Jamie?
- Who the fuck did you think you were to take that from her?
Kayce: Hey, hey, hey.
- What the hell is going on here?
- Ask your brother.

- We're a little long in the tooth for old feuds, Wade.
- Without old feuds, I got none at all.
- And where's the fun in that?
- Let's go.

- The scene is yours, Ben.
- Let's go tell her mother.
- Set up a crime perimeter.

- a phone, a set of keys.
- If you find something, do not touch it.
- You stand over it, and you shout, "hey," and you wave your arm.
- An officer will come to you.
- All right, let's go.

Kayce: I'd leave them weapons in the truck.
- We ain't enforcing no laws today.

- It will take our stories to the universities.
- To congress. To anyone who will listen.
- Our first fight is against being ignored.
- Would you like to lead that fight?
- I could lead that fight.
- That's how you help.

- No, no.
- Beth...
- You don't know him!
- And what is it you know, Beth, that the rest of us don't?
- What did he do, Beth?
- What did he do?
- I can't help you, Beth if you won't tell me what it is.