The Best Yellowstone, Season 4, Episode 8 Quotes

- They're here.
- Time to take one for the team.
- Yeah.

- Man 1: They're making for the trees!
- They get to cover they'll tear us to pieces!
- Man 2: Run faster, god damnit!
- Jesus!
- Man 1: Let 'em get close!
- Don't stop!

- I do.
- You remember?
- Yes, sir.
- Well, he was meaner than shit and he was cat quick.
- And one day he found that snake, and oh, my god, those two, those two went at it...
- What happened?

- Well, I'm not sure the new yorker in me can trust that.
- Well, you're not in New York now, buddy.
- Your instincts are worthless here.
- Ellis, inform the press to vacate our property.
- I can do it.
- They'll take it better from a local.

- I was flirting.
- Well, that's good.
- It's kind of hard to describe with words how uncomfortable I am right now.
- I can imagine.
- I'll meet you over at the truck.
- Deal.
- Deal.

- he'll pick a candidate to replace him.
- He's bluffing, Jamie.
- Call him on it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, set up a press conference.

- She was arrested a few weeks ago for a similar assault on livestock agents and sheriff's deputies in an unrelated protest.
- Hm. Seems the narrative is in our favor.
- We need a big news day in New York.
- If this goes national, the narrative will be flipped.

[Laughs] You can't let me die out here.
- They won't make it. [Grunts]
- Mom: James dillard? Get inside.
- Shit.
- Get inside.
- Oh, lord. No!

- Horses!
- Curly bill back there.
- Get done? I'll help you.
- Got him.
- Downtown.
- Ah, the one chance lost his hat in?
- This curly bill?
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, boy, you best screw your hat down in the morning, Jimmy.

- No, that's yours. You keep that.
- What do you say?
- Thank you.
- Let me see them.

- Well... things down there are not the same.
- Not the same how?
- Well, sometimes it just gets stiff as a board for like no reason.
- Is that happening right now?
- Got any solutions?
- You know, I'm gonna let your dad handle the solutions.

- Now, count those rings and you'll see how old it is.
- Thank you.
- Sweetie.
- Life is plenty hard, you don't need to help it, you hear me?
- You're saying I make life harder?
- Every day.

- Come on, sunka. [Clicks tongue]
- All right. I stand corrected.
- He does not need a sex talk.
- We sure could've used it, though.
- You're happy, right?
- I'm happy.

- It's my first date with a texan, so I don't really know the protocol.
- Walk me to the door.
- I can do that. [Exhales]

- Ah!
- Ah! God!
- Stop!
- Stop, god damn it!
- Ah!
- You scream.

- Where'd you get the heifers?
- I put them out yesterday.
- Good, we don't need any of these tearing down fences looking for a girlfriend.
- You want me to drive?
- Nah, I'll drive.

- I'll fucking kill her, I swear to god,
- I'll fucking do it!
- That's right, then you won't have anybody to hide behind, will you?
- Party's almost over.
- You see it?
- I got it.
- Whenever you want.
- Ah!

- Stand up, fight back!
Summer: What do we do?
- Stand up fight back!
- When the land we want is under attack, what do we do?
- Stand up, fight back!
Summer: What do we do?

- Sir, maybe the sheriff isn't who you should be talking to, maybe you let me fucking handle it.
- I'd like to kill him myself, rip.
- But he's sitting in prison and that's where he's going to stay for the rest of his shitty life.
- We're meeting with the sheriff right now to figure out how we make that life just a little shorter.

- 80 cover me up and know you're enough to use me for good cover me up and know you're enough to use me for good

- Yeah.
- What was it?
- Oh yeah, we did it again.
- What did we do?
- Fucked like rabbits 'til I got pregnant.
- You're pregnant?

- Advertise.
- All right.
- I don't care if you live or die, but should you live...
- You tell them about me.
- Tell who?
- Everybody like you.

- That is the prayer.
- And that is the only prayer, do you understand me?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Now say it again.
- Dear lord, please watch over our father as he seeks justice in your name. Amen.
- Amen.

- Nobody's eating.
- They're just staring at each other.
- What do you got in the truck?
- Got a pistol in the glove box.
- Got a rifle behind the seat.
- Get in the truck. [Clears throat]

- Y'all enjoy your supper.
- You too, sir.
- Thank you.
- When the boss of Wagner ranch knows you by name and bothers to use it,
- I think that means you're cowboy enough for him.
- Yeah, maybe so.

- All right. So, after your shower.
- It's a great idea, but, uh, my trailer's about a two hour ride that way.
- Wash rack right over there.
- Yeah, it is.
- Great. So, I'll meet you back here in half an hour.

- On the bright side of things, now...
- Now I can eat this in peace.
- Can I still have cake after supper?
- Hell, you can have some right now.
- Cake with steak?
- Cake with your steak.

- Why would you do that?
- Well, let's just say
- I'm a concerned citizen.
- That's my cell.
- You know, um, Leslie, iwouldn't, uh...
- Wouldn't unpack the truck, if you know what I mean.
- I know what you mean.

- Okay.
- Get up... get up!
- I'm getting up!
- Move, move!
- Okay!
Reporter: More than 300 protesters have been arrested, as we can see.
- Okay, okay.

John: Wherever you want.
- Carter, you grab a seat right here.
- You sit next to me, baby.
- Okay.
- Sir?
- On the table's fine.
- It looks formal, rip. But it's not.
- It's just supper.

- Open it. Open it!
- Hands on the table!
- Don't you fucking move!
- Eyes front.
- That's right. That's right.
- He's back. The cowboy's back.
- Hey.