20 Best American Sniper Quotes

Taya: Did you always want to be a soldier?
Chris: I wanted to be a cowboy, but I did that and felt I needed something more.
Taya: So you decided to rescue girls from bars?
Chris: I think I rescued the bar from you.

Marc: Growing up in Oregon we had this electric fence around our property. Us kids'd grab on to it to see who could hold on the longest. War feels kinda like that. Puts lightening in your bones, makes it hard to hold on to anything else.

Chris: [to his pregnant wife] You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Taya: I have an alien growing inside of me.

Taya: I need you... to be human again. I need you here.

Chris: [from trailer] I'm willing to meet my creator and answer for every shot that I took...

Marc: You got some kind of saviour complex?
Chris: No. I just want to get the bad guys, but if I can't see them I can't shoot them.

Taya: [from trailer]
[to Chris]
Taya: Have I ever told you that I'm so proud of you?
[she lovingly caresses Chris' face]
Taya: You're such a great father...

[first lines]
Chris: It's a fuckin' hot-box.
soldier: The fuckin' dirt here tastes like dog shit.
Chris: Ah, well you'd know, wouldn't you?

Chris: Mustafa's got his peepers out.
Biggles: This motherfucker is Keyser fucking Söze, bro.

Wynn: [hitting his target on the range] Who's the legend now?
Chris: That's a title you don't want. Trust me.

Chris: I'm not redneck; I'm Texan!
Taya: What's the difference?
Chris: We ride horses, they ride their cousins.

Taya: You're my husband, you're the father of my children. Even when you're here, you're not here. I see you, I feel you, but you're not here.

Chris: [shoots a snake next to the target range] I'm better when it's breathing.

Chris: God, country, family, right?

Navy: Would you be surprised if I told you that Navy has credited you with... over 160 kills?
Chris: [Hums]
Navy: Do you ever think that... you might have seen things or... done some things over there that you wish you hadn't?
Chris: Oh, that's not me. No.
Navy: What's not you?
Chris: I was just protecting my guys, they were trying to kill... our soldiers and I... I'm willing to meet my Creator and answer for every shot that I took.
Chris: The thing that... haunts me are all the guys that I couldn't save.
Chris: Now I'm willing and able to... be there but I'm not, I'm here I quit.
Navy: You can walk down any hall in this hospital. Looks like plenty soldiers need saving.
Chris: [Hums]
Navy: You want to take a walk?
Chris: Sure.

Wayne: [to his sons] There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. Some people prefer to believe that evil doesn't exist in the world, and if it ever darkened their doorstep, they wouldn't know how to protect themselves. Those are the sheep.
Wayne: Then you've got predators who use violence to prey on the weak. They're the wolves.
Wayne: And then there are those blessed with the gift of aggression, an overpowering need to protect the flock. These men are the rare breed who live to confront the wolf. They are the sheepdog.

Taya: If you think that this war isn't changing you you're wrong. You can only circle the flames so long.

Pastor: Squirrel! Where'd you hide your nuts?
Cowboy: Nuts crawled up inside, sir. Those little sh*ts are gone. They're nice and warm though now, sir.

Instructor: [after Navy Seal rings bell] There it is! That is a quitter! You say goodbye, I say good riddance.

Chris: The thing that, uh... haunts me are all the guys that I *couldn't* save.