The Best 5 Year Old Amanda Quotes

Emily: [opening voiceover] For those who believe in resurrection, death is inconsequential. It's not an ending, but rather a new beginning... a second chance. A reunion.
Kara: [driving, singing along with car radio, slapping steering wheel rhythmically, looking over to her earnest little daughter on passenger seat] Come on. My voice isn't that bad.
5: Daddy said you were sick.
Kara: [smiles] I'm all better now that I'm with you.
5: Where is Daddy?
Kara: Oh, don't worry, baby.
[reaching over to her]
Kara: We're on vacation!
[child laughs]
Emily: [voiceover continuing] But the very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept, it's easy to forget before you can rise from the dead...
Victoria: [nightmare vision] ... you have to spend a few days in hell!