The Best Agent Fielding Quotes

[first lines]
President: [in the Oval Office] Charlotte? Get me Jake Ballard. Find Cyrus, and I want the heads of the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA in my office yesterday. Did you hear me?
Charlotte: Yes, sir. Only...
[men push past her]
President: Agent Fielding. I didn't call for the Secret Service. Can I help you?
Agent: We're here to help *you*, Mr. President.
President: Help me?
Agent: The Vice President thought you would have trouble following his instructions, staying on the straight and narrow, not calling in your friends in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA. He told us it would be difficult for you not looking for Miss Pope. He told us you would need our support. That's why we're here, Mr. President, to support you, to help you, to watch you.
President: The Secret Service takes their orders from *me*, not the Vice President.
Agent: I don't think that I've been clear. I'm not talking about just the Secret Service. There's also White House aides, pages, staff, military guards, a couple of secretaries, oh, and a few of the valets and butlers in the residence. Consider us all your support group. We're watching you, keeping an eye on you, all of us at all times. Cameras, listening devices, every phone call, every toilet flush. See? We care. You should be grateful for all this support. It would be a shame if Miss Pope was beheaded. Don't you agree, Mr. President? They don't call this the Crown Jewel of the American Prison System for nothing. We'll be seeing you Sir.