Top 200 Quotes From Amy Pond

The: Ignore all my previous theories!
Amy: Yeah, well we stopped paying attention awhile back!

Mandy: How do you not know about this? Are you Scottish too?
The: Oh, I'm way worse than Scottish, I can't even see the movie, won't play for me.
Amy: It played for me.
The: The difference being the computer doesn't accept me as human.
Amy: Why not? You look human.
The: No, you look Time-Lord, we came first.
Amy: So there are other Time-Lords yeah?
The: No, there were, but there aren't. Just me now. Long story, it was a bad day, bad stuff happened and you know what I'd love to forget it all, every last minute of it, but I don't.

Rory: My daughter. What do you think?
The: Hello. Hello... uh... baby.
Amy: Melody.
The: Melody? Hello Melody Pond.
Rory: Melody Williams.
Amy: a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a super hero.

[first lines]
Canton: [into car radio] Suspect directly ahead. Coming to you now. Over.
Amy: Canton.
Canton: [steps out of his car] Miss Pond.
Amy: Is that a body bag?
Canton: Yes it is.
Amy: It's empty.
Canton: How about that?

Amy: Hello, old friend, and here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well, and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you, always. Sometimes I do worry about you, though. I think once we're gone, 'you won't be coming back here for a while, and you might be alone, which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to sea and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two-thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived and save a whale in outer space. Tell her this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends.

The: You are Amelia Pond.
Amy: You're ugly. Hasn't anyone mentioned that to you?

Rory: He'll be fine. He's a Time Lord!
Amy: It's just what they're called. It doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing.

The: Examine everything. Look for all the details that don't ring true.
Rory: OK we're in a spaceship that's bigger on the inside than the outside.
Amy: With a bow tie-wearing alien.
Rory: Maybe "what rings true" isn't so simple.
The: Valid point.

The: Say Weeeeeee!
Amy: Ahhhhhh!

Amy: [Kovarian screams in agony as Amy and Rory walk away] So, you and me, we should get a drink some time.
Rory: OK.
Amy: And married.
Rory: Fine.

The: You've swallowed a planet!
Amy: I'm pregnant!
The: You're huge.
Amy: Yeah, I'm pregnant.
The: Look at you. When worlds collide.
Amy: Doctor, I'm pregnant.
The: Look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit apart from age and... size...
Amy: It's good to see you, Doctor.
The: Are you pregnant?

The: Lovely species, the Aplans. We should visit them some time.
Amy: I thought they were all dead.
The: So's Virginia Woolf; I'm on her bowling team. Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. That's from having two heads. You're never short of a snog with an extra head.
River: Doctor, there's something, I don't know what it is...
The: Yeah, something wrong. Don't know what it is yet either, working on it. Then they started having laws against self-marrying and what was that about? But that's the church for you. Erm, no offence, Bishop.
Father: Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor. Lowest point in the wreckage is only about 50 feet up from here. That way.
Amy: Church had a point, if you think about it. The divorces must have been *messy*.

Amy: We didn't make a difference at all.
The: I wouldn't say that. The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey.
[hugs Amy]
The: The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.

Amy: You didn't save me.
Rory: [shudders] Bu- *This* is the saving! This is the us saving you! The Doctor just got the
Rory: [shouting aside, enraged] *timing a bit out*!
The: [mouthing] Sorry.

River: Hang on! Just something I have to check.
[exits to bathroom]
Rory: Is anybody else finding today just a bit difficult? I'm getting a sort of banging in my head.
Amy: Yeah, I think that's Hitler in the cupboard.
Rory: That's not helping...
The: This isn't the River Song we know yet. This is her right at the start. Doesn't even know her name.
River: [from bathroom] Oh, that's *magnificent*!
[appears in doorway, beaming]
River: I'm going to wear *lots* of jodhpurs!

[the Atraxi have returned in response to the phone call from The Doctor]
Amy: So this was a good idea was it? They were leaving!
The: Leaving is good - never coming back is better!

Amy: So, you and me. When this is all over, we should get a drink sometime.
Rory: Yes, ma'am.
Amy: And married.
Rory: [pauses, looking stunned] Fine.

Amy: "Let's go to Ravan-Skala," he says. "The people are 600 feet tall, you have to talk to them in hot air balloons, and the Tourist Information Centre is made of one of their hats," he says. I'm sorry, I don't see any huge hats.
The: [giddy] Amy, Beaky, this could be the most exciting thing I've ever seen!
Rory: You're kidding.
Amy: How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit of Earth?
The: Because, assembled Ponds, this is not Earth. This has just been made to *look* like Earth. The craftsmanship involved... can you imagine?
Amy: What? Then where are we?
The: I dunno. Something must've yanked us off course. Look at the detail on that cheese plant!
[the Doctor takes a long whiff of one of the plant's leaves]
Rory: Right, but, who would mock-up an Earth hotel?
The: Colonists, maybe, recreating a bit of home, like when ex-pats open up english pubs in Majorca.
[the Doctor takes a bite out of an apple he's picked up]
The: No, whoever did this, I'm shaking his/her hand/tenticle.

1st: Your death will now be implemented.
Amy: [Hands up] We come in peace!
Rory: Yeah - when has that ever worked?

Rory: How's it going under there?
The: Yeah, just putting a firewall around the matrix. Almost done.
Amy: Are you going to make her talk again?
The: Can't.
Rory: Why not?
Amy: It's spacey-wacey, isn't it?
The: Actually, it's because the Time Lords discovered that if you take an eleventh dimensional matrix and fold it into a mechanical...
Rory: [shorts out two wires showering the Doctor with sparks] .
The: [shouting] I... Yes, it's spacey-wacey!

Amy: [unlocking the TARDIS] Hey, look at this: got my spaceship, got my boys! My work here is done.
Rory: [scoffs as she enters] Uh, *we* are *not* her boys.
The: Yeah, we are.
Rory: Yeah, we are.

Amy: [to Amelia, who has just opened the Pandorica] Okay kid, this is where it gets complicated.

[discussing why someone wants to kill The Doctor in a town that they've only just arrived at.]
Amy: What does he want? Has he issued some kind of demand?
Isaac: Says he wants us to give him the alien doctor.
Amy: [to The Doctor] But that's you. Why would he want to kill you? Unless he's met you.

Rory: We have two lives. Real life and Doctor life. Doesn't feel like real life gets much of a look-in.
Amy: What do we do?
Rory: Choose.
[sounds of the Tardis appearing]
Amy: Not today, though.
Rory: No, not today.

Amy: If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

The: These are all coma patients?
Rory: Yeah
The: No, they're all the multiform. Eight comas, eight disguises for Prisoner Zero
Amy: He had a dog, though. There's a dog in a coma?
The: Well, coma patient dreams he's walking a dog, Prisoner Zero gets a dog. Laptop! Your friend, what was his name, not him, the good looking one!
Rory: Thanks!
Amy: Jeff.
Rory: Oh, thanks.

Amy: In bed above we're deep asleep, while greater love lies further deep. This dream must end, this world must know. We all depend on the beast below.

Amy: And you kept the bow tie?
The: [looks at Amy]
The: Yes, bow ties are cool

The: [Realising he is actually 12 years late] Why did you say six months?
Amy: He's coming.
The: This matters. This is important. Why did you say six months?
Amy: [Angrily] Why did you say five minutes?

Amy: She's the TARDIS?
The: And she's a woman! She's a woman and she's the TARDIS.
Amy: Did you wish really hard?
[raises eyebrow at The Doctor]
The: Shut up! Not like that...
Idris/Tardis: Hello, I'm... Sexy.
The: Still shut up.

Amy: People phone you?
The: Well, Its a phone box.

The: You couldn't have known how it would react.
Amy: I couldn't, but I've seen it before. Very old, and very kind and the very, very last, sound a bit familiar?

Amy: Will that door hold it?
The: Oh yeah, yeah, course! It's an interdimensional multi-form from outer space, they're all 'terrified' of wood!

Liz: What are you doing?
The: [Adjusting machinery] The worst thing I'll ever do. I'm going to pass a massive electrical charge through the Star Whale's brain - should knock out its higher functions, leaving it a vegetable. The ship will still fly, but the whale won't feel it.
Amy: That'll be like killing it.
The: Look, three options: One, I let the Star Whale continue, in unendurable agony for hundreds more years; Two, I kill everyone on this ship; Three, I murder a beautiful, innocent creature as painlessly as I can. And then, I... I find a new name, because I won't be The Doctor anymore.
Liz: There must be something we can do, there must be another way...
The: Nobody talk to me. Nobody
[violently slams hand down on console]
The: *HUMAN* has anything to say to me today!

Amy: In fact I think I can now definitely say I hate him. I hate the Doctor. I hate him more than I have hated anyone in my life and you can hear every word of this through those ridiculous glasses, can't you, Raggedy Man?
The: Uh, yes. Putting the speakerphone on.
Amy: You told me to wait, and I did. A lifetime.
The: Amy!
Amy: You've got nothing to say to me.
The: Amy, behind you!

The: [starts running off] I've got to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose!
The: [the Doctor pauses in the archway, turns around, smiling] I never thought I'd get to say that again.
The: [after a reminiscent pause] Amy, breathe.
[the Doctor runs off]
Amy: [confused] Yeah. I mean, thanks, I'll- I'll try.

The: [talking to Amy's newborn daughter] It's okay. She's still all yours. And really, you should call her Mummy, not Big Milk Thing.
Amy: Okay, what are you doing?
The: I speak Baby.
Amy: No, you don't.
The: I speak everything. Don't I, Melody Pond?
[the infant babbles, the Doctor adjusts his bow tie]
The: No, it's not. It's cool.

[Rita and Amy take refuge in a room where a sad clown is sitting on the bed]
Rita: Has it to do with you?
[Amy shakes her head "no"]
Rita: Hello...
Amy: Don't talk to the clown!

Amy: What does that mean, it's a statue when you see it?

Old: [locked out of the Tardis] Rory, please. The look on your face when you carried her... me... *her*. When you carried her away. You used to look at me like that. I'd forgotten how much you loved me. I'd forgotten how much I loved being her: Amy Pond, in the TARDIS with Rory Williams.
Rory: I'm sorry, I can't do this.
[goes to unlock the TARDIS door]
Old: If you love me, don't let me in. Open that door, I will... I'll come in. I don't want to die. I won't bow out bravely. I'll be kicking and screaming, fighting to the end.
Rory: [crying] Amy... Amy, I love you!
Old: [crying] I love you too! Don't let me in. Tell Amy, your Amy, I'm giving her the days: the days with you, the days to come...
Rory: I'm so, so sorry.
Old: ...the days I can't have. Take them, please. I'm giving you my days.
Rory: I'm so, so sorry.

Queen: Are you the Doctor's queen?
Amy: No, I'm Rory's queen. Er, wife. Please don't tell him I said I was his queen.
Queen: [speculatively] Does the Doctor have a queen?
Amy: Don't you have a husband?
Queen: [dismissively] The human equivalent of a sleeping potion.
Riddell: Clearly, you need a man of action!
[brandishes tranquilizer rifle]
Riddell: With a big... weapon!
Amy: So, human sleeping potion or walking innuendo. Take your pick!

The: I should put you in a new bedroom; you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Amy: OK, Doctor, this time can we lose the bunk beds?
The: No, bunk beds are cool. A bed with a ladder, you can't beat that!

The: A forest in a bottle in a spaceship in a maze. Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond?
Amy: [in awe] Seven.

Mels: [Casually] I was late. I took a bus.
Rory: Uh, you *stole* a bus.
Amy: [Astounded] Who steals a bus?
Mels: [Nonchalantly] I returned it.
Rory: [In disbelief] You drove it through the Botanical Garden!
Mels: [With a wry smile] Shortcut.

Amy: Where are we?
The: A room.
Rory: What room?
The: I don't know what room. I haven't memorized every room in the universe, I had yesterday off.

Amelia: Who are you?
Amy: It's a long story. Oh! A very long story!
[Cut to the Pandorica timeline on the wall]

The: You're lying.
Amy: I'm not lying.
The: Swear to me. Swear to me, on something that matters.
Amy: [she thinks for a moment] Fish fingers and custard.
The: My life in your hands, Amelia Pond.

Canton: [pointing to the Doctor] Doctor who, exactly?
Amy: That's classified.
Canton: Classified by whom?
Amy: God knows

Amelia: [Watching Amy falling onto her hands and knees] Are you all right? Who are you?
Amy: [Moving to a sitting position] I'm... fine. I'm supposed to... rest. Got to rest, The Doctor says.
Amelia: What Doctor?
Amy: [Tapping her temple] He's in here. Left a message in my head, like an answerphone.

Rory: Okay. All of Berlin, how do we find her?
Amy: I don't know. Look for clues?
Rory: Clues? What kind of clues?
Amy: Shut up!
[both tun to look at a group of people, clad only in undergarments, running screaming out of a building]
Rory: Okay...

Amy: Okay, this is weird... Alright, stop doing that.
Rory: How about Amy One speaks first?
Amy: Which one's Amy One?
Rory: Well...
Amy: I am!... No, I am!... Rory?

River: We have a minute. Shall we? Where are we up to?
[flips through a blue book]
River: Have we done the Bone Meadows?
Amy: What's the book?
The: Stay away from it.
Amy: What is it, though?
The: Her diary.
River: Our diary.
The: Her past, my... future.

Rory: Amy, he's taking his clothes off.
The: Turn your back if it embarrasses you.
Rory: Are you stealing clothes now? Those clothes belong to people you know.
[turns around]
Rory: [to Amy] Are you not going to turn your back?
Amy: [gazing intently at The Doctor] Nope.

Rory: Are you sure, River? Are you really, properly sure?
River: Of course I'm sure! I'm his wife!
Amy: Yes! And I'm his...
Amy: ... mother-in-law.
River: [to Rory] Father dear, I think mummy might need another drink.

Oswin: Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek? Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you?
Amy: Well, somebody's never been to Scotland.

Amy: So you have enemies then?
The: Everyone's got enemies.
Amy: Yeah but mines the woman outside Budgen's with the mental Jack Russell, you've got like you know arch enemies.
The: [Looks thoughtful] I suppose so.

Amy: Doctor, Rory.
The: "Rory"?
Amy: [turns about with a "Where is..." gesture] Rory!
The: [with "big nose" gesture] Oh, Rory. Rory! Always with the Rory!

The: River, hug Amy.
Amy: Why?
The: Cause I'm busy!

The: [Stepping out of the TARDIS] Hello everyone. I'm Amy's Imaginary Friend!
The: [Walks over to the top table, and shakes Augustus by the hand] But I came anyway!
Amy: [Striding forward] You absolutly, definitly kiss the bride!

Rory: You've been crying. A little bit.
Old: Shut up, Rory.
Rory: You have, haven't you?
Old: Woman with a sword. Don't push it.

Kazran: Everybody has to die.
Amy: Not tonight.
Kazran: Tonight's as good as any other night. How do you choose?

Amy: Raggedy Man... goodbye!

Amy: Have you got a plan yet?
The: Yes I do.
Amy: Are you lying?
The: Yes I am.
Amy: Don't treat me like an idiot!
Rory: Was he lying?
Amy: No, no.

Amy: They really love their snowmen around here, don't they? I've counted about twenty.
The: Yeah! I've been busy.

Amy: So what do we do? Is this what we do now, chase after them?
The: This is what I do, yeah, and it's dangerous so you wait here.
Amy: What? So you mean I've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London blitz.
The: Safe as it gets around me.

Amy: I don't understand, OK? One minute she's going to marry you and then kill you.
The: Ah, she's been brainwashed, it makes sense to her. Plus, she is a woman.

Rory: [referring to the handbot] Is it safe?
Old: Yeah. I disarmed it.
Rory: How?
[he sees that it has no hands]
Rory: Oh. You disarmed it.

Amy: Have you ever run away from something because you were scared or, or not ready, or just, just because you could?
The: Once. A long time ago.
Amy: What Happened?
The: [Shrugs, grins and looks guilty] Hello.

Amy: Save him. You save everyone. You always do. That's what you do.
The: Not always. I'm sorry.
Amy: Then what is the point of you?

Amy: Macarena.

Old: Do you remember that summer when he came back to school with that ridiculous haircut?
Amy: He said he'd been in a rock band.
Old: Liar. And then he had to learn to play the guitar.
Old: So we wouldn't know he couldn't play it.

[Amy, Vincent, and the Doctor walk to the church where Vincent will have had painted the Krafayis. Amy and Vincent talk while the Doctor listens, following behind]
Amy: I'm sorry you're so sad.
Vincent: But I'm not. Sometimes these moods torture me for weeks, for months, but I'm good now. If Amy Pond can soldier on then so can Vincent Van Gogh.
Amy: I'm not soldiering on, I'm fine.
[Amy giggles]
Vincent: Oh, Amy, I hear the song of your sadness. You've lost someone, I think.
[the Doctor silently notes this insight from behind]
Amy: I'm not sad.
Vincent: [looking away] Then why are you crying?
[Amy reaches up to her right cheek and is surprised to find a tear there]
Vincent: It's all right, I understand.
Amy: I'm not sure I do.
[the Doctor does and steals away their conversation]
The: Okay. Okay! So, now, we must have a plan. When the creature returns...
Vincent: [slowly turns as the Doctor speaks and interrupts, firmly] Then we shall fight him again!

Amy: What are you going to do?
The: What I always do. Stay out of trouble... badly.

Amy: How come you can fly the TARDIS?
River: Oh, I had lessons from the very best.
The: [Looking smug] Well, yeah.
River: It's a shame you were busy that day.

The: [eating fish fingers and custard with Rory and Amy] If I had a restaurant, this'd be all I'd serve.
Amy: Yeah, right. You running a restaurant.
The: I've run restaurants. Who do you think invented Yorkshire pudding?
Rory: You didn't.
The: Pudding yet savory. Sound familiar?

Amy: Can we not do the running thing?

Lorna: I brought you something. Your child's name in the language of my people. It's a prayer leaf and we believe if you keep this with you, your child will always come home to you.
Amy: Can I borrow your gun?
Lorna: Why?
Amy: I've got a feeling you're going to keep talking!

Rory: Amy, what is it?
Amy: Something old, something new, something borrowed... something blue.

Amy: You "never interfere in the affairs of other peoples or planets," unless there's children crying.

Amy: Why me?
The: Why not?
Amy: No seriously, you are asking me to run away with you in the middle of the night, it's a fair question. Why me?
The: I don't know, it's fun. Do I have to have a reason?
Amy: People always have a reason.
The: Do I look like people?
Amy: Yes.
The: Been knocking around on my own for a while. My choice, but I've started talking to myself, all the time. It's giving me an earache.

Amy: Oh, are you all Mr Grumpy-Face today?
The: A weeping angel Amy, is the deadliest, most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced, and right now one of them is trapped inside that wreckage and I'm supposed to climb in after it with a screwdriver and torch and assuming I survive the radiation long enough and assuming the whole ship doesn't explode in my face, do something incredibly clever which I haven't actually thought of yet. That's my day, that's what I'm up to, any questions?
Amy: Is River Song your wife?
[Doctor looks fed up]
Amy: Because she's someone from you future and the way she talks to you, I've never seen anyone do that, she's kinda like you know, "heel boy". She's Mrs Doctor from the future, isn't she? Is she going to be your wife one day?
The: Yes.
[Amy looks stunned]
The: You're right, I am definitely Mr Grumpy-Face today.

[last lines]
Jimmy: This is insane. We're fightin' ourselves!
The: Yes, it's insane, and it's about to get even more insanerer. Is that a word?
The: [louder to the darkness] Show yourself! Right now!
Amy: Doctor, we are trapped in here and Rory's out there with them. Hello? We can't get to the TARDIS and we can't even leave the island.
The: [from the darkness] Correct in every respect, Pond: it's frightening; unexpected; frankly a total, utter splattering mess on the carpet; but I am certain, one hundred percent certain,
The: [revealed] that we can work this out. Trust me. I'm the Doctor.

The: [Desperately] Amy... please! Just come back into the TARDIS. Come along, Pond, please!
Amy: [Sobbing] Raggedy Man... goodbye!
[She turns away from the Angel and disappears]
The: [He stares, brokenhearted, at the space where Amy had been standing. The tombstone now has her name on it, as well as her age at the time of her death] NO!
[He doubles over, sobbing, as River heads towards him to comfort him and take him back into the TARDIS]

Amy: So, what's he like? In the future, I mean. Cause you know him in the future, don't you?
River: The Doctor?
[smiling innocently]
River: Well, the Doctor's the Doctor.
Amy: Oh, well, that's, um, very helpful. Mind if I write it down?

Amy: Raggedy Man, I remember you, and you are *late for my wedding*!

Amy: [talking on the phone] Hey! Doctor, it's me. Hello. So, the UN classified the cubes as provisionally safe, whatever that means. And Banksy and Damien Hirst put out a statement saying the cubes are nothing to do with them.

Winston: Who the devil are you? Identify yourselves!
Amy: Pond. Amelia Pond.

Amy: [Baby Melody is crying] She doesn't like the TARDIS noise. I asked him to turn something off but it was all "I don't want to punch a hole in the space-time continuum".

Amy: Rory, no offence to the others, but uh, you let them all die first, okay?
Rory: You're so Scottish.

Amy: [reading aloud from the book "Melody Malone"] "' Why do you have to break mine?' I asked the Doctor. He fired and said, 'Because Amy read it in a book and now I have no choice.'"

Rory: Amy, I thought I'd lost you.
Amy: What, 'cause I got sucked into the Earth? You're so clingy.

[series 6 opener for non-UK markets]
Amy: When I was a little girl I had an imaginary friend and when I grew up he came back. He's called The Doctor. He comes from somewhere else. He's got a box called the TARDIS that's bigger on the inside and can travel anywhere in time and space. I ran away with him and we've been running ever since.

The: [to the Silence, who are holding Amy hostage] Oh, hello. Sorry, you're in the middle of something. Just had to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly? Hello, Amy, you all right? Want to watch some television? Ah, no, stay where you are. 'Cause, look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever, has her own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do a bit.
River: Thank you, sweetie.
The: I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.
River: Oh, the first seven, easily.
The: Seven? Really?
River: Oh, eight for you, honey.
The: Stop it.
River: Make me.
The: Yeah, well, maybe I will.
Amy: Is this really important, flirting? Because I think I should be higher on the list right now!

The: Oh look, a big mining thing. Oh, I love a big mining thing. See, way better than Rio. Rio doesn't have a big mining thing.
Amy: We're not going to have a look, are we?
The: Let's go and have a look.

[Amy is sitting, eyes closed, hands fidgeting. The Doctor covers her hands with his]
The: [softly] Amy, you need to start trusting me. It's never been more important.
Amy: But you don't always tell me the truth.
The: If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.
Amy: Doctor. The crack in my wall. How can it be here?
The: I don't know yet, but I'm working it out.
[the Doctor looks to something to his left, then back to Amy]
The: Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were seven.
Amy: What did you tell me?
The: No.
The: [putting his forehead to hers] No, that's not the point. You have to remember.
[the Doctor kisses her forehead and leaves her]
Amy: Remember what? Doctor? Doctor?

Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova... why?
The: Because I disagreed with it.

Riddell: Know what I want more than anything else?
Amy: Lessons in gender politics?

Amy: Hey, look at this. Got my spaceship, got my boys. So, my work here is done!
Rory: We are *not* her boys!
The: Yeah, we are.
Rory: Yeah, we are.

[Bram separates a section of the TARDIS console. Voices from the past start leaking out and overlapping each other]
Susan: [as said to Ian and Barbara] Well, I made up the name TARDIS from the initials: Time And Relative Dimension In Space.
The: ...dimensionally transcendental.
Jo: What's that mean?
The: You sexy thing!
Idris: See, you do call me that! Is it my name?
The: You bet it's your name!
The: [as said to Leela] That's trans-dimensional engineering. A key Time Lord discovery.
The: [as said to Rose Tyler] The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and, believe me, they've tried.
Martha: It's just a box...
Amy: We are in space!
Martha: ...with that room crammed in!
Ian: That thing that looks like a Police Box, standing in a junkyard, it can move anywhere in time and space?

The: Right! OK! Here's the plan:
The: [to Vincent] Amy...
The: [to Amy] Rory...
Amy: Who?
The: [a bit panicky to Amy] Sorry!
The: [to Vincent] Uh umm... Vincent.
Amy: What? What is the plan?
The: I don't know actually. My only definite plan is that, in future, I'm definitely just using this screwdriver for screwing in screws.

[the Doctor finds himself back in the Byzantium's tree-borg forest]
The: Good luck everyone. Behave! Do not let that girl open her eyes! Amy, later. River, I'm going to need your computer.
The: [walks away]
[Amy is sitting, eyes closed, hands fidgeting. The present Doctor covers her hands with his]
The: [softly] Amy, you need to start trusting me. It's never been more important.
Amy: But you don't always tell me the truth.
The: If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.
Amy: Doctor. The crack in my wall. How can it be here?
[sonic screwdriver pulses]
The: I don't know yet, but I'm working it out.
[the Doctor looks to his left to the sound]
The: [fiddles with the sonic screwdriver, thinks, pockets it, and continues on]
[the Doctor looks back to Amy]
The: Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were seven.
Amy: What did you tell me?
The: No.
The: [putting his forehead to hers] No, that's not the point. You have to remember.
[the Doctor kisses her forehead and leaves her]
Amy: Remember what? Doctor? Doctor?
[the Doctor rewinds again]

Amy: [sees an angel] Husband, run!
[Rory and Amy leave, but another angel cuts of River and the Doctor]
The: River, I'm not sure this can work.
River: Husband, shut up.

The: How many rooms?
Amy: I'm sorry, what?
The: On this floor, how many rooms? Count them for me now.
Amy: Why?
The: Because it will change your life.
Amy: [pause] Five. One, two, three, four, five
The: Six.
Amy: Six?
The: Look.
Amy: Look where?
The: Exactly where you don't want to look, where you never want to look. The corner of your eye. Look behind you.

Amy: You do have a plan, don't you?
The: No, I have a thing. It's like a plan, but with more greatness.

The: So, what do you do around here to stave off the, you know...
Amy: [finishing] ... boredom?
The: [simultaneously] ... self-harm?

Amy: Aren't you going to introduce us?
The: Amy Pond, Professor River Song.
River: [surprised] I'm going to be a professor some day, am I? How exciting!
River: Spoilers!

Amy: It's not really real, is it? I mean would I be happy settling down in a place with a pub, two shops and a really bad amateur dramatic society? That's why I got pregnant, so I don't have to see them doing Oklahoma.

Amy: A big spaceship, Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next.
The: Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks, the biggest museum ever.

Amy: What's the book?
The: "Melody Malone" She's a private detective in old town New York.
Amy: She's got ice in her heart, a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden.
The: Oh, you've read it?
Rory: You read, aloud, and then went, "Yowzah!"

[in Amy's shelter by the time engines, Rory is startled by a Handbot]
Rory: Oh!
[it turns, revealing a smiling face drawn on its head]
Amy: Don't worry about him. Sit down, Rory.
[Rory does. So does the Handbot. They look at each other]
Rory: You named him after me?
Amy: I needed a bit of company.
Rory: So he's your...
Amy: Pet.
Rory: Is it safe?
Amy: Yep. I disarmed it.
Rory: How?
[Rory notices that its hands are gone, severed]
Rory: Ohh! You, uh, you dis-armed it.
Amy: Oh, don't get sentimental; it's just a robot. You'd have done the same.
The: [in the TARDIS, watching] I don't think that I would've.
Rory: And there he is: the voice of God! "Survive, because no one is going to come for you." Number one lesson. You taught me that.
The: [over the glasses] Is that really all I've taught you?
Amy: Don't you lecture me, blue-box man, flying through time and space on whimsy. All I've got, all I've had for 36 years is cold, hard reality. So, no, I don't have a sonic screwdriver, because I'm not off on a romp. I call it what it is: a probe; and I call my life what it is: hell.

Rory: [seeing Restac crawl into the room] Doctor!
Amy: She was there when the gas started. She must've been poisoned.
Restac: [to the Doctor] You!
The: [to Amy and Rory] Okay, get in the TARDIS, both of you.
Restac: You did this!
[aims her weapon at the Doctor in revenge]
Rory: Doctor!
[pushes him out of the way and gets hit instead]

Amy: I'm gonna pull time apart for you.

The: [Amy has appeared on deck dressed in pirate garb and wielding a cutlass] What are you doing?
Amy: Saving your life. You got a problem with that?

Rory: Okay, I am trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife. I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor.
Amy: How can we be in here? How do we fit?
Rory: Miniaturisation ray.
Amy: How would you know that?
Rory: Well, there was a ray and we were miniaturised. All right.

The: There are fixed points through time where things must always stay the way they are. This is not one of them. This is an opportunity. A temporal tipping point. Whatever happens today will change future events. Create its own time line, its own reality. The future pivots around you, here, now. So do good. For humanity, and for Earth.
Amy: Right. No pressure there, then.

Amy: Why did you just do that with the bottle?
The: Don't know. I think a lot. It's hard to keep track.

Nasreen: You're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in...
Amy: [finishing Nasreen's sentence] 11 minutes, 40 seconds.
The: Yes. Squeaky bum time!

Amy: A crying Roman with a baby - definitely cool.

Rory: Okay. I'm going to go and get us some more coffee. Who wants more coffee?
[without waiting for an answer]
Rory: Me, too. I'll go.
[turns quickly to leave]
Amy: Rory? Do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now?
The: Yes.
Rory: [without turning around] No.
Amy: You didn't look.
Rory: I noticed them earlier... Didn't notice them. I specifically remember not noticing them.
Amy: You're welcome on the firepit, Centurion.

Amy: Oh please, have you always been this disgusting?
The: No. That's recent.

The: Who's Amy? You were Amelia.
Amy: Yeah, now I'm Amy.
The: Amelia Pond. That was a great name.
Amy: Bit fairytale.

The: What's wrong with this picture?
Amy: Is it... the bicycles? Bit unusual on a spaceship, bicycles.
The: Says the girl in the nighty.
Amy: Oh my God, I'm in my nighty!

Rory: It's like you're not even her.
Amy: 36 years, 3 months, 4 days of solitary confinement. This facility was built to give people the chance to live. I walked in here and I died. Do you have anything to say? Anything, Doctor?
The: [in awe] Where did you get a sonic screwdriver?
Amy: I made it. And it's a sonic probe.
Rory: You made a sonic screwdriver?
Amy: [emphatic] Probe.

[Amy watches a video presentation accompanying the Pandorica exhibit]
Narrator: According to legend, wherever the Pandorica was taken, throughout its long history, the Centurion would be there, guarding it. He appears as an iconic image in the artwork of many cultures, and there are several documented accounts of his appearances and his warnings to the many who attempted to open the box before its time. His last recorded appearance was during the London Blitz in 1941. The warehouse where the Pandorica was stored was destroyed by incendiary bombs, but the box itself was found the next morning, a safe distance from the blaze. There are eyewitness accounts from the night of the fire of a figure in Roman dress, carrying the box from the flames.
[tears fall down Amy's cheeks]
Narrator: Since then, there have been no sightings of the Lone Centurion, and many have speculated that if he ever existed, he perished in the fires of that night, performing one last act of devotion to the box he had pledged to protect for nearly 2,000 years.
Amy: Rory. Oh, Rory.

Amy: What's happened to you, Doctor? When did killing someone become an option?
The: Jex has to answer for his crimes.
Amy: And what then? Are you going to hunt down everyone who's made a gun, or a bullet, or a bomb?
The: But they keep coming back, don't you see? Everytime I negotiate, everytime I try to understand. Well, not today. No. Today, I honor the victims first. His, the Master's, the Daleks', all the people who died because of MY mercy!
Amy: See, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long. Well, listen to me, Doctor, we can't be like him. We have to be better than him.

Amy: Can you ride a motorbike?
Rory: I expect so. It's that sort of day.

Rory: We relax.
The: [mouthing] "Relax."
Rory: We live. We listen to the birds.
Amy: Yeah, see? Birds. Those are nice.
Rory: We didn't get a lot of time to listen to birdsong back on the TARDIS days, did we?
The: [annoyed] Oh, blimey! My head's a bit... ooh.
The: [a bit drowsy] Uh, no, you're right, there wasn't a lot of time for... birdsong... back in the good...
The: [nodding off] ... good old...
[all three fall asleep simultaneously on the bench as the birdsong gets louder]

[last lines]
The: I'll, uh, leave you two alone.
Rory: You all right?
Amy: Mmm hmm.
Rory: How are you feeling?
Amy: Where is she?

Amy: What was that?
The: Okay, need a better look. Gotta draw its fire, give it a proper target.
Amy: How?
The: Well, you know how sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?
Amy: Yeah...
The: I'm sorry!
The: [jumps out from behind the Pandorica] Hey look at me, I'm a target!

Amy: [holding Older Amy's staff unsteadily as a handbot approaches] Amy?
Old: Kate Hailer. Year 10 hockey.
Amy: Go for the shins.
[slashes the handbot's legs with the staff, knocking it down]

River: Yes, we are.
The: Sorry, what?
River: Talking about you.
The: [stares intently at his computer tablet] I wasn't listening, I'm busy.
River: Ah. The other way up.
The: [turns his tablet right-side up] Yeah.
Amy: You're so his wife.

Amy: Have you seen my phone?
The: Your phone?
Amy: Yeah.
The: Your mobile telephone. I bring you to a paradise planet 2 billion light-years from Earth and you want to update... Twitter!
Amy: "Sunsets; spires; soaring silver colonnades." It's a camera phone.
The: On the counter, by the DVDs.
Amy: Thank you.

River: We've told him all we can. We can't even tell him we've seen his future self. He's interacted with his own past. He could rip a hole in the universe.
Amy: But he's done it before.
Rory: And, in fairness, the universe did blow up.

[Amy and Rory wave as the Tardis dematerialises, Amy looks at Rory, smiles at him and enters their house]
Rory: [raises his fists] Yes!
Amy: [from inside the house] I can see you.
Rory: [instantly stops] OK.
[Rory quickly follows Amy into the house]

Rory: What is happening?
The: We are leaving the universe.
Amy: How can you leave the universe?
The: With enormous difficulty.

The: You're Amelia!
Amy: [pulling at her skirt] You're late!
[starts walking off]
The: [walking alongside] Amelia Pond! You're the little girl!
Amy: I'm Amelia, and you're late.
The: What happened?
Amy: Twelve years!
The: You hit me with a cricket bat!
Amy: Ha! Twelve years!
The: A cricket bat!
Amy: Twelve years, and four psychiatrists!
The: Four?
Amy: I kept biting them!
The: Why?
Amy: They said you weren't real.
Atraxi: [Garbled] Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence, or the human residence will be incinerated!
Amy: Come on! No, no, no! What! We're being staked out, by an ice cream van?
[the Doctor and Amy run to the van]
The: What is that? Why are you playing that?
Ice: It's supposed to be Clare de Lune!

The: Behold!
The: [opens the TARDIS door looking up] A cockerel! Love a cockerel. And underneath, a monestary, 13th century.
Amy: Oh, we've gone all medieval.
Rory: I'm not sure about that.
Amy: Really? Medieval expert are ya?
[Rory had waited from 102 AD to 1996 AD for Amy to be released from the Pandorica, but lets that slide]
Rory: No, it's just that- I can hear Dusty Springfield.

Rory: [Rory walks in wearing only underpants, and escorted by soldiers] There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants.
Amy: My whole life I've dreamed of saying that. And I miss it by being someone else.

Amy: Time can be rewritten.
Kazran: You tell the Doctor, tell him from me: people can't!

Amy: OK, Doctor, explain what's happening, please!
The: "Mels," short for...?
Mels: Melody.
Amy: Yeah, I named my daughter after her.
The: You named your daughter... after your daughter.

River: [on finding NASA gear] It's Earth tech. Contemporary.
The: It's very contemporary. Cutting edge. This is from the space program.
River: Stolen?
Amy: What, by aliens?
The: Apparently.
Amy: But why? I mean, if you could make it all the way to Earth, why steal technology that could barely make it to the moon?
The: Maybe 'cause it's cooler! Look how cool this stuff is!
Amy: [bemused] Cool aliens?
The: Well, what would you call me?
Amy: An alien.

Rory: This is where she told me to go. She said she'd send me the passkey. Ah!
[Rory gets a telepathic message from Idris]
Rory: [speaking together] "Crimson... Eleven... Delight... Petrichor."
Amy: Petrichor?

Amy: Oh, so this is how you keep score.

The: Amy Pond. The girl who waited. You waited long enough.
Amy: When I was a kid, you said there was a swimming pool. And a library, and the swimming pool was in the library.
The: Yeah, not sure where it's got to now. It'll turn up. So, coming?
Amy: No.
The: You wanted to come 14 years ago.
Amy: I grew up.
The: Don't worry. I'll soon fix that.

The: You're thinking of stopping, aren't you? You and Rory.
Amy: No, no - I mean, we haven't made a decision...
The: But you're considering it.
Amy: Maybe. I don't know. We don't know. Well, our lives have changed so much. There was a time, there were years when I couldn't live without you. Um, when just the whole every day thing would drive me crazy. But since you dropped us back here, since you gave us this house, you know, we've built a life. And I don't know if we can have both.
The: Why?
Amy: Because, they pull at each other. Because they pull at me and the traveling is starting to feel like running away.
The: That's not what it is.
Amy: Oh come on, look at you - four days in a lounge and you go crazy.
The: I'm not running away. But this is one corner in one country in one continent in one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that is a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And this is so much, SO MUCH, to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things. I'm running to them before they flare and fade forever. That's all right. Our lives would never remain the same. They can't. One day, soon maybe, you'll stop. I've known for a while.
Amy: Then why do you keep coming back for us?
The: Because you were the first. The first face this face saw. And you were seared onto my hearts, Amelia Pond. Always will be. I'm running to you and Rory before you... fade from me.
Amy: Don't be nice to me. I don't want you to be nice to me.
The: Yeah you do, Pond. And you always get what you want.

The: The writing - the graffiti - Old High Gallifreyan... the lost language of The Timelords. There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars, and raise up empires, and topple gods.
Amy: What does this say?
The: "Hello sweetie."

The: What the hell are you doing?
Amy: Changing the future. Its called marriage.

Darla: The asylum. It occupies the entire planet, right to the core.
The: How many Daleks are in there?
Darla: A count has not been made. Millions, certainly.
The: All still alive?
Darla: It has to be assumed. The asylum is fully automated. Supervision is not required.
Amy: Armed?
Darla: The Daleks are always armed.
Rory: What colour?
[they look at Rory]
Rory: Sorry, there weren't any good questions left.

Amy: [to Rory, in the kitchen] Good job, mister. Civilisations saved. surfaces wiped. What more could a woman ask for? I mean it.
Rory: Where's the Doctor?
Amy: On the Wii again.

The: Amy Pond, you are magnificent, and I'm sorry.
Amy: It's okay. I understand. You've got to leave me.
The: Oh, no, I'm not leaving you, never. I'm sorry about this!
[Leans down and bites Amy's hand]
Amy: Ow!
The: Ah, see, not stone! Now run!
Amy: You bit me!
The: Yeah, and you're alive.
Amy: I've got a mark. Look at my hand!
The: And you're alive! Did I mention...
Amy: Blimey, your teeth. Have you got space teeth?
The: Yeah, alive. All I'm saying.

The: [Locking the door with the sonic screwdriver] Kissogram?
Amy: Yes! A Kissogram! What's going on?
The: Why did you pretend to be a policewoman?
[Runs towards the TARDIS]
Amy: [Chasing after him] You broke into my house! It was either this or a French Maid! What's going on? Tell me!

Mels: It's all right for you. You've got Mr. Perfect keeping you right.
Amy: [thinking Mels means the Doctor, tosses the model TARDIS back to Mels] He's not even real. Just a stupid dream when I was a kid.
Mels: I wasn't talking about him.
[Mels looks over at Rory going out the door]
Amy: What, Rory?
[Rory freezes-"Oh my god!"-in the open door]
Amy: How have I "got" Rory?
Rory: [nervously, covering] Yeah. How... how's she "got" me?
Amy: He's not mine.
Rory: No... No.
Rory: I'm not hers.
Mels: Come on. Seriously. It's got to be you two.
[pause, Rory in fear, Amy not getting it]
Mels: Oh, cut to the song, it's getting boring.
Amy: Nice thought, okay? But completely impossible.
Rory: [looks to Amy, crushed, swallows] Yeah, ihh- impossible.
Amy: I mean, I'd love to. He's gorgeous. He's my favorite guy.
[pats Rory on the shoulder]
Amy: But he's, you know...
Amy: [simultaneously] ... gay. /... a friend.
[Rory and Amy look at each other]
Rory: I'm not gay.
Amy: Yes, you are.
Rory: No. No I'm not.
Amy: Of course you are, don't be stupid. In the whole time I've known you, when have you shown the slightest interest in a *girl*?
Mels: [rotating TARDIS model in her hands] Penny in the air.
Amy: I mean, I've known you for what, ten years? I've seen you practically every day. Name one girl you've paid the *slightest* bit of attention to.
[Pale, panicked, and perfectly paralyzed of voice, his secret crush now implicitly revealed, Rory turns tail and runs out. Mels giggles]
Amy: [astonished, realizing his feelings for her, Amy looks to Mels while pointing at herself, silently mouthing] Me?
Amy: Oh my... god! Rory?
[Amy runs out after Rory]
Mels: [gets up, giving the model a toss in the air] And the penny drops!
Amy: Rory! Come back!
Mels: [to Amy's model TARDIS] Catch you later, time-boy.
[Mels tosses the TARDIS model to the bed, which becomes the real TARDIS tumbling through the clouds]

The: I'm 907 years old. Do you understand what that means?
Amy: It's been awhile?
The: Yea-No. No, No!

Amy: Football. Okay, well done, that is normal. Yeah, football, all outdoorsy.
The: Now, football's the one with the sticks, isn't it?

Amy: [Rory turns away from the gravestone with his name on it and suddenly vanishes] Doctor!
River: [River and The Doctor run out from the TARDIS and notice a Weeping Angel behind where Rory was standing] Where the Hell did that come from?
The: [Scanning the statue with his Screwdriver] It's a survivor. Very weak but keep your eyes on it.
Amy: Where's Rory?
The: [Quickly glances at the tombstone and sees that it now has Rory's age at the time of his death written on it] I'm sorry... Amelia... I'm so, so sorry.
Amy: No. No we can just go and get him in the TARDIS. One more paradox...
The: Would rip New York apart.
Amy: That's not true, I don't believe you.
River: Mother, it's true.
The: [Amy begins walking towards the Angel and the gravestone] Amy? What are you doing?
Amy: That gravestone, Rory's, there's room for one more name, isn't there?
The: What are you talking about? Back away from the Angel, come back to the TARDIS. We'll figure something out.
Amy: The Angel, would it send me back to the same time? To him?
The: I don't know. Nobody knows.
Amy: But it's my best shot, yeah?
The: [Becoming scared] No!
River: Doctor, shut up! Yes, yes it is!
The: Amy...
Amy: Well then... I just have to blink, right?
The: [Frantic] No!
Amy: It'll be fine. I know it will. I-I'll be with him. Like I should be. Me and Rory together. Melody.
[She holds back her hand, and River takes it]
The: Stop it! Just, just stop it!
Amy: You look after him.
[she begins crying as River kisses her hand]
Amy: And you be a good girl, and you look after him.
The: You are creating a fixed time. I will never be able to see you again.
Amy: I'll be fine. I'll be with him.

Amy: Secret base beneath the Tower? Hope we're not here because we know too much.
Kate: Yes, I've got officers trained in beheading. Also, ravens of death.
Amy: I like her.

The: Amy, Rory, get out of here! Don't look at anything! Don't touch...
Amy: Who's that?
[the group looks up and sees an old man laying in a bed across from them]
Old: [weakly, but with enthusiasm] Amy! Amy, please!
[Amy slowly moves into the room and tentatively takes his hand]
Old: Amy, please. Please.
Amy: Rory?
[turns to look at the younger Rory]
Amy: He's you.
Old: Amy...
[old man dies]
Rory: Will someone please tell me what is going on?
The: [dismayed] I'm sorry, Rory... but you just died.

Old: All those boys chasing me, but it was only ever Rory. Why was that?
Amy: You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick. Then there's other people and you meet them and you think, "Not bad, they're okay." And then you get to know them and... and they're face just sort of... becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just... they turn into something so beautiful.
Old: [Together] Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met.

Madame: [weakly] Amy... help me.
Amy: You took my baby from me. And hurt her. And now she's all grown up and she's fine, but I'll never see my baby again.
Madame: But you'll still save me, though. Because *he* would, and you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor.
Rory: Ma'am, we have to go, now!
Amy: [to Kovarian] The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But do you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not here.
[Amy re-attachs Kovarian's eye drive]
Amy: River Song didn't get it all from you, sweetie.
[eye drive activates and Kovarian screams]

Amy: Oh, don't mind me, I never could resist a keep out sign.

[last lines]
River: It's the TARDIS translation matrix. It takes a while to kick in with the written word. You have to concentrate.
[Amy looks at the etching on the crib]
Amy: [levels the gun at River again] I still can't read it.
[Rory grasps Amy's hands and gently takes the gun from her]
River: It's because it's Gallifreyan and doesn't translate.
River: [picks up the prayer leaf and places it in Amy's right hand] But this will. It's your daughter's name in the language of the Forest.
Amy: I know my daughter's name!
River: Except, they don't have a word for "pond," 'cause the only water in the Forest is the river. The Doctor *will* find your daughter, and he will care for her, whatever it takes, and I know that.
[as Amy looks at the back of the prayer leaf, its stitched lettering changes to "River". Amy turns it over and the front side has already translated to "Song"]
River: It's me. I'm Melody. I'm your daughter.

The: [the Doctor has grabbed Rory's cameraphone and looked at the picture] The sun's going out and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?
Rory: [Notices Amy standing next to him] Amy!
Amy: Hi
[Turns to the Doctor]
Amy: Oh, this is Rory, he's a... friend.
Rory: Boyfriend.
Amy: Kind of boyfriend.
Rory: Amy!
The: Man and dog, why?
Rory: [Looks the Doctor up and down] Oh, my god, It's him!
Amy: Just answer his question, please!
Rory: But it's him though, the Doctor, the Raggady Doctor!
Amy: Yes, he came back!
Rory: He was a story, he was a game...
The: [Grabs Rory by the lapels] Man and dog, why, tell me, now!
Rory: Sorry, it's just, he can't be there because he's
The: In a hospital, in a coma.
Rory: Yes

The: Planet One, the oldest planet in the Universe, and there is a cliff of pure diamond, and, according to legend, on the cliff there's writing, letters 50 feet high, a message from the dawn of time, and no one knows what it says because no one's ever translated it. 'Til today.
Amy: What happens today?
The: Us. The TARDIS can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read very first words of recorded history.
[They step out of the TARDIS. The Doctor's face transitions immediately from gleeful anticipation to flat disappointment]
Writing: [followed by the Greek letters] Theta-Sigma Phi Gamma-Upsilon-Delta-Qorra
Amy: [laughs] "Vavoom."
[the corner of The Doctor's mouth turns up in a smirk]

Amy: And you kept the clothes.
The: Well I just saved the world... the whole planet for about the millionth time, no charge, yeah, shoot me, I kept the clothes.
Amy: Including the bow tie.
The: Yeah, it's cool, bow ties are cool.
Amy: Are you from another planet?
The: Yeah.
Amy: Okay...
The: So what do you think?
Amy: What?
The: Other planets. Wanna check some out?

Amy: What are we doing?
The: We're running into a dead end, where I'll come up with a brilliant plan that basically involves not being in one.

Amy: Can't chat, working.
Rory: Really? I thought you were just pouting at a camera.

Rory: I couldn't help it! It happened, it just happened!
Amy: Shut up!
[Amy kisses Rory]
The: Yeah, shut up, because we've got to go!
Rory: I waited. 2,000 years, I waited for you.
Amy: No, still shut up!
[Amy kisses him for longer]
The: And break! And breathe!
The: [Turns to Amelia] Well, someone didn't get out much for 2,000 years!
Amelia: [Tugs the Doctor's sleeve] I'm thirsty. Can I get a drink?
The: Oh, it's all mouths today, isn't it!

[first lines]
The: Appalappachia.
Amy: Say it again?
The: Appalappachia!
Amy: Appalappa...
The: -chia!
Rory: Appalappachia.
The: Appalappachia.
Amy: Appalappachia! What a beautiful word.
The: Beautiful word, beautiful world.
Amy: [the Doctor throws a lever, the room shifts] Ooh!
The: Appalappachia, voted number two planet in the Top Ten Greatest Destinations for the Discerning Intergalactic Traveler.
Rory: Why couldn't we go to number one?
The: It's *hideous*! *Everyone* goes to number one, planet of the coffee shops! Appalappachia, I give you sunsets; spires; soaring, silver colonnades; I give you, ahh!
[the TARDIS opens to a small, all-white room with a pair of closed, gray sliding doors under a white arch and a small chrome panel to the right of it with two buttons labeled "GREEN ANCHOR" and "RED WATERFALL". The room is otherwise completely featureless]
Rory: Doors.
The: Doors. Yes. I mea-, I- I-, I give you doors. But on the other *side* of those doors I give you sunsets; spires; soaring silver colonnades.

Rory: We're all ears!
Amy: There's a nose joke goin' if someone wants to pick that one off.

Amy: Ooh, Doctor, you sonicked her!

[a light suddenly shines down in a beam onto Amy Pond]
Interface: Welcome to the Two Streams facility!
[the light switches off]
Amy: Um, who are you and why can't I see you?
Interface: [the ceiling tile lights up and shines on her again] I am the Interface between yourself and the systems of the Two Streams facility. I will be your guide, your teacher, your friend.
[the light switches off and a video wall panel behind the counter shows the Check-In Girl]
Check: Welcome to Two Streams. What is your name, please?
Amy: Amy. Amy Pond.
Check: Welcome, Amy Pond. I see you're traveling alone. As a resident, you will now have access to all of the entertainment zones inside. For a taste of adventure, why not try the Mountain Zone and explore Appalappachia's famous glass-mirror mountains? Or try our Roller Coaster Zone, authentically modeled on the famous Warp Speed Death Ride at Disneyland Clom. All you could wish for, and more, is through the depature gate, provided for you with kindness.

Amy: Why did you make the sign of the cross, you numpty?
Rory: [Walking towards Amy] Oh, oh, oh, so, now, I'm being reviewed!

The: Amy, tell him!
Amy: Tell him what?
The: About the Daleks.
Amy: What would I know about the "Daleks".
The: Everything. They invaded your world, remember? Planets in the sky: you don't forget that.
Amy: [not recalling] No.
The: Tell me you remember the Daleks.
Amy: Nope, sorry.
Amy: [nervous chuckle]
The: That's not possible.

Riddell: [coming in from trying to tranquilize a pack of velociraptors] Doctor! This is a two-man job!
[sees Amy picking up a tranquilizer gun]
Riddell: And what are you doing?
Amy: [walking past him toward the dinosaurs] I'm easily worth two men. But you can help if you like.

Amy: OK. so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah? So what if the gravity fails?
The: I've thought about that.
Amy: And?
The: And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See. I've thought about it.

Amy: You are mister grumpy face today.

The: [to Amy through the resynced glass] It's OK, I've got you, you're fine.
Handbot: [to Rory] Will you be visiting long?
Rory: Doctor, a little help, Doctor.
Amy: And where have you been?
Handbot: Will you be visiting long?
Rory: What do I tell it?
Amy: I have been here for a week!
The: A WEEK?
Rory: A *week*?
The: I'm so sorry! Ah-ha, same room, different times. Two different time streams running parallel but at different speeds. Amy, you're in a faster timestream!
Amy: Doctor, it's going again!
[Handbot moves its hand threateningly close to Rory's face; he flinches away]
Rory: Doctor!
The: Amy!
Amy: Doctooor!

Amy: 'cos here's the deal. You take me too. In the Tardis. Me too.
Rory: But that means there'd be two of you. Permanently. Forever.
Amy: And that means we both get to live.
Rory: [to the Doctor] Two Amys. Together. Can that work?
The: [In the Tardis, watching] I don't know. It's your marriage.

Amy: I'm in the future. Like hundreds of years in the future. I've been dead for centuries.
The: Oh, lovely, you're a cheery one aren't you?

Amy: That is breaking and entering!
The: What did I break? Sonicking and entering, totally different!

The: [waking up on the floor of the TARDIS] ... days. What? No, yes, sorry, what? Oh! You're OK! Oh, thank god! I had a *terrible* nightmare about you two! That was scary. Don't ask, you don't want to know. You're safe now.
Amy: [the Doctor hugs Amy] Oh, ah, OK.
The: That's what counts. Blimey, never dropped off like that before. Well, never, really. I'm getting on a bit, you see. Don't let the cool gear fool you. Now, what's wrong with the console? Red, flashing lights. I bet they mean something.
Rory: Uh, Doctor, I also had a kind of dream... thing.
Amy: Yeah, so did I.
Rory: [defensively] Not a nightmare, though! Just, um... we were married.
Amy: Yeah. In a little village.
Rory: Yeah, a sweet little village, and you were preg... nant.
Amy: Yes, I was huge! I was a boat.
Rory: So you had the same dream, then? *Exactly* the same dream?
Amy: [sternly] Are you calling me a boat?
Rory: [deflecting] And Doctor, you were visiting.
Amy: Yeah, yeah, you came to our cottage.
Rory: How can we have had exactly the same dream? It does not make any sense.
Amy: And you had a nightmare about... us. What happened to us in the nightmare?
The: It was a bit similar, in some aspects.
Rory: Which aspects?
The: Well, all of them.
Amy: You had the same dream.
The: Basically.
Rory: You said it was a nightmare.
The: Did I say nightmare? No, more like a really good... mare. Look, it doesn't matter. We all had some kind of psychic episode. We probably just jumped a time track or something. Forget it. We're back to reality now.
Amy: Doctor, if we're back to reality, how come I can still hear birds?
Rory: Yeah, the same birds, the same ones we heard in the...

Rory: [back on the park bench, forehead-to-forehead with the Doctor] dream. Oh! Sorry, nodded off! Stupid! God, I must be overdoing it! I was just dreaming were back on the TARDIS.
Rory: [to Amy] You just had the same dream, didn't you.
Amy: Back on the TARDIS. Weren't we just saying the same thing?
Rory: But we thought this was the dream, didn't we?
Amy: I think so. Why do dreams have to fade so quickly?
Rory: Doctor, what is going on?
Amy: Is this because of you? Is it some Time Lordy thing because you've shown up again?
The: Listen to me: trust nothing. From now on, trust nothing you see, hear, or feel.
Rory: But we're awake, now!
The: Yeah, and you thought you were awake on the TARDIS, too.
Amy: But we're home.
The: Yeah, you're home, but you're also dreaming. Trouble is, Rory, Amy, which is which? Are we flashing forwards... or backwards? Hold on tight. This is going to be a tricky one.

The: You wanted to come fourteen years ago. What happened?
Amy: I grew up.
The: [He smiles] Don't worry. I'll soon fix that.
[He snaps his fingers and the TARDIS's door opens]

Amy: What is that?
The: Cyber arm, arm of a Cyberman.
Amy: Um, Cyberman?
The: Well, sort of part-man, part-robot. The organic part's died out years ago. Now the robot-part is looking for, well... fresh meat.
Amy: What, us?
The: Yeah, it's just like being an organ donor, except you're alive and sort of... screaming.

Amy: What if you were really old, and really kind and lonely, your whole race dead. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, and that kind, and the very last of your kind, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry.

[first lines]
["Demon's Run"]
Amy: [to her baby] I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safe, and cared for, and protected, but this isn't the time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody, is very, very brave.
Madame: Two minutes.
Amy: But not as brave as they all have to be, because there's somebody coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me: he's on his way.
["Twenty Thousand Light Years Away"]
Amy: [continuing, V.O] There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way. He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone, because this man is your father. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better... as The Last Centurion.
Rory: [dressed in Roman Centurion garb] I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor, and a question from me: *Where* *is* *my* *wife*?
[the Cybermen stare at him, saying nothing]
Rory: [walking into the room] Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, and I'll be on my way.
[Rory stops in front of an observation window]
Cyber: What is the Doctor's message?
[outside, the fleet begins exploding, startling the Cybermen]
Rory: [unfazed] Would you like me to repeat the question?

[the Doctor has modified a roof dish to prove the sun is actually the TARDIS exploding at every point in history]
Rory: Doctor, there's something else. A voice.
Amy: [Watching as The Doctor adjusts the dish] I can't hear anything.
Rory: [Pointing to his ear] Trust the plastic!
River: [Repeating] I'm sorry, my love.
Amy: Doctor, that's River! How can she be up there?
Rory: Maybe it's a recording or something.
The: No, it's not a recording. Of course, the emergency protocols! The TARDIS has sealed off the control room and put her in a time loop to save her!

Amy: Who is that and how did she do that museum thing?
The: It's a long story and I don't know most of it.

Amy: Well, I'm not gonna hug first.
The: Nor am I.

Rory: What happened to the lift? We *were* in a lift...
Amy: Yeah, yeah, we were... I remember getting in
Rory: Awwww...
Amy: What?
Rory: We're dead, aren't we?
Amy: Eh?
Rory: The lift fell and we're dead!
Amy: [mumbles something unintelligible]
Rory: We're dead! Again!

Clara: Doctor!
The: Hello.
Clara: You're young again. You're okay... You didn't even change your face.
The: Ha! It's started, I can't stop it now, this is just the reset, a whole new regeneration cycle, ooh. Taking a bit longer, just breaking it in. It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment; like breath on a mirror. Any moment now, he's a comin'.
Clara: Who's comin'?
The: The Doctor.
Clara: You, you are The Doctor.
The: Yup, and I always will be. But times change, and so must I... Amelia.
Clara: Who is Amelia?
The: The first face this face saw. We all change, when you think about it, we're all different people; all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me.
Amy: Raggedy Man... Goodnight.
Clara: No, no...
The: Hey...
Clara: Please don't change...

Amy: You look human.
The: No, you look Timelord. We came first.

[Francesco has reverted to his true form, and is about to finish Rory off]
Amy: [Out of view] Hey, Mummy's boy!
[Cut to Amy using a folding mirror to reflect sunlight onto Francesco's face, causing his to scream and disintegrate]
Amy: That was lucky!

Amy: [Avery has warned Amy of the dangers of wielding a cutlass] That's *actually* why I'm pointing it at you!

Amy: I know. I just worry there'll come a time when you never turn up, that something will have happened to you and I'll still be waiting, never knowing.
The: No, come on, Pond. You'll be there till the end of me.
Amy: Or vice-versa.

Rory: [Watching the TARDIS appear] It's the Doctor! How could we forget the Doctor?
[Fading into the background as Amy climbs over the table and walks to the TARDIS]
Rory: I was plastic... He was a stripper at my stag... Long story.
Amy: [Knocking on the door of the TARDIS] OK Doctor, did I surprise you this time?
The: [Opening the door wearing a formal morning suit] Eh, yeah, completly astonished. Never expected that!

Mrs: Amy, who is your friend?
The: Who's Amy? You were Amelia!
Amy: Yeah, now I'm Amy!
The: Amelia Pond - that was a great name!
Amy: Bit fairy tale.
Mrs: I know you, don't I?
The: Not me - brand new face
[Pulls a funny face]
The: First time on. And what sort of job is a kissogram?
Amy: I go to parties, and I... kiss people. With outfits. It's a laugh!
The: You were a little girl five minutes ago!
Amy: You're worse than my aunt!
The: I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everybody's aunt!
[Turns to Mrs Angelo]
The: And that is *not* how I'm introducing myself!

Rory: So, what do we do with Jex?
Isaac: "What do we do with him"?
Rory: Yeah. I mean, he's a war criminal.
Isaac: No, he's the guy who saved the town from cholera. The guy who gave us heat and light.
Amy: Look, Jex may be a criminal, and yeah, kinda creepy -...
Kahler: ...And still in the room.

Father: Verger, how are we doing with those explosives? Doctor Song, with me.
River: Two minutes. Sweetie, I need you.
Amy: Anybody need me? Nobody?

[last lines]
Bob: [to The Doctor over the radio] You told me my fear would keep me alive but I died afraid, in pain and alone. You made me trust you, and when it mattered, you let me down.
Amy: [whispering to River Song] What are they doing?
River: [whispering to Amy Pond] They're trying to make him angry.
Bob: I'm sorry, sir. The Angels were very keen for you to know that.
The: Well, then, the Angels have made their second mistake because I'm not gonna let that pass. I'm sorry you're dead, Bob, but I swear to whatever is left of you they will be sorrier.
Bob: But you're trapped, sir. And about to die.
The: Yeah, trapped. And you know what, speaking of traps, this trap has got a great big mistake in it. A great big whopping mistake!
Bob: What mistake, sir?
The: [to Amy] Trust me?
Amy: Yeah.
The: [to River] Trust me?
River: Always.
The: [to Father Octavian and the Clerics] You lot, trust me?
Father: We have faith, sir.
The: Then give me your gun. I'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. When I do, jump!
Father: Jump where?
The: Oh, just jump. High as you can. Come on! Leap of faith, Bishop. On my signal!
Father: What signal?
The: You won't miss it.
Bob: Sorry, can I ask you again? You mentioned a mistake we've made.
The: Oh, big, big mistake. Really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap. If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Bob: And what would that be, sir?
The: [aiming gun upwards] Me.
[the Doctor fires]