The Best Anorak Quotes

Anorak: The keys aren't just laying around under a rock somewhere. I suppose you could say they're invisible, hidden in a dark room that's at the centre of a maze, that's located somewhere up here.

Anorak: In the form of my avatar, Anorak the all knowing. I created three keys. Three hidden challenges test worthy traits, revealing three hidden keys to three magic gates. And those with the skill to survive these strengths will reach the end, where the prize awaits.

Anorak: Let the hunt for Halliday's Easter Egg, begin.

Anorak: [He enters Central Park] Nice racing, padawan. You're the first to finish.
Parzival: [neels down stammering and looks at Anorak] M-Mr. Halliday. I... Anorak. It's such an honor.
Anorak: The honor's all mine.
[he holds the Copper Key and gives it to Parzival as he looks down]
Anorak: Get yourself a clue.