The Best Attorney Wilson Quotes

Attorney: These people put Trekkies to shame. Motion to suppress the backpack and the bricks from my client's tool shed.
Connie: Wow, you have high hopes.
Attorney: Well, you know what they say about being known by the company you keep.
Connie: You're the one with a baby killer as a client. Live long and prosper, Mr. Wilson.

Michael: Suppression is a remedy that punishes police misconduct. The police did absolutely nothing wrong here. The brick was stolen by civilians.
Attorney: Who'd been for all practical purposes deputized to investigate this case.
Michael: That's not accurate. They helped identify a suspect in a photo that was released to the public.
Judge: I think I just heard a hair split, Mr. Cutter. Talk to me about the backpack.
Attorney: Again, it was stolen from my client by the same deputized vigilantes after they mugged him.
Connie: No. We have affidavits from the detectives that these civilians were warned to stay away from Mr. Sherman. They were not working as agents of the police.
Attorney: Even granting that, the People can't establish a chain of custody for the backpack. The butane may have been planted by the vigilantes.
Judge: That you'll have to argue to a jury, Mr. Wilson. The backpack is coming in, the bricks are out. See you in court.