The Best Aurora Lane Quotes

Jim: The whole section's closed off. Something's wrong.
Aurora: We're looking for wrong.

Jim: We were woken too soon... Ninety years too soon
Aurora: [shocked] We have too go back to sleep
Jim: [solemnly] We can't!

[last lines]
Aurora: [voice over] A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way. But we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life. Together.

Aurora: Arn't you going to ask for my ID, I might not be old enough to drink.
Arthur: Oh, I would never ask your age in front of a gentleman.
Aurora: [Looking into Jim's eyes] Jim's no gentleman. Anyway, there's no secret between me and Jim.
Arthur: [Surprised 'android' expression and look towards Jim] Is that so?

Aurora: Do you know how much Homestead Company made off its first planet? Eight quadrillion dollars! That's eight million billions. Colony planets are the biggest business going.

Aurora: [to Jim] You die, I die.

Arthur: They say time heals all wounds.
Aurora: Broken hearts aren't that simple, Arthur. You wouldn't understand.

Jim: [seeing Aurora in a beautiful black dress] Wow.
Aurora: You clean up pretty good yourself. You went shopping.
Jim: I went shoplifting.

Aurora: My dad used to say, "If you live an ordinary life, all you'll have are ordinary stories. You have to live a life of adventure." So... Here I am.

Arthur: You two look fine this evening.
Aurora: Thank you, Arthur. We're on a date.
Arthur: Very nice.
Aurora: [to Jim] Took you long enough to ask.
Jim: I was giving you space.
Aurora: Oh... Space. The one thing I do not need more of.

Aurora: What are we even looking for?
Jim: Something broken. Something big.

Aurora: He woke me up! He took away my life!
Gus: I know, and I'm sorry, but there's work I'd like...
Aurora: It's murder!
Gus: You're right, Aurora. But the drowning man will always try and drag somebody down with him. It ain't right, but the man's drowning.