The Best Big Eddie Little Quotes

One: How do you feel, Big?
Big: Just fine, Al, just fine. And that doc... he's ok in my book.
One: What do you want me to do with him?
Big: Kill 'em.
One: What about the nurse?
Big: Al, the nurse happens to be a lady. Kill her first.

Big: Doc, Doc, no matter what the outside world may thing about me, among my peers I'm considered a well meaning, good natured slob.

Maxwell: [transporting Big Eddie Little to prison by walking a marathon] Well, it won't be long now, Big Eddie. Tomorrow at this time it will be all over for you.
Big: Yeah. The judge once told me that some day I'd walk the last mile. If he had told me I'd have to walk fifty miles to get to the last mile, I'd had gone straight.