The Best Brandine Quotes

Ned: Hi-diddly-ho, petal-to-the-metal-ophiles.
Homer: Flanders? Since when do you like anything cool?
Ned: Oh, I don't care for the speed, but I can't get enough of that safety gear - helmets, roll bars, caution flags...
Maude: I like the fresh air, and looking at the poor people in the infield.
Brandine: Dang, Cletus, why'd you have to park by my parents?
Cletus: Now, honey, they's my parents, too.

Cletus: Spell 'scabies!'
Lisa: S-C-A-B-I-E-S!
Brandine: [holding her baby by the shirt] Rubella, we got you a middle name!
Cletus: You ain't supposed to hold her like that.

Homer: I've been carrying this bag of sugar to represent a baby, and...
[sees he is holding a real baby]
Homer: Wha...? Where the hell's my sugar?
[cut to Cletus and his wife with a sugar-bag in baby clothes]
Cletus: Condoleeza-Marie ain't too peppy today.
Brandine: And I don't remember her bein' this granulated.
Dia: Can I put your baby in my coffee?
Cletus: Well, the doctor said if you eat any more babies, they gonna take yer foot.

Brandine: The pig has been eating the C4 blocks again!
[pig burps and explodes]