1000 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Quotes

Michaelangelo: Is she...

Michaelangelo: Hy-uhh!

Michelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: I'm gonna miss you like crazy.

Michaelangelo: Oh, simple. We surround the enemy dude with a two-pronged attack. I saw it in a movie once.

Raphael: [knocks on April's door and she answers in a bathrobe] Could we interest you in a subscription to "Turtles Home Companion"?
April: Oh no! What are you guys doing here? How did you get here? Did anyone see you come in?
Raphael: Is there a special order you want those questions answered in?

Leonardo: Now remember what Master Splinter said. We've got to think like the enemy.
Raphael: Okay, if you were a giant bull, where would you be?
[the turtles hear screaming and see people fleeing from a store called Dish City]
Michelangelo: A giant china shop, where else?

Michaelangelo: What?

[the alien's toy is about to destroy the world]
April: I've got an idea.
[gives her camera to Raphael]
April: Keep that camera running!
[April climbs down the hole to the alien's toy]
Leonardo: What's she doing?
Raphael: Ah, with women, you never know.
[the alien's toy suddenly shuts down]
Donatello: It stopped!
[April climbs back out of the hole]
April: There. So much for that.
Donatello: Wha... How'd you do that, April?
April: [pulls out a device] Simple. Every kid's toy has batteries.

April: April here. What's up, guys?
Donatello: We've got an emergency and we need your help.
April: Now, this sounds like a real story.
Donatello: Uh, uh, right, yeah. There are these gigantic alligators in the sewer.
April: Fantastic! I'll bring my video camera.
Donatello: Uh, we'd rather you brought a spare TV instead.
April: Huh?
[later, April is at the turtles' lair]
April: Oh, you got me over here so you could watch a MOVIE about alligators in the sewers?
Michelangelo: [while watching TV] Exactamundo. Ha ha ha. Awesome flick, isn't it?
Raphael: Hey, you guys want to hold it down? You're drowning out all the screams.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, dig all this snow.

Michaelangelo: Uh-oh! I'm picking up some really negative vibes here.

April: [enters a warehouse] Uh, Turtles, are you here?
Shredder: [jumps out and grabs her] No, but I am!
April: [frightened] Shredder!
Shredder: [drags her away] Baxter, where are your manners? Offer the young lady a seat.
Baxter: Gladly, master.
Shredder: [shoves her onto the chair and clamps her wrists to its arms] Make yourself comfortable, Ms. O'Neil. You may be here a very long time!
Shredder: [digs through her purse and pulls out the turtle com] Aha!
April: What are you doing?
Shredder: Making sure you don't get lonely.
[calls the turtles]

Michaelangelo: Turtle power!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, feel like I'm in a shooting gallery.

Donatello: [takes a break from working on a machine to call his brothers on the turtle com] Hey guys uh, how's it going?
Raphael: [answers in a strained voice as he's being chocked by a foot ninja] We're a little busy right now Donatello!
Donatello: Okay I'll call back later
Raphael: [angrily] Do that!
[punches the foot ninja]
Raphael: Out of my face jerk!

Shredder: [Shredder has caught April who has mutated into a cat person and put her in a cage] Get her something to eat, it may calm her down.
Bebop: Uh, I have just the thing boss
[pulls a mouse out of his pocket]
Bebop: Hey kitty look at what Bebop got you for din-din
[the mouse bites him and he drops it in the cage]
Bebop: ow!
Shredder: [April looks at the mouse, screams and backs away from it] You fool she's still more female than feline!
[April hisses at him]
Shredder: Hmm she may not eat a rodent, but perhaps she'll help me hunt one down

Michaelangelo: Yeah, it's worth a try.

Shredder: The girl will talk. It's just a matter of time
Krang: Well she better talk soon. I can't wait all day to rule the universe

Raphael: [after April leaves] Hey, she can't go to Woo's by herself. That place is really bad.
Donatello: The food is even worse.

Bebop: [while being attacked by flies] Hey, what's going on?
Rocksteady: These flies act like they got brains or something.
Baxter: Which is more than I can say for you moronic mutants.
Baxter: And they do have a brain... mine.

Michaelangelo: Awesome shooting, master splinter.

Michaelangelo: Hey, no biggie. I'll just boogie on down to the store and pick up some fresh ones.

Michaelangelo: Yes, sensei?

Michelangelo: Ta-da! all right, Dudes, it's scarfing time!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, bummer. What happened to rex?

Michaelangelo: Actually, I'd rather planet one on its planet!

Michaelangelo: Oh, yeah? like what?

Michaelangelo: Mondo conversion.

Michelangelo: [Coming out of a theater] Woah was "Attack of the Mutant Stenographers" awesome or what?
Raphael: No question about it, it was awesomely... terrible!
Donatello: Yeah the worst!
Michelangelo: Well don't have a cow man!
Raphael: Uh, wrong show!

Donatello: [a piece of paper with a sword through it is hurled at the turtles' table] What is it, Raphael? Some kind of threatening note?
Raphael: Worse than that, it's the check!

Michaelangelo: I crave pizza no more. I can't believe i'm saying this.

Michaelangelo: Uh, dudes, you smell something?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, dude. You're outnumbered.

Leonardo,40152: Turtles fight with honor!
Irma: And women fight with handbags!

Michaelangelo: Man, that thing's humongous?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, let's get our shell in gear!

Michaelangelo: 100 million people?

Michaelangelo: All of a sudden, that dragon doesn't seem so bad!

Michaelangelo: You belong to that bad dude?

Donatello: Hang on, April! You wouldn't last five minutes in a Ninja pizzaria! I love saying lines like that.

[Shredder shows up when the Turtles rescue April]
April: Shredder!
Raphael: Oh, swell. We've traded one rat for another.
April: But, you're not the one who captured me!
Baxter: No, my dear. It was I, Baxter the fly.
Leonardo: Baxter!
Donatello: The Fly!
Raphael: These old subway tunnels always have such a great echo.

Michaelangelo: Better make tracks, dude!

Michaelangelo: wha - talk about service.

Michaelangelo: I'm already there, dudes. Check it out. Yo, Michelangelo! Michelangelo! Michelangelo!

Michaelangelo: Way to go, april. lookin' good... whoa!

Splinter: The path that leads to what we truly desire is long and difficult, but only by following that path do we achieve our goal.
Michaelangelo: What? Follow a path? I guess he wants me to take a hike.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Yeah, and no fair peeking.

Michaelangelo: Gotcha!

Don: Had enough!

Michaelangelo: They're acting like animals. What am I saying?

Michaelangelo: Whoa! Major notion!

Rocksteady: Gee boss, it ain't easy gettin' dinosaurs to obey.
Bebop: Yeah, they're all muscle and no brains.
Shredder: ...I won't say it, it's too easy.

Michaelangelo: Leonardo! Great timing compadre.

Michaelangelo: No, wrong, dude. It's a shredder-quake.

Raphael: [while on guard] Well, this is a laugh in a half.
Michelangelo: All and all, dudes, I'd rather be home in a cool sewer with a warm pizza.
Donatello: You think we overreacted this time?
Leonardo: I don't think so. Listen!
[someone breaks into the lab]
Leonardo: This is it! It's them!
[the turtles charge towards the villains. The lights are turned on and it's revealed to be Big Louie]
Leonardo: Big Louie and his gang?
Raphael: Swell. We're here at the right time, but it's the wrong guys!

Michaelangelo: Oh, yeah, a wise man, but what about a wacky turtle?

Michaelangelo: Ohh!

Rocksteady: [Shredder approaches carrying a candleabra] It's Frankula!
Bebop: No way. It's Dracenstein!
Shredder: It's me, you idiots!

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Aw, I never thought being a circus star could make you see stars.

Michaelangelo: Face it. We're never going to find leonardo.

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: All right!

Michaelangelo: [shaking his head after beating the two street thugs who will become Rocksteady and Bebop] Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Those dudes are so dumb.

Michaelangelo: Triumphant! Now let's get out of this thing.

Michaelangelo: Well, come on, dudes, let's haul shell!

April: Irma, where did you disappear to?
Turtlenator: Disappear to?
Irma: [walks up to them] April, you'll never believe it! I found this fantastic machine with all this health food and...
[sees that Turtlenator]
Irma: Oops...
Turtlenator: Who are you and who does your hair?
Irma: [nervously] Well, you see, I just came along for the ride with the tur...
April: [covers her mouth] Whatever you do, don't use the 'T' word!
Irma: The 'T' word? What 'T' word? OH! You mean turtles!
Turtlenator: TURTLES?
[the Turtlenator attacks and chases after them]
Irma: Why didn't you warn me the 'T' word was turtles?
April: Irma, you're hopeless!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, How about that? saved by the shell!

Businessman: [listing items stolen] Two positronic accelerators, four reverse flux polarity indicators and, uh, one parabolic sine wave generator.
April: And what does all that equipment do?
Businessman: I have absolutely no idea.

Michaelangelo: [the Starcruiser is spiraling toward the street] Looks like I'm gonna wipe out! Whoa-ah!
[engine chugs, splutters and stalls out mere inches from the pavement]
Michaelangelo: Whoa, bodacious break. The engine stalled.
[He hops out and opens the hood]
Michaelangelo: Bummer, it's flooded. Y'know, I'll bet Donatello isn't using genuine Dimension X parts on this babe.

Michaelangelo: Tubuloso curl! Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: [gulp] Sooner than you think.

Michaelangelo: Megamove, donatello.

Krang: Now pay attention. This receptor ring will make the beast follow orders sent from this remote control device.
Bebop: Hey, I remember these things.
[puts the ring around his waist and uses it as a hula-hoop]
Krang: No, you buffoon! You're to place it in the creature's nose, then command it to destroy the turtles.
Shredder: [takes the remote] It will be done.
Krang: By the way, in case you have any ideas about turning the creature against me, remember that I, too, have a remote control more powerful than yours. Mine works the TV, the VCR, and the stereo.

Donatello: A large, vicious turtle flying a spaceship? That almost sounds like... like Slash, the evil turtle from Dimension X. Nah, couldn't be. That Slash character was as dumb as mud.

Michaelangelo: Split city!

Michaelangelo: Chill, raphael. You're not food, you're a turtle.

Zach: All right you rats
Rat: Rats? Did someone call ?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, also, one can't eat 12 pizzas without regretting it the next day. Ohh...

Michaelangelo: Well, listen, april, I gotta split.

Michaelangelo: I wish I hadn't eaten that pizza before we left.

Donatello: April, stay here.
April: Ohhh! Again?

Michaelangelo: Come on, dude, upsy-daisy.

Raphael: [to the Neutrinos] The Shredder must really be getting desperate if he's throwing geeks like you at us.

Donatello: [narrating] We made quick work of the Butcher and his mob and left them for the police. They were given a collective sentence of 843 years for robbery, racketeering, and tearing those little tags off of mattresses. As for Shredder, we knew we'd see him again. He's the bad penny that keeps turning up, the rotten apple that spoils the bunch, the moldy anchovy that ruins the pizza, the...
Raphael: Donatello?
Donatello: Yeah?
Raphael: Put a sock in it!

Michaelangelo: Nada. Zilch. Mega-negatory.

Michaelangelo: Hey, let's see if the parade's on the tube.

Michaelangelo: Okay. Now, what's all the excitement about?

Michaelangelo: All right, spud, try picking on someone your own size.

Michaelangelo: Gnarly notion, dude!

Drakus: Behold, the Annihilator!
Krang: It's a toy compared to the Technodrome.
Drakus: It may be smaller, but it's more mobile and it packs 20 times the firepower! There's just one problem, the drive systems are malfunctioning, and you will tell me how to fix it.
Krang: Why should I help you?
Drakus: I'll give you one very good reason...
[places Krang on a podium]
Drakus: will you tell me what I need to know?
Krang: I'd rather rot in a septic tank!
Drakus: Heh... Later. But first I think you will tell me, when I turn up the heat!
[switchs a device on, that releases a heat beam on Krang]
Drakus: And when my Annihilator is fully operational, I'll crush you! And your precious Technodrome!
Krang: Will you listen to me! The Technodrome isn't even here! It's in Dimension X!
Drakus: Don't lie to me, Krang.

Michaelangelo: Got you now, dude.

Michaelangelo: It's definitely bizarro.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. Toad-ally.

Michaelangelo: Oh, sure. If you'll take these.

Michaelangelo: No problem-o.

Raphael: [about Usagi] He's not only from an alternate dimension, but also ancient Japan. So naturally, he speaks English.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Oh, chill out, dudes. It was only a suggestion.

Rocksteady,146947: [Bebop and Rocksteady have kidnapped Michelangelo and are dancing around] We got us a Turtle! We us got a Turtle!
Michaelangelo: [Tied up] Put a Sock in it, will ya? You're giving me a mondo migraine!
[is promptly gagged with a sock by Bebop]
Bebop: You put a sock in it!
[Bebop and Rocksteady laugh]

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga, dudes! How'd you make all of those mes?

Michaelangelo: Oh, don't get your feathers in an uproar. Donatello will give it back.

Michaelangelo: Huh. uh... no, but we got le coupon. uh... four pizzas for the price of one!

Michaelangelo: No, duh. We've got mondo problems.

Leonardo: You know, that was almost too easy.
Raphael: I really wish you'd stop saying things like that.
Rocksteady: Rrrr! Say your prayers, turtles!
[Starts blasting away at the turtles]

[Bebop and Rocksteady bump into each other]
Shredder: You idiots!
Donatello: Mutagen didn't up their IQs any...

Michaelangelo: Come to think of it, the sewer's starting to look really good. What a harbor hog. Why can't they make those things in mini-subcompant size?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, let's rock, dudes!

Michaelangelo: That's like a total snore, dudes. Now, this is really intense.

Michaelangelo,84685: One, two, buckle my shoe!

Mona: [to Raphael] Love your costume!

April: Look, Vernon, it's Irma. What's she doing here?
Vernon: I think we're about to find out.
Dr. Sopho: And now, fellow scientists, the announcement you've all been waiting to hear. I have selected Miss Donna Tello, a woman whose genius matches my own, almost, to be my partner in a momentous scientific experiment.
[the audience applauds]
April: Why would he call her Miss Donna Tello?
Vernon: Better question: Why would he want her to be his partner?

Shredder: The turtles are escaping with my monster!
Bebop: I can live with that.
Shredder: You want to bet?

Michaelangelo: Slash? You're dissin' us, right dude?

Shredder: [thinks he's Michelangelo] I brought back some takeout. So, like, let's get down and pig out!
Leonardo: It's Shredder!
Shredder: Where? Where?

[the Turtles arrive at the beach, and a tidal wave appears]
Raphael: What is it? A tidal wave?
Donatello: No, it's uh...
[the Technodrome appears and rolls toward urban Manhattan]
Donatello: ... the Technodrome!
Leonardo: Krang used that powercell to re-energize the entire Techndrome.
Michelangelo: Man, That thing will roll over the city if we don't stop it!
Raphael: Relax you guys, we should know the drill by now.
Raphael,146947: We break into the Technodrome. Fight our way past the Foot Soldiers. Disconnect the power device and escape with it.

Michaelangelo: Take cover!

Michaelangelo: Oh, what a bummer. He got away.

Michaelangelo: I've been working on the oil drums.

Michaelangelo: Looks like the party's over, dudes. we might as well boogie.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, scope out those awesome outfits.

Michaelangelo: Man! That was one fabuloso flick.

Michaelangelo: All right! let's have some fun!

Donatello: [reading note that was thrown through the window] "We have the news girls. Come to the taffy factory at midnight and bring the bufflinks".
Michaelangelo: Uh, oh. We don't have any bufflinks.
Donatello: Musta ran out of C's. They mean cufflinks.

Michaelangelo: Wrong, compadre. There's nothing more important than thinking about pizza.

Baxter: Fire at will!
Bebop: Yeah!... Uh, which one's Will?
Rocksteady: I know there's a Leonardo, and a Raphael...
Baxter: Nevermind! Just fire at all of them!

Michaelangelo: I know! They want...Cufflinks.
Raphael: Can we pretend we've never met?

Michelangelo: [walks in while the turtles are watching TV] Come on, dudes. Give me a break. Let's watch something educational for once. There's a mondo surfing flick on, "Waikiki Wave Walkers". It's totally tubuloso. Here, let me show you.
Raphael: Touch that dial and you're history.
Michelangelo: [changes the channel] No, trust me, compadres, you'll really dig it.
[from his room, Splinter hears Michelangelo scream and glass breaking]
Splinter: That sounds like a food fight. Deep dish pizza, to be exact.

Michaelangelo: But, like, how do we do that when we're struck in this humongous reptile cage?

Michaelangelo: Chill, dudes. We gotta figure out what's making the sun shrink.

[Raphael knocks down Bebop and Rocksteady during a fight]
Raphael: Ha! You idiots couldn't hit me with...
[we see Bebop and Rocksteady picking up]
Raphael: ...a big rubber tyre!
[Bebop and Rocksteady throw the tyre at Raphael and knock him down]
Raphael: Ever get that rundown feeling?

Michelangelo: Well, we can't get much smaller, einstein.

Michaelangelo: You know what I saw? It was this humungous brain. It had a mouth and eyes and it talked to me!
Raphael: A talking brain, huh?
Michaelangelo: Yeah. Weird, huh?
Raphael: Michaelangelo, I do believe you've finally had one pizza too many.

Michaelangelo: Oh, man! How did I get from there to here?

Michaelangelo: Oh, those dudes were easy. Not like taking on shredder's foot ninjas.

Michaelangelo: Like, what is this, a holdup?

Shredder: No Technodrome, no Rock Warriors, no Foot Soldiers! I'll pay those turtles back for this if it's the last thing I ever do!
Krang: At this rate, it probably will be the last thing you ever do!

Michelangelo: Isn't it nice to see an old friend?
Donatello: Yeah, Mona Lisa looks great.
Michelangelo: Mona Lisa? No, I'm talking about the pizza!

Raphael: [wakes up, yawning] Yeah. You know, mornings would be a lot better if they happened at noon.
Michelangelo: [yawns] Oh, for sure, dude.
Leonardo: Ahh. It's a beautiful, gorgeous new day, guys. Rise and shine.
[the other turtles throw pillows at Leonardo]
Leonardo: Ow! Make that... rise with a shiner.

Michaelangelo: All right, bud. Ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: Oh, it's all my fault, dudes. I was, oh, like, littering.

Michaelangelo: Yo, dudes, no creatures, but we have turned up a couple of weasels.

Leonardo: Is too!
Michaelangelo: Is not!
Leonardo: too!
Michaelangelo: not.

Michaelangelo: For sure, dudes. Had you going there for a while, though, didn't?

Donatello: Well, April, how does it feel being a human again?
April: Awful! My nails are absolutely ruined from walking around on all fours!
Raphael: Yep, she's back to being a woman again!

[Shredder rips a drainpipe off a wall to use as a weapon]
Leonardo: I like it, Shredder. You look quite distinguished with a *pipe*!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, man. Totally awesome.

Michaelangelo: All right! Malibu beach, here we come.

[Irma falls down screaming]
Shredder: What was that?
Rocksteady: Very heavy mice?
Bebop: Very noisy termites?
Shredder: It serves me right for asking you two lunkheads!

Michaelangelo: [interrogating Baxter Stockman] Do you want to clue us in on what this is?
[shows him a remote]
Baxter: It's the remote control for my Mousers.
Leonardo: Do you have anymore of these "Mousers"?
Baxter: No but the Shredder has, hundreds of them!
Leonardo: Where is the Shredder now?
Baxter: I'll never talk!
Raphael: You'd better or else I'm gonna get... sarcastic!
[smiles and holds his Sai to his face]
Baxter: He's in an old mansion on Green Street near Kent, he's got a master control for all the Mousers there!
[breathes a sigh of relief]
Raphael: See, nothing beats cunning wit!

Shredder: I give you two imbeciles a simple assignment, and you can't even carry it out.
Bebop: But, boss, uh, something awful happened.
Krang: What? You lost Rocksteady?
Bebop: Uh, yeah. That also.
Shredder: "That also"? What else went wrong?
Bebop: We didn't catch a single fish.
Shredder: AAH!

Krang: Great shooting, Tragg. I'm gonna pin a metal on you as soon as I get a pair of hands.

Donatello: But us, turtles, why must we stand alone against the forces of evil?
Michaelangelo: Face it, man, it's the only job we're qualified for.
Donatello: Oh yeah, you're right.

Michaelangelo: Really! Let's haul shell, dudes.

Donatello: [Reading the label on the foot of a broken mouser] What kind of idiot puts his name on a death machine?
Raphael: An idiot with an ego problem?

Caitlyn: Where are we going
Zach: The front door is just ahead
Great: [from far behind them] This way
Caitlyn: Their coming
[try's to open door]
Caitlyn: Ah... it locked, now what ?
Zach: We've got to hide this emerald, but where
Caitlyn: The last place they'd ever look for it, come on
[grabs the emerald from Zach and runs of in another direction followed by him]

Leonardo: [after Zach is taken by Screwloose cutting him off the phone] Hello Zack? Something's happened to him!
Michelangelo: It sounded like somebody cut him off
Donatello: Maybe it's for this time
Raphael: [sarcastically] Yeah and I'm the tooth fairy

Donatello: Hey, and listen to this. I've been invited to the university to receive my degree in person.
Raphael: [looks at the envelope] Yeah? Well, I hope you got the right dress for the occasion.
Donatello: Dress?
Raphael: It's addressed to "Miss Donna Tello".
Michelangelo: Whoa, it looks like the prof's expecting a dudette, not a dude, dude.
Raphael: [chuckles] And definitely not a turtle.

Michaelangelo: So, like, what's this gizmo?

Michaelangelo: Uh, yo, dudes. huh, what's the haps?

Krang: Shredder, I'm sending you to Lisbon in Portugal. Here it is on the map.
Shredder: Put that away, I know where Lisbon is!
Krang: It's not for you, this is the educational portion of the show.

Michaelangelo: Well, all right, then. Just make it a family-sized pizza.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, dude, maybe you ought to switch to decaf.

Michaelangelo: It looks like adios for this vine fellow.

Leatherhead: This city is no place for this gator. I'm going back to my swamp!

Shredder: D'ooohhh... .those moronic mutants! WHAT ARE THEY DOING?
Krang: Failing, Shredder. It's the only thing they know how to do!

Burne: There's that creature. Get some footage of him.
Vernon: [chuckles nervously] Me?
Vernon: What if he attacks me?
Burne: I can dream, can't I?

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Oh, for sure. who'd have thought three little tykes could take so much out of you?

Michaelangelo: And he's hauling the killer pizzas.

Michaelangelo: Now that you mention it...

Michaelangelo: Ugh! Ouch!

Donatello: Lady, would you please leave?
Maid: Now, I won't be any bother to you.
Donatello: Let me put it this way.
[lifts the mask to reveal his turtle face]
Donatello: Scram!
Maid: Mr. Baxter, you've been working too hard. You look kinda green.

Michaelangelo: Gotcha!

Krang: Now go to the red drawer in the blue desk and bring me the yellow computer disk.
Bebop: uhh let's see... we're supposed to get the red disk out of the yellow drawer in the blue desk.
Rocksteady: or was it the blue disk from the re... red desk?
Bebop: or 'da blue disk from the blue desk?

Michaelangelo: I don't know. What if I like get stage fright and get laughed off the show?

Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: And I couldn't have captured these crooks without the help of Teenage Mutant Ninja Leprechauns.
Michaelangelo: Begora! That's us, me boys!
[begins dancing Irish jig on coffee table]

Michelangelo: [Tempestra has flooded the sewer, trapping Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo in the lair] Dude, we're aquatic creatures, remember? How come we need a diving bell?
Donatello: Because even a turtle can't stand 3000 pounds of pressure per square inch.

Michaelangelo: That's you!

Michaelangelo: Chill out, bro! I'm green, same as you.

Michaelangelo: Uh-oh. Look like our head dude just came unglued.

Michaelangelo: Boy, you guys could use a bath.

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: Hey, like, that's why I'm the leader.

Michaelangelo: Did you say squid?

Michaelangelo: Let's rock, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Let's make mincemeat out of these mutants!

Donatello: I don't think he gave me the right change. I'm a few pennies short.
Leonardo: That figures. I've always said you didn't have enough *cents*.

Michaelangelo: There's some metal munchies for ya, dude!

Raphael: We're dealing with a real mind here.

Michaelangelo: Strike one, dude. Strike 2.

Michaelangelo: I crave pizza no more.

Michaelangelo: Major discovery! Look! It's some kind of key.

Michaelangelo: Bummer!

Michaelangelo: Don't go away, dudes. It could also solve another food problem. I found this week old silce of pizza behind the couch. Could you, like, make it fresh again?

Bebop: So, *snort* you rotten shell-backs think you're gonna get passes us, huh?
Raphael: As a matter of fact, yeah.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, the technodrome's about to bust through the earth's crust.

Michaelangelo: Oh, boy are we hungry!

Shredder: You wretched reptiles! You'll pay for this!
Bebop: And bring cash. We don't take plastic!

Michaelangelo: Hey, speaking of pizza, I just whipped together a michaelangelo special.

Michaelangelo: All right! way to go, dude.

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: Yeah! At the museum! It was eating mineral samples, and then suddenly it shrank and vanished!

Michaelangelo: Yoo-hoo, humongoids. Now out, you guys.

Michaelangelo: Back to the garbage recycling center. I scoped out some great leftovers we could use for toppings.

Michaelangelo: Uh, scratch that notion, dude. I crave pizza no more. Just give me a soft drink.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, our big brothers are gonna fix you good!

Michaelangelo: The turtlecom! That can only be one person. Yo, april, what's doing, dudette?

Army: Who in blazes are you?
Raphael: Don't you watch TV?

Michaelangelo: Well, like, they are rich in iron.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, and we've watched all these rented videos, like 20 times

Michaelangelo: Whoa, dudes, it's April!

Michaelangelo: Here's gazai in your eyes! ha ha ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: Just sprinkle some chopped olives on me, and I'll be fine.

Michaelangelo: Well, that means someone's gonna have to turn it over and...
Michaelangelo: ... look inside?

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes! Check out this filer I just found in the sewer! The posh pizza. Special introductory offer. Four pizzas for the price of one! Is that an awsome deal or what?
Leonardo: What about The Lizard that Swallowed Pittsburgh
Michaelangelo: Wouldn't you rather watch the turtles that scarfed pizza?
Leonardo: You've got a point.

Michaelangelo: Dudes, they're everywhere.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, don't sweat it, dudes! These 'chucks will take care of this walking glue factory. Wha - ?

Michaelangelo: Yeah. Some mutants are just plain weird, you know?

Michaelangelo: Radical concept, dude. I'll bet it cooks a mean pizza, too.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! what was that? it's a kauai killer wave!

Michaelangelo: Take a number, amigo. Scientist dudes have been working on that problemo for years.

Michaelangelo: En garde, can-head!

Michaelangelo: So, like, well, how do we find these dudes?

Leatherhead: No use skidaddlin', frogs! You don't be a skippin' from ol' Leatherhead.
Napoleon: Faster fellas, he's right on our tails.
Genghis: But that's impossible, we lost that phase since we were itty bitty tadpoles.

Michaelangelo: Aw, no sweat, splinter. The day I can't kick butt on some washing machines is the day I hang up my... nun-chucks!

Michaelangelo: Yeah, like, what's the haps?

Raphael: [wearing a trench coat and a fedora pulled low] Here's looking at you, kid

[the turtles get ready to enter April's apartment through the window only to find Irma already inside]
Irma: Hi, fellas. What took you so long?
Raphael: Irma! How'd you get in here?
Irma: I've got a key.
Donatello: You mean we climbed that fire escape for nothing?
Leonardo: It's okay. We needed the workout.

Michaelangelo: Uh, don't you mean the three mosquitoes?

Michaelangelo: Would you move it! Come on! Let's go.

Michaelangelo: No problemo. We've trashed shredder on land. We can trash him on water.

Michaelangelo: Oh, yeah. I could see the resemblance.

Raphael: How do you work this oversized ghettoblaster?

Michaelangelo: Oy, this is fun.

Michaelangelo: Dudette, we were always us! Just a skosh shorter.

[Michaelangelo learns he's overweight]
Michaelangelo: Me a lardo? No way, dude.
Leonardo: Read it and weep, Michaelangelo.
Raphael: How can he? His stomach's in the way.

Donatello: [Leonardo prepares to fight oncoming Foot Soldiers] You think you can hold them off?
Leonardo: There's only eight of them.

Michaelangelo: Uh, yeah. I guess it's that funny cape you're wearing.

Michaelangelo: Hey, dude, maybe you'd like to try defending the earth for a while!

Michaelangelo: Ruff! Ruff! Bark! Oh, I could do a birdie, too. Wanna see? here - tweet, tweet! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

April: [finds a Chinese food carton] Chinese food? Don't tell me that you guys have given up pizza.
Leonardo: It's Rocksteady and Bebop's. It's not bad enough they trashed the place, they also left their garbage!

Michaelangelo: All right! I always wanted to the big kahuna. Uh... what do you think we ought to do?

Shredder: Destroy those wretched reptiles!
Leonardo: Geez Shredhead, can't you think of anything new to say?

Donatello: Help me rip the tops off these convertibles.
Raphael: Great idea, Donatello. Why exactly are we doing this?
Michelangelo: Yeah, what's the plan, stan?
Donatello: What, and ruin the surprise for the viewers?

Krang: If I had hands I would cover my ears, if I had them!

Raphael: Great! More falling on our heads!

Michaelangelo: Totally tubular!

Michaelangelo: Not now, dude. we're hot on the snake case.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. What a bummer.

Michaelangelo: Dudes, april's on the tube with a major story!

April: [puts on Princess Mallory's pink dress, white gloves and crown, then hears the turtle com] Oh, what a time for the Turtle Com!
[answers it]
April: April here, what's up?
Donatello: [worried] April, are you alright? We just spotted Shredder and his two hench mutants!
April: Aw, you fellas are so sweet to worry about me. I'm in Princess Mallory's room on the trail of a hot story so...
[Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady break into the room]
Shredder: Grab her!
Rocksteady: With pleasure!
[picks her up and holds her in his arms]
April: [while hitting him on the head] Let go of me you...
[Shredder renders her unconscious with a nerve pinch to the neck]
Donatello: April? April? April, answer me!

Michaelangelo: Hey, I was just pulling your flipper, bud. I think it's devoutly bodacious, not to mention awesomely fantastico. Uh, but what else does it do besides just float?

Michaelangelo: Hope you have another tubuloso year at channel 6.

Leonardo: April, you've got to get everybody out of the area.
Donatello: Those chemicals in the wrecked tank cars are mixing together to make mutagen.
April: Mutagen? Are you sure?
Michelangelo: It's definitely not guacamole dip.
April: Vernon's in that area right now! He could mutate into some grotesque creature!
Raphael: In Vernon's case, that could be an improvement.
Leonardo: Fellas, we can't let Vernon's personality keep us from helping him.
Donatello: Yeah, he's still a human being... sort of.
Raphael: Besides, he might mutate into something even more obnoxious.

Donatello: [viewing news footage of Rocksteady and Bebop engaging in reckless vandalism] I wonder why those two are having such a temper tantrum.
Raphael: [with his usual sarcasm] Maybe they passed by a mirror and saw what they look like.

Michaelangelo: No, but we sure like pizza!

Bebop: I wonder why the delivery guy stopped here.
Rocksteady: Maybe he's visiting his mommy.
Bebop: I wish I could visit my mommy.
Rocksteady: Why don't you?
Bebop: I try but every time she sees me, she runs away screaming.

Irma: [on the phone] You know, I admire a man who's big enough to admit he's made a mistake. Maybe we could talk about it over dinner.
[the caller hangs up]
Irma: H-Hello? H-Hello?
April: New boyfriend?
Irma: No, wrong number.

Michaelangelo: Oh, I'm hoping he'd split.

Michaelangelo: I'm like mondo confused. Where'd that humongous insect come from, anyway?

Michaelangelo: Well, that all depends. How do you feel about sun-dried tomatoes?

Michaelangelo: Whoa! Wait for us, dude D'Artagnan.

Shredder: [slips cap through mail slot] Here is your uniform. Wear it proudly.

Bebop: [a Roadkill Rodney just broke them out of their cage] What took you so long?
Roadkill: The Shredder wants to have a talk with you.
Rocksteady: Um, you couldn't maybe put us back in the cage, could you?

Shredder: The fool! He cannot recognize true genius.
Rocksteady: We know just how you feel, boss.

Raphael: [Splinter takes away comic book] Come on, man, I'm at the most epic part.
Splinter: Man? Is that how you refer to me? What's next? Rat-faced dude guy?

Michaelangelo: Oh, man. We're like sitting turtles up here.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Bebop: [to Splinter] We don't like Rats in our fair city. Maybe i should just wring your stinking neck!

Vernon: Oh, I'm human again! I'm normal!
Burne: Human, yes. Normal? No, no, no, no, no.

Michaelangelo: All right, here I go again.

Leonardo: Okay. So... So what happened to April?
Irma: [starts talking rapidly] Well, first she turned into a cat, and then she drank milk from a saucer, and then she jumped out the window, and then she went to some man called Shredder, and then she went to...
Raphael: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.
Michelangelo: Right. Could you, like, rewind that and play it back at normal speed?

Rahzar: [to Tokka] You are my only friend.

Krang: The fools! That stone is Impervium, the lost element of Dimension X.
Shredder: What do you mean, lost?
Krang: Do you have time for a flashback?
Shredder: Why not?

Raphael: After all we just went through, how can you even look at a pizza?
Michaelangelo: I don't want to look at it, I just want to eat it.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, I was hoping you'd say that. Leaves more for me!

Michaelangelo: Uh, sorry. Amigos.

[Michaelangelo is a pizza delivery boy in disguise]
Vernon: I suppose you want a tip.
Michaelangelo: [sarcastically] No.
Vernon: Well here's one anyway: get another job!

Leonardo: [imitating Humphrey Bogart after a Chinese thug calls him "Humphrey Bogus] You hit the nail right on the head sweetheart
Michelangelo: [also imitating Bogart] Now listen here you mugs, I'm giving the orders around here, see!
[his brothers look at him in confusion]
Michelangelo: Alright so I don't do Bogart.

Leonardo: Hey, Donatello, chow time.
Donatello: How can you guys think about food? Don't you know what day it is?
Michelangelo: Uh, not-thinking-about-food day?
Donatello: It's National Sensei Appreciation day.
Raphael: Wow, they sure do sneak up on you.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, time to boogie, dudes, and I'm talking warp speed!

Michaelangelo: Oh! Aw, thanks, compadres!

Michaelangelo: Surf's up! Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Just where do you think you're going, tin grin?

Michaelangelo: Just where do you think you're going, dude?

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes. Scope out this neato toy robot I found. Isn't it a blast?

Raphael: Leonardo, explain to me again why we're creeping around in the dead of night instead of home in our nice, damp lair?
Michelangelo: Yeah dude. We just blasted the Technodrome into Dimension X.
Leonardo: The Technodrome may be gone, but Shredder and Krang are still loose.
Donatello: And this is the best chance we'll ever get to put those goons away for good.
Raphael: And I still say we have some vacation time coming.

Michaelangelo: Yours truly will handle this.

Michaelangelo: Oh, what gives? Suddenly, this table's a little too high!

Raphael: [all the Turtles are tied up]
[to Donatello]
Raphael: C'mon, figure a way out of this.
Donatello: Are you kidding? Only the most skilled Ninja Master could get out these knots!
[Leonardo frees himself, then starts to cut Donatello loose]
Donatello: Oh, hi, Leonardo.

Donatello: Well, like they say, Baxter, it ain't over 'til the portable portal generator sings.
Raphael: How come Donatello always gets to make all the grand entrances?

Michaelangelo: Whoa. Most excellent ride, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Hey, whoa! Chill out, dude! Come on. It's me.

Michaelangelo: Way to go, dude.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: What, oh!

Donatello: And then... it hit me!

Michaelangelo: Right.

Michaelangelo: It's like a done deed, dude.

Shredder: [to April] Well, well Miss O'Neil you and your friend are just in time to see me turn the Orient Express into the first intercontinental ballistic train, tie them up!
Rocksteady: [brings over two sacks] We'll put 'em in these mail bags
[to April and Irma]
Rocksteady: Do you goils like going foist class?
Irma: What does a no class like you care?
Shredder: Put them in the baggage car, that way you will be able to watch the front of the train crash
[pounds his fist for emphasis]
Shredder: an instant before you do!
Bebop: [picks up April as she struggles to escape and stuffs her into a sack which Rocksteady then ties shut]
Bebop: Like they say, the chick's in the mail!

Michaelangelo: Oh, radical, dude! Let's boogie!

Michaelangelo: It's getting too crowded in here. I'm going for a around the sewers.

Michaelangelo: Like, how come, dude? You look totally gnarly to me.

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: Oh, hey, wait a sec, dudes! I almost forgot. This ought to tide you guys over 'til you get back to bug city.

Raphael: Now there's something you don't see every day.
Michelangelo: Holy guacamole! It's humongous!
April: A dinosaur! It's a real, live dinosaur!
Donatello: A Diplodocus, to be exact. They were, uh, are plant eaters. Huge, but harmless.
Michelangelo: Dude, you've got a really weird definition of harmless.
Leonardo: Harmless or not, we've got to stop that thing. Turtle power!
Raphael: [about Leonardo] He's what you might call a cockeyed optimist.

Michaelangelo: Rad happening. we're free, dudes!

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Leonardo: Come, my comrades. There are wrongs to be righted and damsels to be saved, and you musketeers aren't even dressed.
[the amnesiac Leonardo passes the other turtles musketeer outfits]
Donatello: My fault, guys. I put the costumes April sent over in Leonardo's room.
Raphael: Clever move, brainiac.
Splinter: Actually, Donatello did the right thing. You must humor him by putting on these costumes.
Michelangelo: Pretend we're musketeers? Bogus, dude.
Raphael: Look, I'd give Leonardo the shell off my back, okay? But I am NOT wearing lace with feathers, and that's final.
Donatello: Same here.
Michelangelo: Ditto.
[the turtles are later wearing the musketeer costumes]
Raphael: I feel pretty stupid.
Donatello: Same here.
Michelangelo: Ditto.

Michaelangelo: And there's more of 'em every minute!

Michaelangelo: Au contraire, compadres. It's even more radical than wrestling.

Michaelangelo: Bummer. Why couldn't it be mozzarella?

Michaelangelo: Ahh! Yow!

Michaelangelo: Holy guacamole! Now this is what i'd call a cool school!

Michaelangelo: Try again, creepola!

Shredder: So my baby brother led you here?
Turtles: Your brother?
Kazuo: To my great shame.
Michelangelo: Aw, don't sweat it. It's not your fault you're Shredder's little bro.
Raphael: Yeah, it's just... bad luck.

Michaelangelo: Well... here goes...

[Donatello has made a cure for Irma in the form of a capsule]
Irma: Ah, forget it! I can't swallow pills! When I was little, my mother gave me my medicine in a spoonful of ice cream!
Leonardo: Come on, Irma, you're a big girl now!
Raphael: Yeah, really big.

Michaelangelo: Leonardo, you're just in time to check this out.

Michelangelo: Whoa, man!

Michaelangelo: Primo notion! My feet are killing me!

Casey: [Lifts a refrigerator over his head] Hold it right there! Even machines must obey the law!

April: How much is that hamster in the window?
Raphael: Why do I have a feeling that song won't make the top ten?

Slash: Arrivederci! Bonjour! Adios! And sayonara!
Michelangelo: Man, what a show-off. The dude makes an exit in four different languages.

April: [Recovering] I have the feeling we were out.
Irma: Where did we go? And did we meet any cute guys?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, bud. I'd hate for this to turn out to be a wild gazai chase.

Michaelangelo: whoa! radical machine, dude!

Splinter: So that you'll always remember that bigger is not always better.

Splinter: Only be confronting you fear can you be free of it.

Michaelangelo: Nada.

[Michelangelo is late returning from the antique shop]
Leonardo: I'm worried about Michelangelo.
Raphael: So what else is new? I've been worried about him for years.

Tiffany: [after watching April on the news, furiously] Burnesie! How dare you let her say such a thing!
Burne: But Tiffany, honey, it's the truth.
Tiffany: Admit it! You love turtles, don't you?
Burne: [nervously] No, no, baby. I hate turtles, honest.
Irma: [comes in with a lunch bag, to Burne] Here's your lunch, boss. Let's see, um, you ordered the mock turtle soup...
Tiffany: [gasps, outraged] WHAT! I knew you were a lousy turtle lover!
[Tiffany grabs Burne's lunch and dunks it on him before leaving]
Tiffany: GOODBYE!
Irma: I guess she's not a soup lover either.

Michaelangelo: We got to follow them.

Raphael: [upon seeing flies all over the city] Call it a crazy hunch, but something tells me to invest in flypaper.

Michelangelo: Hey, just scope out these babies.

Irma: [on the turtlecom] Hello? Is anyone there?
Leonardo: Who are you?
Irma: Never mind that. Who are you?
Leonardo: I'm Leonardo.
Irma: [gasps] You really are a turtle.
Raphael: Congratulations, lady. You just won the national wildlife award.

Michaelangelo: Yo, april! Where'd you split to?

Michaelangelo: Yo, april, grab on.

April: Quick, Vernon, the Don's gone. Let's make a break for it!
Vernon: No, thank you. I'm staying right here.
April: Where Don Turtelli can keep tickling your toes?
Vernon: On second thought, let's get out of here!

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: Oh, man! Did you have to us our tv for spare parts?

Michaelangelo: What do you know? It worked.

Leonardo: Donatello!
Michelangelo: All right, you've come to rescue us!
Donatello: [pulls out his pizza-slicer] I brought this to dismantle the antenna, but I've got a better use for it.
Raphael: We're about to go bungee jumping without a rope, and you bring your dumbest invention of all time?

Donatello: [after Raphael and Michaelangelo burn their feet in lava trying to catch Shredder] You should be happy fellas, Shredder escaped but at least we saved the city
Raphael: [sarcastically] Oh yeah we're dancing in the streets!
[clutches his foot in pain]

Michaelangelo: Come on, amigos, let's make turtles tracks.

Michaelangelo: Hold steady, dudes. It's just about screwed it.

[Donatello is waiting for the mail]
Raphael: Hey, give it a rest, Donatello. Pacing back and forth won't get the mail delivered any sooner.

Michaelangelo: No problemo, man. I'll handle it.

Michaelangelo: Why, that dirty rat! Oh, sorry, master splinter.

Donatello: Now remember, from now on your name is Donna Tello.
Irma: Donna Tello... I kinda like that name.

Raphael: [throws balls at the Turtlenator] Okay, batter up!
[the Turtlenator zaps the balls and attacks Raphael]
Raphael: Visitors 8, home team nothing.

Michaelangelo: Oh, whoa! Here comes the cavalry!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, hang on, dudes. Here comes the cavalry, bringing marshmallow, octopus, and chili pepper pizza.

Michaelangelo: You're kidding, right?

Michaelangelo: [sing-songy] here we go 'round the mulberry bush... wee! Oh, what do you know? The mulberry bush fell down!

Michaelangelo: all right! switch on!

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Burne: But, April, you've got to do it. You're the only one who can crack this story on this bizarre crime wave.
April: But why me?
Burne: Because only you have the street smarts, the contacts, the just plain guts, to uncover the truth about this menace.
April: Really?
Burne: Besides, there's a very simple reason why it has to be you.
April: Which is?
Vernon: Everyone else is too darn scared.

Rocksteady: Look at all the snow! We won't have to go to school today!
Bebop: Uh, we ain't been to school in 15 years.
Rocksteady: Haha, I know. I just like to say it.

Raphael: [noticing April arriving at the lair wearing a yellow ball gown, high heels, diamond earrings, a jeweled necklace, makeup, and her hair styled differently] Wow!, talk about embraceable! Who is that?
April: Hi guys, it's me.
Donatello: Gosh, April, you look just like a... a girl!
Leonardo: You look lovely!
Michelangelo: Truly tubuloso!
Raphael: Yeah, you clean up real good!
Splinter: [also enamored] April, you make this ancient rodent feel young again
April: Thanks, guys! You're just a bunch of big green sweeties, and you're the nicest rodent I know! And now I'm off to the Malcurian Embassy to cover a fancy party!

Shredder: Here it is, although I don't think you can expect much for $19.95!

Raphael: [while walking through the fly-infested city] Great idea, Leonardo. "Let's go up to the streets to avoid the flies," you said.
Leonardo: Sorry. I'm a ninja expert, not an insect expert.

Michaelangelo: Don't sweat it, compadres. we'll find those snakes in the grass.

Shredder: The Turtles! What does it take to stop you?
Raphael: Whatever it is, you ain't got it.
Shredder: We'll discuss it some other time.

Michaelangelo: I don't know, but it's, like, mondo beyond-o!.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! Ow!

Krang: We must go to Earth and steal the diamond!
Shredder: Impossible! Hungerdunger's mansion is more heavily guarded than Fort Knox. The only way to get it would be to win that contest.
[Krang smiles devilishly]
Shredder: Stop smiling like that, Krang. I hate it when you smile like that.
Krang: Shredder, you are going to get me that diamond by becoming a g... g... good guy.
Shredder: Me? Never! I have my reputation to think of!

Krang: [as his android body grows to a gigantic size] Now, wretched reptiles, you will face... the wrath of krang!
Michaelangelo: Wasn't that the name of a movie?
Leonardo: I don't believe I saw it.

Michaelangelo: This sewer's not big enough for the two of us. I'm out of here!

Michaelangelo: Well, what do you know? Surf's up.

Michaelangelo: Look alive, dudes. comin' atcha!

Michaelangelo: Whoa! That set was epic! It better beats surfing in the sewer.

Michelangelo: All right, amigos. Breakfast is ready. Deep-dish oatmeal pizza with grapefruit topping!
Raphael: That's the trouble with breakfast. Always the same old thing.

Krang: [closely examining the tri-lithium crystal] Shredder, this crystal is exactly like you.
Shredder: [smugly] You mean it's flawless?
Krang: [angrily] No. I mean it's cracked!

Shredder: Attention, slaves! I am your master and I command you to obey me-
[interrupted by Vernon crying]
Vernon: I want my milk and cookies!
Shredder: You want what?
Vernon: You heard me. I get awful cranky if I don't have my cookies!
[kicks Shredder in the shin]

Michaelangelo: But ya know, all the same, I'm gonna miss those little dudes!

April: If Donatello's gone bad, then there really is no hope for this world.

Michaelangelo: Chill, dudes. ditto knows the house rules. Don't you fella?

Michaelangelo: Fabuloso. A couple rounds with tinface oughta work up an appetite for those pizzas.

Michaelangelo: [drops the satellite dish after the gravity is back to normal] Whoops!
[the dish falls down to the city and shatters into thousands of pieces]
Michaelangelo: Uh-oh... April's boss is gonna get mondo ticked off.
Raphael: You know where we could get about eight tons of Epoxy Glue?

Michaelangelo: Bingo

Michaelangelo: Well, dudes, i'd say school's out.

Michaelangelo: No way. I triple lock the pad personally.

Krang: Seize that traitor!
Shredder: I can explain, Krang. I... uh... um, I wanted to save you the trouble of lugging the generator all the way back here.
Krang: How very thoughtful. Perhaps I'll save you the trouble of growing old. I heard your rehearsal. I have one note. Cast change! I will be the ruler of the world.

Splinter: I do not like this. I have a feeling you turtles may be in great danger.
Raphael: Hey, we laugh at danger!
Donatello: Sure, we're heroes in a half-shell. Remember the theme song?

Michaelangelo: Due north, dude. Bummer.

Michaelangelo: Dudes, it's too dangerous! You're too small to take on shredder

April: [gasps] Look!
Leonardo: What is it, April?
Raphael: A lead to the gangster's hideout?
Donatello: A vital clue that will establish a link between the Butcher and Shredder?
Michelangelo: A new kind of pizza I haven't tried yet?
April: [gasps] Even better! A little hamster statue. Isn't it the cutest thing?
Raphael: Give me a break.
Donatello: Oy vey.
Michelangelo: Gag me with a pizza ladle.

Michaelangelo: And I'm Michaelangelo!

Guard: So, it's you again, the turtle
Donatello: [Ripping off his waiter disguise] I'm warning you, I may be green, but I'm also mean.
Guard: [Throwing a large sack over Donatello] Now you're bagged and you're also snagged.

Michaelangelo: I'll ready for you, dudes! Uhh! Cowabunga!

Leonardo: We turtles don't know the meaning of the word 'defeat'.
Michaelangelo: That's right. We never bothered to look it up in the dictionary.

Aunt: Don't worry. We'll throw a monkey wrench into their plans.
Raphael: If she pulls one of those out of her purse, I'm outta here!

Michaelangelo: Ultimo bummer, dudes, I had my belly set on that heart board.
Donatello: Did that make sense to you?
Raphael: Not supposed to, Michelangelo said it.

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes. Anyone for a slice of granola and licorice pizza?

Michaelangelo: Aw, major gross-out. This sink is stopped up again.

Michaelangelo: Well, yeah? Like what kind of pet?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, mondo maneuvering, man.

Michaelangelo: Oh, whoa! We finally got out of that smelly place.

Kazuo: Perhaps by the time my brother can dig his way out of the polar ice cap, he will have reconsidered his evil ways.
Splinter: I fear the leopard does not change his spots so easily, Kazuo Saki.

Michaelangelo: It sure is cute.

Michaelangelo: Is not!

[the turtles exit April's helicopter]
Leonardo: April and Vernon, you stay here in case of an emergency.
April: Sure, right. We wouldn't think of moving.
Vernon: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
April: You didn't think I really meant that, did you?
Vernon: Huh?
April: Come on, Vernon. We got a story to cover!

April: For some people, it's an improvement!

Rocksteady: Oooh, shiver me timbers!
Bebop: And while you're at it, shiver mine also!

Michaelangelo: Man, I don't see why we've got to clean up the lair.

Michaelangelo: Whoa. This makes a great argument for suction-gun control.

Vernon: What can I do, Burne? There's just nothing happening today.
Burne: Vernon, you know what they say: "Dog bites man is nothing, but man bites dog is news".
Vernon: So?
Burne: So, go bite a dog!
[Burne goes back into his office]
Vernon: Hmm! Sure, go bite a dog. What do I look like, a flea?
[Irma is about to say something, but April covers her mouth]
April: No, Irma! Don't say it.

Michaelangelo: Down here, dudes!

Michaelangelo: Bummer, dudes. I hate people who smoke and run.

Michaelangelo: I can't! The batteries must've gotten wet!

Michaelangelo: Right! And at warp speed.

Michaelangelo: It looks like shredder's style.

Michaelangelo: Got you, sensei.

Shredder: Serves me right for using cheap mutant labor.

[foot soldiers charge towards Leonardo and Michelangelo]
Michelangelo: Hey, dude, what goes "quack, quack"?
Leonardo: Uh, duck?
Michelangelo: Exactamundo!
[Leonardo and Michelangelo both duck down and two foot soldiers crash into each]

Donatello: Why do we have to go with you?
Michaelangelo: Because I know how you dudes love to visit the zoo.
Raphael: Hey! If I wanna see a bunch of trapped animals I'll go watch the subways at rush hour.

Michaelangelo: Oh, no way, dude. You're the big cheese now.

Michaelangelo: All right! Donatello's back, too. The awesome foursome together again. How did you find us, dude?

Donatello: [a female cat approaches him and he pets her mistaking her for April] Hi there pussycat, what's your name?
[the cat jumps into his arms and nuzzles him]
Donatello: Is that really you April
[the cat meows and purrs]
Donatello: See I told you I was her favorite!
Raphael: It's not you man, it's those anchovy pizzas you eat!

Leatherhead: This sure be some good life.
[chuckles evilly]
Napoleon: This sure is hard work.
Leatherhead: Better you get used to it, you gonna be my slaves for life. And us gators have lived for hundreds of years, yeah. Ha, Ha! And in case you figure on escapin', my crawfish clambs will make sure you don't. Now I'm a gonna catch me 40 winks, so kepp quiet, ya hear?

Michaelangelo: Oh, no, not more ice!

Michaelangelo: Hang on, amigos. Here comes the cavalry.

Michaelangelo: All right, you little dudes! Knock it off!

Michaelangelo: Well, at least I got the humongous part right?

Michaelangelo: That's for sure. If he puts all 3 fragments together, we're talking mondo disaster.

Shredder: This place is a pig sty! I thought I told you to clean it up!
Bebop: But we did. But then you came busting in and we...
Shredder: No excuses!

Michaelangelo: Invading the sanctity of our happy home? This time, it's gone too far!

Michaelangelo: Surf's up! Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Hey, what's the scoop, april? Who is this chrome-plated dude, huh?

Michaelangelo: I don't know, dude. For some bizarro reason, I can't make up my mind.

April: [encounters two doors] One of these doors should lead to the roof, but which one?
[opens one]
April: Maybe it's this one...
Shredder: [emerges from the door imitating a game show host] You should've tried Door Number Two!
[April slams the door shut, she tries the other door...]
Rockstedy: [grabs her] Gotcha!
Shredder: You may not be the princess, but you look enough like her to ensure our safe getaway if you keep that pretty little mouth shut!
April: Not a chance, Shredder!
Shredder: As you wish!
[pulls out a gag]
April: I sure hope that's clean!
[Shredder ties the gag around her mouth, then carries her away]

Michaelangelo: Fantabloso! A monster killer Pizza!

Michaelangelo: Whoa! what are you doin', bud?

Donatello: Not so fast, fellow pizza lovers. This is a perfect opportunity for me to demonstrate my latest invention.
[pulls off a sheet]
Donatello: The automatic pizza-slicer.
Michelangelo: Whoa, it looks more like a pizza shredder.
Raphael: Face it, it just looks like Shredder, period.

Michaelangelo: Come on, amigo. Wake up and smell the pizza.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, I can resonate with that. Uh, but where do we glom on to it?

Michaelangelo: It's gotta weight megatons.

Michaelangelo: Turtle power!

Michaelangelo: Those 2 scuzz buckets are holding up the palace.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, I guess we don't look like such bad guys now, right, amigo?

Michaelangelo: It's a great big dog, dude. What's it look like?

Michelangelo: [after Mondo Gecko saves him from being killed in a truck crash and letting him out of the net he was in] Well thanks dude, but how come you saved me?
Mondo: I don't know something weird came over me
Michelangelo: Woah, and all this time I thought you were a bad guy
Mondo: Oh, that's right I am!
[points his laser gun at him]
Mondo: thanks for reminding me, now march!
[leads him to his boss's hideout]
Michelangelo: [with his hands in the air] I had to open my big mouth!

Michelangelo: [while watching a movie] Oh, awesome. Who's the slime monster gonna scarf up next?
Raphael: Who cares as long as she's a real good screamer.

Michaelangelo: Now I know why they call it a breakdancing. I think I broke something.

Michaelangelo: Hey, check it out. April's thanking us.

Vernon: [in his penthouse, Don Turtelli has April and Vernon tied to chairs side by side.and blindfolded. Aprils left foot and Vernon's right foot has been propped up on a box in-between them with there footwear removed revealing Aprils bare foot and Vernon's socked foot] Okay, little lady, sing. Tell me all you know about kimonos.
April: Never, you crook!
Vernon: Uh, April, couldn't you maybe tell him a little something?
April: Not in a million years!
Don: Okay, lady, you had your chance. Now pay the penalty!
[Don Turtelli starts tickling April's barefoot with a feather]
April: HA HA HA! Forget it! HA HA HA! I won't talk, you fiend! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Rodney: It's no good, boss. She'll never break, she's too tough.

Michelangelo: Whoa, buds! This was definitely a radical ride. ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: Hasta lumbago, dudes!

Michelangelo: Well, ask splinter. It was his idea.

Michaelangelo: Radical concept, dude.

Michaelangelo: Oh, radical!

Michelangelo: Hey, dudes, anybody seen my little birdie bud?
Raphael: Not since he ate my spare bandana.
Leonardo: And my arm bands.
Michelangelo: Well, I hope he left room for lunch. I made him a snail and earthworm pizza, hold the birdseed.
Raphael: Well, there goes my appetite.

Leonardo: Is too!
Michaelangelo: Is not!

Michaelangelo: Huh?

Michaelangelo: I gotta go back to the lair and look through Donatello's notes. Maybe there's an antidote to his revivifier gizmo. And then I gotta figure out what shred-head and his mutant morons are up to.

Leonardo: [while investigating the damage caused by the robot] I'm telling you, something this weird doesn't happen without Krang and Shredder being involved.
Donatello: Oh, from the looks of it, I say this thing came from outer space, not the bottom of the ocean.

Splinter: Well Donatello how is the repair work on the satellite dish progressing?
Donatello: All finished master and it's as good as new
April: Donatello you're wonderful, the dish is repaired and the city is saved!
[kisses him]
Raphael: [annoyed] Hey, hey, hey we had something to do with it too you know!
[April leans over to kiss him and Leonardo]
Michaelangelo: [interrupting her] Gang way dudes hot pizzas coming through!
April: Are those for the victory celebration?
Michaelangelo: Heck no they're for me!
[starts to eat them]
Splinter: [scolding him] Michaelangelo what about your diet?
Michaelangelo: Master I spent the entire day being lighter than air, it was a total bummer!
[continues eating]

Michaelangelo: I'll take the little one. Oh, wait a minute. They're both little.

Lord: After I crush your friends into oblivion, you're next.

Michaelangelo: Hey, how about this, dudes? Splinter could use it to tell time.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! You hear that, bros? Maybe we could use that one instead.

Michaelangelo: who-whoa! Unh!

Krang: And just how do you expect to pay for all this?
Shredder: I borrowed your Alien Express card. I never leave the Technodrome without it.

Michaelangelo: Don't forget to write, dudes.

Michaelangelo: No! Not my favorite flicks!

Rocksteady: Ooooh yuck! It looks like what the water looks like after my bath!
Shredder: Hey. When was the last time THAT happened?
Rocksteady: Ooh what year is this?
[goo splat]
Rocksteady: I think it's the year my bath is due!

[after being freed from Krang's mind control]
Irma: Michelangelo?
Michelangelo: Irma?
Irma: What are you doing in my bathtub?
Michelangelo: Uh... got me. Conserving water?

Michaelangelo: Guys! There's been another tear!
Donatello: Oh, no! Not another tear in the dimensional fabric!
Michaelangelo: No, a tear in my boxer shorts. I told you we needed a new washing machine.

Michaelangelo: Hey! Maybe splinter will be feeling better, huh?

Cop: Copy 9 reporting four escaped... uh little green men.
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: Leprechauns! Now after them!

Rocksteady: [Shredder pulls on his ear] Ouch, boss! A rhino's ears are real sensitive.
Shredder: Why do you think I'm pulling on them?

Michaelangelo: We are too us!

Donatello: The guy pops in and out of the sewers. He fights crime. He knows kung-fu!
Raphael: In other words: People are going to think he *us*...

Michaelangelo: But we don't even know where the water's coming from.

Michaelangelo: Uh, on second thought, I crave pizza once again. I'll have two of them. Uh, no. Four. Wait a minute better make that eight.

Michaelangelo: I can definitely resonate with that notion, dude.

Shredder: I'll get you for this, you wretched reptiles! If it's the last thing I do!

Don: That emerald belonged to my grandfather, Tony "The Tickler" Turtelli
Rodney: How come they got it boss
Don: Because the police caught him coming out of the museum with it, but its gonna be back in the family again! Get the van ready Rodney, I'm going to the museum

[after Vivaldi explains that the Maltese hamster contains a formula for a new super fuel]
Donatello: [on a fake TV] So that's why Shredder wants the Maltese hamster.
Tony: Right. With that super fuel, he can repower his Technodrome and rule the world. And I get dibs on Detroit. Now where are you hiding that hamster?
Donatello: Hold your horses. You'll get it. Just bring Splinter and the other turtles to the docks at midnight. We'll swap then.
Tony: It's a deal.
Donatello: And I don't want to see any weapons, not even spitballs.
Lefty: What a spoilsport.

Michaelangelo: Oh, dude! scope out all cars! how do we get a cross?
Leonardo: You're supposed to cross when the light is green.
Michaelangelo: But it's red!
Leonardo: I know. but let's cross anyway.

Donatello: Hey, we've never worn these.
Raphael: And let's keep it that way.

Leonardo: [while in a pawn shop] I guess people only pawn things nobody wants.
Donatello: Every accordion in the city must be here.
Raphael: As a music lover, I'm grateful.

[the turtles are eating pizza]
Donatello: I can't do it. Michelangelo's out there alone and hungry.
Raphael: Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I sort of feel sorry for the guy.
Leonardo: Maybe we should save this last slice for him.
[the turtles hear rock music blasting in the sewers]
Donatello,25830: NO WAY!

Raphael: Now we can relax, catch some boob-tube, and forget about all of that weirdness we went through.
Splinter: For now, but I fear we have not seen the last of the Shredder or Krang.
Donatello: You're worrying too much master.
Michelangelo: Yeah, I bet we never even hear as much as a peep out of them again.
TV: Stay tuned for tonight's Sci-Fi Chiller thriller killer Movie. It's a real classic, "The Evil Brain From Dimension X."

Shredder: Here, Krang: The Lidium 90.
Krang: Give it here! Gimme gimme gimme!

Leonardo: I think they're starting to tire.
Raphael: Great. In a few more hours, they'll barely be able to throw a car at us.
Michaelangelo: So, like, why don't we throw some trucks at them?

[Leo, Raph and Mikey are in a fight]
Splinter: Stop! What is the meaning of this?
Donatello: They're in love, Master.
Splinter: That is good.
Donatello: With the same woman.
Splinter: That is not good!

Raphael: [fights with a foot ninja and stabs it in the chest with a metallic clang] Clang? Did you say clang?
Leonardo: [fights with a foot ninja and slices it's chest open revealing gears and wires inside it's body] Check those dudes out!
Donatello: Dudes not, they're robots!
Michaelangelo: Robots?
[throws off his disguise]
Michaelangelo: Let's rock!
[leaps in the air and attacks them with his nunchucks]

Michaelangelo: Well, not on my cheap skate, you don't.

Michaelangelo: What a bummer. I left my wallet in my other shell.

Michaelangelo: Here, I won these for you.

Michaelangelo: Found it, dudes.

Michelangelo: Bebop and Rocksteady as good guys?
Raphael: This is one of those stories where we wake up at the end and it was all a dream, heh, right?

Michelangelo: Pizza!

Michaelangelo: The little dude wants me to follow him. Chill out, little dude! I'll be right up!

Michaelangelo: Hey, lighten up, dude. Everybody goofs up once in a while.

Rocksteady: Drink blazin' electric death, turtles!

Michaelangelo: Ditto, dude!

Michaelangelo: Someplace like maybe... dimension X?

Michaelangelo: Who, moi?

Michaelangelo: Wow! superchuks, do your thing.

Splinter: If those criminals did take Raphael and Michelangelo, it would certainly indicate that they're in league with Shredder.
Leonardo: But why, Master? True, the Butcher gets to rob the city blind, but what's in it for Shredder?
Splinter: What, indeed? My ancient enemy does not share power easily.
Donatello: Wait, maybe it has to do with that antique shop they tore apart. They were probably searching for something.
Splinter: Excellent reasoning, Donatello. You may make a good detective yet.

Michaelangelo: What's with you, bud?

Michaelangelo: Hey, fantabuloso idea, master. I'll just slap a cold slice of pizza on my boo-boos.

Michaelangelo: Oh, I'm getting tired of pizza!

Michaelangelo: All right! Let's see what you creepolas look like!

Michaelangelo: Well, 'cause that's what they're doing!

Donatello: I'd say it's time we checked out of this library.
Raphael: In fact, we're overdue.

Donatello: I think I've located the source of Krang's mind control signal. I should have known. It's a ventrilocoder. Of course! Isn't that neat, the way I always know the names of these gadgets?

Michaelangelo: [they're pushing a van up the stairs] Couldn't we have maybe taken the elevator?

Donatello: The Technodrome. It's free from the gravitational pull of Dimension X.
Michelangelo: And it's headed straight for us!
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squished like bugs or turn to Donatello for help.
Michelangelo,25830: DONATELLO!
Donatello: Well, seeing as how it's a giant magnet, I'll have to realign the polarity of its electrostatic impedance.
Michelangelo,25830: IN ENGLISH!
Donatello: Oh. In other words, I simply do this!
[Donatello pushes a button which causes the Technodrome to land elsewhere]

Michaelangelo: No duh!

Michaelangelo: Oh no! I've been delivering pizzas for Shredder? Well there goes my chances of getting a raise.

Rocksteady: Gotcha now, shellback.
Bebop: [Shoves Michelangelo into a large urn] Looks like we got ourselves a canned turtle.

Michaelangelo: Hey, look! Auntie April got her own tv set!
Leonardo: Goodie! let's watch cartoons!
Leonardo: Uh-oh. you blowed up the tv!
Michaelangelo: [stammering] it blew itself up!

Michaelangelo: Foots up, hand soldiers!

Vernon: Now, back to you, April.
[Irma is listening to music during the broadcast]
April: Uh, thanks, Vernon. That was an, um, uh, interesting look at the plight of the Amazonian piranha.
Irma: Woof, woof, woof! Oops.
April: Uh... Uh, uh, just a reminder, folks. It's 10 a.m. Do you know where your dog is? I mean, this is April O'Neil for Channel 6 News.
[once off the air, Burne Thompson barges in]
Burne: Oooh, that does it, Irma! Either that pirate radio station goes OR YOU DO!
Irma: Oh, uh, sorry, Mr. Thompson.
Burne: Oh, you certainly will be.

Michaelangelo: No!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, how weird? We're being kept in after school and without a teacher.

Michaelangelo: And there seems to be something radically wrong with the sun.

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Bebop: Gee boss, you sure bluffed your way out of that one!
Shredder: I never bluff.

Michaelangelo: Yii!

Michaelangelo: I saw this on the late show once. the invasion of the mean, green, giant killer beanstalk. Didn't think I could say it, did ya?

Donatello: I need your help in picking up my degree at a university.
Irma: Why me?
Donatello: [shows the envelope from the university] Because they think I'm a miss instead of a mister. What do you say? Huh? Will you pretend to be me?
Irma: Gee... I don't think so.
Donatello: But, Irma, you'll love it. It's on a beautiful lake.
Irma: Oh, forget it. I get seasick.
Donatello: It's surrounded by pine trees and flowers.
Irma: I've also got allergies.
Donatello: And the campus is crawling with eligible men.
Irma: Oh-ho! What are we waiting for? Let's get going.

Michaelangelo: Like, what's it do, dude?

Michaelangelo: Oh, wow, dudes. Scope that out.

Michaelangelo: Going up!

Michaelangelo: And there it goes.

Michaelangelo: I don't know, man, but it was mondo bizarro.

Michaelangelo: Like, whoa, I'm batting a thousand

Michaelangelo: Let's kick some shell!

Krang: I want that energy source now!
Krang: Soon the entire world will be at my feet!
Shredder: Ha ha ha. What feet?
Krang: You really know how to hurt a person, don't you?

Michaelangelo: I'm afraid we're outnumbered, ditto, dude. looks like it's back to the pet shop for you. Goodbye, cruel dudes!

Michaelangelo: Forget him, dudes. Try those peashooters on us.

Vernon: [we hear Burne and Vernon's voices coming from a warehouse] I CAN'T STAND IT,PLEASE NO
spy: [we pull back to see that Burne and Vernon are tied back to back with a heavy knelling on the ground in front of them, and tickling their bare feet with feathers] Enough, if they knew anything they'd have talked by now. No one can withstand three hours of intense tickling

Michaelangelo: Hey, dynamite catch.

Michaelangelo: Yo, bummer, guys. looks like we've got us a massive problemo.

Michaelangelo: Hey, don't sweat it, dudes! I got your pursuit covered. Yo, bebop!

Michaelangelo: Or stopped for a pizza. Even though it was delicious.

Michaelangelo: Ta-da!

Michaelangelo: You think so?

[while searching for Michelangelo]
Raphael: Oh, Michelangelo!
[a limousine pulls up to Raphael]
Raphael: What are you gawking at? Haven't you ever seen a turtle in a raincoat before?
[the crooks in the limousine row down their window and aim laser guns at Raphael]
Raphael: I gotta learn to keep my beak shut.

Michaelangelo: And sooner than we thought.

April: It gets worse guy, there seems to be an invasion of rats
Donatello: Rats?
Leonardo: That means that Zach and Caitlyn are in there with Don Turtelli and the Rat King, and we can't get to them

Irma: My best friend has turned into a cat. I don't know whether to call 911 or the animal shelter.

[Raphael and Michaelangelo are tied up back-to-back in chairs with a bomb next to them]
Raphael: We're Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! We oughta be able to escape from a cornball setup like this!
[Raphael notices Michaelangelo rocking side to side]
Raphael: What are you doing?
Michaelangelo: Well, I once saw this movie where this dude was tied up and he just kept rocking back and forth 'til he fell over.
Raphael: It's worth a try.
[Raphael rocks side to side with Michaelangelo and they soon fall over]
Raphael: Great! Then what did he do?
Michaelangelo: I dunno. I went into the kitchen for some popcorn.

Michaelangelo: Ditto ate one little foot locker, and now he's gotta go to the pet shop.

Michaelangelo: Tubuloso. he's cured.

Michaelangelo: Like they say, you can't get too much of a good thing.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, april, are we happy to see you!

Michelangelo: Yeah. Which suits my agenda just fine.

Donatello: But why steal cufflinks? It's mind-boggling. It's baffling. It's...
Raphael: Incredibly stupid!

Michaelangelo: Hey, that means you, too, vernon. Time to boogie on home, bud.

Michaelangelo: All right! Home run, my man.

Michaelangelo: Oh, no, dudes. Maximum bummer.

Michaelangelo: let's boogie, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Oh, wow! This dude took pictures of everything!

April: [comes across Shredder disguised as a conductor] I'm April O'Neil Channel 6 News from the United States, do you mind if we interview you?
Shredder: Uh, some other time, go away!
April: We'd like to know why you didn't stop at Vienna
[notices Bebop and Rocksteady's feet sticking out of the sheet they are hiding under]
April: [thinking to herself] I recognize those ugly legs anywhere Bebop and Rocksteady!
[now recognizing Shredder]
April: Ha, ha, that's alright I can see you're busy
[she and Irma start to leave]
April: Come on Irma
Irma: Oh let me just get a nice shot of the two of you
[accidentally bumps into the sheet]
Bebop: [from under the sheet] Ow, that hurt my stomach!
Irma: [screams] Mutants!
Shredder: Seize them!
[Bebop chases then grabs them]
Bebop: Gotcha!
April: Let go of me you big ugly, bug ridden, half witted creep!
Bebop: Aw I ain't no creep!

Michaelangelo: One thing's for sure - turtle tootsies weren't made for ice.

April: Hungerdunger has only one interest...
Irma: Aside from making money.
Leonardo: And that is?
April: City politics. He's run for mayor several times.
Irma: Two years ago, he even tried to buy the city.
April: But he's never been able to win an election.
Leonardo: That's all very interesting, but it doesn't explain why he's holding this contest.
Donatello: With a diamond reward that doesn't even exist.
Michelangelo: Well, thanks, April. It's been confusing.

Shredder: [Phone rings and shredder pics it up] Weird Pizza. What's your pleasure?
Donatello: I like to order a pizza. Peanut butter and avecado with extra pickles.
Shredder: Extra pickles? I see. What's the name on the order?
Donatello: Donatello. oh and deliver to the phone booth on thirtenth street.
Shredder: Donatello huh? Well
[threatening tone]
Shredder: you'll get what's coming to you
Shredder: soon.
[shredder hangs up the phone along with donatello the same time]
Donatello: [confused] where have I heard that voice before?

Donatello: [upon meeting the now intelligent Slash] Whatever happened to the old, lovable, stupid-as-a-sea-slug Slash?

Michaelangelo: Hey, even if we don't find it, at least our disguises won't be a total loss.

Michaelangelo: Thanks alot, raphael.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. What we need is a professional help.

Michaelangelo: I think so much better on a full stomach. How 'bout we take a pizza break, huh?

Michaelangelo: It's some little robot dude.

Donatello: I should have figured this one out. Annoying insects and Baxter Stockman? They go together perfectly.

Michaelangelo: All right!

Michaelangelo: Except in this case.

April: Who are they? Let's interrogate them.
Michaelangelo: Relax, April, they're cool.
Dask: Cool? Daddy-O, we are frozen.
April: Why is it I never understand what's going on?

Leonardo: [Raphael steps on a pipe which breaks under his weight causing him to fall] Raphael!
Raphael: [hanging on to some pipes] Somebody toss me a rope!
[a pipe sprays water in his face]
Raphael: They aren't paying me enough to take this kind of abuse

Shredder: Never in my life have I seen such an obnoxious child.
Donatello,: You think this is bad? You should have tried catching her.

Irma: [after the Turtlenator dies out] Wow, talk about blowing a gasket.

Michaelangelo: uhh, like what?

Shredder: [after capturing Splinter and Donatello] Get used to those chains, Splinter. You'll be wearing them for a long time, but first I have a world to conquer and a pompous, self-important brain to make beg for mercy!

Drakus: Well, well, well... my old friend Krang. We meet again. Although as I recall, the last time we met, you had a body.
Krang: I've never seen you before in my life!
Drakus: Don't tell me the mighty Krang doesn't remember his greatest weapons engineer!
Krang: Drakus! You...
Drakus: Yes, me. The one who helped you design the Technodrome. The one you betrayed!
Krang: I am overlord of Dimension X!
Drakus: Then did you have to destroy my home world as well?
Krang: I didn't want any of your pesky relatives coming after me, Drakus!
Drakus: I am Drakus no more! After you blasted me out of Dimension X, I took on a new name: Berserko! And a new mission: Revenge.
Krang: It was nothing personal. I had no further use for you!
Drakus: Well I have a use for you...

April: [April and Irma squirm around in the sacks until their heads are sticking out] Try to get free Irma, we've got to warn everyone!
Irma: Oh I'd love to get out of this, the style just doesn't suit me.

Michaelangelo: Scope that out, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Hey, I made it from an old pizza tray. Where else?

Donatello: Why would people wanna make themselves deaf?
April: I really haven't a clue, Leonardo.
Donatello: I'm Donatello.
April: Sorry!

Shredder: If you blister-heads had stolen a decent car, I wouldn't need to hire a delivery boy.
Rocksteady: Aw, give us another chance, boss.
Bebop: Yeah, this time we'll swipe one that ain't a police car.

Michaelangelo: Ouch! Oh! Oh!

Casey: This city's a cess pool of crime. Somebody's gotta clean it up and that someone is me. Not even criminal mutants can stop... Casey Jones!
Raphael: That guy's seen too many "Filthy Harry" movies!

Michaelangelo: Well, what do you supposed krang and shredder want with all that water?

Krang: My automatic digital tuner beam is tuning every radio in the city to W.O.O.F.
Shredder: That means hundreds of thousands of people will be listening to my voice. I'll be a star, able to get tables at the best restaurants, limos, charge accounts!
Krang: I've created a monster.

Michaelangelo: You don't suppose he bit the big one, do you?

Raphael: Where's the beef? Oh, there it is.

Leonardo: [to Donatello] You were beaten by the dumbest turtle this side of Moe's Pet Shop?

Shredder: Patience, Krang. In a short time, the citizens will be too cold to resist us. The Solar Siphon will soon drain all the energy from the sun, and store it in these solar batteries, while the entire planet is turned into a deep freeze that will make the ice age seem like a Turkish bath! HAHAHA!
Krang: Wooo, you have a way with words, Shredder!
Shredder: Well, actually, I always wanted to be a writer. Being a ruthless conqueror was my second choice.

Raphael: April, why would people make themselves look weirder than they already?
April: I have no idea, Michelangelo.
Raphael: I'm Raphael!
April: Oh, sorry.

Michaelangelo: Aw, dude, it's like you'll have to unloosen a bazillion of these things to get us loose.

Irma: [about the university] My, what big buildings you have.
Guard: The better to teach you with, my dear.
Guard: Teach with!
[both guards laugh]
Irma: Oh, brother.

Donatello: April and the cat must've gotten their molecules switched.
Raphael: Which means that somewhere out there is a cat who's trying to choose just the right nail polish for its claws.

April: [after she goes through the teleporter with a cat] What happened? I feel so woozy
[gasps as she notices that she has grown cat claws]
April: What's going on?

Michaelangelo: Hold the anchovies!

Michaelangelo: I thought we'd never get that gizmo shut down.

Shredder: Time to make a strategic retreat. But with dignity.

Michaelangelo: Let's get it in gears, dudes. We got to save the world!

Michaelangelo: You're like a bull in a garbage shop, dude. Yeow! ooh.

Michaelangelo: So, like, next time, how about we clobber them first and then ask questions.

Krang: Have those stone warriors nab April O'Neil.
Shredder: Mmm, not a bad idea, although we've done that at least thirty times before. But hey, who's counting?

Michaelangelo: Exactamundo! Like, who needs tourists anyway?

Irma: I didn't meet one single sailor!
April: What do you mean? You were just talking to a whole fleet of them!
Irma: I said SINGLE sailor - those guys are all married!

Michaelangelo: Dudes, I hope that vine's got some serious roots.

Michaelangelo: I found it! Is that fabuloso, or what?

Michaelangelo,146947: We dare!

April: [as the Diplodocus leaves] Now what?
Leonardo: We've got to go after it.
Michelangelo: Like, how come?
Raphael: 'Cause if we didn't, it wouldn't be much of an episode.
Michelangelo: Oh, right.

Donatello: Boy, this guy's more into pizza than we are.
Raphael: Yeah. What's he gonna do next?
Raphael: Spray us with tomato sauce?
Raphael: [sprayed with tomato sauce] I had to ask.

Michaelangelo: It must be large family size, huh?

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga! Surf's up.

[Michelangelo dives into the sewer water to find his fish, Maxwell]
Leonardo: Quick, Raphael. We've gotta rescue him!
Raphael: You mean Michelangelo or Maxwell?

Shredder: I prefer to see the agony on the faces of my enemies as I destroy them!

Donatello: [narrating] Another rainy night, but who had time to worry about the weather. There was trouble in town. The city was under a reign of mob terror, and my three partners and I were the only ones who could stop it. Because we were... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Raphael: Oh, that's it, Donatello. Tell every crank in town we're here, why don't cha?
Donatello: I can't help it, Raphael. It's these trench coats.

Michaelangelo: All right! we really wiped the floor with those floor-wipers, huh?

Michaelangelo: Don't sweat it, micro-dudes. I got you!

Baxter: You September O'Neil?
Burne: You mean April? Do I look like April?
Baxter: Where is she?
Burne: Why should I tell you?
Baxter: Because I'm a big fly!
Burne: She's straight down that hall.
Baxter: Straight down that hall! Straight down that hall!
Burne: I don't remember any big flies on the payroll.

Raphael: He's not only from medieval Japan, but also from an alternate universe, so naturally he speaks English.

Michaelangelo,84685: One, two, buckle my shoe! Three, four, shut the down! five, six...

Michaelangelo: uh... Hello! Anybody in there?

Michaelangelo: Yeah - and eat! This turtle is mondo hungry! Look alive, dude

Burne: April O'Neil, get in here!
April: You bellowed, Mr. Thompson?
Burne: There's something mysterious going on at Bottomless Lake upstate.
[Vernon enters]
April: Bottomless Lake?
Burne: Suddenly, thousands of fish are overflowing the lake. I want you to get up there pronto.
Vernon: Sounds dangerous, chief. Maybe I should go along just in case there's trouble.
Burne: Oh, good idea, Vernon. Good, good, good, good. Some of those minnows might be mighty fierce.
Vernon: Uh, uh... Fierce minnows? Uh, on second thought, I better stick around here and guard the home front.
April: Too late, Vernon. You've made your riverbed, now lie in it.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, way to go, dude! Ride 'em, turtle boy!

Michaelangelo: [Splinter takes away comic book] Come on, man, I'm at the most epic part.
Splinter: Man? Is that how you refer to me? What's next? Rat-faced dude guy?

Michaelangelo: Thanks for helping me sewer test my new board, Donatello.

Michaelangelo: This will be a piece of cake. Or even better: a slice of pizza!

Michaelangelo: Look at me, ma! I'm dancing. I'm dancing.

Tiffany: [on phone with Burne] Exactly how old are you?
Burne: [hesitating] I'm th - I'm th - 30-something.
Vernon: Happy 50th birthday, boss!
Burne: [angrily] Vernon, you idiot! Ooh, sorry, Tiffany. I got to go now.

Michaelangelo: Uh, raphael, I think we're lost.

Vernon: Yeow! Where did you people ever get those ugly turtle costumes?
Raphael: Probably the same place you got that ugly mask.
Vernon: But I'm not wearing a... Now just a darn minute!

Michaelangelo: Wait, micro-dudes!

Michaelangelo: I could've sworn I just did.

Michaelangelo: Costume? What's costume?

Michaelangelo: Yeah, even though we had to look all over town for turtle widths.

Michaelangelo: Watch it, dude, I just had my shell turtle waxed.

Leonardo: [Turtle Tips on organic gardens] Even small gardens help to refurbish the soil.
Donatello: Yeah and these plants will help clean the air we breathe.
Raphael: And it makes great organic pizza, if you're into that kind of thing.
April: Who ordered the tomato, asparagus and kiwi special?
Michaelangelo: Oh yuck. Dudes, if we're growing pizza toppings, how about organic marshmallows?

Michaelangelo: Pizza? Yuck! I crave pizza no more.

Michaelangelo: Mickey?

Michaelangelo: Brr! It is righteously cold.

Michaelangelo: Well, it looks kinda deserted, doesn't it?

Michaelangelo: Galuby rudy? I have no idea what you're squawking about, dude.

Donatello: [about his pizza-slicer] It'll carve up those pizzas in a blink of an eye.
Leonardo: Uh, Donatello, are you sure this is such a good idea?
Donatello: Hey, have you ever known one of my inventions to fail?
[the other turtles stare]
Donatello: Uh, never mind. Don't answer that.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: We better book.

Michaelangelo: Hey! Maybe we've got mice!

Michaelangelo: Donatello, get us to the parade, and I'm talking warp speed.

Michaelangelo: Truly awesome.

Michaelangelo: No way, dude. There's no such thing as an animalizer ray.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! Well, Master, how'd I do?

Michaelangelo: Why'd you do that? I was right here.

Shredder: Now its your turn old one.
Splinter: Are you afraid to face me without the sword?
Shredder: Only a fool would throw away his advantage.

Raphael: What's wrong, April?
April: I'm worried about my job. Burne Thompson said I better come up with a big story or...
Raphael: Or what?
April: Or I won't be around to celebrate my second year.
[Donatello puts on a disguise]
Donatello: Hey, I know what'll cheer you up. Irma, I need you.
Irma: [smiles bashfully] Ooh!
Donatello: Easy, Irma. It's only to help me pick up a pizza.
[Irma sulks]

Michaelangelo: Hey, these masks are really cool, april. You can eat pizza in them.

Michaelangelo: Well, work mondo fast, dude. While we're stuck in here, the city's going to the snakes.

April: Still worried about Shredder's next move, I see. Well, give your brains a rest and help me decide where I should spend my vacation.
Raphael: Oh, a little R and R, huh?
April: Yes, but these places look so lovely, I just can't make up my mind.
Splinter: To journey without a point is pointless. I hear Florida is nice this time of year.

Michaelangelo: Come on, clyde, old bud. let's have a banana and spilt.

Shredder: Krang, I could not control the mutagen monster. I must have your help.
Krang: It's nice to be wanted.
Rocksteady: [holds up a wanted poster of himself] Yeah, I know just what you mean.

Shredder: Come along, you two.
Rocksteady: Oh, all we ever do is go up and down, up and down!
Krang: Sounds like the perfect job for a couple of yo-yos. I made a funny.

Michaelangelo: Uh, who likes their crust extra crispy?

Leonardo: Careful, Raphael. It could be a trap.
[shuriken is thrown over their heads]
Raphael: Yep, it's a trap.

Michaelangelo: Uh-oh. The boys in blue.

Michaelangelo: Well, what you expect, dude? There's four of us and 80 bazillion of them!

Shredder: 31 minutes. For once you didn't make it on time, turtles.
Donatello: Channel 6 is still there.
Raphael: I knew he was bluffing.
Shredder: I "never" bluff.
[Channel 6 begins to explode, crumbling to the street]
Donatello: ...It's not possible.
Michelangelo: April... Irma... Do you suppose they got out in time?
Leonardo: [to Shredder] You miserable maggot!
Shredder: [to Bebop and Rocksteady] Destroy them!

Michaelangelo: Hey, watch it, bigfoot!

Leonardo: It's gotta be a trap.
Raphael: I hate it when he says that.

Michaelangelo: You ok, donatello? You look kind of weird.

Zach: [Don Turtelli continues to tickle Zachs Feet] HA HA HA HA... . OH PLEASE... . HA HA HA HA... . NO MORE
Don: Then tell us where you've hid the Tortellini Emerald
Caitlyn: [Turtelli begins to tickle Caitlyn's feet] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... NEVER

Michaelangelo: Ow.

Michelangelo: Oh, what a bummer. No soap, no hope.

Michelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Yeah, tell me about it. Splinter's really working us to the max.

Leonardo: [about the Diplodocus] Let's scare it toward the river.
Donatello: I hate to be a spoilsport, but exactly how do we do that?
Raphael: Yeah, I left my nuclear bazooka in my other shell.

Krang: Shredder, I can't believe you're actually suggesting that! Planning to invade the city with armor-plated bulldozers? I've never heard of a more idiotic idea!
Shredder: Well it beats YOUR stupid idea: Bungee jumping foot soldiers!
Krang: I don't have to take this abuse from the likes of you!
Shredder: And I don't have to be insulted by an octopus like YOU!
Krang: Oh yeah?
Shredder: Oh yeah!
Krang: [as the Technodrome shakes] What was that?
Shredder: Don't ask ME- you're the one with the big brain!

Exterminator: Get rid of all rats? Are you crazy? You wanna drive me out of business?

Michaelangelo: Man, the water level's still rising.

Michaelangelo: Oh, wow! Pizza heaven!

Rupert: When that thing gets close to capacity... Kabloo-hoo-hoo-hooey!
All: Kabloo-hoo-hoo-hooey?

Irma: April, where have you been? And what happened to you?
April: Let's just say I was given a bum steer. Has Vernon come back yet?
Irma: Yes, but he won't come out of his office. And he sure seems nervous.
April: Try bringing him a nice glass of warm milk. That always calms me down.
[later, Irma enters Vernon's office with some milk]
Irma: Look, Vernon, I've brought you something. A nice glass of warm...
Vernon: MILK? Ooh ho ho!
[a crashing sound is heard and Irma comes out of Vernon's office covered with milk]
Irma: A simple "no thanks" would have been enough.

Michaelangelo: Allright, chump. And now for the finishing touch.

Michaelangelo: No can do, bud. The doors just locked.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. The perfect house pet. He's clean, obedient, and he doesn't talk back.

Michelangelo: He's, like, "the phantom of the sewers".
Raphael: Hey, great name, Michelangelo. Did you think that up all by yourself?
Michelangelo: Nah, dude, it's the name of the episode.

Rocksteady: [tied up, before Shredder mutates him] Uh, you sure this is going to give us all them, uh, powers you promised us man?
Shredder: Absolutely! Of course, you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.

Michaelangelo: Ok, Donatello, I'm ready to get down with this machine of yours.

Michaelangelo: All right, mondo notion!

Michaelangelo: A present? Wow, sensi, you didn't have to do that. My pre-shrunk sail board?

Krang: Your bumbling has cost me the chemicals I need to make more mutagen. Without it, I cannot create my army of mutants.
Bebop: Why do you need more mutants, Krang?
Rocksteady: Yeah, you've already got us.
Krang: I rest my case.

Michaelangelo: Parachutes!

Splinter: My inner vision tells me that Leonardo stumbled upon his greatest fear and lacks the courage to confront it. The lesson he must learn is that to conquer one's fears, one must face them, not run away.

Michaelangelo: Dumb, dumb, dumb! Those dudes are so dumb!

Michaelangelo: Yo, compadres! Check out our new roommate!

Shredder: Just what the world needs, a 6-foot-tall brain!
Krang: Wrong, my dear Shredder! I plan to use the enlarging ray on you!
Shredder: Me? Why are you being so generous? I thought you hated me!
Krang: I do! There's always the possibility it might malfunction!

Donatello: Look. A mini missile.
Leonardo: What did I tell you? That has to be Krang and Shredder!
Donatello: Oh, will you knock it off already? They're not even in this episode!

April: How do we get out to that pirate radio ship?
Donatello: As Michelangelo would say, "No problem, dudes."

Michaelangelo: Forget it. The elevator's frozen solid.

Michaelangelo: Pizza?

Michaelangelo: Yeah. It's the green good guys to the rescue.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! Dudes, where's the leo-meister?

Michaelangelo: Oh, my tender bod is severely bruised from that battle.

Michaelangelo: Really, bud. The pad is getting kind of funky.

Michaelangelo: Well, just do what I do, pretend there's a pizza waiting at the finish line.

Michaelangelo: Way ahead of you, bud!

Michaelangelo: Forgot it!

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes! Take five!

Shredder: Destroy them all! Ha ha. Aw it feels so good to be so bad.

Michaelangelo: Man, there is nothing like windsurfing. The fresh, sea air filling your lungs, the waves rolling beneath your feet, the fresh breeze blowing through your hair, or in my case scalp. Man, my turtle buds just don't know what they're missing.

Michaelangelo: Now she tells me.

Michaelangelo: You sure trashed shredder's plans.

Michaelangelo: Way to go, donatello! I'll bet you pitch a radical round of horse shoes.

Michaelangelo: Oh, we're, like, uh... sanitation inspectors - yeah, we're here to check the place out.

Michaelangelo: Oh, boy!

Michaelangelo: Oh, man. What a scuzzbucket?

Michaelangelo: That looks like major kicks. Hey, how about letting me press a few buttons, huh?

Michaelangelo: Aah!

Michaelangelo: So, like, what do we do about?

Bebop: Gee, I always wanted to have a pet turtle.
[Patting Michelangelo on the forehead]
Rocksteady: Yeah. It's too bad we got to flush him.
Shredder: [Entering the hideout] Not now, you cretins! We must concentrate on capturing the other turtles too.
Raphael: [Hiding on top of the pipes above with Leonardo and Donatello] Lots of luck, pal.

Leonardo,71004: Tiny turtle power!

April: [wakes up, holds her head] Ohhhh!
[notices Rocksteady carrying her over his shoulder]
April: Oh, let me go you slobbering beast! Just wait until the Turtles get their hands on you!
Shredder: Wait, that voice... it sounds familiar!
[uncovers April's hair and gets a better look at her face]
Shredder: Just as I thought! This isn't Princess Mallory, you moronic mutants, it's April O'Neil!
Rocksteady: The dame reporter? What are we going to do, boss?
Shredder: We're going to make the best of a bad situation!
[grabs April by the arm and drags her away]
April: Shredder, everywhere you go is a bad situation!

Splinter: Have any of you seen Donatello?
Leonardo: No, master, not for hours.
Michelangelo: If I know that dude, he's probably hanging out at the library.
[at the university, Donatello is clinging to a ledge on the building]
Donatello: Actually, Michelangelo's right. I am hanging out at the library.

Michaelangelo: Tube-uloso, dudes. Check this out. Big pizza bake-off. Free samples and deluxe pizza prizes.

April: This is April O'Neil, Channel 6 news, speaking with this year's winner of the fat cabbies contest, Myron Bimbleton. Tell us, what is the secret of your success?
Myron: Uh, chili burgers and onions. Lots of onions.
April: [disgusted] Oh, you said a mouthful, Myron.
[Myron burps]
April: This is April O'Neil. Channel 6 news.
Vernon: Okay, that's a wrap.
April: Really, Vernon, why must I do these idiotic human interest stories?
Vernon: Because the public eats them up.
April: Right, with lots of onions.

Michaelangelo: Quick, dudes, run!

Megavolt: Alex Winter is no more! There is only... Megavolt!

Michaelangelo: But what would snakes want with all these high-tech gizmos?

Michaelangelo: But, like, where did that gnarly surf come from?

Michaelangelo,84685: Scout's honor!

Michaelangelo: En garde.

Michaelangelo: Oh, this pizza is yummy! How do you make?

Michaelangelo: Whoa-ho! The three Musketurtles are here, you scurvy scoundrels. Oh, I feel so corn talking like that.

Donatello: Quick, Grab the crystal.
Shredder: Not so fast Turtles! You must still deal with me!
Leonardo: Turtles fight with honor!
Shredder: Yes, but i fight dirty
[Pulls out two laser pistols from behind his back]

Michaelangelo: Almost there.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, why is the channel 6 building glowing like that?

Michaelangelo: Don't look now, dudes, but we're about to be flash-frozen!

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga! A bank robbery.

Michaelangelo: Ohhhhh!

Michelangelo: Whoa! Check it out! A genuine Louis the 14th antique pizza-maker!
Raphael: A must-have item for any turtle lair.

Donatello: See that humongous dish?
Irma: Why thank you Donnatello.
Donatello: Not you, Irma. I mean that satellite dish.
Irma: Hmmph! It's just like a man to choose TV over me!

Shredder: [about Rocksteady and Bebop] Oh, those morons! I should've handled this hero business myself! But I'd rather eat brussels sprouts for a week than be a do-gooder.

Michaelangelo: No duh. And where there's rats, there's... the rat king!

Michaelangelo: Hey, no problemo. Uhh!

Splinter: [seeing the mess caused by the pizza-slicer] Donatello, what happened here?
Donatello: Gee, sensei, another one of my inventions backfired. It's the third time this week.
Splinter: The only way one learns is by making mistakes. Although I admit this was a particularly messy mistake.

Vernon: [on TV] Vernon Fenwick, ace reporter here. I'm at the reptile house where a new turtle habitat has just been opened to the general public. This new sanctuary will be a boon to turtles everywhere.
Donatello: All right! Score one for the good guys!
Vernon: Not only will it protect numerous endangered species of our turtle friends, but it will help educate the public about these highly intelligent creatures. And now, back to our studios. Eew! What a waste! Spending our hard-earned tax dollars on a bunch of dirty, smelly reptiles.
Cameraman: Uh, Vernon, we're still on the air!
Vernon: [chuckles nervously] Oops.
Donatello: Dirty, smelly reptiles, huh? Why, that overblown windbag! He can't talk that way about our species! I'm going down to Channel 6 and give that Vernon a piece of my green mind!

Raphael: [referring to one of Rocksteady and Bebop] Didn't I see you in "The Jungle Book"?

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Bebop: I'm glad they didn't use that brain switcher thing on Rocksteady and me.
Shredder: Don't worry, you can't switch something that isn't there.

[Bebop and Rocksteady fall on top of Shredder]
Rocksteady: Hi, boss!
Shredder: Oh, You nuclear-age numbskulls! Where have you been?
Bebop: Oh, uh, here and there.
Shredder: Blast it! Those turtles foiled us again. You wretched reptiles, you'll pay for this!
Bebop: Yeah! And bring cash, we don't take plastic!

Leonardo: I've got a feeling we better head over to Top Notch Scientific and keep an eye on that invention.
Michelangelo: What for?
Raphael: Well, every time every does a report about some new scientific breakthrough, Shredder sees it, too, and shows up to steal it.
Donatello: You know, Raphael's right. There is something of a pattern there.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. Welcome to turtle turf.

Irma: Yoohoo! Splinter? Are you in there?
Donatello: Irma, what are you doing in the sewers?
Irma: Well, a woman will go to any depths to meet her dream man. Now, where is this hunky Splinter guy?
[Splinter enters]
Splinter: I am Splinter.
Irma: [gasps] You're a... You're a rat!
Splinter: Precisely. You must be Irma.
Irma: Wrong. I must be going.
[runs away]
Irma: AAH!

Michaelangelo: Watch it, bud. you're crushing my leaves. I may wanna wear this at the next harvest moon ball.

Krang: Curse the day I ever met those miserable Turtles!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, this scaly, little dude sure want to go home.

Michaelangelo: Oh, man, that thing's humongous!

Casey: Face stern justice, Appliances!

Sherlock: Not bad, for a turtle.
Donatello: Not bad for a skinny Englishman!

General: This weather satellite will take care of them, and the Neutrinos.
Lieutenant: But, we don't need to know what the weather is.
General: This doesn't report weather you idiot, it makes weather! It's Krang's own design. "Fair with high clouds"..."mild showers"... AH-HA! "TOTAL CHAOS!"

[Donatello and Splinter sneak into the lab of a university building using a grate in the floor]
Splinter: A most unusual way to get into college.
Donatello: Let's just say I worked my way up from the bottom.

Donatello: Somewhere, there must be a place where we can belong. A place where a turtle can live free.
Raphael: [to audience] Listen, if he starts singing, I'd advise you to switch over to another channel.

Michaelangelo: So, you want to get down and party, huh? Primo notion! We're gonna have a blast!

Michaelangelo: Come on! We're clearing out of here!

Michaelangelo: Uh-oh! Like we thought we had trouble before.

Don: [in the furniture exhibit room of the museum, the kids are siting on a pair of chairs placed side by side, bound at the wrists and knees, their bare feet propped up on an ottoman each with the Don kneeling in front of Zach and tickling his feet with his feather] You brats are going to tell me where you stashed that emerald or you'll be very sorry!

Donatello: Hey, Michaelangelo, how come you're not shouting "cowabunga"?
Michaelangelo: Well, to best honest, I'm getting kind of bored with it. Hey, How about this?
[imitating Fred Flintstone]
Michaelangelo: Yabba-dabba...
Donatello: [Donatello holds his hand over Michaelangelo's mouth] Nah. It's just not you.

Michaelangelo: Oh, I forgot to tell you. Clyde hates anchovies.

Michaelangelo: Yeah! 'cause I helped the first little dude out of the barrel!

April: [about the turtles' lair] What happened here? World War III?

Michaelangelo: Uh, what's the address?

[after Michelangelo uses a wind-up toy mouse to lure the tiger into a cage and trap it]
Leonardo: Boy, Michelangelo, you and your dumb toys.
Michelangelo: Like I always say: Never look a gift mouse in the mouth.
Leonardo,25830: Oooh!

Shredder: You have a brilliant brain, Krang!
Krang: Of course. It's all I really am.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga! This ride is a definite "E" ticket.

Michaelangelo: Fellow dudes? I think the scales are tipped against us.

Michaelangelo: Outstanding!

Michaelangelo: Whoa! all right! You got yourself a deal! Come on, little dude. I got some friends I want you to meet.

Michaelangelo: Turtle power!

Michaelangelo: Kung pao?

Michaelangelo: Well, ditto, dude, we're almost at ralph's rent a pet. I sure don't want to return you, but I got no choice.

Michaelangelo: You big tease! Hoo Hoo hoo! I'll bet you do that to all the growths!

Michaelangelo: uh, dudes, speaking of baffling mysteries.

Lord: You're mutants! Freaks! Outcasts of society! You're no loyalty to those humans! You're better than they are. Why not join me? And together, we will rule this world!
Raphael: Are you through? Go suck an egg, space scum!
Lord: If you will not join me, you will be destroyed!

Michaelangelo: Did you take a picture of a pizza parlor? I've got a major case of the munchies.

Michaelangelo: W-who me, n-nervous? wh-what a bogus concept. Yikes!

Michaelangelo: Totally awesome!

Michaelangelo: Ah, nothing, master. small is cool with me. Whoa hey, that tickles!

Michaelangelo: Lighten up, will ya? Guys?

Michaelangelo: Nah! It's just a new flavor pizza I just invented - anchovies smothered in gazai leaves. Ha ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: I gotten to try that.

Michaelangelo: Dude, when he cuts out, he really cuts out!

Rocksteady: They're gonna make us walk the plank!
Shredder: Oh, stop acting like wimps! The Turtles are good guys. They wouldn't do a thing like that.
Krang: [voice] They wouldn't, but I would!
Shredder: Krang?
[Krang zaps Rocksteady, Bebop and Shredder off the plank and into the ocean]

Michaelangelo: Holy guacamole

Raphael: Ah, the Rat King! The big cheese himself.

Michaelangelo: Yeah, they ought to rename this vine street.

Raphael: [when the whole lair starts shaking] Hey, what's that shaking?
Michelangelo: Whoa, talk about bad vibes.
Donatello: Uh, do you suppose Krang is causing another earthquake?
Leonardo: W-We'd better get topside and find out what's going on. Come on, turtles!
April: Wait for me! I smell a news story!
Raphael: That's not all you smell. These are the sewers, you know.

Raphael: [upon returning to the sewers after riding in a dump truck] Shoo, Leonardo, would you mind standing somewhere else, like Utah?

Michaelangelo: Whoa, babe, not everyone, ok? We're here au naturel.

Michaelangelo: I'll bet it's shredder. What a time for him to show up.

Michaelangelo: Oh, ouch.

Michaelangelo: Oh, that part's cinchy. It's right here. It's the mile high towers!

Michaelangelo: of a banana slug? ha ha ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: So, what's it like on the flip side of reality?

Michaelangelo: uh... or was it here?

April: Nice going, Raphael! Only half the people saw you!
Leonardo: I'm Leonardo.
April: Oh, sorry.

[Shredder points a mutation reversal ray at the Turtles]
Michaelangelo: Whuh-oh! It's that retro-muto-thingamabob!
Donatello: He's gonna use it to turn us back into ordinary turtles!
Raphael: Well, gang, looks like it's back to the ol' pet shop for us!
Shredder: Far from it. Tonight, I dine on turtle soup!

Michaelangelo: Surf's up, compadres!

Raphael: After all we just went through, how can you even look at a pizza?
Michaelangelo: I don't want to look at it. I just want to eat it.

Michaelangelo: Water and electricity don't mix. get it?

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes! I saw one of 'em shrink!

Splinter: Next time you leave, Leonardo, make sure to leave a note.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. Instant turtle soup.

Michaelangelo: What?

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michelangelo: [under the effects of the mind control machine] I feel... my mind... emptying out... completely
Donatello: What mind?

Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: Come quietly, my green lads.
[stares at the turtles shocked]
Michaelangelo: What's the matter, dude? Haven't you seen four foot tall turtles before?
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: Faith and Begorah! The wee ones! The little people!
Raphael: Hey, hey, Sean, I know we're short. But not *that* short.
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: You've got the wrong people here, Lieutenant. They don't have the emerald. They've got pots of gold.
Lt. Bronski: What are you talking about, O'Tharity?
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: They're leprechauns!
Lt. Bronski: You're nuts!

Michaelangelo: [as they climb tunnel walls] Donatello, you sure this is getting us anywhere?
Donatello: Of course - every tunnel leads somewhere.
Raphael: You picked a heck of a time to become a philosopher.

Leonardo: Fears are just in our minds. We have the power to overcome them.

Burne: Looks like that fly guy won't let us get a shot of his face. Nail this phony, April!
Vernon: Don't worry, chief. I'll ask plenty of tough questions. Uh, exactly what would be a tough question?
Burne: For one, why I ever HIRED YOU?

Mona: Hey, what am I? Fish food?
Michelangelo: Where'd she come from?
Raphael: Oh, you guys missed the flashback, I'll tell you about it later...

Michaelangelo: Yo, gang! I scoped out shredder!

Michaelangelo: I don't know why we're doing this. I feel like such a doofus.

Michaelangelo: Well, hey, it was worth a try.

Michaelangelo: Mondo notion, dude!

Michaelangelo: This is an excellent gift, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! uhh!

Raphael: [after learning the name of the pharaoh the Egyptian's think Michelangelo is the reincarnation of] The Sacred Turt-el?
Raphael: I don't believe it!
Michelangelo: Uh, I'm afraid you have to dude, it's too late to rewrite the script.

Donatello: Barada, Nikto, wake up! Oh, great! They snooze and we lose!

Michaelangelo: Looks like You were right, Donatello. Check it out.

Michaelangelo: Got to stop that gas.

Donatello: This is all your fault Michelangelo! I warned you not to touch the Rebibifier, and now we're getting younger, younger!
Michaelangelo: I said I was sorry. What do you want, a letter of apology?
Donatello: oh, a lot of good that would do, we can't even read yet!
Leonardo: Yeah you big bully! I'm gonna tell master Splinter on you!
Raphael: I don't wanna be all little "Cries"
Michaelangelo: Kids there's just no pleasing them.

Michaelangelo: Chill, dudes. We'll scope out the island any minute now.

Michaelangelo: Oh, whoa! Man, dig that dampness

Michaelangelo: One slice...

Krang: [as his android body grows to a gigantic size] Now, wretched reptiles, you will face... the wrath of Krang!
Michaelangelo: Wasn't that the name of a movie?
Donatello: I don't believe I saw it.

Shredder: We'll use the anti-gravitational skimmers.
Krang: Really? You're in for a few surprises.
Shredder: Krang! You mustn't worry so much. You put lines in that hansome face of yours.
Krang: [Bebop and Rocksteady laughing] Alright Shredder. Find out the hard way, it's your funeral.

Donatello: [as the turtles and April are apprehended by the police to search them] Is this going to be a strip search?
Raphael: I hope not this is a family show!

Rocksteady: [to com-link] Rocksteady here. That you boss?
Shredder: No, it's the Tooth Fairy.
Bebop: Hey, let me talk to that crook! I left my little baby tusk under my pillow and didn't get nothing!

Donatello: [administering the spray to turn the human Michelangelo back into a turtle] Hold still while I spray you with the antidote
Michelangelo: [sees his human hands turn back into his turtle hands] Fantabuloso I'm changing back!
Donatello: Only this time it's permanent
Michelangelo: [completes his transformation] Alright I'm yours truly again!
Raphael: [shaking his hand] Hey Michelangelo how you doing buddy?
April: Turtle or human I still think you're the greatest!
[kisses him leaving a lipstick mark on his cheek and causing him to blush]
Leonardo: [jokingly] Careful April you might turn him human again
Michelangelo: No way dude I'm packing shell, being human is totally bogus!

Raphael: Donatello, what are these?
Donatello: These are phonograph records. They're what people used to listen to before they had CDs.
Michaelangelo: Whoa! Someone really burned these pizzas!

Michaelangelo: Hey, dudes scope out the all-night theater.

Michaelangelo: Oh, yeah? I'll roll over you like a pizza cutter through hot mozzarella, dude!

Michaelangelo: I think it's kinda "cash."

Leonardo: I've got to hand it to Donatello. He outsmarted Slash and his alien super intelligence.
Michelangelo: Yeah, but there's just one thing that's bugging me. Nothing blew up.
Raphael: And this bugs you?
Michelangelo: Well, you know how when we defeat the bad guys, there's always, like, this big, humongous explosion?
Raphael: Yeah? So?
Michelangelo: Well, so we defeated Slash, but nothing blew up.
[Donatello enters with something covered in a sheet]
Donatello: Ahem. Since I am once again the inventive genius of this group, here's my latest creation.
[pulls off the sheet]
Donatello: The automatic cheese grater!
[the turtles groan]
Donatello: See, you put the parmesan here, and presto!
[Donatello presses a button and the machine explodes, making a mess]
Raphael: [to Michelangelo] You happy now?
Michelangelo: When am I gonna learn to keep my big beak shut?

April: This is great. I must really be on to something hot if they're trying to kill me.

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Oh, no.

Irma: [at Mardi Gras] Hi there. I love your costume. I know a villain who wears one just like it.
Shredder: [lifting up Irma, who is wearing a magic gem] And I love what you're wearing - The gem! At last! It's all mine!
Irma: [giggling] Oh, please, we've just met. Let's not rush things.
April: It's Shredder! Poor Irma doesn't know the danger she's in!
Vernon: Poor Irma? How about poor him?
Burne: Irma, tell that goon to put you down! You're supposed to be working!
Irma: [swooning] Forget it, Mr. Thompson. I just quit.
Shredder: Now how do I get out of here?

Michaelangelo: Like, that was the plan, dude!

Michaelangelo: What you're doing is bad. Wrong-ola!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, why is the channel 6 building glowing like that?

Krang: [after Shredder uses snow to freeze Baxter and his army of flies] You froze them. For once, you did something right, Shredder.

Rocksteady: [throws Leo and Raph against the wall] Aw, did I hurt youse? This'll make it better!
[fires his gun at them]

April: [to the turtles as a cat woman under Shredder's control with a collar] Must kill all of you, Shredder commands it!

Michaelangelo: Yeah, right. Those dudes are totally dusted.

Lefty: [after capturing Leonardo and Splinter] Yeah, you dirty rat, it's curtains for you. Heh. All my life, I've wanted to say that.

Michaelangelo: Hey, maybe Leonardo will come rescue us.

Shredder: [sees Irma] How the devil did she get all the way down here?
Krang: [sarcastic] Truly, she is a woman of skill.

Shredder: You wretched reptiles! How dare you trick me by giving me the explosive cufflink!
Leonardo: *Trick* him by giving him the explosive cufflink?
Raphael: You know, I think ol' Shred has finally flipped his chrome-plated lid.

[Krang cranks the reverse gravity machine to full power]
Raphael: Hey, Donatello, what happens when too much reverse gravity hits too much reverse gravity?
Donatello: You know, that's a good question, Raphael.
[the gravity machine unhinges off the ground]
Donatello: And I think it's about to get answered!

Krang: [Watching M.A.C.C on the telescreen] I want that robot!
Shredder: Now, Krang, you can't have everything you see on TV.
Rocksteady: Maybe if you're real good, you'll get one for Christmas.

Michaelangelo: Nada.

Donatello: [throws a garbage can over a foot ninja] Time to take out the garbage!
Michaelangelo: [ties some of the foot ninjas up with a chain] You're no match for Michaelangelo master of the manriki gusari!
Raphael: And you're no match for Raphael master of the manhole cover!
[hits the ninja with the cover causing it to fall into the sewer]
Raphael: [laughs] What a sucker!

Michaelangelo: See? I think he likes it!

Michaelangelo: Kids. There's just no pleasing them.

April: [after Irma leaves her apartment after her cat instincts start kicking it] Ooh, I thought she'd never leave!
[gets down on all fours and drinks the milk from the bowl with the cats she brought into her apartment]

Michaelangelo: If you say so, master. I guess.

April: Do you guys ever think of anything besides pizza?
Raphael: Not unless we have to.

Michaelangelo: Oh, for sure. Being out in public stresses me out totally.

Raphael: We're going to need sonar to find this geek.
Michaelangelo: Relax Raphael, we've got Splinter leading us now.
Donatello: Yeah, Splinter'll find him, just like sniffing out a rat... er, weasel!

Michaelangelo: Righteous, dude.

Michaelangelo: Oh, I knew should've brought a hardhat.

Michaelangelo: Mucho gusto, o fearless leader. uhh!

Michaelangelo: Hey, how about my grappling hook?

Michaelangelo: We gotta prop this place up!

Prof. Willard W. Willard: [to giant monkey] Bad, bad monkey!
Donatello: You're not planning to spank him are you?

Michaelangelo: Way to go, dudes.

Michaelangelo: Everything except green veggies! ha ha ha!

Michaelangelo: Whoa!

Michaelangelo: Hey, man, come on. like you gotta open yourself up to new experiences. ok?

Donatello: Leonard was right. This place is too swanky for us.
Michaelangelo: No sweat, dudes! Our money's as green as anyone's
Raphael: Yeah, but so are our faces.

Michaelangelo: Whoa! They're getting it together!

Raphael: They must be experiencing a severe sausage shortage and don't ask me to say that again.

Irma: [as the turtles exit through the window by rope] Oh, how romantic. They're just like four little green Errol Flynns.

Krang: For once, you might actually carry out a task successfully.
Shredder: Why, thank you, Krang.
Krang: Yeah, and I might begin to like broccoli!
Shredder: [to himself] Yeah well, if this really works, I might not need my little fat head friend, either.

Shredder: But what choice do I have? Only mutants are immune to the Mesmerizer's beam! Humans like myself can't be near it when they set it off!
Krang: You don't have to explain it to me, I invented it, remember?
Shredder: I wasn't explaining it to you... .
[turns to camera and points]
Shredder: I was explaining it to them.

Michaelangelo: Tasty lunch, dudes. But something's mission.

Michaelangelo: That's my Ditto!

Michaelangelo: See if that gizmo's got a setting for food, bud. I could use a pizza break.

Michelangelo: I say we've earned some well-deserved goof-off time.
Leonardo: Not so fast, Michelangelo. My intuition tells me that Krang and Shredder are behind this.
Splinter: Let us hope you are incorrect, Leonardo.

Michaelangelo: What a bummer, man.

Michaelangelo: Er, I mean, one pizza.

Michaelangelo: Pizza? No way, dude. I crave pizza no more.

Bebop: [He, Shredder and Rocksteady jump into the Starcruiser] Hey, somebody even left the key in.
Leonardo: That somebody had to be Michaelangelo.
Michaelangelo: Whoops.

Channel: Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, I'm on TV and you're not!

Michaelangelo: Whoa, check it out. we're at the top of the charts.

Michaelangelo: But I feel like such a twerp. Besides, I hate first dates.

Michaelangelo: Pizza time!
Raphael: Who had the pepperoni and ice cream?
Donatello: I, I want some of the jelly beans and mushrooms.
Michaelangelo: Yeah, give me a slice of anchovies and peanut butter.
April: How can you eat that junk?

[Bebop and Rocksteady return to the Technodrome with flies all over them]
Krang: What happened? Who are these creatures?
Shredder: They're Bebop and Rocksteady! But they're covered with... with...
Baxter: [exits the Transport Module] With flies. Simple, ordinary houseflies. Well, maybe not so ordinary.
Krang: Baxter Stockman!
Shredder: I should've clipped your wings when I had the chance!
[Shredder charges towards Baxter, but Baxter uses the flies to attack him]
Shredder: What... What's going on?
Baxter: I should warn you, Shredder, fly jokes don't go over too well with this crowd.

Dask: They're Krang's Stone Warriors from Dimension X. They're bad.
Raphael: Uh yeah, I guessed that. You got any weapons on those hot rods?
Dask: Of course, they're required by law.

Michaelangelo: For sure! The dude's up to his shell in trouble!

Michaelangelo: Say adios, dipstick. You're about to get dusted.

Shredder: [to Bebop and Rocksteady] That's the last time I let you sit on my lap and steer!

Shredder: Bebop! Rocksteady! Bring out the dummies.
Rocksteady: But we're already here, boss.

Michaelangelo: Like, what is this - a b.y.o.m. party?

Michaelangelo: Well, it is sort of pretty. What kind of planet is it? h-uunh!

Michaelangelo: Phew, everybody okay?

Michelangelo: I promise, dude, I'll never eat another anchovy pizza again.

Michaelangelo: Oh, that was fun! do it again, huh? do it again?

Michaelangelo: Uh-huh. Am I supposed to?

Michaelangelo: I think that was me.

[the hologram projector begins creating multiple images of Michaelangelo]
Rocksteady: Oh, boy. Just like a shooting gallery.
[he and Bebop start shooting at the images]
Bebop: Yeah. It's times like this I wish I could count so I could keep score.

Krang: Traag!
General: They couldn't have just vanished...
[notices Krang]
General: Oh, sorry lord. Huh? Lord Krang!
Krang: Don't look at me!
General: My lord, what has happened to your body?
Krang: It's a long story. I lost it when they banished me to this miserable mud ball.
Shredder: Those three youths just blasted their way right out of my Technodrome.
Lieutenant: The Neutrinos have eluded us.
Krang: Neutrinos? Running loose here on Earth? Saki, you imbecile! Why, I ought to...
Shredder: What did I do? Who are these Neutrinos?
Krang: A gang of juvenile delinquents from Dimension X. They're a threat to everything we stand for.
General: They hate war.
Lieutenant: They refuse to join any armies.
Krang: And what's worse, they encourage people to have fun.

Leonardo: [looking for April and Vernon] Where are they?
Michelangelo: Well, like, maybe we beat them down?
Raphael: Right. What do you think this is, a cartoon?

[the turtles find marks on the sidewalk]
Michelangelo: Like, what would've made these weird burn marks?
Raphael: Only one thing: Some poor klutz must have dropped one of Peppito's hot chili pizzas.

Donatello: Turtles fight with honor!
Leonardo: Taste cold steel!
Michaelangelo: Get funky!

Michaelangelo: Come on! It's not my fault. Donatello put some new traps in the tunnel.

April: Okay guys, where's the action?
Raphael: Afraid you missed all the good stuff.
April: Ugh, well, that's just great.
Michaelangelo: Of course you could get a shot of those 2 bozos
[Points at the imprisoned Bebop and Rocksteady]
Rocksteady: [Growls] Get back here and fight, you little web-footed creeps!
April: Oh, wow!
Rocksteady: Ooh, you little bimbo! I'll make you eat that camera!

Michaelangelo: Face it, dudes. we blew it.

April: [on the phone] Don't ask questions, just get a camera crew down here, now! What do you mean I got to have a story first? This IS the story!
April: Oh, yeah? You, too!

Michaelangelo: Like, what's the plan, Leonardo?

Michaelangelo: Yo, shredder.

Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: [confronting April and the turtles] Hold it right there you wretched blarney devils!
Raphael: [confused] Wretched what?
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: I knew you'd return to the scene of the crime, I'm arresting the lot of ya, Miss O'Neil I only hope you're here against your will, you're too pretty a lass to mixed up with the likes of these
April: Sergeant you've got to believe me the turtles did not steal the tortellini emerald, if you let them go they'll capture the ones who did
Leonardo: Sergeant give us an hour, if we can't catch those crooks we'll turn ourselves in
Sgt. Sean O'Tharity: If Lt. Brodsky knew I let you get away again he'd... you've got one hour!
April: Thanks Sargent
[kisses him, O'Tharity then blushes]

Donatello: [about Michelangelo] Well, he's looking for a pet that matches his personality.
[a monkey enters and stomps on the pizza]
Raphael: Looks like he found one.

Leonardo: [after they open their savings] Okay, who put the sun-dried tomatoes in the turtle bank?
Michelangelo: Hey, dudes, just saving for a rainy day.

Michaelangelo: And enter our names for those primo prizes pizzas.

Michaelangelo: This is totally nutsoid. Now it's snowing.

Raphael: You know, I'm getting pretty bored with these private eye disguises.
Donatello: Uh, sorry, fellas, but our French poodle suits are still at the cleaners.

Donatello: [still narrating] It was the same story in banks all over town. The city was being sucked dry by the mob. They took anything that wasn't nailed down, and even a few that were. They were using gear so advanced, it was straight out of Star Wars. We knew the mob couldn't get those state-of-the art weapons on their own. We smelled a rat, a rat named Shredder. But what mobster was gutsy enough to deal with a creep like Shredder? Who was this mystery man?
April: Tony Vivaldi, that's who.
Donatello: Who said that?
April: [appears with the turtles] I did. I said, the guy behind all these crimes is Tony Vivaldi.

Michaelangelo: I guess she kind of reminds me of my mom.

Leonardo: [while being videotaped for Donatello's "Turtle-Robics" video] I feel like an idiot.
Raphael: That's okay. You also look like one.

Michaelangelo: Well, dudes, looks like we're heading up to Vinnie's.

Michaelangelo: Whoa... I am one injured ninja.

Michaelangelo: Strike 3. You're out!

Michaelangelo: Shredder?

Donatello: Hey, I just got off the interstellar transmitter with Klaatu. He said they'll return in the year 4989.
Michelangelo: Whoa! I better start cooking some pizzas!
Leonardo: Michelangelo, they won't be back for another 3000 years.
Michelangelo: Why wait 'til the last minute?

Michaelangelo: [On TV, April winked at one of the turtles] Right on, babe.
Donatello: She was winking at me you know.
Michaelangelo: You're totally warped, dude. She was winking at me.
Raphael: Get real, you guys it was meant for yours truly.
Leonardo: I hate to argue, fellas, but I think she meant it for me.
April: [They all argue] Cool it, fellas! If you must know, I was winking at Splinter.
Michaelangelo: I don't believe that!
Splinter: Age has its advantages.

Michaelangelo: Hang on, dude!

Michaelangelo: Someone sees us!

Michaelangelo: Exactamundo! Cesspool city!

Michaelangelo: No problemo, dudes. I'll scoop it out. Cowabunga!

Michaelangelo: Ok, now, let me do the talking, all right? Remember, I'm the leader.

Leonardo: Guys, you've got to read this book. Some crook steals the queen's diamonds, okay? And D'Artagnan has to get them back.
Donatello: [while watching TV] Cool out, Leonardo. This is the best part.
Leonardo: These musketeers were inseparable just like us, and their motto was "All for one and one for..."
[a pizza is thrown at Leonardo]
Leonardo: Hey!
Raphael: It's gonna be a free-for-all if you don't pipe down!

Michaelangelo: No way, bud. I had chocolate chips and caramel fudge.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. Talk about sharp!

Michaelangelo: Our amigo's been grabbed by aliens from outer space!

Michaelangelo: Up you go, guy.

Michaelangelo: Let's go check it out.

Michaelangelo: This spring cleaning bit is a real kick.

Michaelangelo: Whoa, dudes! We're being framed!

Michaelangelo: Exact-a-mundo! And when he does, we'll be on him like cheese on a pizza.

Michaelangelo: Well, try to finish it before lunch, would you? You can only keep a pizza warm for just so long.

Michaelangelo: Yeah. lucky for you.

Michaelangelo: Hang on, april. We're going to catch a curl!

Leonardo: Turtles fight with honor!
Raphael: How about if I just fight with this stuff?
[douses Rocksteady and Bebop with glue]

Michaelangelo: Well, let's boogie.

Michaelangelo: Huh? Whoa!

Michaelangelo: I said I was sorry. what do you want, a letter of apology?

Michaelangelo: Bring your own monster.

Michaelangelo: We'll handle this, april. Turtles to the rescue!

Michaelangelo: I hope it wasn't to take a bath. Oh, yuck-o!

Michaelangelo: Boy, I hate to let a dynamite adventure go to waste. Not to mention my new sailboard. There are only two things a dude needs if you're going to windsurf. Wind and surf!

Michaelangelo: For sure. That was pretty cool the way his mutating gel made us grow.

Michaelangelo: Ok, guy! Last one in is a rotten tomato!

Michaelangelo: No, dudes, wait! Come back!

Michaelangelo: Hey, like, what's the rush? Let's scarf some pizza first, huh?

Michaelangelo: Oh, I'd rather soak up some rays at malibu.

Michaelangelo: Quick! The synthesizer. Waste it!

Michaelangelo: Yeah, unless, of course, there's a plenty of pizza.

Michelangelo: [about his fish] I'm worried, dudes. Maxwell is acting totally stressed.
Raphael: Maybe all those pizza crumbs are making him hyper.
Michelangelo: No possible way. I always scrape off the anchovies.

Michaelangelo: Come on, chrome dome, hit me with your best shot!
Shredder: You bet I will!
[tries to shoot Michaelangelo, but hits the mouser controls instead]

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga! Whoa!

Leonardo: We're going to have to improvise.
Raphael: Improvise? Against those goons? Is there a script doctor in the house?

Slash: Ah, my earthling enemies. You've arrived precisely on schedule. I calculated it to the nanosecond.
Leonardo,25830: Huh?
Donatello: Guys, I told you. He's changed.

Michaelangelo: Hey, it was a radical ride.

Michaelangelo: Uh, excuse me, but wouldn't the elevator be a whole lot easier?

Michaelangelo: Yo, Donatello, where'd you put the snake?

Leonardo: [as April leaves for the party] I think we should keep an eye on her!
Donatello: Better yet, two!
Michelangelo: Mondo notion dude!
Raphael: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
[they all run for the exit and fight over who gets out first]

Michaelangelo: Go for it, bud!

Michaelangelo: Yeah! we let him up when he said "uncle", and then he grabbed us! he cheated!

Michaelangelo: Hey! Lay off those mineral samples!

Donatello: It's a zamboni machine!
Michaelangelo: No it's not, dude, it's that thing that smoothes out the ice!
Donatello: A zamboni machine IS the thing that smoothes out the ice.

Michaelangelo: Ohh, what a concept - medieval break-away treads.

Michaelangelo: Okay, here goes!

Michaelangelo: This is the case he ate the ore samples from.

[Splinter has driven the Turtle Van into the junk yard and is fighting off the bad guys with it]
Raphael: Master! I thought you didn't know how to drive!
Splinter: It's remarkable what one can do when one is forced to!

Michaelangelo: Whoa... ohh...

Michaelangelo: Definitely bizarro.

Leonardo: Master, that device was your only hope of being human again!
Splinter: I had to destroy it to save you.

Michaelangelo: Ha ha! not to worry, april. These aren't the kind that turn into creatures. I got those right here.

April: [sees the turtles for the first time] You're... you're not humans!
Raphael: Bingo. Boy, we are dealing with a real mind here.

[Dueling Shredder]
Splinter: You have corrupted my teaching, you have brought dishonor upon the noble Foot Clan. Now you will pay for your crimes.

Michaelangelo: Aah! uhh! Oh... maybe not.

Michaelangelo: And I'm making a waterfall!

Michaelangelo: The dude's acting mondo bizarro.

Michelangelo: [as he's in an out of control truck tied in a net] Any minute now my entire life should flash before my eyes... I just hope there's a cartoon in it.

Bebop: Earth, make way for Bebop and Rocksteady!
Rocksteady: And away we go!
[Bebop and Rocksteady crash into the portal as it closes and Krang laughs]
Rocksteady: Why'd you do that?
Krang: Because I enjoy seeing both people and animals suffer. And you, my friends are both!

Michaelangelo: There's never a crossing guard when you need on.

Michaelangelo: Like, speak for yourself, dude.