The Best Chief Elaine Brody Quotes

Chief: Do you have any actual facts?
Patrick: Well, it's an actual fact that you dislike Mr. MacLean here because he's a tree-hugging, liberal wacko, who's probably running some kind of a cult, and he dislikes you because you're a small-minded provincial hayseed. Not that you are, necessarily. That's just what he thinks.

Chief: [after slapping Asher] You miserable little pervert!
Teresa: That's enough Chief.
Asher: She assaulted me!
Teresa: I don't think so. We're going back to Sacramento. Now we can either come of your own accord. Or we can arrest you. Which is it?

Patrick: What kind of tree is this?
Chief: Couldn't say.
Patrick: Smells good. So you're not a local?
Chief: Born five miles down the road. Just don't give a crap about trees.

Asher: I think you might show a little more respect.
Patrick: Respect for a...
Chief: There's a dead child here.
Patrick: Yes. Yes. He's dead. He doesn't care how I talk to you.