The Best Chris Reed Quotes

Penny: Give my friend his stuff back.
Todd: I don't know what you're talking about.
Penny: Well then good news. Today is the day a girl is finally gonna touch you in your little special place.
[Penny kicks his groin]
Penny: Now give him his stuff back.
Todd: [In deep pain] Ok.
Sheldon: [shouting] WE DID IT!
[Penny looks at him]
Sheldon: I said *WE*.

Filthy: Should we do anything?
Jackson: Yeah, grab some brooms. We're going to have a lot of stuff to clean up.

Todd: [Sheldon knocks on his front door] Who is it?
Sheldon: Your doom!
Raj: Don't say "your doom". Who answers the door for their doom?
Sheldon: Good point.
[turning back to the door]
Sheldon: Basket of puppies!