The Best Goliath Quotes

Rachel: I don't understand what just happened. Did we just win, or did we lose?
Billy: Both, kind of. Case got kicked, but we're still open.
Rachel: That doesn't make any sense.
Billy: No, it's the law. It's not supposed to.

Patty: You really are an asshole, aren't you?
Billy: Yeah, maybe so, but let's focus on something productive here.

Bartender: [Right after Billy saw his wife having lesbian sex with Callie at her house] Tough day?
Billy: Yeah. Kind of.

Ned: You're not really here to hire me, are you?
Billy: Well No. Uh, we're liars by trade, we practice law.

Patty: No, no, no. No. No, don't look at me like you're going to be fucking me. Okay? Because I'm not a fuckable person.

[first lines]
Lucy: [lying in bed watching him] How do you do that? Wake up at the exact same second every morning.
Donald: An act of will.

Callie: And you don't play any games, Michelle?
Michelle: No.

Billy: Why do they give a shit about this kid anyway?
James: Since when is anything EVer about what it's about?

Billy: Listen, Father, I don't mean to be an asshole, but it's part of my business. I'll sue you and the Catholic Church tomorrow.
Father: On what grounds?
Billy: On the grounds that I'm an asshole. And I'll depose your bishop, too. As a matter of fact, I'll track his girlfriend down, and fuck her if I have to. And I saw her picture on Facebook, it's not good. Please don't make me fuck the bishop's girlfriend.