The Best Cipher Quotes

[from trailer]
Cipher: [waking up on operating table alongside Letty] Good morning, sunshine.
Letty: You gotta be kidding me.

Cipher: [staring intently at Jakob's facial features]
Cipher: Well that's quite a distinct chin you've got there Jakob
[Jakob is stoic as she leans in closer]
Cipher: I knew you Toretto's had mixed bloodlines...
[slight smile... as he shows disdain]
Cipher: ... But I never detected/expected a Nordic trait.

[Cipher, severely injured, arrives at Dominic's house. Dominic looks at her hatefully, recalling how she had Elena killed]
Dominic: I've imagined killing you a thousand times. Last time there was six inches of reinforced glass, guns and guards. I couldn't reach you then. Now I can.
Cipher: You're gonna wanna hear my last words.
[Dom experiences a flashback of Elena's death]
Dominic: [hatefully] Did you hear Elena's last words... before you killed her?

Cipher: [bluntly] Qasar Khan.
Jakob: [looking puzzled] What?
Cipher: [with a sly grin] Genghis Khan's little brother.
Cipher: [beat] Nobody's heard of him either.