The Best Cyclops Quotes

[Logan dons a X-Men uniform]
Wolverine: You actually go outside in these things?
Cyclops: Well, what would you prefer, yellow spandex?

[Cyclops doesn't know if Logan's an imposter]
Wolverine: Hey! It's me.
Cyclops: Prove it!
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Okay.

[discussing Wolverine]
Professor: There are more powerful mutants out there. Why should this one be so important?
Cyclops: Maybe it's his way with people.
Professor: You don't like him?
Cyclops: How could you tell?
Professor: Well, I am psychic, you know.

Logan: Have you ever...
Dr. Jean Grey: Used Cerebro? No. It takes a degree of control and for someone like me it's...
Cyclops: Dangerous.

Cyclops: All right, we can insert here at the George Washington Bridge, come around the bank just off of Manhattan, land on the far side of Liberty Island, here.
Wolverine: What about harbor patrol, radar?
Cyclops: If they have anything that can pick up our jet, they deserve to catch us.

Cyclops: [about Wolverine] He's not one of us. There's no way he's going to take orders.
Professor: Give him an order worth following. He'll take it.

[trapped inside the Statue of Liberty]
Cyclops: Storm, fry him!
Magneto: Oh yes! A bolt of lightning into a huge copper conductor. I thought you lived at a school?

Dr. Jean Grey: [after examining Wolverine] The metal is an alloy called adamantium, supposedly indestructible. It's been surgically grafted to his entire skeleton.
Storm: How could he have survived a procedure like that?
Dr. Jean Grey: His mutation. He has uncharted regenerative capabilities, enabling him to heal rapidly. It also makes his age impossible to determine. He could very well be older than you, Professor.
Cyclops: Who did this to him?
Dr. Jean Grey: He doesn't know. Nor does he remember anything about his life before it happened.
Professor: Experimentation on mutants. It's not unheard of, but I've never seen anything like this before.
Cyclops: What do you think Magneto wants with him?
Professor: I'm not entirely sure it's him Magneto wants.

Wolverine: You going to tell me to stay away from your girl?
Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.
Wolverine: Well, then I guess you've got nothing to worry about, do ya, Cyclops?
Cyclops: It must burn you up that a boy like me saved your life, huh? Gotta be careful. I might not be there next time. Oh, and Logan - stay away from my girl.

Logan: There's someone here.
Cyclops: Where?
Logan: I don't know. Keep your eye open.

Cyclops: Wait a second! You said this machine draws its power from Magneto, and that it weakened him.
Professor: Yes... in fact, it nearly killed him.
Wolverine: He's going to transfer his power to Rogue, and use her to power the machine.