The Best Darth Bane Quotes

Darth: Why do you come to my tomb, Jedi?
Yoda: To learn.
Darth: Do you know who I am?
Yoda: Yes. Darth Bane, the ancient Sith lord you are.
Darth: And know why I am not forgotten?
Yoda: Created the rule of two, you did.
Darth: The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed. But from the ashes of destruction, I was the last survivor. I chose to pass my knowledge onto only one, I created a legacy so resilient, that now you come before me. Have you come to be my apprentice? You must kill me to gain my place.
Yoda: Dead you are already.
Darth: [Chuckles] Then what stands before you?
Yoda: An illusion. Real, you are not.
Darth: You do not fear me?
Yoda: No. Exist, you do not anymore.