The Best Derek Maza Quotes

Derek: Go ahead, try something! I'd love to do that again! Funny, I don't feel sleepy.
Dr. Anton Sevarius: [chuckles] Fool! That wasn't a tranquilizer dart. It was loaded with a mutagenic formula. The same formula I used on them!

David: [Elisa's trying to enter Genu-Tech] How are you feeling?
Derek: Pretty lousy.
David: Just say the word, and I'll have her brought up here. Don't worry about me. This is as much my fault as it is Sevarius's.
Derek: No! I can't face her now. Not until he's cured me.

Elisa: You have to quit! He's *using* you!
Derek: It's my life! Butt out!
Goliath: QUIET! Both of you! You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings to fight with! All of my rookery brothers are dead! And there is nothing - NOTHING more important than family.

Elisa: Look, just promise you'll call if there's trouble.
Derek: There won't be, but okay. I promise.
Elisa: Cross you heart...
Derek: And hope to die.