The Best Dr. Shane Ross Quotes

Dr. Shane Ross: [to Heather] Go get help, now.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Ross, we don't have time. You need to open me back up and find the source of this bleed.
Dr. Shane Ross: I can't. I've never...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Shane, it's a basic midline laparotomy. Pack the four quadrants. Find the source of the bleed. Do not let me bleed out on this table.
Dr. Shane Ross: Dr. Grey...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Shane, do it. Right now!

Dr. Cristina Yang: [to Connie] Can't you just rotate the baby and... and push his face away?
Dr. Connie Ryan: It's very risky, for the baby, for Meredith.
Dr. Shane Ross: [walks in the room] Uh, Dr. Yang. Dr. Webber needs you in O.R. Two.
Dr. Cristina Yang: To do what? I can't operate in the dark. No one is operating in the dark.

Dr. Meredith Grey: Ross, what is taking so long?
Dr. Shane Ross: It's fine. It's just... it won't stop bleeding.
Dr. Heather Brooks: Ooh. Oh, god. That's... That's a lot of blood.
Dr. Meredith Grey: How much blood?
Dr. Shane Ross: I... I don't know. It's not coming from your uterus.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Brooks, shine a light over here. I feel something on my hand.
[Heather shines the light]
Dr. Meredith Grey: There's blood coming out around my I.V. I'm in D.I.C. I need F.F.P packed red blood cells, and platelets. I had a fall.
Dr. Shane Ross: What?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Yesterday, I... I fell down the stairs. I might have injured something in my abdomen.
Dr. Shane Ross: Did you feel any pain?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I've been in labor.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [as he operates on Heather] Oh, damn it. There's blood in the temporal horn. I'm gonna have to do a temporal lobectomy.
Dr. Shane Ross: Dr. Shepherd, she'll have motor and memory deficits if you...
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I'm trying to save her life.
Dr. Shane Ross: This is my fault.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Shane.
Dr. Shane Ross: No, I did this.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You didn't do anything. This isn't your fault. This just happened. Now I can't have you in here if you can't hold it together. Can you be in here?
Dr. Shane Ross: Yeah.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [about the baby's name] What about William?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I like Sebastian.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Sebastian Shepherd? That's a bit of a mouthful.
Dr. Shane Ross: Brooks?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I'm not giving birth to a country singer.

Dr. Shane Ross: It looks like the spleen is the source of the bleeding.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Okay, so mobilize the spleen, divide it by its ligamentous attachments...
Dr. Shane Ross: I can't. I've never done it.
Dr. Meredith Grey: You can. You've seen me do it. Mobilize, assess the injury, and stop the hemorrhage.
Dr. Shane Ross: Okay. Okay. I need metz and lap pads, please. And follow me with suction.
Dr. Meredith Grey: That's right, Ross. That's it. You've got this. This is your O.R. You don't need my help.
Dr. Shane Ross: Yes, I do.
Dr. Meredith Grey: No, you don't, because I'm gonna lose consciousness in a few seconds and you're gonna be on your own. And you're not gonna freak out. And Shane, if I arrest for more than nine minutes, let me go. Don't revive me. I do not want to be a vegetable. Do you understand me? Shane, I need you to respond. I need to know you understand me. Dr. Ross, your superior... is asking you to respond...
Dr. Shane Ross: Yes, Dr. Grey.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Ross, you can... you can do this. And tell Derek... I know the baby's name. It's...
[passes out]

Dr. Shane Ross: I'm too young to be this tired.

Dr. Shane Ross: [to Cristina] Have you seen Dr. Webber?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Uh, last time I saw him was after surgery. He went to go check on the generator.
Dr. Shane Ross: Where's that?
Dr. Cristina Yang: How the hell should I know?
[walks away]
Dr. Heather Brooks: [walks up to Shane] Lidocaine and a bunch of 4x4s. Can you take that to Hunt? I got paged by Shepherd.
Dr. Shane Ross: Uh... he wants you to go find Webber.
Dr. Heather Brooks: Are you sure? He just paged me 9-1-2. That's our special little code. It means it's more urgent than 9-1-1. Get it?
Dr. Shane Ross: All I know is they need Webber here and Shepherd wants you to get him. Apparently, he went to deal with the generator.
[Heather shakes her head and walks away]

Dr. Connie Ryan: Okay, Meredith, I've closed your uterus and I just started to suture your incisions. Do you trust these guys to finish? Have you taught them that much?
Dr. Heather Brooks: I'll do it.
Dr. Shane Ross: No. You stole neuro. You're not stealing this. This is my surgery, my patient, my incision, mine. Dr. Grey, I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
Dr. Meredith Grey: It's okay, Ross. I like the enthusiasm. Go scrub.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Shane] I know this is difficult, but Brooks is our patient. I'm telling you this to remind you to be her doctor, not her friend right now. There are decisions to be made in there that will affect not only her ability to be a surgeon: her speech, her ability to function, her life, but those decisions are ultimately mine. I will not make them lightly, but I will make them quickly, and you need to do exactly as I say. No questions. Can you do that?
Dr. Shane Ross: I think so.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: That's not good enough.
Dr. Shane Ross: Yes, sir. I... I can do it, sir.